UCSI_UnitC_2107_P1_Meru: History and its crises

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I mpact


TheEffect sofPr ogr essi veDevel opmenti nMer u

SegmentofSt udy:





Mer u:Hi st or i calCont ext andi t sCr i ses Mer u,Kl ang-Wi t ht her i seofci v i l i sat i onbegi nni ng f r om t heear l i estset t l ementofmen,Mer uhasgr own and dev el oped f r om a mer ev i l l age i nt oat hr i v i ng i ndust r i al par k. These v ar i ous act i ons done by humanf orpur posessuchasl ei sur e,ent er t ai nment , i ndust r y ,r ecr eat i on and shel t er has br ought on v ar i ous i mpact s t o t he peopl eʼ s phy si cal env i r onment . The f ol l owi ng di agr am st udi es t he posi t i v e and negat i v eeffect soft hepr ogr essi v edev el opment si n Mer ut hr oughsegment sofst udy ,whi char edi v i ded i nt of our . Eachsegmenti st henst udi edbasedont hef ol l owi ng i mpact s as cov er ed by t he medi a:

1.Envi r onment alI mpact

To i dent i f y any adv er se orbenefici almodi ficat i on r esul t i ngf r om oneʼ sact i v i t i es,pr oduct s,ser v i cesor i nact i onssuch ast hei mpact son t heenv i r onment r esul t i ng f r om t he pr oduct i on pr ocess i n t he i ndust r i ali ndust r yi nMer u.

2.Or gani sat i onalI mpact

To st udyt he effectofan or gani z at i on hason t he soci et y wi t hi n t he cont ex t . Wi t h t he gr owi ng i ndust r i alsect ori nMer u,ev er yor gani z at i onhasan i mpactonsoci et y ,nomat t erhow bi gorsmal li ti s, whet heri ti sadv ant ageousordi sadv ant ageoust o t hecommuni t y .

3.Economi calI mpact

Toev al uat et hecont ui nui nggr owt hofbusi nessesi n Mer u and how i t has affect ed t he economi cal si t uat i onorcy cl ewi t hi nt het ownaswel laswhet her i thas demonst r at ed how ev ent s dr i v e economi c benefit swi t hi nt hei ndust r y .Thechai nr eact i on of t hef ast gr owi ngi ndust r i alpar kt hathasat t r act ed t heat t ent i onoft hepubl i ct ogr ow orex pandt hei r busi nesses.

4.Soci alI mpact

To det er mi ne and addr ess t he pr essi ng soci al chal l engeont hel ocalcommuni t yofMer uasar esul t ofor gani sat i onal ,busi nessesori ndi v i dual sact i onor i nact i on t hat has di sr upt ed t he sur r oundi ng communi t i es.


I mpact


TheEffect sofPr ogr essi veDevel opmenti nMer u

Popul at i on Gr owt h Cl i mat eFl ashFl ood Soci al I mpact

Ur banSpr awl

1 2

Mer u:Hi st or i calCont ext andi t sCr i ses 1 1

Hi st or yofMer uKl ang

H u m a n S et t l ement t ha t c ont r i but edt ot he population gr owt h of t he peopl ei nMer u



Cr i t i calshor t ageofcemet er i esi nMer u I mpr oper t own pl a nni ng whi c h l ea ds t o poor di s t r i but i on of a meni t i ess uc ha sc emet er ys pa c e . T hi sc a us esl a c kofba s i cneedsof t hegr owi ngpopul a t i oni nMer u.


Set i aAl amʼ sDePal maaffor dabl e apar t mentopendayat t r act s2000peopl e I mpr oper t own pl a nni ng t ha tc a us es s egr ega t i on of s oc i a l c l a s s a mong t he c ommuni t ywhi c hl ea ds t o t he di s c onnec t i on ur ba na ndr ur a l hous i ng a r ea s .


I mpact


TheEffect sofPr ogr essi veDevel opmenti nMer u

Cl i mat eFl ashFl ood


Popul at i onGr owt h

Economi calI mpact Soci al I mpact


2 1

Mer u:Hi st or i calCont ext andi t sCr i ses 1

Super max ʼ sl and pur chase, RM65 mi l l i onwor t hofr ealest at e Population gr owt hf ol l owi ng t he j ob opport uni t i es offer ed i n t he i ndus t r i a l a r ea . E c onomy gr owt h wi t hi n t he i ndus t r i a l s ec t or


J apanese pul p and paper manuf act ur er t akes ov er l ocal compani es Population gr owt h wi t hj ob opport uni t i es offer ed i n t he i ndus t r i a l a r ea . G a in in g i nternati onal e x pos ur e a nd bus i nes sgr owt h.


St or ebr okei nby5maskedmen S oc i a lc l a s s ga p c a us es s oc i a l i nequi t yt ha tl ea ds t oi nc r ea s ec r i me r a t e a nd com m unity i ns ec ur i t y .


I mpact


TheEffect sofPr ogr essi veDevel opmenti nMer u

Popul at i on Gr owt h Cl i mat eFl ashFl ood Soci al I mpact

Ur ban Spr awl COVI D19

4 23


Mer u:Hi st or i calCont ext andi t sCr i ses 1

Set i ast ampsi t smar ki nKl angwi t h Tr i o Dev el opmentofnew t owns hi psc a us es popul a t i on gr owt h wi t h s ubur ba n mi gr a t i on.S egr ega t i on of s oc i a lc l a s s a mongt hec ommuni t ywhi c hl ea dst ot he di s c onnec t i on ur ba na nd r ur a lhous i ng a r ea s .


Top Gl ov e :EMCO i nv ol v ed 5700 wor ker si ndor mi t or i es

Pa ndemi c out br ea k c a us ed by t he i mpr operma na gementofa c c omoda t i on f orwor k er es .


1 Top Gl ov e deni es al l egat i ons of f or cedl abor

Poorc ooper a t ema na gementt ha tl ea dst o i nc i dent sof c hemi c a l wa s t es pi l l t ha tc oul d c a us eahea l t hha z a r dt ot hes ur r oudi ng env i r onment .I mpr operma na gementof t hewel lbei ngofwor k er st ha tgoa ga i ns t t hel a bour er s ’ r i ght s .


Bonenggangt ar get shi l l si dehouses, ar r est ed S oc i a l c l a s sga pc a us ess oc i a l i nequi t yt ha t l ea ds t o i nc r ea s e c r i me r a t e a nd c ommuni t yi ns ec ur i t y .


I mpact


TheEffect sofPr ogr essi veDevel opmenti nMer u

Ur ban Spr awl

Popul at i on Gr owt h

Envi r onment al I mpact

Economi cal I mpact Soci al I mpact

2 3

Mer u:Hi st or i calCont ext andi t sCr i ses 1

Boost i ng v i br ancy i n Set i a Al am I mpi an Dev el opmentofnew t owns hi psc a us es popul a t i on gr owt h wi t h s ubur ba n mi gr a t i on.S egr ega t i on of s oc i a lc l a s s a mongt hec ommuni t ywhi c hl ea dst ot he di s c onnec t i on ur ba na nd r ur a lhous i ng a r ea s .


Gr enade pl aced nearKl ang Sent r al bust er mi nalf ai l st oex pl ode S oc i a lc l a s s ga pc a us es s oc i a l i nequi t yt ha tl ea ds t oi nc r ea s e c r i me r a t e a nd c ommuni t y i ns ec ur i t y .


Repai r si npr ogr essf or10damaged r oadsar oundKl angSent r alt er mi nal


I na dequa t e a nd poor i nf r a s t r uc t ur e l ea di ng t o r oa d ha z a r ds t ha tc oul d ha r m t he c ommuni t y


I mpact


Nar r at i vePost er POPULATI ON




Smal l&Medi um Ent er pr i s e











SegmentofSt udy:





Ov er al l

Mer u:Hi st or i calCont ext andi t sCr i ses
















Begi nni ngf r om t heear l i erset t l ement si nMer ut ot hei ndust r i alsect or ,t her ei sev i dentpopul at i ongr owt hi nt het own. Suppor t edbyt heeconomi calgr owt ht hathasl edpeopl et ogr ow andex pandt hei rbusi nessest omeett hei rneeds,j ob oppor t uni t i esav ai l abl e.Howev er ,wi t ht heur banspr awl, t hi shasal sol edt ocompet i t i onbet weent heur banandr ur al ent er pr i sesduet odi ffer entsoci alcl asses hedi ffer entcommuni t i esgr owi ngi nonepl ace,t hi shasl edt oi ndi v i dualcommuni t ygr owt handcausesasoci alcl ass Wi t ht gap,whi chhasl edt ov ar i oussaf et yandsecur i t yconcer ns.Thef or ei gnwor kercommuni t yhas r ecent l ybecomeaheat ed i ssueamongt hepubl i cwi t ht heaccusat i onsoff or cedl aborandi mpr operl i v i ngcondi t i onashi ghl i ght edwi t ht her ecent pandemi cout br eak. Wi t ht he i ndust r i alsect orbei ng t he pr i nci palcause oft he dev el opmenti n Mer u,t her e has been ev i denti mpr oper managementwi t hi nt he f act or i es as wel li nf r ast r uct ur et o accommodat et hei rr equi r ement st hathas l ed t o mul t i pl e i nci dent st ot hesur r oundi ngenv i r onmentandcommuni t ysuchasflashfloodsandr ecur r i ngwat ercut sasar esul tofwat er pol l ut i on. Nonet hel ess,t her ecentCOVI D19out br eakamongt hef act or ywor ker si nMer uhasshi nel i ghtont het ownandbecomea hotdebat i ngi ssuewi t hi nourcommuni t y .Wi t houtt her ecentout br eak,t hesei ssueswoul dhav enotbehi ghl i ght edandf or ust ounder st andt heongoi ngi ssuesi nMer upr epandemi canddur i ngt hepandemi c.

01 lntroduct1on Urban Sprawl

HGURE U goo, m

What is Urban Sprawl? The expansion of poorly planned, low a density1 auto�dependent development that spreads out over large areas of land, putting long distances between homes 1 stores. and work. and creating a high segre�ation between resf dentia I and com nn ercia I usesI with negative consequences for the people who live In these areas as i.vell a.s the ecosystems and wildlife that have been displaced, is referred to as urban spra1i•.d ..

Effects of Urban Sprawl 1) automobile dependent - increased traffic congestion - higher air pollution - hea Ith issues 2) loss of undeveloped land � affects water sup ply � bus I nesses I schoo I s 1 services. etc. s pre@ d out - roads/buildfngs destroy farmland and wildlife h

gle ear1ti view of Men;


IMeru : C r'ises


Cr i sesSol ut i ons

Ur banSpr awl

Mer u:Fi ndi ngal t er nat i ves t ofixi ssues

FI GURE1. 1-exampl eofur banspr awl



1.Lowerl andr at es 2.Lackofur banpl anni ng 3.Lackofpr operl awst hatr egul at eur banpl anni ng 4.Lowerhouset axr at es 5.Popul at i ongr owt h 6.I mpr ov edi nf r ast r uct ur e

Uncont r ol l edandspr awl i nggr owt hi nphy si cal spacei s one oft he pr i mar ypr obl ems ofmet r opol i t an ci t i es. Ur ban spr awl ,whi ch can be defined as t he r api d per i pher algr owt h ofci t i es,i s cr i t i ci z ed i nt er ms of l eadi ngpr obl emssuchasoccupyi ngcul t i vat edar eas andenvi r onment ,r emovi ngawaymanyadvant ages pr ovi ded by nat ur al open spaces, i ncr easi ng t r anspor t at i oncost s,andt r ansf or mi ngci t ycent er s i nt odecayedar eas.

SOLUTI ONS smar tgr owt hor' new ur bani sm' 1.Ani ncr easei nhousi ngoppor t uni t i esf oral l . 2.Thecr eat i onofpedest r i anf r i endl ycommuni t i es. 3.Theencour agementofci t i z enpar t i ci pat i oni nt he communi t ydeci si onmaki ngpr ocess. 4. The dev el opment of communi t i es t hat ar e di st i nct i v eanduni que. 5.Thecr eat i onofoppor t uni t i est hatar ef av or abl et o t hepr i v at esect or ,si ncepr i v at esect ori nv ol v ement i sessent i alt osmar tgr owt h. 6.Thei nt egr at i onofav ar i et yofl anduset y pesi nt o t hecommuni t y . 7.Thepr eser v at i onofopenspace,agr i cul t ur alar eas, hi st or i c st r uct ur es and si t es,and env i r onment al r esour cest hatpr ov i decr i t i calser v i cest ot hear ea. 8.Ani ncr easei nt r anspor t at i onchoi ces. 9.Thesuppor tofur bandev el opmentt hati ncl udes, r at hert hanex cl udes,ex i st i ngnei ghbor hoods. 10.Thedesi gnandconst r uct i onofcompacthomes andbusi nessest hatuseener gyeffici ent l y .


Cr i sesSol ut i ons

Ur banSpr awl

Mer u:Fi ndi ngal t er anat i ves t ofixi ssues

FI GURE1. 2-Si mpl eshowcaseofsmar tgr owt horʻ new ur bani smʼ

CASESTUDY -ASSESSMENT OFURBAN DEVELOPMENT AND LANDUSECHANGESʼI MPACT ON THE ENVI RONMENT:A CASE STUDY OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT I N KLANG VALLEY REGI ON, MALAYSI A Thei ncr easi ngdemandf orhousi ng,empl oy mentoppor t uni t i es,i nst i t ut i onsandot herur banf aci l i t i esand ser v i cesduet omi gr at i onofr ur alandt ownʼ sdwel l er st our bancent r esl eadi ngt odr ast i cchangesof ur banl andcover si sbel i evedt obet hemai nf act orcont r i but i ngt ot hedegr adat i onofenvi r onment al qual i t i es,namel yt hei ncr easei nt emper at ur e,geohaz ar doccur r ences,aswel lasnoi se,ai randwat er pol l ut i oni nur banar eas.Thi sr esear chl ooksi nt ot hei mpacti mposedbyur bandev el opmentandl anduse changeupont het r endofenv i r onment alqual i t y .

FI GURE1. 3-Envi r onment alqual i t yenhancement .


Cr i sesSol ut i ons

Mer u:Fi ndi ngal t er nat i ves t ofixi ssues Ur banSpr awl-Appl yi ngNew Ur bani sm

FI GURE1. 4-Theappr oachadopt edf ort hi sst udy .

CASE STUDY -New Ur bani sm and t ownshi p devel opment si n Mal aysi a.Can New Ur bansi m be adapt edi nMal aysi a? The r esear ch was conduct ed t hr ough st r uct ur ed i nt er v i ews wi t h ex per i enced pr of essi onal s and pr act i t i oner si nt he pr oper t y dev el opmenti ndust r yi n Mal ay si a.The r esear ch was suppl ement ed by quest i onnai r est hataddr essedt hecommer ci alsi gni ficanceofv ar i ousnew ur bani stpr i nci pl est ot ownshi p dev el opment si nMal ay si abyusi ngaRel at i v eI ndexr anki ng.Ther esear chsuggest st hatal t hought her e ar epot ent i alcommer ci alappl i cat i onsoft henew ur bani stdesi gnconcept si nt ownshi pdevel opment i nMal aysi a,t hesehavet ober el at i vel ysel ect i vebasedonl ocat i onandmar ketposi t i oni ngoft he devel oper s.

FI GURE1. 5-Keypl ayer si nr ealest at edevel opment

Ont hequest i onofwhatwoul dbet hef ut ur edi r ect i onoft ownshi pdev el opmentconcepti nMal ay si a,t hose r espondent sf r om pr oper t ydev el opmentcompani esconcurt hatnew ur bani stpr i nci pl esar ei ncr easi ngl y bei ngadopt ed.Accor di ngt ot hem,t hef ut ur et r endwi l lf av ort hosewhocont i nuet ohav econcer nsabout t hesoci et y ʼ schangi ngneedsandconst ant l yst r i v i ngt oi nnov at eandt of ul filt hechangi ngdemands.Wi t h r egar dst ot hechangi ngneedofsoci et y ,ar espondentexpl ai nssucci nct l yt hatsoci alempower ment andconcer nf ort heenvi r onmentar eobser vabl ecur r entt r ends.Heal t hyl i v i ngenv i r onmentandsoci al obl i gat i onmayt aket hecent erst agei nf ut ur et ownshi pdev el opment s.


Cr i sesSol ut i ons

Poordr ai nagesyst ems

Mer u:Fi ndi ngal t er nat i ves t ofixi ssues

FI GURE2. 1-Theout comeofi neffect i vedr ai nagesyst ems



1.Dr ai nbl ockage 2.Damagei npi pes 3.I mpr operpi pei nst al l at i on 4.I mpr operwat erflow

Remov i ngst or mwat erandhousehol dwast ewat er( somet i mes cal l ed “ sul l age” ) i s an i mpor t ant env i r onment al heal t h i nt er v ent i on f orr educi ng di sease.Poor l ydr ai ned st or mwat er f or ms st agnantpool s whi ch wi l lpr ov i de br eedi ng si t es f or di sease v ect or s.Because oft hi s,some di seases ar e mor e common i nt he wetseason t han t he dr yseason.Househol d wast ewat er may al so cont ai n pat hogens t hat can pol l ut e ces,i ncr easi ngt her i skofdi seasessuchas gr oundwat ersour l y mphat i c fil ar i asi s.Poor dr ai nage can l ead t o floodi ng, r esul t i ngi npr oper t yl oss,andpeopl emayevenbef or cedt o move t o escape floodwat er s.Fl oodi ng may al so damage wat ersuppl yi nf r ast r uct ur eandcont ami nat edomest i cwat er sour ces.

SOLUTI ONS 1.St or mwat erdr ai ns 2.Sul l agedi sposalmet hods 3.Combi neddr ai ns 4.Bur i eddr ai ns






Cr i sesSol ut i ons

Poordr ai nagesyst ems

Mer u:Fi ndi ngal t er nat i ves t ofixi ssues

FI GURE2. 2-Gar bagebl ocki ngdr ai nagecausi ngafloodi nMer u.

CASESTUDY-Sust ai nabl eUr banDr ai nageSyst ems( SUDS)Mal aysi aExper i ence Sust ai nabl eur bandr ai nagepr ov i desasol ut i ont ot hi spr obl em.Sust ai nabl eur bandr ai nagesy st ems offercont r olatsour cesol ut i onandweneedt obeconsci oust hatt hesy st emsdonotonl ysol v et he flash flood and wat erscar ci t ypr obl emsbutal soourwat erpol l ut i on pr obl ems.Byi mpl ement i ng SUDS,Mal aysi acanavoi dflashflood,wat ershor t age( r ai nwat err euse)andwat erpol l ut i oni nt he nearf ut ur e


Cr i sesSol ut i ons

Mer u:Fi ndi ngal t er nat i ves t ofixi ssues I ndust r i alchemi calwast ewat er

mi t i gat i onsol ut i on

FI GURE2. 3-Wast ewat ert r eat mentpr ocessflow.

Duet oconst anti ndust r i alwast e,t her eneedst obeapr ocedur et oensur et hatal lwast ei st r eat ed bef or ei tent er st hegener alwat er s.I ndust r i alwast et akesat ol lonv ar i ousenv i r onment ali ssuessuch aswat erpol l ut i on.Thi swat erpol l ut i oncanki l lwi l dl i f eandhar mt heover al lecosyst em,andt he effect sofpol l ut edwat erhavel ef tsever alpl antandani malspeci esendanger ed. Mechani calWast ewat erTr eat mentPr ocesses Mechani calt r eat menti s pr et r eat mentofi ncomi ng wast ewat er pr epar i ngi tf orbi ol ogi calt r eat ment .Att hi sst age,coar sei nsol ubl e i mpur i t i esar er emov ed.Mi ner alpol l ut esar er emovedupt o70% andBOD ( Bi ochemi caloxygendemand)i sr educedby30%.

Bi ol ogi calWast ewat erTr eat mentPr ocesses Bi ol ogi calt r eat ment sr el yonbact er i a,nemat odes,orot hersmal l or gani smst obr eakdownor gani cwast esusi ngnor malcel l ul ar pr ocesses.Sci ent i st shav e been abl et o cont r oland r efine bot h aer obi candanaer obi cbi ol ogi calpr ocessest oachi ev et heopt i mal r emov alofor gani csubst ancesf r om wast ewat er .

Chemi calWast ewat erTr eat mentPr ocesses Chemi cal wast ewat er t r eat ment f or ces cont ami nant st hat ar e di ssol v ed i n wast ewat er t o separ at e mor e easi l yt hr ough t he t ar get ed addi t i on ofspeci ficsubst ances.Dur i ng pr eci pi t at i on,a pr evi ousl y di ssol ved subst ance i st ur ned i nt o a di ssol ubl e subst ancet hatcanbefil t er edf r om t hel i qui d.


I nt r oduct i on

Ur banSpr awl

1. Provide the safe passage for less frequent flood & to combat larger flood 2. Minimise the environmental impact of urban run-off on water quality 3. Enhance the urban landscape & optimize the land available for urban development

Pandemic Prevention Practice Proper quarentine standards & procedures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 cases

3. The government enforces the factory communities to take SWAB Test for COVID-19 within short period

Key issues impacting Social equality in Meru



Klang Municipal Council Hawker and Market Management Department director Azhar Samsudin said traders at the wet market in Meru found it difficult to operate without foreign workers. Health Department director Azmi Muji said the council’s health inspectors had conducted random checks at 104 factories at Meru and found living conditions at 25 dormitories to be very poor. More than 200 illegal foreign workers were arrested after the Immigration Department raided a factory in Meru, Klang, on Wednesday (June 30)

City-dwellers that fall within the B40 income category are regarded as the urban poor. Klang Valley’s urban poor communities are faced with low household income, low human, social and financial capital. The rural community suffers other deprivations such as inadequate housing and job insecurity, disempowerment and lack of basic infrastructure and services, insufficient social protection, and lack of access to health care, education, and personal security.



Businesses in Meru Klang say they are surviving on the patronage of regulars and the neighbourhood community: A line of people are in front of Yap Kee, a kopitiam in downtown Klang, waiting patiently for their turn to choose which dishes.Such a sight, which used to be an everyday affair, has become rare now as businesses here and in other parts of the country struggle to deal with the economic impact of Covid-19. “While online orders can be helpful, it is thanks to the local community here that I am operating well enough to cover some of the cost,’’ - Iswaran Yamakaya, 51, a banana leaf business owner

The government will build a new secondary school to help resolve the problem of overcrowding in SMK Meru, Klang, Selangor, said Deputy Education Minister Datuk P. Kamalanathan. On "Ace It Easy," Kamalanathan said the pioneer programme by Ascendance Sdn Bhd was aimed at helping students, especially those in Forms Four and Five excel academically and in non-academic areas, and will be implemented in 10 selected SMK in Selangor.

Center the conversation about Social Equity around Housing When the firm ISA embarks on new projects, it often frames them through the lens of how much design can address racial disparities in the city. ISA principals Deb Katz and Brian Phillips explain how their multi-family projects both built and conceptual support physical activity, social interaction, and emotional well-being. “While the social, economic, and health equity issues that our book takes on are incredibly complex, better-designed, more affordable housing can play an important role in addressing them,” Kubey says.

Case Study: Baishizhou 5 Villages Urban Regeneration Research,Shenzhen 2013

Urbanus, a firm in Shenzhen, China, is researching ways to develop housing in an inclusive way. Its Baishizhou Five Villages Urban Regeneration research in Shenzhen, from 2013, is based on the existing urban village layout, which the developer had originally planned to clear away before rebuilding. Urbanus suggested conserving the existing community and providing additional development on top. by mixing different spatial functions, the redevelopment process would offer inclusiveness rather than segregation.

In this research, we studied the urban fabric of Baishizhou and adopted the strategy of reallocating the architectural space based on functional zones. In addition, URBANUS studied the typologies of hyper density architecture specific to each zone and included the typologies of new compensation housing, innovation apartments and super high-rise buildings. Particularly, URBANUS proposed to set a buffering zone in between different zones in order to release more urban space as well as to explore new ways to preserve the buildings in urban villages.

INTERPRETATION Social equality remains a global ideal yet to be obtained. Hierarchies continue to exist worldwide in which different groups of people are distinguished and consequently experience differential treatment that produces divergent daily realities. While the world we live in today is the most socially aware and connected in human history, too many people still experience the daily indignities created by social injustice in all its variations. Our legacy and long-term relevance depend on our ability to help close the divides of class, gender, and race through the power of design. To that end, I believe that architecture has an essential role in advancing this through solutions in the built environment and through rigid community involvement.

Road Network System in Meru, Port Klang, Malaysia and Impacts to Travel Patterns In terms of width of lane, the existing narrow widths of lane in Meru are not suitable to cater for the capacity of freight and private vehicle movement from or to the port city. The size and width of current road lanes cannot accommodate the capacity of vehicles based on traffic volumes in Port Klang. (Port Klang Authority, 2010)

Several problems have been identified that limit a road network system from meeting the standard of green logistics in Malaysia. The major problems that have been identified are the connectivity and accessibility of the road network system in the study area. Port Klang is a “last mile connectivity” for freight and cargo movement to transfer the goods. The connectivity and accessibility of the road network system in Port Klang is not efficient and create traffic congestion in the area. The current road network system in Meru consists of federal road and city roads. Maintenance of federal roads is the responsibility of Public Works Department through the provision of the Federal Government. Persiaran Raja Muda Musa and Jalan Kem are part of the alignment of Federal Road 2 that connects the study area to nearby cities such as Klang, Shah Alam, Petaling Jaya, and Kuala Lumpur.

Interventions to reduce traffic congestion 1.Optimise traffic-light management 2.Use CCTV to monitor road conditions 3.Enforce existing road traffic laws 4.Improve perceptions of buses 5.Extend residents’ parking zones 6.Charge for workplace parking 7.Improve cycling infrastructure 8.Improve bus services 9.Develop and refine park-and-ride 10.Use Inbound Flow Control 11.Rationalise distribution and deliveries 12.Existing rail network 13.Light rail 14.Strategic Road Network resilience 15.Road pricing

Optimise traffic-light management Urban Traffic Management Control systemscan be very effective in maximising road capacity by varying the timing of traffic lights to match demand in real time.

The main cause of the problem could be the “out-of pocket money” incurred by motorists to pay the toll charges that are relatively higher than other tolled roads in the area. Other factors could be the longer and inconvenience road gradients on newer highways, on which they have to travel and maneuvre, especially when their lorries are fully loaded. The reduction in travelling time is not highly significant as compared to the lorry drivers’ out-of pocket money for the toll

Enforce existing road traffic laws Illegal parking, waiting, loading/unloading obstructs traffic flow, reduces capacity at junctions, holds up buses, and increases danger to those walking or cycling.

Improve cycling infrastructure “Build it and they will come” is as true of cycle paths as of roads – as long as they provide a continuous connection between places that people want to travel between, without dangerous junctions or road crossings.

Use Inbound Flow control Inbound Flow Control (queue relocation) is a powerful technique for managing morning peak traffic flows efficiently, and for providing bus priority without the need to build bus lanes right into a city.

PRODUCED BY AN in AUTODESK STUDENT VERSIO Suggested actions of key locations Meru CCTV USE Use of CCTV at junctions allows traffic managers to see breakdowns, collisions and other causes of congestion

REMOVE BUS LANE Key bus stops with lot of pedestrian flow adds to the congestion of meru. Eliminating these crowdedbus lanes or splitting them will improve traffic flow. OPTIMISING TRAFFIC LIGHTS maximising road capacity by varying the timing of traffic lights to match demand in real time. When lights are all co-ordinated responsively to demand, incidences of ‘blocking back’ leading to gridlock can be minimised. CYCLE LANE / BAN CARS FROM MAIN ROAD No parking on the main road through meru reduces obstruction to traffic flow and these allow for cycling paths to be implemented. WIDEN ROADS Widening the main road crossing acrtoss meru to port klang, would reduce the congestion time by a wide margin.

INTERPRETATION The impacts of the road network system in Meru towards human travel patterns affect the road network system itself. In order to achieve sustainable development, we need to know how people behave in travel before implementing and enforcing something new which may impact the people’s lives. A mixed implementation between high capital investments like widening of major roads to manage the ever increasing flow of traffic to light investments such as better traffic lights implementation seems to be the way forward.


Cr i sesSol ut i on

Nar r at i vePost er

Thepost eri saboutadapt i ngal lt hesol ut i ont ocr eat e ani dealci t yofMer u. Encour age peopl et o wal k out si de oft he bui l di ng. Seper at et he mai nt r affic pat h( hi ghway) and t he communi t yt r afficpat h,pr oposi ngl essmobi l i t yi nt own bywal ki ng,cycl i ng,and t aki ngpubl i ct r anspor t( bus, l r t ) .CLQ can be i nst al latt he boundar y ofr ur al& i ndust r i alar eaf orbet t ert r anspor t at i on& accessi bi l i t y t o wor k.Mor ei nt er act i on wi t h publ i c spaces ar e pr oposed t o connectt he communi t y wi t h nat ur e,t o pr eser vet hecommuni t yʼ si dent i t y .Pl ant at i on can be usedbyt hewor kerandal sot hecommuni t y ,whi cht hi s may hel p on sol vi ng some f ami ne i ssue.Ecogr een bui l di ngs ar e al so pr oposed t ot he ur ban ar ea t o pr ovi de bet t er ai r qual i t y & act as i nfil t r at i on of r ai nwat err unoff t ot hel owr i sear eat opr eventflash flood.I t al so pr oposed t o find new user sf or ol d st r uct ur est ohel ppr eser ve& r evi t al i sehi st or i cpl aces bypassedbysubur bangr owt h.

Connect i v i t yi sani mpor t antf act ort hati mpact st hespat i alst r uct ur easwel lascont r i but est odev el opmentofci v i l i sat i on.Thi si s appl i cabl ei nt hecaseofMer uasKl angr i v erhaspl ay edani mpor t antr ol et oal l ow communi t yaccesst oKl angi nt hepastt i me.The set t l ement si nKl angwhi chcanbeseent odayar ear esul toft hest r at egi cgeogr aphi call ocat i onofKl angl ocat ednex tt ot heMal acca St r ai t s.Theear l i erset t l ement si nKl angwer eal soar esul toft her i chnessoft i nor ei nKl angt hathadat t r act edmanki ndt oset t l edown andbegi nt ogr ow t hei rcommuni t i esandcar r youtagr i cul t ur alact i v i t ysuchaspal m oi lpl ant at i on. Wi t ht hedev el opmentofr oadt r anspor t at i onandi nf r ast r uct ur es,t hesehav ebecomegr owt hcor r i dor swhi chal l ow ci t i est oex t endi nt o subur banandr ur alar eas. AndOv ert hey ear s, Mer uwi t ht heeffici entt r anspor tconnect i v i t yhasseenanev i dentpopul at i ongr owt handr api ddev el opmentar ound t het own.Thei ndust r i alsect ori sat hr i v i ngeconomi calact i v i t yi nMer uwi t ht hesuppor tofl ogi st i caleffici ency . Despi t e bei ngt he mai n economi calcont r i but or ,I ndust r i al i z at i on i sone oft he mai nf act or st hatcont r i but esa bi gpar tofcr i ses happenedi nMer u.St ar t i ngbyat t r act i ngt hepubl i c' sat t ent i onasapot ent i aldev el opmentar ea,Mer ucoul dobser v et hecur r entur ban spr awlcr i si shappeni ngar oundt het own,flashfloodandwat ercuti ssuesduet oi nadequat ei nf r ast r uct ur esandwat erpol l ut i on,soci al i nequi t ywi t ht her i seoff or ei gn mi gr antwor ker sand t hesoci alcl assgap ofr ur aland ur ban communi t i es.Thi si st her esul tof negl i gencebyt her espect i v emanagement st hati sunabl et opr ov i depr opert ownpl anni ngorgui del i nest obecompl i edbyt hef act or i es. Ther ef or e,t hi sdr awi ngi st ospr eadawar enessont hecur r enti ssuesi nMer uandt opr omot et heneedf orsol ut i onst opr ev entf ut ur e cr i sesi nMer u. Shi ni ngl i ghtont hei ndust r i alsect or s,woul di tonl yber ecogni sedast heel ementt hatcont r i but edt ot heboomi ngeconomyi nMer uor woul di tal sobeal i abi l i t y ,l i ker ust s,causi ngcr i si st hatcoul dt eart het ownapar t .

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