UCLG ASPAC Members: Towards Low Carbon Cities
By Kalanidhi Devkota, Executive Director Municipal Association of Nepal (MuAN) UCLG ASPAC Congress, Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta, 3 Oct. 2012
World Cities & Top 5 SA Cities Per Capita Emissions (In Tonnes) London
New York
Washington, DC Kolkata Ranchi
19.7 1.83 1.97
Carbon Emission in Kathmandu
Per capita emission in Kathmandu city is 0.42 Ton
Sources of Carbon Emission in Kathmandu 76% of the total emission coming from Transportation 76%
2% 1%
7% of the total emission coming from Waste
0% 7%
Points to be Noted The GHG emission in Washington DC can be responsible for the droughts in Uganda, floods in the Philippines and Indonesia and melting glacier in Nepal Climate-induced disasters such as floods, landslides and droughts have killed more than 4,000 people in Nepal alone over the last 10 years. The economic losses caused by disasters add up to about USD 5.34 billion in Nepal World Bank's annual investments of US$ 140–175 billion are projected for the next 20 years and another US$ 30–100 billion per annum for climate change adaptation.
Venice continues to sink an average of one to two millimeters (0.04 to 0.08 inches) a year due to global warming.
Venice has begun sinking again and is even tilting slightly eastward, new satellite measurements have revealed.
The Imja Glacier below Mt Lhotse has melted to form a lake where there was only ice 30 years ago.-Bhrikuti Rai/Nepali Times.
Evidence of glacial retreat and receding snowlines is rapid and undeniable in Nepal. -National Geographic News
Vulnerable settlement in The Philippines
Roles of LG Associations
Regional LG Associations i.e., UCLG ASPAC, CITYNET, ICLEI etc need to play strategic roles by involving ASEAN, SAARC etc.
National LGAs i.e., MuAN, NLC/S, ADKASI etc have to support their members to develop their capacity, help develop GHG inventory & implementation
National LGAs should advocate and lobby for low carbon policy and engage private sector to invest in renewable energy, sustainable transport such as electric vehicle and cycle friendly roads.
National LGAs should ensure LG are incorporating responses to climate change in their planning, investment decisions, and emergencypreparedness plans.
Initiatives in Nepal
Nepal prepared its National Adaptation Program of Action (NAPA) for adapting to extreme climate events through consultative process. The document was shared with Parties to the UNFCCC in November 2010.
National Framework for Local Adaptation Plan for Action (LAPA) has also been developed for implementing adaptation actions, and integrating climate change into local development planning.
An Action to Promote Low Carbon Cities MuAN and ICLEA SA are coordinating “Toward Zero Waste in SA� supported by EU for 3 years
Implementing cities are: Coimbatore & Simla (India) Matale (Srilanka) Phunstonling (Bhutan) Hetuada & Tansen (Nepal) North Dhaka City (Bangladesh) AGRE (Austria) and VVSG (Belgium) Technical Supporter
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Namaste !