Hello from Secretariat - July 2022

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Hello from Secretariat

UCLG ASPAC is glad to welcome new staff and interns to join our works in serving cities and local governments in the Asia-Pacific region. Check out their profile below and join us to welcome them! NUR Hamidah, or Iid, is the new Climate Resilient and Inclusive Cities (CRIC) Project Coordinator. She will work closely with the Regional Project Manager to deliver activities in pilot cities, monitor the progress of targeted cities' climate action planning, and coordinate communication with key stakeholders, including pilot cities officials, project partners, and consultants. She holds a master’s degree in Urban Planning from Texas A&M University and a bachelor’s degree in Architecture from Institut Teknologi Bandung. She is also part of the International Module in Spatial Development Planning network offered by KU Leuven. She has seven years of professional experience as a consultant in development sectors, including the World Bank Group, UNICEF, and the Indonesia Ministry of Housing. She is interested in issues of climate justice and cities for all. She considers herself an advocate for sustainable mobility and inclusive cities. By joining UCLG ASPAC, she hopes to contribute strengthening the capacity of local governments to realize cities that can be enjoyed by everyone and are resilient toward shocks and stresses. In her free time, she likes to do outdoor activities such as hiking, diving, and urban tracking or stay at home crocheting, watching movies, and reading books.

AHMAD Arrofian Taufiq Hilmi is an intern supporting the Knowledge Management and Disaster Resilient Reduction division. As an undergraduate student of International Relations Major, University of Lampung, he supported the Knowledge Management and Disaster Risk Reduction division. As an undergraduate student majoring in International Relations from University of Lampung, Ahmad expects to improve skills and integrate them with his studies in International Relations. He enjoys travelling, art, movie, and

fashion, and was an Official Campus Ambassador of International Model United Nations (IMUN) in 2021. GALUH Pasha Balqis Ramadhanty is an intern supporting Knowledge Management Division. With educational background in Urban and Regional Planning from Institute of Technology Sepuluh November, she would like to create a career path on knowledge management on development cooperation work and have more international exposures. She also has interest in transportation, urband development, international relation, in addition to writing and storytelling.

MUHAMMAD Devandra Adiwinata is also an intern supporting the Knowledge Management Division. As a fresh graduate of Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Diponegoro, he is expecting to develop his ability in writing, improve knowledge on development issues in Asia-Pacific, and be able to contribute to the works of the organisation. He also has interests in research, cities, infrastructure, and development projects and loves music and running.

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