Nation Religion King
The National League of Communes/Sangkats Communes/ Sangkats
Geographical Areas
Areas: 181,035 km2 Population:14.7 million (Census 2008) Capital: Phnom Penh (1.2 millions) Provinces: 23
Sub-National Structure Provinces/Capital (24)
Disticts/Muinicipalities/Khans (194)
Communes/Sangkats (1,633) (directly elected by citizens)
Energy Access Access to modern cooking fuels urban % HH, 2008 rural % HH, 2008
7.9 37.3 1.5
Electricity Access, national % HH, 2010 urban % HH, 2008 rural % HH, 2008
29.7 87 13
No. of people w/o access to electricity (2009) (mil.) 11.3 Population served by offoff-grid sources ((minigrids minigrids,, HH systems) 4% Electricity access target 70% of HH in 2030 (100% of villages)
Renewable Energy - Biomass - Biogas - Biofuel - Solar - Win - Hydro - Mini/Micro/pico Mini/Micro/pico hydro power - Other Renewable Energy sources
Transportation Infrastructure - Skippers - National Highways - Railways - Highways - Rural roads - Seaports and harbors - Airports Role of Public Transportation - Buses companies increase considerably but without any short distance bus - Railway’s just renovated (Aug 2012) - Taxi meter, Tuk tuk tuk,, moto dup, cyclo, cyclo, remoque moto - No subway
Energy Consumption to be reduced - Bio digesters - Small hydro power and biofuel - Hybrid diesel - Biomass wastes/biochar wastes/biochar production - Biomass gasifier - Used fuel generator - Geothermal/wind
Efficiency of Energy
- Loans of DPs focused on the natural resources and energy - National Miodigester Program - Rural Energy Strategy Program (National Gov.) - Rural electrification based on renewable energy (solar lanterns, Jatropha)) Jatropha
Challenges Regarding Energy, Renewable Energies and Rural Energy in Cambodia - Institutional Structure - Policy and Regulatory Framework - Programme Concerns - Access Issues - Financing Concerns - Gender Concerns - Monitoring and Evoluation Framework
Other resources to be increased - Green technology - Forest replantation - Biomass - Biogas - Biofuel - Solar - Win - Hydro - Other Renewable Energy
Efficient circular economy helps protect environment - Since the 1990th, Cambodia’s economic growth around 10% - Plus, revenues from minerals and newly found oil and gas reserves - Although its economic growth, funding support for environmental protection and management is still poor - Land grabbing, illegal logging, illegal fishing and mineral extraction are major concerns - However, local communities with funding support from dev. partners have established fishery and forestry communities.