Form 8 sponsorship indowater mei 2015

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FORM 8 SHOW DIRECTORY ENTRY Stand No: Exhibitor: Return by March 31, 2015 to the Organiser PT. Napindo Media Ashatama

This FORM must be returned by all exhibitors. Please type. The Organiser will take all reasonable steps to ensure that any material submitted by exhibitors for inclusion in Show Directory or other material is reproduced accurately. Exhibitors must submit material for inclusion in Show Directory or other promotional items on strict condition that the Organiser is not responsible for any typographical or other errors which may appear for whatever reasons. The Show Directory will be published in English.

SHOW DIRECTORY ENTRY Name of exhibitor (as you wish it to appear in the Show Directory) Address Country Telephone



Each exhibitor is entitled to a free show directory entry of 100 words describing the company's product and services. Excess text will be adited without further consultation with the exhibitor.

If overseas company: name and address of agent, distributor, or regional ofďŹ ce Name Address City / Country Telephone



Person in charge of exhibition details Name of exhibiting company Signature Note :

Date If no form 8 submitted after the deadline, Organiser will use the data from the rigistartion forms REMINDER! WE SUGGEST THAT YOU COPY THIS FORM FOR YOUR RECORD

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