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UCF Nursing — Access to Excellence

News from the School of Nursing at the University of Central Florida

December 2004, Volume 2

Message from the Director



News Highlights



Excellence in Research




Excellence in Academics






UCF Nursing in the Community


UCF Nursing around the World



Advisory Board


Report of Gifts


Message from the Director This issue of UCF Nursing — Access to

community each semester, for the duration

Excellence presents many outstanding highlights

of their studies. This longitudinal experience

from the year: establishment of a nursing alumni

creates a sense of continuity for the student

chapter, commencement for the first accelerated

and the community. Clinical interventions are

nursing class, a new home for research, and

designed by both parties to effect a change in

generous gifts to support our work in the School

health status for individuals or groups in the

of Nursing.

community. Graduate students participate in the CNCs as well.

Several stories are included that focus on the unique educational partnership we have with

UCF nursing students are visible throughout

the community, referred to as the Community

the community, working in shelters,

Nursing Centers (CNCs). The faculty has

neighborhood schools, long-term care facilities,

identified neighborhoods that face issues

hospice, community clinics, and alcohol and

such as poverty, health disparities among

drug treatment centers, to name just a few

minorities, high teen pregnancy rates, and

of the many locations. More than 40,000

child abuse and neglect. A relationship with

community residents were served by students

the neighborhood is fostered in order to

from the School of Nursing this past year. The

simultaneously provide health services for

partnerships we have with the community are

the residents while they participate in the

vital in order to educate nurses for a diverse

education of nursing students, creating a shared

society where the vast majority of people’s lives

partnership. Each CNC is unique with specific

are spent in the community. UCF School of

services and educational activities established

Nursing is visible in the community, and it is a

through analysis of community needs and

privilege to be there!

priorities. A School of Nursing faculty member and a group of 10 to12 undergraduate students are assigned to a neighborhood for the first semester and the students return to the same


Jean D’Meza Leuner, Ph.D., RN Director and Professor

Patient Simulator Provides “Human” Interaction The College of Health and Public Affairs and School of Nursing recently purchased a human patient simulator from Sarasota-based Medical Education Technologies (METI) Inc. for use in all levels of nursing education, from

News Highlights

undergraduate through doctoral. The portable


mannequin provides students with invaluable experience in patient health assessment and care in a classroom setting. It also exposes

• The School of Nursing ranked first in the state

• A METI Human Patient Simulator was

students to complex patient scenarios

of Florida in research funding received from the

purchased by the College of Health and

that they may not encounter in routine

National Institutes of Health for 2003. Nationally,

Public for use by students in programs in

clinical experiences.

the school ranked 37th out of 98 schools with

nursing and health professions. (For full story,

NIH funding, up from 44th in 2002.

see right column.)

The METI human patient simulator can be intricately programmed to exhibit life-like

• The university agreed to fund an additional

• A Doctoral Program and Research Office was

signs, such as chest expansion; pulses; heart,

24 undergraduate positions in nursing for

established to support the school’s Doctoral

lung and abdominal sounds; and cardiac

2004–2005, enabling the school to increase its

Program in Nursing and its research initiatives

rhythms. It can also be programmed to

enrollment at both the Orlando and Daytona

and grants.

respond to interventions employed by students and can record the time, interventions and

Beach campuses. • The research offices of Professors Karen

clinical signs for evaluation. These features

• The school completed a comprehensive

Dennis and Karen Dow were relocated to the

enable students to practice procedures over

evaluation of its 11 community nursing centers,

Central Florida Research Park, adjacent to the

and over again until the highest-quality

which served more than 40,000 community

campus, to meet the expanded needs of their

patient care becomes second nature.

residents in 2003–2004.

research activities.

“Students can perform a wide variety of skills • A School of Nursing Alumni Chapter was

with this mannequin, ranging from simple

established. Two recruitment events were held

to complex,” said Erica Hoyt, instructor and

at local hospitals and a steering committee

coordinator of the nursing lab. “All of these

was formed to plan future events and activities.

features can be customized. If the student

(For full story, see page 17.)

needs feedback from the patient, the simulator can even talk.”

• Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida generously gave the school a second $100,000

Undergraduates based at the Cocoa Community Nursing Center in Cocoa, Fla.

endowment to support a visiting professorship. (For full story, see page 23.) • The school had the largest rate of faculty

• The first students enrolled in the Accelerated

participation ever during the 2004 Annual

Second Degree B.S.N. Program graduated in

Fund Campaign for the College of Health and

August 2004. (For full story, see page 7. )

Public Affairs.

• The concurrent enrollment program with Seminole Community College continued. (For full story, see page 20. )

Lab coordinator Erica Hoyt (right) discusses use of the METI human patient simulator with nursing undergraduate Robert Bout.


Excellence in Research



The School of Nursing excelled in research in 2003–2004, with external funding in excess of $5 million. In fact, the school ranked first in the state of Florida in research funding in nursing from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 2003. Three faculty members — Emma “E.J.” Brown, Karen Dennis and Karen Dow — are currently principal investigators for NIH RO1 research projects. Other faculty members are engaged in a variety of research activities as well.


Adolescents’ Substance Abuse and HIV

community gardens. The initiative will also

Behaviors” and “Consensus Building around

include a review of current policies, with an

the Selection and Refinement of an Integrated

emphasis on pedestrian and bike safety as well

Effective Faith-Based Substance Abuse

as development of open space. The Orlando

and HIV Prevention Model for Rural African-

initiative of ALbD could be a good model for an

American Adolescents,” were submitted in July

active living intervention for elderly and low-

2004 for publication.

income residents in a downtown area that is also in the midst of economic redevelopment,

Karen Dennis, Ph.D., RN, FAAN


Dennis said.

Professor Karen Dennis is the UCF leader

Dennis is also completing the second year

in the Orlando initiative of Active Living by

of a five-year study, “Home vs. Center-Based

Design (ALbD), a $16.5 million national

Weight Loss and Exercise in Menopause”

The National Institute of Drug Abuse

program of the Robert Wood Johnson

(RO1NR0773801A2), a $2 million grant funded

(NIDA) selected the site in North Florida of

Foundation. The goal of ALbD is to promote

by the National Institute of Nursing Research.

Associate Professor E. J. Brown’s research

changes in local community design,

In addition, she is conducting a study of

(RO1DA013162-02) as one of 22 sites

transportation, architecture, policies and

walking among elementary school children and

nationally to provide minority undergraduate

communication that make it easy for people to

their adult family members and neighbors.

students with a 10-week applied research

be physically active. The city of Orlando is the

experience during the summer of 2004. This

lead agency on this grant, which was awarded

was Brown’s second summer as a mentor and

to only 25 communities from more than 900

she was the only nurse to serve in that role.

community applicants nationwide.

Emma “E. J.” Brown, Ph.D., RN, CS


Karen Dow, Ph.D., RN, FAAN


Professor Karen Dow is the principal investigator of “Fertility and Breast Cancer: A

NIDA selected two students from a national



pool of applicants to work with Brown: Colette

The Orlando initiative of ALbD targets walking

Web-Based Program,” a project funded by The

Waite, a 2004 graduate in chemistry from the

and biking, and it focuses on four downtown

Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. Its

University of Florida who had been accepted to

neighborhoods that coincide with Orange

purpose is to develop, pilot test and evaluate

medical school at the University of Miami, and

County’s Community Redevelopment Area.

a psychoeducational and support program for

Sean Wells, a senior in social work at Florida

According to Dennis, some census block

young women with breast cancer and concerns

A&M University who will complete his degree in the

groups within this downtown area have high

about fertility. “Less than 20 percent of women

fall of 2004 and plans to pursue graduate studies.

percentages of older adults (87 percent),

with breast cancer are in their childbearing

African Americans (up to 89 percent), people

years,” said Dow. “The Internet is an ideal

The students participated in seminars

living below poverty (63 percent) and median

method to reach the target audience around

conducted by Brown on grant writing and

household income as low as $10,000.

the world.”

writing for publications; gained experience in

During the fall of 2004, teams surveyed all

the dissemination of research findings; assisted

city streets in the designated ALbD area

Conducting research using the Internet poses

with library and online searches; wrote literature

for walk-ability and bike-ability. Among the

several methodological issues, according to

reviews; conducted simple qualitative data

possible plans for improvement are walking

Dow and co-investigator Patrick McNees,

coding and analyses; and assisted in writing

and bikeway maps, walking and cycling

president and chief scientist at Applied Health

manuscripts. Two manuscripts, “Rural African-

incentive programs, signage prompting

Sciences Inc. in Orlando. “What makes this

Americans’ Perceptions of Risk and Resiliency

physical activity, pedestrian and bike safety

project unique and particularly challenging

Factors Associated with African-American

education, expansion of walking clubs, and

is the reality that every aspect of it uses an




Jacqueline Byers, Ph.D., RN, CNAA

Internet-based strategy,” McNees said. The


Internet is used for the delivery of information


With support from the American-Scandinavian Foundation, Kiehl traveled to Sweden in the

and support function interventions, as well

Associate Professor Jacqueline Byers studies

summer of 2003 to survey and interview the

as for recruitment, screening, informed

interventions to decrease stress and promote

Swedish mothers again. Her study revealed

consent, registration, data collection and

positive outcomes in acutely ill patients. She

that mothers who were satisfied overall with

data management. “This obviously presents

initially focused on adults and has since

the quality of their lives had a love of home,

unprecedented challenges and opportunities

expanded her work to include premature

contentment with employment, fulfillment from

for formulating technologies, strategies and

neonates. Byers also studies and writes about

an active and healthy life, and support from

protocols for assuring the protection of patient

health-care leadership, services and quality.

a society that provides a wide range of social

rights while facilitating the research process,”

benefits. “In general, Swedish mothers seem to

Maureen Covelli, Ph.D., RN

he explained.


be content with their lives and indicate minimal worry for their children’s future,” Kiehl said.

Dow has also completed three years of a four-

Assistant Professor Maureen Covelli’s research

year study funded by the National Institute

on cardiovascular risk factors in adolescents

Kiehl will continue her study by next surveying

of Nursing Research and Office of Cancer

includes interests in physiological biomarkers,

and interviewing the mothers from the United

Survivorship at the National Cancer Institute

salivary cortisol measurements, school-


(RO1NR05332). She and her research team

based intervention programs and vulnerable

are examining a quality-of-life intervention

populations (African-American adolescents).

among women with early stage breast cancer.

She recently completed a UCF-funded project

The study provides educational materials on

in which she investigated the relationship of

Associate Professor Lorrie Powel’s current

managing common side effects that persist

blood pressure and cortisol levels to a family

research project, “Incontinence Morbidity

within the first year of survivorship after cancer

history of hypertension and low birth weight in

Following Radical Prostatectomy: Psychosocial

treatment is completed.

African-American adolescents.

Impact on African-American and White Men,” is

Lorrie L. Powel, Ph.D., RN*


funded by the Department of Defense. She is

Ermalynn Kiehl, Ph.D., RN

“We continue to have excellent accrual and


retention of women in this study,” said Project

response to physical symptoms and perception

Director Victoria Loerzel.

Pamela Ark, Ph.D., RN*

examining how ethnicity influences emotional


Associate Professor Ermalynn Kiehl continued

of adjustment in African-American and white

her research on resiliency in mothers in

men with prostate cancer.

a longitudinal study she initiated in 1993. The objective of her study is to help nurses

Powel has also been collaborating with

Assistant Professor Pamela Ark conducted her

understand maternal adaptation and family

colleagues within the context of a larger prostate

dissertation research on risk behaviors and

dynamics over time.

cancer research program focusing on decisions

coping strategies in children and she continues

and outcomes of early prostate cancer.

to be interested in this area. She has also

Previously, Kiehl had interviewed mothers

Through this work she has been able to move

studied religious coping styles, religiosity, life

from Norway, Sweden and the United

beyond focusing exclusively on the physical

stressors and health-service use among elders,

States during the last trimester of their first

consequences of cancer treatment to examine

work that was funded by the federal Agency for

pregnancy and again when their children were

in closer detail the ways in which cancer and its

Healthcare Research and Quality through the

2 months and 5 years old. She found that, in

consequences affect how one lives.

Center for Health Research at Tennessee State

general, Swedish mothers adapted better to

University in Nashville.

motherhood than mothers from Norway and

*Joined the faculty in August 2004

the United States.

Continued on page 6


Research Grants July 1, 2003–June 30, 2004 E.J. Brown An Ethnography: Drug Use Among AfricanAmerican Women in Rural North Florida, $917,918 (multi-year). National Institute on Drug Abuse. (RO1DA013162-02)

9 Powel recently received a new grant from the College of Health and Public Affairs to study

Summer Minority Student Research Training, $13,522. National Institute on Drug Abuse.

fatigue in men with recurrent prostate cancer. This pilot study will look specifically at

Valerie Browne-Krimsley

men’s experiences after treatment using

Project Liftoff: Community-Based Healthy Start Services, $100,000. Prenatal and Infant Healthcare of Brevard County.

qualitative methodology. Mary Lou Sole, Ph.D., RN, CCNS, FAAN


Professor Mary Lou Sole continued her research on airway management strategies to prevent ventilator-associated pneumonia. She is currently working with area hospitals to evaluate outcomes of oral care interventions in preventing infections in critically ill patients.

Jacqueline Byers Graduate Leadership and Education Program Expansion, $726,413 (multi-year). Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, and Advanced Education Nursing Program. Evaluation of Coordinated Youth Incentive Programs, $25,000. Winter Park Health Foundation.

“Oral care is often neglected in the critical care

Karen Dennis

setting. Implementation of protocols for oral

Home vs. Center-Based Weight Loss and Exercise in Menopause, $2 million (multi-year). National Institute for Nursing Research/National Institutes of Health. (RO1NR00773801A2)

care has the potential to reduce infections,” explained Sole. Sole also began working with UCF Student Health Services to evaluate outcomes associated with Web-based triage. The university initiated “24/7 WebMed” to enhance students’ accessibility to health services and to assist them in making decisions regarding seeking care. The project is a collaborative initiative with DSHI Systems of Rockledge, Fla., which provided the innovative decisionalgorithm software. A preliminary evaluation showed that more than one-third of those using the system in the first six weeks were referred for emergent or immediate care and thus had

Intergenerational Physical Activity, $2,500 (multi-year). Winter Park Health Foundation. Intergenerational Physical Activity: Development and Test, $10,000. Senior Resource Alliance: The Area Agency on Aging of Central Florida. Active Living by Design, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (UCF coordinator), $200,000 (multiyear). Lead Agency: The City of Orlando.

Karen Dow Quality of Life Intervention for Women with Breast Cancer, $1.6 million (multi-year). National Institute of Nursing Research and National Cancer Institute, Office of Cancer Survivorship. (RO1NR05332)

earlier access to care. About 25 percent of the students received recommendations for self-care. Additional research will validate the

Fertility after Breast Cancer: A Web-Based Approach, $250,000 (multi-year). The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.

accuracy of the system, student follow-up with the recommendations and student satisfaction with the system.


Web O.N.E. Oncology Nursing Education Project, $60,000 (multi-year). Bristol-Myers Squibb Oncology Education Grant.

Professor Diane Wink (left) and Associate Professor Judith Ruland

Linda Hennig Nurses NOW, $135,503 (multi-year). State of Florida Office of Workforce Innovation.

Ermalynn Kiehl AHEC: Community-Based Nursing Initiative, $15,000. Central Florida Area Health Education Center (AHEC). Evaluation of Coordinated Youth Initiative Programs, $25,000. Winter Park Health Foundation.

Jean Kijek Professional Nursing Traineeship, $50,082. Department of Health and Human Services, Bureau of Health Professions and Health Resources and Services Administration.

Judith P. Ruland and Diane Wink Comparison of Outcomes of Community-Based Versus Traditional Generic Baccalaureate Programs: A Pilot Study, $19,048. National League for Nursing.

Excellence in Academics Students Thrive in New Doctoral Program Students in the school’s new Doctoral Program in Nursing, launched in August 2003, demonstrated this year that they are well on their way to becoming leaders in the field. Members of the program’s first cohort, which includes 11 students, published in healthcare journals and presented at professional conferences, including the Annual Congress of the Oncology Nursing Society and Annual Conference of the Southern Nursing Research Society. Their evaluations of the program have been extremely positive. Student Laura Gonzalez wrote, “The faculty [members] have well exceeded my expectations; they are truly concerned about the needs of each and every one of their students. I have been very pleased with my decision to pursue a doctorate in nursing from UCF.” Another student, Martin Schiavenato,

Associate Professor Jean Kijek (left) with members of the second cohort of doctoral students (from second from left to right) Martin Schiavenato, Debbie Moore, Claudia Wiseman, Gloria Velez-Barone, Lana Meyer, Mary Harper, Janet DuBois and Barbara Lange. Second cohort students not pictured here are Barbara Battin and Virgina Crandall.

reported, “The faculty and administration are ‘pro-student’ and always responsive.”

administration. Approximately half of their

in a discipline other than nursing when they

course material is delivered online. The

started the program in May 2003. Many of

A second cohort of 10 students began the

remainder is presented at classes held one day

these students found the diversity of student

program in August 2004. Like the students in

every one to two weeks. This structure enables

backgrounds to be among the best aspects of

the first cohort, they are being prepared for

the students to live in areas throughout Florida,

the program.

careers in teaching, research and executive

and in the case of one student, live in another state, while enrolled in the program.

The ability to complete the program in 15 months also offers great appeal. “This program

Twenty-Seven Students Graduate from New Accelerated B.S.N. Program

has been successful because of the length and ability for graduates to become nurses and move into a new career,” said Professor Diane Wink, who coordinates the program.

The first group of students to complete the

Laura Gonzalez and Martin Schiavenato

school’s new Accelerated B.S.N. Program was

A second, larger class of students began

recognized during a ceremony held July 30 in

the program in May 2004 and will graduate

the Student Union on UCF’s Orlando campus.

in July 2005.

All 27 students had prior bachelor’s degrees

Continued on page 20


UCF Nursing in the Community In 2003–2004, students and faculty members from the School of Nursing participated in many activities related to promoting health in the local schools and community.

JOY Project Focuses on

encouraged healthy eating and regular physical

Childhood Obesity

activity among its participants by distributing

M.S.N. Students Deliver Continuing

an innovative effort — the Jump on Obesity in

Education Programs With an eye toward providing relevant continuing education for school nurses in Winter Park, Fla., M.S.N. students from UCF designed and delivered several programs for these practitioners in 2003–2004. The students’ first program focused on ear examinations, including use of an otoscope, ear anatomy and forms of otitis. They went on to develop a second program on multiple topics: management of asthma, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, prevention of hyperlipidemia in the pediatric population, and fever evaluation and management. The programs were so well received that the students were asked to include nurses from county health departments and community

a monthly newsletter, providing consultations Assistant Professor Lygia Holcomb is leading Youth, or JOY, Project — that offers strategies for preventing diseases related to childhood obesity. The project is being conducted in conjunction with the Nap Ford Community Charter School in the Parramore area of Orlando, which is largely a minority community, with support from a year-long grant from Aetna Insurance. At the beginning of the project in January

and educational activities, and creating a resource library of nutrition and activity books and videos. The participants’ progress was assessed after six months and will be assessed again after one year. UCF nursing undergraduates from the Parramore Community Nursing Center in Orlando, graduate students and faculty members are helping to implement the project. They will evaluate the success of the program when it ends in January 2005.

2004, the height, weight and blood pressure of the charter school children were measured.

Nutrition Education Has

Twenty-two percent were overweight (the

Its Rewards

national average for this age group is 13 percent) and another 19 percent were at risk

In August 2003, Diane Mancini, an M.S.N.

of becoming overweight. In addition, many of

student in the Family Nurse Practitioner Track,

the parents had initial fitness assessments and

met with a fourth-grade class at Zellwood

completed food frequency surveys.

Elementary School in Zellwood, Fla., where

In the months that followed, the project

she identified a group of 10-year-olds who were overweight and “in less than optimal physical

agencies in their subsequent programs.

shape.” Over the course of the year, she provided the class with lessons on choosing

The students benefited from both researching

healthy snacks, the effect of marketing on food

the topics and learning how to tailor their

selection, and the importance of balancing

presentations to the audience. They were

diet and exercise. She also gave lessons on cooking, reading food labels and assessing the

pleased to share their knowledge with

nutritional value of a school cafeteria meal. As

practicing nurses who could in turn use it to

reinforcement, the students wrote summaries

improve the lives of children in the community.

of what they learned after each lesson.

M.S.N. students will continue to be involved in these programs and students in the school’s nursing and health professional education graduate certificate program are being encouraged to become involved as well.

Nursing Instructor Susan Rogers (standing in dark suit) oversees fitness assessments of parents of children and faculty and staff members participating in the JOY Program.

Mancini’s efforts were rewarded when she learned that the class chose fresh fruit and raw vegetables rather than a less-healthy alternative for a snack during the FCATs. The overall experience was “extremely gratifying,” Mancini reported.


UCF’s Community Nursing Centers

Breaking News Students and Faculty Members Assist during Hurricanes Ricki Hydorn and Tara Hopkins (below, left to right) were among the B.S.N. students from UCF’s campus in Cocoa who helped the Wuesthoff Progressive Care Center, a skilled-nursing facility in nearby Viera, prepare for Hurricane Frances. The students helped secure the facility and prepare its residents for evacuation by ensuring they had intact

All undergraduates, including these students assigned to the Engelwood Community Nursing Center, begin their first day at a center by taking public transportation to the facility.

Juniors and seniors based at the Winter Park Community Nursing Center provide information on diabetes during a wellattended health fair at “ESTEEM,” a local after-school program.

identification bracelets and a five-day supply of clothing and toiletries. In addition to learning emergency response procedures, the students learned how to maintain a calm demeanor with frightened, elderly clients, nursing Instructor

The School of Nursing operates 11 community nursing centers in Brevard, Orange and Seminole counties in Central Florida. All

Undergraduates Provide Health Services for School-Aged Children

of the communities in which these centers

Barbara Lange reported. Lee Barriero, an M.S.N. student in the Leadership and Management Track, worked intensely during the hurricanes to assist

are located struggle with poverty, health

During the past year, nursing students

disparities among minorities, high teen

from the Engelwood Community Nursing

pregnancy rates, child abuse and neglect,

Center in Orlando went to the community’s

single parenting, and health issues across

Neighborhood Recreational Center to

the lifespan. Each center also offers unique

offer services for elementary- and middle-

Two faculty members also provided care during

services and educational activities that are

school children.

the turbulent hurricane season. Professor

designed to meet the community’s specific

persons with special needs in Flagler County, located on the central east coast of Florida.

Diane Wink volunteered at a shelter located

needs and priorities. More than 40,000

The students provided hearing and vision

on UCF’s Orlando campus during hurricanes

community residents were served at the

screenings, body-mass index testing and

centers in 2003–2004.

Frances and Jeanne, and Instructor Peggy

health education on topics such as sun and

Stickney volunteered at a special needs shelter

water safety for more than 4,700 elementaryA nursing faculty member and a group of 10

and middle-school children attending the

to 12 junior, senior and accelerated students

after-school program, “OASIS,” and a

are assigned to each center. The students

summer day camp.

in Seminole County during hurricanes Charley and Frances.

maintain this assignment for the duration of their undergraduate program. The total

Nursing students from the Winter Park

number of students at each center ranges

Community Nursing Center in Winter Park,

from 45 to 145, providing many opportunities

Fla., traveled to nearby Brookshire Elementary

for students and residents.

School to conduct vision screenings for its pupils shortly after hurricanes Charley and

This past year, a comprehensive review

Frances. Because the school had sustained

of the 11 centers was conducted to

heavy damage, including the loss of its

assist in planning for the next academic

cafeteria roof, the students had to conduct the

year, developing additional service-learning

screenings in the hallways.

opportunities and preparing for grant submissions.


UCF Nursing around the World

In her role as director of UCF’s Eastern Associate Professor Lygia Holcomb led

European Linkage Institute, Associate Pro-

a group of 34 volunteers on a health-care

fessor Jean Kijek (left) went to Slovakia in

mission to Honduras in May 2004. The

November 2003 to foster the development of

group — made up of nurses, nursing faculty

a partnership between Roosevelt Hospital in

members and students, doctors, translators

Banská Bystrica, Slovakia; the UCF School of

and a construction team — took medicine,

Nursing; and Winter Park Memorial Hospital

vitamins, toothbrushes, toothpaste, toys

in Winter Park, Fla.. She is shown here with

and children’s clothing with them. While

Roosevelt Hospital’s director of nursing, Vi-

there, they treated more than 2,500 patients

era Sebekova. Back at UCF, Kijek welcomed

in make-shift clinics, trained 15 Hondurans

Jolanta Toliusiene, a faculty member from the

as community-health promoters and helped

nursing department at Kaunas Medical Uni-

with the construction of three block houses.

versity in Kaunas, Lithuania, to further their partnership in support of nursing education and research.


Associate Professor Ermalynn Kiehl (right) traveled to Sweden in the summer of 2003 to continue her study of women and their adaptation to motherhood. Here she interviews a mother in her backyard in Sweden. Kiehl also continues to coordinate a study abroad program with Lund University in Lund, Sweden. In May 2003, 11 UCF nursing students accompanied her to Lund and in the fall of 2003, six Lund students came to UCF.

In May 2004, Assistant Professor Huey-Shys Chen (center) traveled to Kaoshiung Medical University in Taiwan to present “On the Cutting Edge of Nursing Education: Web-Based Teaching at UCF” to nursing graduate students and faculty members at the university.

Pamela Jean Wagner (right), an Orlando student in the RN to M.S.N. program, is able to complete her course work online while gaining experience in community health at the Greams Road Clinic in Chennai (formerly Madras), India. She is shown here with a family visiting the clinic, where practicing nursing is a challenge, said Wagner. Most of the patients are malnourished and vitamin deficient, and it is difficult to give children intramuscular injections because they have little muscle mass. Supplies such as tourniquets, vacutainers and exam gloves are either nonexistent or very scarce. What is not lacking, however, is the clinic’s appreciation for Wagner’s hard work and support.


Publications July 1, 2003–June 30, 2004 E.J. Brown

(Eds.), Annual Review of Nursing

Byers, J.F. (2003). Components

Goldberg, A.P. (2004). Regulation

Brown, E.J. (2003). STI/HIV-related

Education. New York: Springer

of developmental care and the

of lipolysis and lipoprotein lipase

structural and socio-structural

Publishing Company.

evidence for their use in the NICU.

after weight loss in obese,

MCN: The American Journal of

postmenopausal women. Obesity

residing in the rural southeast.

Bushy, A. (2003). Case

Maternal Child Nursing, 12 (1),

Research, 12 (1), 32-39.

Journal of Multicultural Nursing

management: Considerations


and Health, 9 (3), 40-48.

for providing services to clients

barriers among black women

Nicklas, B.J., Penninx, B.W., Ryan,

in remote and underserved

Byers, J.F. (2004). Protecting your

A., Berman, D.M., Lynch, N.A.

Brown, E.J. & Trujillo, T. (2003).

rural areas. Lippincott’s Case

patient during clinical research.

& Dennis, K.E. (2003). Visceral

“Bottoming-Out?” among rural

Management: Managing the Process

Critical Care Nurse, 24 (1), 53-59.

adipose tissue cutoffs associated

African-American women who use

of Patient Care,

cocaine. Journal of Rural Health,

8 (5), 214-213.

19 (4), 441-449.

with metabolic risk factors for Byers, J.F. & Aragon, E.D. (2003).

coronary heart disease in women.

What quality improvement

Diabetes Care, 26 (5), 1413-1420.

Jacqueline Byers

professionals need to know about

Brown, E.J., Gubrium, A. &

Byers, J.F. & White, S.V. (Eds.)

Institutional Review Boards. Journal

Karen Dow

Ogbonna-Hicks, G. (2004). Rural

(2004). Patient Safety: Principles

for Healthcare Quality, 25, 4-9.

Dow, K.H. (2004). Contemporary

Floridians’ perceptions of health,

and Practice. New York: Springer.

health values and health behaviors.

(Also authored several chapters in

Byers, J.F., Yovaish, W., Lowman,

MA: Jones & Bartlett. (Also

Southern Online Nursing Research

this text.)

L.B. & Francis, J.F. (2003). Co-

authored a chapter in this text.)

issues in breast cancer. Sudbury,

bedding vs. single bedding

Journal, 5(3), 1-16.

premature multiple gestation infants Brown, E.J., Hill, M.A. & Giroux,

in incubators. Journal of Obstetric,

S. (2004). A 28-day program

Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing,

ain’t helping the crack smoker:

32, 340-347.

Perceptions of effective drug abuse Meeker, P. & Byers, J.F. (2003).

prevention intervention by north

Data-driven curriculum redesign:

Central Florida African-Americans who use cocaine. Journal of Rural

Bremmer, P., Byers, J.F. & Kiehl, E.

A case study. Journal of Nursing

Luce, T., Dow, K.H. & Holcomb, L.

Health, 20 (3), 286-295.

(2003). Noise and the premature

Education, 42, 186-188.

(2003). The nurse practitioner role

infant: Physiological effects and

in screening and early detection of

Angeline Bushy

practice implications. Journal

Byers, J.F. (2003). Quality

epithelial ovarian cancer. The Nurse

Nalle, M., Speraw, S. & Bushy,

of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and

improvement and research:

Practitioner: The American Journal of

A. (2004). Community care: The

Neonatal Nursing, 32, 447-454.

Essential partners (editorial).

Primary Health Care,

Journal for Healthcare Quality, 25, 2

28 (12), 41-47.

family and culture (Ch. 2). In D. Lowdermilk & S. Perry (Eds.),

Byers, J.F. (2004). Assessment

Maternity and Women’s Health Care

of respiratory function. In S.C.

Huey-Shys Chen

Loerzel, V. & Dow, K.H. (2003).

(8th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby.

Smeltzer & B. Bare (Eds.), Brunner

Chen, H.S., Horner, S.D. & Percy,

Cardiac toxicity related to cancer

& Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-

M.S. (2003). Cross-cultural

treatment. Clinical Journal of

Bushy, A. (2004). Community health

Surgical Nursing (10th ed., Ch. 21).

validation of the stages of the

Oncology Nursing, 7 (7), 557-562.

nursing in rural environments. In

Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams &

tobacco acquisition questionnaire

V. Stanhope & J. Lancaster (Eds.),


and the decisional balance scale.

Dow, K.H. (2004). Cancer

Research in Nursing and Health, 26,

survivorship. In C. Varricchio, P.


Pierce, P. Hinds & T. Ades (Eds.), A

Community Health Nursing (6th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby.

Byers, J.F. & Thornley, K. (2004). Cueing into infant pain. MCN: The

Bushy, A. (2003). Issues in rural

Karen Dennis

ed., pp. 513-522). Sudbury MA:

health: Model for a Web-based

Nursing, 29, 84-89.

Berman, D.M., Nicklas, B.J., Ryan,

Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

course. In M. Hermann & K. Henrich


cancer sourcebook for nurses (8th

American Journal of Maternal Child

A.S., Rogus, E.M., Dennis, K.E. &

Dow, K.H. (2004). The influence

Bremmer, P., Byers, J.F. & Kiehl, E.

Rash, E. M. (2004).

of fatigue on quality of life. In A.L.

(2003). Noise and the premature

Cholesteatomas: Early recognition

Schwartz (Ed.), Pocket guide to

infant: Physiological effects and

is key. The Nurse Practitioner

managing fatigue in cancer (pp. 115-

practice implications. Journal of

Journal, 29 (2), 24-27.

141). Sudbury MA: Jones & Bartlett

Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal


Nursing, 32, 447-454.

Dow K.H. & Kalinowski, B.H.

Kiehl, E. & White, M. (2003).

(2004). Nursing care in patient

Maternal adaptation during

management and quality of life.

childbearing in Norway, Sweden

In J.R. Harris, M. E. Lippman, M.

and the United States. Scandinavian

Morrow & C.K. Osborne (Eds.),

Journal of Caring Sciences, 17,

Diseases of the Breast (3rd ed.,


pp. 1387-1402). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Jean Leuner

Faculty Journal Editors and Editorial Boards Members Journal Editors

Mary Lou Sole Montoya, V.L., Wink, D. & Sole, M.L.

Jacqueline Byers

(2004). Anemia: What lies beneath.

Journal for Healthcare Quality (Associate

Nurse Made Incredibly Easy!


2 (1), 37-45.

Diane Wink Wink, D. (2003). Community-based

Karen Dow Seminars in Oncology Nursing, Nursing Research (Associate Editor)

curricula at B.S.N. and graduate levels. In M. Oermann & K. Heinrich (Eds.), Annual Review of Nursing

Editorial Boards

Burgess, S.E., Pruitt, R.H.,

Education (Vol. 1, pp. 3-25). New

Dow, K.H. (2004). Psychosocial

Maybee, P., Metz, A.E. & Leuner,

York: Springer Publishing Company.

issues of fertility preservation in

J.D. (2003). Rural and urban

cancer survivors. In T. Tulandi &

physicians’ perceptions regarding

Wink, D. (2004). Impact of double

R.G. Gosden (Eds.), Preservation of

the role and practice of the nurse

testing on course grades in an

Jacqueline Byers

fertility (pp. 237-246). London: Taylor

practitioner, physician assistant

undergraduate nursing course.

Critical Care Nurse

and certified nurse midwife.

Journal of Nursing Education,

The Journal of Rural Health,

43, 138-143.

& Francis. Loerzel, V. & Dow, K.H. (2004). Male breast cancer. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 8 (2), 191-192.

Fertility options in young breast cancer survivors: A review of the literature. Oncology Nursing Forum, 31 (3), E46-E53.

Lygia Holcomb Luce, T.L., Dow, K.H. & Holcomb, L. (2003). Early diagnosis key to

Journal of Rural Health

Karen Dennis Operant Subjectivity

19 (Suppl), 321-328. Montoya, V.L., Wink, D. & Sole, M.L.

Nancy Rudner Lugo Rudner Lugo, N., Montoya, C., &

Dow, K.H. & Kuhn, D. (2004).

E.J. Brown

Koslap Petraco, M. (2003). Parents’ perspectives on immunizations: A survey. American Journal of Nurse Practitioners, 7(11), 8-20.

Janice Peterson Peterson, J.Z. (2004). Safety issues with the elderly and chronically ill. In J.F. Byers & S.V. White (Eds.), Patient safety handbook for health-

(2004). Anemia: What lies beneath. Nurse Made Incredibly Easy! 2 (1), 37-45.

Doctoral Student Publications Edmonds, A.R. & Holm, G.B. (2004). Managing pain in

Karen Dow Cancer Nursing Judith Ruland The Journal of Student Centered Learning, Online Journal of Undergraduate Nursing

osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. CE-Today for Nurse

Mary Lou Sole

Practitioners, 3 (7).

American Journal of Critical Care, Heart and Lung: The Journal of Acute and

Loerzel, V.W. & Dow, K.H. (2003).

Critical Care, AACN Clinical Issues:

The Nurse Practitioner: The

Cardiac toxicity related to cancer

Advanced Practice in Acute and Critical

American Journal of Primary Health

Elizabeth Rash

treatment. Clinical Journal of

Care, Nurse Author and Editor

Care, 28 (12), 41-47.

Rash, E.M. (2003). Arthropods:

epithelial ovarian cancer detection.

care providers. New York: Springer.

Bites and stings. Advance for Nurse

Ermalynn Kiehl

Practitioners, 11 (9), 87-102.

Kiehl, E. (2004). Ultimate distance learning: The traveling classroom.

Rash, E.M. (2003). Trigeminal

Nurse Educator, 29 (2), 49-51.

neuralgia. Advance for Nurse

Oncology Nursing, 7 (5), 557-562. Loerzel, V.W. & Dow, K.H. (2004). Male breast cancer. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing 8 (2), 191-192.

Diane Wink Nurse Educator, Journal of Nursing Education, ADVANCE for Nurses

Practitioners, 11 (11) 56-60.


Faculty Spotlight:

Faculty Members 2003–2004

Dr. Karen Dow Emma “E.J.” Brown, Ph.D., RN, CS – Associate Professor For more than 30 years, Karen Dow has worked to improve the care of patients with cancer, particularly breast cancer. Her tremendous dedication and compassion have positively impacted the lives of

Valerie Browne-Krimsley, Ed.D., RN – Associate Professor Angeline Bushy, Ph.D., RN, CNS, FAAN – Professor Jacqueline Byers, Ph.D., RN, CNAA – Associate Professor

people around the world.

Huey-Shys Chen, Ph.D., RN – Assistant Professor Dow began her clinical career in Boston, where she worked extensively with women with breast cancer. She was the first to document the needs of younger women with the disease, including their need for more meaningful information. She has since made many outstanding contributions in support of breast cancer education.

Maureen Covelli, Ph.D., RN – Assistant Professor Karen Dennis, Ph.D., RN, FAAN – Professor Paul Desmarais, Ph.D., RN – Visiting Assistant Professor Karen Dow, Ph.D., RN, FAAN – Professor Jannie Gichia, Ph.D., CNM, RN – Assistant Professor

Dow has written extensively on the

Sandy Greeno, M.S.N, RN – Visiting Instructor

clinical care of patients with breast

Glenn Hagerstrom, M.S.N., ARNP – Visiting Instructor

cancer for professional journals. She has also edited the only textbook and two pocket guides in oncology nursing

Patricia Hazelwood, M.S.N., ARNP – Visiting Instructor Linda Hennig, Ed.D., RN – Assistant Professor

devoted entirely to breast cancer. In

Lygia Holcomb, D.S.N., ARNP – Associate Professor

addition, she developed WebO.N.E.,

Erica Hoyt, M.S.N., RN – Instructor/Skills Lab Coordinator

an online, interactive program that

Ermalynn Kiehl, Ph.D., RN – Associate Professor

educates nurses around the world about cancer, including breast cancer. The program has been translated

Jean Kijek, Ph.D., RN – Associate Professor Patricia Lafferty, M.S.N., RN – Instructor and Adviser

from English into Japanese, Chinese,

Barbara Lange, M.S.N., RN – Visiting Instructor

Spanish and Portuguese.

Patricia Leli, M.S.N., RN – Instructor Jean Leuner, Ph.D., RN – Director and Professor

Nurses from primarily developing countries have benefited from Dow’s efforts as both chair and educator for the International Breast Cancer Train the Trainer Program, sponsored by the International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care. During the program’s biennial workshops,

Victoria Loerzel, M.S.N., RN – Instructor Nancy Rudner Lugo, Dr.PH, RN – Visiting Assistant Professor Betty Mayer, Ph.D., ARNP – Visiting Assistant Professor

these nurses have gained the skills and knowledge necessary to

Susan Pelliccio, M.S.N., RN – Instructor

establish breast cancer education programs in their home countries.

Janice Peterson, Ph.D., RN – Assistant Professor Elizabeth Rash, Ph.D., ARNP – Visiting Instructor

As a researcher, Dow is currently studying ways to address issues facing women dealing with breast cancer. With a $1.6 million grant from the National Institute of Nursing Research and Office of Cancer

Judith Ruland, Ed.D., RN – Visiting Associate Professor

Survivorship at the National Cancer Institute, she is examining a

Karen Saenz, Ph.D., RN – Visiting Instructor

quality-of-life intervention among women with early stage breast

Kyle Savitz, M.S.N., ARNP – Instructor

cancer. In another study, funded by the Susan G. Komen Breast

Vicki Scott, M.S.N., RN – Visiting Instructor

Cancer Foundation, she and her team have developed a Web-based support program for women who have had breast cancer and are concerned about fertility.

Mary Lou Sole, Ph.D., RN, CCNS, FAAN – Professor Frances Smith, Ed.D., RN – Associate Professor Lisa Smith, M.S.N., RN – Instructor

Dow’s knowledge about breast cancer led her to be appointed by

Lynn Smith, Ph.D., ARNP – Instructor

President George H. W. Bush to the President’s Cancer Panel, Special

Margaret “Peggy” Stickney, Ed.D., RN – Instructor

Commission on Breast Cancer. More recently, the national Oncology

Diane Wink, Ed.D., RNC, ARNP – Professor

Nursing Society recognized her contributions by honoring her with the 2004 Excellence in Breast Cancer Education Award.


Susan Rogers, M.S.N., RN – Visiting Instructor

Adjunct Faculty Members

Faculty Awards and Honors

Kelly Allred, M.S.N., RN

Associate Professor E.J. Brown

Associate Professor Jean Kijek

Elizabeth Dale Aragon, Ph.D., RN

2004 Research in Minority Health, Southern

2003 Honorary degree from Udmurt

Christine Banta, M.S.N., RN

Nursing Research Society

State University in Izhevsk, Russia

Melody Bennett, M.S.N., RN

2003-2004 UCF Research Incentive Award

(Professor Honoris Causa)

Professor Angeline Bushy

Instructor Patricia Lafferty

2003 Volunteer of the Year Award from the

2004 UCF Excellence in Faculty Academic

National Rural Health Association

Advising Award

Jan Engel, M.S.N., RN

Associate Professor Jacqueline Byers

Assistant Professor Janice Peterson

Sandria George, M.S.N., RN

2003-2004 UCF Research Incentive Award

2004 Excellence in Research Award from Theta

Barbara Gross, M.S.N., RN

2003-2004 UCF Teaching Incentive Award

Epsilon, the UCF Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau

Sanford Boaz, M.S.N., ARNP Ellen Branoff, M.S.N., ARNP Lynne Bustraan, M.S.N., RN Stephanie Coffey, M.S.N., ARNP

International Honor Society of Nursing

Judy Head, M.S.N., ARNP Stephen Heglund, M.S.N., RN

Professor Karen Dow

Sigrid Ladores, M.S.N., RN

2004 Excellence in Breast Cancer Education

Professor Mary Lou Sole

Award from the Oncology Nursing Society

2004 Excellence in Research Award by the

June Longway, M.S.N., ARNP MaryAnne Ludy, M.S.N., ARNP Jean MacCuspie, M.A Elizabeth MacDermott, M.S.N., ARNP Judy Morter, M.S.N., RN

American Association of Critical Care Nurses Associate Professor Lygia Holcomb

2003 Annual Excellence Award from the Florida

2004 Excellence in Leadership Award from

Nurses Association

Theta Epsilon, the UCF Chapter of Sigma Theta

2004 UCF Scholarship Teaching

Tau International Honor Society of Nursing

and Learning Award

Kerry Mullen, M.S.N., ARNP Ivan Mustafa, M.S.N., ARNP Ngozi Odoh, M.S.N., ARNP Christine Panco, M.S.N., ARNP Susan Ricci, M.S.N., ARNP Pamela Royall, Ph.D., RN Kimberly Sandor, M.S.N., ARNP Georgia Shifette, M.S.N., RN Nancy Srebernak, M.H.M., RN Ingrid Swenson, Dr.PH, RN Diane Truex-Ives, M.S.N., ARNP Geraldine Tulley, M.S.N., ARNP Kathleen Yanks, M.S.N., ARNP

Award recipient E.J. Brown (center) with Judy Carbage Martin (left) and Jean McSweeney, board member and president of the Southern Nursing Research Society, respectively.


Student Awards, Scholarships and Honors American Association of Critical-

UCF Graduate Teaching/Research

Care Nurses/National Student Nurses’


Association Scholarship

Patricia Weinstein

Thomas Mulligan UCF Provost’s Graduate Fellowship Bert Fish Foundation

Patricia Weinstein

Melissa Hamilton Sherrie Poret

UCF Undergraduate to Graduate Fellowship Steven Marc Capps

Central Florida Kidney Center Scholarship Fund

Winter Park Memorial Hospital

Holly Batten

Endowed Scholarship

April Bradley

Bridget Mulrooney

Jodi Schnizel

M.S.N. Student Finds Nursing Career Abroad Steven Marc Capps (M.S.N. ’04, B.S.N. ’02) recently moved his family, which includes four children, to La Esperanza, Honduras, where he will work as a nurse practitioner in a rural clinic that serves approximately 50,000 people. He wants to make a difference in the lives of the rural community, where the nearest hospital is more than an hour away by car. Capps is excited about his journey. “The reality is that the decisions we make today influence tomorrow,” he said. “Each of us should strive to make a change in the world. I hope that

Janice Tan Rachel Tarrien

Student Spotlight

Honors in the Major

someday I can return and find that health care is offered to all in need ...”

Devon Van Fleet April Bradley Central Florida Navy Nurse Corps

Pain Control in Patients with Cancer:

Association Scholarship Fund

Recognition and Treatment

Kimberly Redmond

Adviser: Dr. J. Peterson

U.S. Army Captain Puts UCF Education to Work While stationed in Fort Bragg, N.C., Capt.

Kelley Timmons Melanie Eby

Thomas K. Weichart (M.S.N. ’04) serves as

Heart of Volusia RN to B.S.N. Scholarship

Comfort Measures at the End of Life

the assistant nurse manager of an emergency

Jeanine Waterman

Adviser: Dr. J. Peterson

department at Womack Army Medical Center.

Renee M. Keller Endowed Nursing

Amanda Jenkins


Efficacy of Treatments for Seasonal Affective

Connie Abbott


Heather Henderson

Adviser: Dr. F. Smith

UCF Alumni Association Scholarship

Jahi McGill

Thomas Weichart

Attitudes toward Male Nurses

He also works as a critical-care nurse for a

Adviser: Dr. L. Holcomb UCF College of Health and Public Affairs Professional Achievement Award

Katie Nagy

Kerry Mullen

Factors Associated with Noncompliance and Inadequate Care in Male Patients

UCF Graduate Merit Fellowship

Adviser: Dr. F. Smith

Carol Marie Gracia


Steve Hegland

Shellesa Whisenant

Victoria Loerzel

Benefits of Military Nursing in

Nancy Mather

Acute Care Settings

Patricia Weinstein

Adviser: Dr. A. Bushy

combat support hospital. Weichart’s career as a nurse in the U.S. Army has been “challenging and fulfilling,” he said. “The most rewarding aspect is being able to care for our nation’s brightest and bravest young people.” Weichart was one of the first graduates of the Clinical Nurse Specialist Track at UCF. As a student, he received several awards and scholarships.


New School Alumni Chapter Offers

2003 Professional Achievement

In addition to her work at the Boggy Creek Gang

Many Opportunities for Graduates

Award Recipient

Camp, Mullen has delivered numerous lectures

Kerry Mullen, B.S.N. ’97,

on pediatric care and continues to be a lifelong

In 2003–2004, the School of Nursing and UCF

M.S.N. (University of Florida)

scholar. She has also been involved in the “Hug

Alumni Association formed a School of Nursing

Nursing Director, Boggy Creek Gang Camp

Me” program, which provides care to children and adolescents who have been diagnosed with

Alumni Chapter to serve the professional

or exposed to HIV/AIDS.

networking, fellowship and continuing education

Kerry Mullen feels it is her “calling” to care for

needs of the school’s alumni, as well as to

children in need. Her passion led her to the

provide multiple levels of support for the school.

Boggy Creek Gang Camp in Eustis, Fla., which

An accomplished pediatric nurse, Mullen

works to ease the burdens that chronic illnesses

ensures that all children enjoy life whether they

In the past year, the alumni association

pose on children and their families. The camp’s

are healthy or have a chronic illness. Mullen

developed and approved chapter bylaws and the

summer programs offer children a week of

works every day to improve the lives of children

school held two informational events at hospitals

fun, adventure and independence in a setting

and families in the community.

in Orlando. A steering committee has been

that provides complete medical care. Its family

formed and is currently planning a scholarship

weekend programs bring entire families to the

day to offer continuing education credits to local

camp, so parents can relax and find needed

nurses and a family picnic. Plans are also under

support among other families dealing with

way to organize a banquet to recognize the

similar emotional and financial challenges.

school’s 25th anniversary in 2005–2006. Mullen works at the camp’s medical center, The newly elected officers of the School of

affectionately known as “The Patch,” where

Nursing Alumni Chapter are:

campers go to be “patched up.” This 8,000-

President: Christopher Blackwell

square-foot, state-of-the-art facility is designed

(M.S.N. ’01, B.S.N. ’00)

to be as non-institutional as possible, but is

Communication co-chairs:

capable of accommodating a full array of treat-

Lydia La Mott (B.S.N. ’00) and

ments. Whether it’s chemotherapy treatment, a

Carole Williams (B.S.N. ’92)

dialysis procedure or bandaging of a minor cut,

Secretary: Erica Hoyt (B.S.N. ’93)

Mullen ensures that each camper receives the

Special events chair: Pat Lafferty

necessary care.

Kerry Mullen accepts her 2003 Professional Achievement Award at the annual UCF Black and Gold Gala.

(M.S.N. ’97, B.S.N. ’86)

For more information or to get involved, contact Jennifer Roth Miller at jeroth@mail.ucf.edu or (407) 823-2723.


Class Notes* 1984–2004 1984 Patti Cantillo-Kodzis, B.S.N., is an outreach educator for the Senior Resource Alliance in Orlando.

Nancy K. Lawson, B.S.N., is an RN (staff pediatrics) for Maxim Healthcare in Brandon,



Cathy Groupe, B.S.N., M.P.H. (George Wash-

Ami (Lenz) Brannon, B.S.N., is a nurse

ington University), is a health science adminis-

clinician in vascular thoracic surgery at Orlando

trator for the U.S. Public Health Service (FDA) in

Regional Medical Center.

Rockville, Md. From 1993-1999, she worked in the CCU/ICU. She was also a traveling nurse for four years. As a commissioned officer in the U.S.


Public Health Services, she is planning a career

Debra Moulavi, M.S.N., M.S. in health science

within various agencies offering public health

(’90), is the president and a nurse practitioner

opportunities — specifically health policy and

at Central Florida Wound and Skin Consultants

policy analysis. She may even get involved with

in Oviedo, Fla. “My desire to create a mobile

politics, she wrote.

medical practice specializing in wound and skin

Fla. She won a Best Nurse of the Month award at Maxim in 1999 and a Best Nurse award at Addus Healthcare in Tampa, Fla., in 2000. “I am trying to save money to go back to school to obtain my master’s degree in nursing,” she wrote.

diagnosis stimulated the creation of the private Sonya R. Mead (Jenkins), B.S.N., is a labor

practice of Central Florida Wound and Skin

and delivery RN at Phelps County Regional

Consultants,” she wrote. “It was developed by a

Medical Center in Rolla, Mo. “I really enjoy rais-

team approach of a nurse practitioner, medical

ing my two children,” she wrote.

doctor and office administration. We now service patients in three counties that are homebound

1991 Ginny Browning (Guth), B.S.N., is the director of Melbourne, Fla.’s largest physician group — the Melbourne Internal Medical Associates’ Coumadin Clinic. For the past three years, she has also worked a second job at Circles of Care, Melbourne’s main psychiatric hospital. She takes sick calls and conducts physicals.

1992 Mary King, B.S.N., is employed as a certified registered nurse anesthetist at Bristol Regional Medical Center in Tennessee, where she resides with her husband, Scott, of 8 years and their three children — Evan, 7; Ashlynn, 3; and Aidan, 2.

or with limited mobility — ‘the forgotten patient.’”

1994 Patricia S. Robinson, B.S.N., M.S.N. (Univer-

Kerry Mullen, B.S.N., M.S.N. (University of

sity of Florida), is a nurse practitioner for the

Florida), is the nursing director of Boggy Creek

HUG Me program at Arnold Palmer Hospital

Gang Camp in Eustis, Fla., which offers week-

in Orlando. She is a full-time doctoral student

long summer programs for children dealing with

at the University of Florida (UF), where she is

chronic and terminal illnesses. In October 2003,

studying adolescent mothers with HIV, in addi-

she received a Professional Achievement

tion to working as a visiting assistant professor

Award from the College of Health and Public

at UF.

Affairs at UCF.

Anthony Wayne Winston, B.S.N., M.S.N. (Georgetown University), is a CRNA for the


U.S. Navy in Bethesda, Md. His paper, “Late

Terry Hirtz, B.S.N., is currently working for Vitas

postpartum eclampsia coincident with postdural

Innovative Hospice Care in Orlando.

puncture headache: A case report,” was published in the October 2003 issue of

Kimberly Moore, B.S.N., is a case manager/life

the American Association of Nurse

care planner for Intracorp in Lake Mary, Fla.

Anesthestists Journal. Dione Souza, B.S.N., is currently working in the NICU at Florida Hospital in Orlando.

*Class Notes reflects information received before this newsletter’s production deadline of Nov. 5, 2004. If you would like your information to appear in the next issue of UCF Nursing—Access to Excellence, you may now enter it online by clicking on “Stay Connected” at www.cohpa.ucf.edu/alumni

1995 Karen S. Frost, B.S.N., M.B.A. (Case Western

Charlotte Wigle, B.S.N., M.S. (University of

Reserve University), is a utilization nursing

South Florida College of Nursing), is a self-

supervisor at Capital Health Plan in Tallahassee,

employed nurse practitioner in Eustis, Fla. She

Fla. She has three children. Kyle was born in

has been the sole provider for Rural Clinic in

1994, Megan was born in 1997 and Mason was

Umatilla, Fla., for three years. She is now

born in 2004.


starting her own independent practice in

in Orlando. She is currently working on her


primary care, specializing in women’s health

master’s degree at UCF, in the Pediatric Nurse

Cindy B. Dillard, B.S.N., is an educator in the

and diabetes management.

Practitioner Track.

vascular/thoracic unit at Orlando Regional Medical Center. She is also completing her M.S.N. at

Sita Price, B.S.N., is a nurse clinician in cardio-

UCF in the Clinical Nurse Specialist Track.


vascular surgery at Orlando Regional Medical

Jenny Mitre Pack, B.S.N., B.S. in business

Center. She is currently in the nurse practitioner

Maricca Galang Niemiec, M.S.N., B.S.N. (’01),

finance (’91), is currently working as a staff RN

program at UCF.

is a family nurse practitioner with University

in the emergency department at Florida Hospital

Family Medicine (Drs. Jane-Marie Raley and

East in Orlando. She has two children. Joshua

Elena Smith, B.S.N., is a staff RN in the neo-

was born in December 2002 and Elias was born

natal ICU for Regency Medical Center in Winter

in August 2004.

Haven, Fla. She is working on her M.S.N. at the

Kelly Stacy-Haines, M.S.N., is an ARNP work-

University of Florida and expects to graduate

ing in adult health for Dr. Mark Brooks, Internal

Jody Rich, B.S.N., is a lieutenant in the Navy

in December 2005. She had a baby, named

Medicine, in Ocoee, Fla.

Nurse Corps and is stationed at the National

Brianna Marie Smith, on Feb. 3, 2003.

Naval Medical Center (NNMC) in Bethesda, Md.

Ronald Burns).

Cynthia Titus, B.S.N., is a staff nurse in the

She spent three years working on a

Roseanne Teckman, B.S.N., is a second

cardiovascular unit at Holmes Regional Medical

multi-surgical inpatient ward, where part of the

lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force Reserve. She

Center. She is currently enrolled in the Family

time she was the permanent day charge nurse.

is currently working as a flight nurse and is

Nurse Practitioner Track of the M.S.N. program at UCF.

She is currently an assistant clinical manager in

based with the 315th Aeromedical Evacuation

the Orthopedic Surgery Clinic at NNMC. In mid-

Squadron in Charleston, S.C.

2005 she will attend the Navy’s perioperative

nurse specialist in orthopedics/neurology at

nurse training, after which she will work as an operating room nurse at NNMC.

Susan Tocco, M.S.N., B.S.N. (’00), is a clinical

Orlando Regional Medical Center.

2002 Debita T. Badri, M.S.N., is a family nurse

Neil Whitwam, M.S.N., B.S.N. (’94), is an

Elizabeth Timpe, B.S.N., is a full-time,

practitioner with Digestive Disease Consultants

ARNP with First Response Orthopedic Group

stay-at-home mom to Stephen, 4, and Maren,

in Altamonte Springs, Fla.

(Dr. Dean Cole).

16 months. She also works as a part-time/occasional RN in the critical care pool at Methodist

Christine M. Banta, M.S.N., B.S.N. (’98), is a

Specialty and Transplant Hospital in San

staff RN for Central Florida Regional Hospital


Antonio, Texas.

(CFRH) in Sanford, Fla. “In addition to my work

Betsy Ambrose, B.S.N., is a primary nurse at

with patients in the ICU, I am now an ACLS

Vitas Hospice Care in Orlando. “I love my job,”

Janell Verkaden, B.S.N., Nurse Practitioner

instructor at CFRH,” she wrote. “I have also

she wrote. “I meet the greatest patients and their

Certificate (’03), is currently working for cardiolo-

become a clinical nursing instructor for the

caregivers. It’s a great organization.”

gist Humayun Jamidar in Daytona Beach, Fla.

undergraduate program at the UCF School


of Nursing. I am also a clinical nursing

Steven Marc Capps, M.S.N., B.S.N. (’02), is

instructor for Seminole Community College’s

working as a nurse practitioner in a rural clinic in

nursing program.”

La Esperanza, Honduras.

Lydia La Mott, B.S.N., is an infection control practitioner at Florida Hospital.

Debbie Greer, M.S.N., B.S.N. (’02), is a cardiac Shannon Lyles, B.S.N., is a registered

nurse practitioner at Citrus Memorial Hospital

nurse specialist at the University of Florida in

— a position she moved into on Dec. 1, 2004

Gainesville. She recently finished her second


— after working as an adjunct faculty member

year working in pediatric endocrinology. She

at Central Florida Community College (CFCC)

Julie Harris (Landrey), B.S.N., is a staff nurse

specializes in diabetes education and directs the

and the manager of a PCU at Citrus Memorial.

in acute pediatrics at Arnold Palmer Hospital

pediatric diabetes insulin pump program.

She has two daughters, one who is studying


pre-law at UCF and the other who is studying

Excellence in Academics

elementary education at CFCC. She has been

Continued from page 7

married 22 years.

Angela Mullis-Ingram, M.S.N., passed the AANP family certification exam in September

in December in 2004 and subsequently enroll

Flexible Programs Offer Opportunities for RNs to Earn Nursing Degrees

in the M.S.N. program. Another R.N. to M.S.N. student, Pamela Jean

2004. She is working for Emergency Physicians

(“P.J.”) Wagner, is completing her course work

of Central Florida, primarily at Sand Lake

and gaining clinical experience in community

Hospital in Orlando. She has recently had two

health in India. (See photo on page 11.)

articles/pictorals accepted for publication. “It’s

School Continues Concurrent Enrollment with Seminole Community College

elementary: How lack of childcare affects the nursing shortage” has been accepted by Nursing Spectrum News. “Atopic dermatitis,” with photos by Mullis-Ingram, has been accepted by

Thanks to an agreement formed in January

Consultant for Pediatricians magazine. In addition, she is a member of the Central Florida Advanced Practice Nursing Council. She lives in College Park, Fla., with her

RN to B.S.N. student Stephen Grant (left) discusses operations with his colleagues in an Air Force medical commander center.

The RN to B.S.N. and RN to M.S.N. programs

is an ARNP in internal medicine with Dr. David Cilbrith.

continue to offer students flexible opportunities to earn a college degree in nursing. The undergraduate courses are offered completely online and through classroom instruction at UCF’s campuses in Orlando, Daytona Beach,

Thomas K. Weichart, M.S.N., is a captain in the

Cocoa, Leesburg and Ocala. Selected M.S.N.

U.S. Army. He currently serves as the assistant

courses are also available online, and the

nurse manager of an emergency department at

nursing Leadership and Management Track is

Womack Army Medical Center in Fort Bragg,

offered completely online.

N.C. In addition to his nurse manager position, he also works as a critical-care nurse for a

The RN to B.S.N. has been particularly

combat support hospital.

successful, reaching students throughout the United States and abroad. Among its students is Stephen Grant, a second lieutenant in the Air Force Reserve and flight nurse who has been stationed at locations throughout the southeastern United States while completing his course work online. “I have enjoyed every minute,” wrote Grant in recent correspondence to Assistant Professor Linda Hennig, who coordinates the program. He plans to graduate


College who have been wait-listed for enrollment in UCF’s limited-access B.S.N. program are able to enroll in courses required

husband and two boys.

Diana Truex-Ives, M.S.N., B.S.N. (’02),

2003, students from Seminole Community

by UCF’s program while attending the community college, which is based in Sanford, Fla. Twenty students were in the first cohort to participate in the concurrentenrollment program. In 2003–2004, a second cohort of 10 students was carefully guided into this program. Coordination between the programs has been a challenge and careful student advisement has been critical. The school and community college continue to develop processes and administrative oversight requirements. Once firmly established, the program will be rolled out to other community colleges in the region. “This is a wonderful opportunity to facilitate baccalaureate education for those enrolled in a community college program,” noted Associate Professor Judith Ruland, coordinator of the concurrent enrollment effort.

Florida Center for Nursing The Florida Center for Nursing, established by the Florida Legislature in 2001 and housed at UCF, continues to address issues of supply and demand for nursing and to maintain a mutually beneficial relationship with the School of Nursing, according to center Director Mary Lou Brunell, who holds a courtesy appointment in the school.

Advisory Board Community Leaders

Ann Peach MD Anderson Cancer Center

Don Breeding Wuesthoff Hospital, Rockledge

Debbie Pusateri Florida Hospital

Linda Breum Central Florida Regional Hospital

Be Schafhauser Alumni Representative

Dennis W. Cahill Central Florida Family Health Center

Robin Severance Parrish Medical Center

Mercedes Clark Community Representative

Mary Ellen Shannon Wuesthoff Hospital, Melbourne

Willanne Colwell Orlando Regional Healthcare System

Maria Stahl Brevard County Public Health Unit

Nancy Ellis Winter Park Health Foundation

Diane Stover Adventist Care Centers

Priscilla Faucher Orange County Public Health Unit

Blake Warren Central Florida AHEC

Robert Faust UCF Student Health Services

Jayne Willis Orlando Regional Healthcare System

Karen Grim-Marcarelli Florida Hospital

Claudia Witcher UCF Student Health Services

Carol Krug Brevard County Public Health Unit Aura Lee Florida Hospital East Cindy Love Orlando Regional Healthcare System Betty Manco-Herman Holmes Regional Medical Center Jan McCoy Cape Canaveral Hospital Maureen Michael Central Florida Kidney Center Kathy Mitchell Florida Hospital, Celebration Sharon Moore University Behavioral Center

Community College Partners

The center provides opportunities for faculty members and students with health-policy and work-force interests. “We’ve had graduate students do practicums [at the center] and currently have a student who is working on a master’s degree project with us,” Brunell said. Earlier this year, Lynn Unruh and Antonio Trujillo, both assistant professors of health services administration, helped analyze the results of a license-renewal survey of Florida nurses conducted by the center to obtain muchneeded demographic information. Among the center’s major accomplishments in 2003–2004 was the drafting of a Statewide Strategic Plan for Nursing Workforce in Florida in collaboration with 12 key stakeholder organizations and agencies. The plan has since been endorsed by nine major statewide organizations. It can be viewed online at www. flcenterfornursing.org. Another achievement was the center’s hosting of the Second Annual Workforce Centers Conference, “Taking the Long View: Grassroots Nursing Workforce Initiatives,” in Orlando. The conference enabled 148 participants from 36 states (including Washington, D.C.) to gather and share their regional efforts in nursing work-force planning and retention, education and care delivery.

Laura Aramando Seminole Community College Connie Bobik Brevard Community College Gwen Lapham-Alcorn Central Florida Community College Linda Miles Daytona Beach Community College Susan Ricci Lake Sumter Community College Hal White Valencia Community College

The Florida Center for Nursing team (left to right): Mary Lou Brunell, executive director; Cathy Lewis, executive secretary; Jo Ann Miller, support staff member; and Sue Jones, assistant director


Donations to the University of Central Florida, College of Health and Public Affairs and School of Nursing

Report of Gifts July 1, 2003–June 30, 2004

President’s Medallion Society

Pegasus Circle Partners


Annual giving of $10,000 +

Annual giving of $500 to $999

Huey-Shys Chen Karen Dennis Paul Desmaris



Christy Fitzgerald

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.

Kathleen (’85) and Thomas Gillman

Ruth Halverson Patricia Hazelwood-Wiese

Central Florida Kidney Center, Inc.


Lygia Holcomb

Jean Kijek

Ermalynn Kiehl

Marcia and Bert Postrado

Barbara Lange

Annual giving of $5,000 to $9,999

Mary Lou Sole

Rosemarie Walsh

Pegasus Circle Supporters



Annual giving of $250 to $499

Sigma Theta Tau



(Up to $99)

LIFE at UCF, Inc.

Elizabeth Furia (’86)

Vivian Woods Trust

President’s Circle Benefactors

Renee Keller

President’s Circle Contributors Annual giving of $2,500 to $4,999

Judy Housel (’98) FRIENDS - Angeline Bush


Pegasus Circle Friends

AnKelly (’85) and Wayne Allred (’87)

Annual giving of $100 to $249

Joanne Barnett (’87)

Annual giving of $1,000 to $2,499

Ruth A. Pratt ’86

Rebecca Brewer (’01) Kim Cartwright (’87)

None applicable this year

President’s Circle Associates

Other Gifts


Karen Frost (’95)

Roberta Ann (’96) and

Rosemary Gavan (’82)

Christopher Crutcher (’95)

Glenn Hagerstrom (’99)

Zellajane Goodwin (’98)

Linda (’96) and E.G. Hennig, Jr.

Joan Goss (’98)

Erica Edgar Hoyt (’93)


Bruce Grant (’90)

Beverly Kardamilas (’87)

Valerie Browne-Krimsley

William Hamilton (’02)

Kerry Putegnat (’91)

Kay Howard

Mary Louise Jones-Freis (’88)

Miriam Therese Rafferty (’82)

Jean Leuner

Mary King (’91)

Suzanne Robbins (’00)

Janice Peterson

Betty Mayer (’96)

Shetonya Summers (’99)

Editha Ruiz (’95)

Bobby Whitson (’97)


Christine Ughy (’87)

Marilyn Willming (’86)

Central Florida Navy Nurse Corps Association

Carole Williams (’92)

Betty Wilson (’89)

Navy Nurse Corps Association


Renee Keller (right) with scholarship recipient Heather Henderson FRIENDS

Donors are recognized in the UCF Foundation

Shari Austin

Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors

Ida Baraybar

in the following levels:

Thalia Basora Karen Dow

• President’s Medallion

Cathy Fields

• President’s Circle

Michele Fitzgerald

• Pegasus Circle

Mary Fobell Jannie Gichia


Evelyn Hassey Reneé Meyer

Bert Fish Nursing Chair

Regina Myones

Blue Cross and Blue Shield Endowed

Heather Parker

Professorship in Nursing

Susan Pelliccio

Central Florida Kidney Center Endowed

Kristell Scott


Vicki Scott

Chatlos Endowed Fund

Frances and Robert Smith

(scholarships and professorship)

Elizabeth Stullenbarger

Dorothy Ann Perkins Tomlinson

Danny Thornton

Endowed Scholarship

Tracy Whitacre

Heather Scaglione Endowed Scholarship

Angie White

Winter Park Memorial Hospital

Karen and Mark Yerkes

Endowed Scholarship Vivian and Barry Woods Endowed

Donor Recognition and Special Entitlements

Scholarship Fund

Faculty Professorships

An invitation to the president’s appreciation dinner and recognition in the UCF Foundation Annual

Bert Fish Endowed Chair

Report and Honor Roll of Donors is given to

Angeline Bushy

donors in the following levels: Chatlos Endowed Chair • President’s Medallion

Emma J. Brown

• President’s Circle

The University of Central Florida, College of Health and Public Affairs and School of Nursing appreciate all of your generous financial contributions.

Renee M. Keller, Friend and Philanthropist In 2003, Renee M. Keller of Ormond Beach, FL, made a donation to establish two scholarships for UCF nursing students for one year. As a former nurse and widow of a physician, she was familiar with the challenges and needs of those who pursue a career in nursing and was interested in making a significant impact in assisting nursing students to achieve their educational goals. Keller’s enthusiasm and desire to help others did not stop there. After meeting with Professor Jean Leuner, director of the School of Nursing, and Professor Angeline Bushy, Bert Fish Eminent Scholar Chair in Nursing, to discuss the ongoing needs of nursing students, she established the Renee M. Keller Endowed Nursing Scholarship in 2004. This endowment provides two annual scholarships in perpetuity for students at UCF.

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida Endowed Visiting Distinguished Professorship In the spring of 2004, the “Blue Cross Blue Shield Endowed Nursing Professorship” was changed to the “Blue Cross Blue Shield Endowed Distinguished Professorship” following the school’s careful review of the goals of this program in consultation with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida. The amended endowment reflects the challenges of a changing and increasingly competitive nursing education environment. This year, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida also generously added another $100,000 to this endowment. The organization’s initial endowment in 2002 was $100,000, which was subsequently increased by an additional $50,000 in matching funds from the state. The creation and continuing support for this endowment exemplifies Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida’s commitment to nurture community health leadership and to foster and sustain quality health care.


School of Nursing Academic Programs

Regional Campuses and Online Opportunities

Degree Programs Basic B.S.N. RN to B.S.N. Accelerated Second Degree B.S.N. M.S.N. RN to M.S.N. Doctoral Program in Nursing

The School of Nursing offers programs and

Certificate Programs Nursing and Health Professional Education Adult Nurse Practitioner* Family Nurse Practitioner* Pediatric Nurse Practitioner* * Post-master’s certificate

courses beyond the Orlando campus. For example, the basic B.S.N. program is offered at the regional campus in Cocoa. Courses toward the RN to B.S.N. program are offered at campuses in Daytona Beach, Cocoa, Leesburg and Ocala.

In addition, the school is well known for its distance-learning opportunities. Both the RN to B.S.N. program and Leadership and Management Track of the M.S.N. program are offered as fully Web-based programs. Approximately 50 percent of the doctoral program is offered online.

Visit the UCF School of Nursing online at www.cohpa.ucf.edu/nursing

For comments, questions or more information: UCF Nursing — Access to Excellence School of Nursing College of Health and Public Affairs University of Central Florida P.O. Box 162210 Orlando, FL 32816-2210 (407) 823-2744 www.cohpa.ucf.edu/nursing E-mail: ucfnurse@mail.ucf.edu School of Nursing Jean Leuner, Ph.D. Director and Professor jleuner@mail.ucf.edu Mary Lou Sole, Ph.D. Professor and Contributing Editor msole@mail.ucf.edu College of Health and Public Affairs Belinda McCarthy, Ph.D. Dean mccarthy@mail.ucf.edu Karen Guin, M.A. Director of Communications kguin@mail.ucf.edu Jennifer Roth, M.A. Community and Alumni Relations Officer jeroth@mail.ucf.edu Angela Lewis, B.A. Editor Alan Smilie Photographer Cover and pp. 3 (simulator), 4-7, 16 (Weichart)


School of Nursing

University of Central Florida P.O. Box 162210 Orlando, FL 32816-2210

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