IGETC certified
• IGETC does not clear all lowerdivision GE requirements.
• Students with IGETC must complete these requirements before transfer or while enrolled at UC San Diego:
• 3 courses in Mathematics to include one course in Calculus and two courses chosen from an approved list.
• 4 courses in Natural Science to include courses from Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Environmental Sciences. Separate sequences available for Science majors and for Arts, Humanities and Social Science majors.
• HUM 100
All other transfer students
• After Transfer to UC San Diego, Revelle College will determine which of your transferable courses satisfy the first-year GE requirements.
• You must complete these upperdivision GE requirements
• HUM 100
• Revelle does not accept UC Reciprocity

IGETC certified
• IGETC clears all lower division GE requirements if certified by your community college before transfer.
• Students with IGETC must complete ONE of the following Writing courses at UC San Diego.
• MCWP 125 or 50
All other transfer students
• After Transfer to UC San Diego, Muir College will determine which of your transferable courses satisfy the first-year GE sequences.
• Transfer students must complete MCWP 40 & 50.

IGETC certified
• IGETC clears all lower-division GE requirements if certified by your community college before transfer.
• Students with IGETC must complete these upper-division GE requirements:
• 2 four-unit, upper-division courses outside your major, including 1 writing intensive course.
All other transfer students
• After Transfer to UC San Diego, Marshall College will determine which of your transferable courses satisfy the first-year GE requirements.
• You must complete these upperdivision GE requirements:
• 2 four-unit, upper-division courses outside your of your major's discipline, 1 writing-intensive course. Public Service option may fulfill one upper-division disciplinary breadth requirement.
IGETC certified
• IGETC clears all lower-division GE requirements if certified by your community college before transfer.
• Students with IGETC must complete these upper-division requirements while enrolled at UC San Diego:
• WCWP 100: Academic Writing
• 1 upper-division course outside of your major discipline.
All other transfer students
• After Transfer to UC San Diego, Warren College will determine which of your transferable courses satisfy the first-year GE requirements.
• You must complete:
• WCWP 100: Academic Writing. riting

IGETC certified
• IGETC clears all lower-division GE requirements if certified by your community college before transfer.
• Students with IGETC must complete these upper-division requirements while enrolled at UC San Diego.
• 2 Making of the Modern World courses designed for transfers: MMW 121-122.
All other transfer students
• After Transfer to UC San Diego, Roosevelt College will determine which of your transferable courses satisfy the first-year GE requirements (except you will be held to 2 upper-division Regional Specialization courses rather than 3).
• You must complete:
• 2 upper-division Making of the Modern World courses designed for transfers, MMW 121-122 (assumes 2 semesters of writing completed).
IGETC certified
• IGETC clears all lower-division GE requirements if certified by your community college before transfer.
• Students with IGETC must complete these upper-division GE requirements:
• Experiential Learning course or project (you must complete 1 quarter at UC San Diego before starting the Experiential Learning requirement)
• CAT 125 All other transfer students
• After Transfer to UC San Diego, Sixth College will determine which of your transferable courses satisfy the first-year GE requirements.
• You must complete these upperdivision GE requirements:
• Experiential learning course or project (you must complete 1 quarter at UC San Diego before starting the Experiential learning requirement).
• CAT 125

IGETC certified
• IGETC clears all lower-division GE requirements if certified by your community college before transfer.
• Students with IGETC must complete the following courses at UC San Diego:
• Synthesis 100 (4 units)
• High-Impact Course (2-4 units)
All other transfer students
• After Transfer to UC San Diego, Seventh College will determine which of your transferable courses satisfy the first-year GE requirements.
• You must complete:
• Synthesis 100 (4 units)
• High-Impact Course (2-4 units)

• IGETC clears all lower-division GE requirements if certified by your community college before transfer.
• Students with IGETC must completethe following courses at
• After Transfer to
• You must complete: •