Highlight s Environment
Local economic development
Culture Urban Planning Heritage Preserva6on
Equality and social inclusion
Solo City Tradi,onal Market -‐ Pasar Gede Masks
Street sights – Becak Double-‐decker Tour Bus Mangkunegaran Palace
Bamboo Bienalle Fes,val
Gamelan Court music & orchestra
Museum of Ba,k – Danar Hadi
Lessons Learned • Build livelihood, not merely physical infrastructure
• Collaborate with local community, local ar6sts – build sense of belongingness and • We should not forget our culture in building our surroundings / ownership environment • Heritage means both tangible and intangible assets/resources • How to cope with urbaniza6on/moderniza6on, without sacrificing culture • Empowering people • Indigenous culture also supports local economy • Review of master plans and incorpora6ng modern changes • Culture is people • Role of local government units in developing public spaces and strengthening cultural integra6on • Provide plaGorm for youth engagement (social media, ICT, etc)
• Look into new ways of addressing finance / working with different partners, innova6on (ex. PPPP) • Many are interested to develop culture in their local governments – important to have capacity building / training • Need to revisit / understand history of the locality • Need to have a broader understanding of ‘culture’, beyond events, performances. Culture is our ‘way of life’
• Learning from people who have experience
• Connec6vity -‐ Understanding not only your poten6al, but also surrounding areas
• Compe66veness of ci6es and local governments
• Involvement of various stakeholders
Action Plans Vigan -‐ Conduct heritage impact assessment & include outskirts -‐ Coordinate with provincial government to ins6tu6onalize territorial planning
Baguio -‐ Deliver feedback to mayor and emphasize learnings from this Forum
Municipal Associa,on of Vadodara Bangladesh (MAB) -‐ Conduct cultural impact -‐ Find champions and ci6es who assessment are willing to integrate culture in their local planning
Maka, -‐ Joining the UCLG ASPAC Culture Commi\ee and ac6vely collaborate with future projects . Ac6vi6es
Magelang -‐ Coordinate with surrounding local authori6es for joint planning -‐ Seek support of UCLG ASPAC and its members in building knowledge and capacity
Trenggalek -‐ Prepare co-‐working space for skills development of beneficiaries
All-‐India Ins,tute of Local Self-‐Government (AIILSG) -‐ Integrate culture as a topic in the next South Asian Ci6es Summit
Jakarta -‐ Report to the Gov. and emphasize cultural protec6on -‐ Regrouping of stakeholders & develop city iden6ty and branding *Recommenda6on to review next submission to UNESCO World Heritage Ci6es
Male’ -‐ Develop plan to ensure local economic development without compromising local culture
Solo -‐ Encourage and create more programs in Solo based on success stories from other ci6es
Center for World Dance Studies (tbc) -‐ Conduct regular mee6ngs with local communi6es to find out their problems and create solu6ons -‐ Protec6on of local wisdom