appraisal of a decade of local sustainability in the Basque Country 2000-2010

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Appraisal of a decade of Local Sustainability in the Basque Country 2000-2010

Appraisal of a decade of Local Sustainability in the Basque Country 2000-2010



Edition: May 2012

IHOBE, Public Environmental Management Company Alameda de Urquijo 36, 6th floor - 48011 Bilbao Tel.: 94 423 07 43 • Fax: 94 423 59 00 Published by: Ihobe, Public Environmental Management Company. Basque Government Department of Environment, Spatial planning, Agriculture and Fisheries. Contents: This document has been produced with the help of Minuartia Enea. Designed by: Woko Creativos. Translation: Elhuyar. Printed entirely on recycled paper.

The contents of this edition of this book are published under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial, No Derivatives 3.0 Unported Licence (for more information see

Appraisal of a decade of Local Sustainability in the Basque Country 2000-2010




01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

Executive summary

General framework and context

SpeciďŹ c characteristics of Local Agenda 21 in the Basque Country

Local Agenda 21 promotion and development stages

AIDAR strategy for promoting Local Agenda 21 processes and developing UDALSAREA 21

Results of the implementation of the Action Plans

External relations and promotion

Local Agenda 21 success factors

06 10 12 20 22 30 34 38


Executive summary

Appraisal of a decade of Local Sustainability in the Basque Country 2000-2010


This document takes stock of the 10 years of Local Agenda 21 implementation in the Basque Country, with special emphasis being placed on the period running between 2007 and 2010. This document complements the one compiled previously which took stock of the period 2000-2006. From 2000 to 2010, 4 basic stages can be observed in the gradual maturing of the Local Agenda 21 (LA21) initiative: 2000-2002, 2003-2005, 2006-2009 and from 2010 onwards. These stages are characterised (respectively) by the gradual incorporation of the Local Action Plan design, its implementation, annual assessment and periodic review. The stages also coincide with the periods of the Basque Network of Municipalities– Udalsarea 21’s 3 Strategic Plans for Sustainability. The following are 6 specific actions which have helped promote Local Agenda 21 in the Basque Country

• Close coordination and alignment of Local Agenda 21 with supramunicipal policies (Environmental Framework Programmes and the EcoEuskadi Sustainable Development Strategy 2020).

• The adoption of a strategic approach to the development of the Local Agenda 21 LAPs, using the strategic instrument AIDAR and the Udalsarea 21 Strategic Plans.

• The development of a networking culture and a culture of shared services within the framework of Udalsarea 21.

• Viewing the Local Agenda 21 LAPs as an annual management instrument for local sustainability policies, which incorporates to this end a common methodology and shared computer and technical services.

• Viewing Local Agenda 21 as a model for achieving global quality in processes and for ensuring continuous improvement.

• The setting up of the Basque Country Local Sustainability Observatory.

Executive summary



Appraisal of a decade of Local Sustainability in the Basque Country 2000-2010

The progress made in the development of Local Agenda 21 processes over the last decade has been both notable and constant. Whereas in the year 2000, the vast majority of municipalities (92%) had still not initiated Local Agenda 21 processes, by 2010, 95% of them had approved Plans. 75% of these municipalities form part of Udalsarea 21, 40% annually assess the Plan’s degree of implementation and 7% are engaged in advanced Local Agenda 21 processes as the result of their commitment to and the quality of their LA21initiatives. As a result of the promotion of Local Agenda 21, Action Plans have been implemented in almost all Basque municipalities (a total of 239 Plans with approximately 25,000 actions). Consequently, an enormous number of actions have been carried out which contribute to the environmental, social and economic improvement of the municipalities in question. The areas in which the greatest number of actions have been implemented are mobility, followed some way behind by waste management, wellbeing and social inclusion and territory and planning. In addition to these actions, the work carried out by Udalsarea 21 has also helped obtain other positive results, including:

• The creation and/or strengthening of environmental technical services and local council departments, which in turn has boosted local sustainability policies and helped integrate sustainability criteria into the design and development of local public policy.

• Creation and promotion of citizen engagement processes and organisations, which constitute in themselves novel experiences in many municipalities.

• The fostering of communication and awareness-raising regarding sustainability.

• The strengthening and structuring of local environmental and sustainability policies, establishing (through Local Agenda 21) a general framework for management planning and initiatives which contribute to local sustainability.

• The promotion of the culture and practice of target-based public management.


Executive summary

Appraisal of a decade of Local Sustainability in the Basque Country 2000-2010


As regards foreign relations, during the initial stage, the promotion of Local Agenda 21 initiatives in the Basque Country was based on what we learned from the experiences of other regions. As the Local Agenda 21 and Udalsarea 21 processes have matured, this relationship has grown into one based on mutual exchange, and the Basque Country has since become a shining example in both Spain and Europe as regards the promotion and development of Local Agenda 21. Finally, the following factors have been essential to the success of Local Agenda 21 promotion in the Basque Country over the 2000-2010 period:


Local Agenda 21 has been considered a key component of Basque sustainability policy.


A strategic approach has been adopted to the development of Local Agenda 21 LAPs.


The Basque Network of Municipalities for Sustainability, Udalsarea 21, has been created and developed.


The different public institutions of the Basque Country have been actively involved and have cooperated in the initiative.


The position of head of Local Agenda 21 has been created and consolidated.


The annual assessment of the actions carried out and the results obtained has been incorporated.


The principle of acknowledging those local councils which demonstrate the greatest degree of commitment and effort has been gradually implemented.


Socioeconomic aspects have been taken into consideration.


Local Agenda 21 has become a framework instrument for other policies.

10. A commitment has been made to communication and citizen engagement.

Executive summary



General framework and context


Appraisal of a decade of Local Sustainability in the Basque Country 2000-2010

The Basque Country is one of Spain’s 17 autonomous regions. It is situated in the north of the Iberian Peninsula, forming the border between France and Spain along the Bay of Biscay, right at the centre of a major communications route linking Europe with the Peninsula. It has a surface area of just over 7,000 square kilometres and a population of around 2,100,000. It has a per capita income of €30,095 (2010), which is 35% higher than the European Union mean, and a strongly industrial economy with strong ties abroad. Due to its mountainous terrain, high population density and intense economic activity, land is an especially scarce natural resource. The Basque Country has 251 municipalities spread over its three provinces. Only 3% of these municipalities have over 50,000 inhabitants, and 60% have a population of under 2,000. Due to the territorial and demographic characteristics of the region, the municipalities themselves differ widely, ranging from extremely urban and industrial large towns and cities, to rural and agricultural villages or coastal tourist destinations. For many years now, the marked consequences of the Basque Country’s industrial activities on the environment, as well as the effects of other sectors such as the residential and transport industries, have prompted the Basque institutions (the Basque Regional Government, the Provincial Councils and the Local Councils) to implement a wide variety of actions aimed at moving the region towards a more sustainable development model. These actions include those aimed at supporting the implementation of Local Agenda 21 in all Basque municipalities, an initiative which has been actively pursued throughout the last decade (2000-2010).

Donostia San Sebastián Bilbao Berlin Durango


Basque Country

Vitoria Gasteiz

Lasarte Eibar Arrasate Tolosa


At the end of 2010, 239 municipalities had implemented Local Agenda 21 programmes. This represents 95% of all Basque municipalities and over 99% of the region’s population.

Municipalities with LA21 and members of Udalsarea 21 Municipalities with LA21 Municipalities without LA21

Figure 1 • Development of LA21 in the Basque Country municipalities

General framework and context



SpeciďŹ c characteristics of Local Agenda 21 in the Basque Country


Appraisal of a decade of Local Sustainability in the Basque Country 2000-2010

The promotion of Local Agenda 21 in the Basque Country throughout the 2000-2010 period has been based on an approach rooted in the specific elements shown in the figure below, and described in the following paragraphs.

Multilevel alignment of sustainability policies

BAR local sustainability observatory

Strategic approach to the development of Local Agenda 21

Specific elements of Local Agenda 21 in the Basque Country

Global process quality and continuous improvement

Networking culture and shared services

LAPs as management instruments

Figure 2 • Specific elements of the development of LA21 in the Baque Country

Coordination and alignment of Local Agenda 21 with supramunicipal policies: Environmental Framework Programme and EcoEuskadi 2010 The development of Local Agenda 21 was established as a priority objective and commitment of Basque sustainability policies by the 1st Environmental Framework Programme, and was later endorsed and consolidated in the 2nd and 3rd Environmental Framework Programmes, as well as, more recently, by the Basque Sustainable Development Strategy: EcoEuskadi 2020. Being so closely linked to a key commitment of the region’s sustainability policies has lent LA21 great force, as well as providing firm, ongoing support by the various supramunicipal authorities. Moreover, having a decade-old stable working framework is an advantage that sets us apart from other regions. This circumstance has proved essential to consolidating certain policies which, by nature, require a certain time to mature - something which is not always coincident with political cycles. Coupled with the development of the Udalsarea 21 network, the maturing of Local Agenda 21 processes, the structuring of the various municipal departments and technical services and the establishment of a specific sustainability policy which did not exist before the year 2000, have all resulted in the creation of a framework which renders the relationships existing between the regional and local levels much more fluid as regards sustainability policies. This in turn helps align objectives and develop national policies at a local level. It also helps formulate and implement the Basque Country sustainability policies from a local perspective. The multilevel integration of policies has been achieved in relation to both framework policies (EcoEuskadi 2020 and the Environmental Framework Programmes) and sectoral policies (Basque Plan for Fighting Climate Change, Basque Plan for Environmentally-Sustainable Consumption, etc.).

Specific characteristics of Local Agenda 21 in the Basque Country



Appraisal of a decade of Local Sustainability in the Basque Country 2000-2010

Alignment of objectives and development of policies at a local level

Sustainability Policies in the Basque Country: EcoEuskadi 2020 Environmental Framework Programmes

Influence on the design of supramunicipal sustainability policies

Local Agenda 21 Processes Municipalities / Udalsarea 21

Figure 3 • Multilevel alignment of sustainability policies in the Basque Country

The incorporation of a strategic approach to the development of Local Agenda 21 LAPs One essential factor in the development of Local Agenda 21 initiatives in the Basque Country has been the use of strategic approaches and tools by the Basque Government to develop its support policies. The key elements here are: • The design of medium and long-term support instruments and services which anticipate the future needs of LA21 processes as they mature. Basically, this means designing instruments clearly aimed at helping and encouraging the processes to mature. • The inclusion of municipalities as key figures in the definition of the support services to be provided. The main instruments used were:

The AIDAR strategic marketing instrument This instrument consists of formulating and implementing initiatives and services aimed at fostering and facilitating the development of LA21 processes in stages, defined in accordance with the degree of maturity of the process in question. Municipalities can be divided into the following maturity stages:



those municipalities which have not yet initiated a LA21 process.


those which are compiling or have compiled a LAP.


those with a LAP underway and which are members of Udalsarea 21.


those Udalsarea 21 members who carry out LAP monitoring and follow up.


those municipalities which are members of Udalsarea 21, carry out LAP monitoring and follow up and have more mature processes.

Specific characteristics of Local Agenda 21 in the Basque Country


Appraisal of a decade of Local Sustainability in the Basque Country 2000-2010

s’ alitie p i c i Mun

21 nda e g A cal to Lo n o i t rela nt in e m elop f dev o s Action e stag


Demand Interest


Figure 4 • AIDAR strategy for developing LA21 in the Basque Country

Specific services per stage

The services and activities linked to the “Demand”, “Action” and “Recognition” stages have been provided/carried out since 2003 within the framework of the Udalsarea 21 network.

Udalsarea 21 - Strategic Plans: I (2002-2005), II (2006-2009) and III (2010-2015) For each period, the Strategic Plans define the strategic framework for developing the network (Vision, Mission, Values and Strategic Objectives), the specific actions to be taken (programme of action and list of services), the monitoring instruments to be used (indicators) and the operating bodies responsible for this.

Specific characteristics of Local Agenda 21 in the Basque Country



Appraisal of a decade of Local Sustainability in the Basque Country 2000-2010

The development of a networking culture and shared services In 2002, the Network of Basque Municipalities for Sustainability, Udalsarea 21, was set up. The network initially encompassed 16 municipalities. By 2010, the network had 188 member municipalities and had become the principal forum for driving, orienting and aligning the actions of its members in relation to local sustainability policies, enabling them to share and access resources and facilitating a wide range of useful, high-quality services adapted to its members’ diverse needs and circumstances. Udalsarea 21 provides its member municipalities with a list of 28 different services, grouped into the following categories: information, training, methodology, computer services, finance, consulting and technical assistance and recognition activities.

Local Agenda 21 LAPs as annual management instruments for local sustainability policies Local Action Plans are designed to serve as management instruments. Consequently, the network of municipalities, Udalsarea 21, has established a blanket implementation model This model includes the following tasks, which together make up an annual management cycle for the LAPs. - PROGRAMMING of actions - EXECUTION of actions - ASSESSMENT of the degree of IMPLEMENTATION of the Local Action Plan - Calculation of SUSTAINABILITY INDICATORS

This annual cycle is accompanied by the LAP REVIEW task, which consists of drafting a new Plan in accordance with a common methodology, once the old Plan has expired. The computer application MUGI 21, installed in over 150 municipalities within the network, facilitates the integrated management of all these tasks. It also enables the subsequent uploading of all the information to the Basque Country Local Sustainability Observatory, thus enabling means to be calculated, municipalities to be compared and development to be analysed. The Local Agenda 21 management model in the Basque Country aims to foster target-based management which prioritises efficacy, efficiency and quality, thus improving the results obtained and increasing the satisfaction level of the population.


Specific characteristics of Local Agenda 21 in the Basque Country


Appraisal of a decade of Local Sustainability in the Basque Country 2000-2010

Social and environmental improvement IEW EV R P LA d 2n

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year 1


year 9

year 10

Figure 5 • Management model for Local Action Plans and progress of sustainability in the municipality

SpeciďŹ c characteristics of Local Agenda 21 in the Basque Country



Appraisal of a decade of Local Sustainability in the Basque Country 2000-2010

A model oriented towards global process quality and continuous improvement Local Agenda 21 processes in the Basque Country are based on the 5 attributes shown in the figure below. The aim is for all processes to incorporate these attributes to the greatest possible degree. To achieve this aim, Udalsarea 21 has recently set up a multi-criteria global quality assessment system for each process, called tak21. This system incorporates both quantitative (degree of implementation of the Action Plans, value of the local sustainability indicators, etc.) and qualitative (political leadership, quality of citizen engagement, etc.) indicators. Thanks to this system, each municipality can self-assess its own process and compare itself with others, thus identifying its strengths and areas of improvement for the future.




Local Agenda 21 Process



Figure 6 • Quality attributes of the Local Agenda 21 processes in the Basque Country


Specific characteristics of Local Agenda 21 in the Basque Country


Appraisal of a decade of Local Sustainability in the Basque Country 2000-2010

Basque Country Local Sustainability Observatory Udalsarea 21 has set up a Local Sustainability Observatory for the Basque Country, which gathers a vast amount of valuable information which it then uses to assess the effort and effectiveness of local sustainability policies in the Basque Country. The Observatory gathers its information from the Local Action Plan assessments (over 9,000 actions have been assessed so far) and indicator calculations (more than 6,000 indicators have been calculated to date). It is therefore a global platform for integrating, monitoring and interpreting the results of the indicator calculations and Local Action Plan assessments carried out by each municipality. The information provided by the Action Plans and sustainability indicators is managed by a computer application called MUGI 21, developed by Udalsarea 21, which is available to all its member municipalities. This application enables an integrated management of the Local Agenda 21 process, while at the same time exporting data to the MUGI 21 environment of the Udalsarea 21 Technical Secretariat, which coordinates the Basque Country Local Sustainability Observatory. It also enables users to extract indicators from the network as a whole in order to gain a global overview of the progress of the various processes. Based on this vast and valuable database, the network compiles and publishes a biennial Local Sustainability Report for the Basque Country, which outlines and interprets the results obtained. This report also serves as feedback for the local processes themselves, since it provides mean values which those responsible for managing Local Agenda 21 initiatives can use as a reference.






Technical secretariat Udalsarea 21: Ihobe Basque Country Local Sustainability Observatory

Figure 7 • Basque Country Local Sustainability Observatory

SpeciďŹ c characteristics of Local Agenda 21 in the Basque Country



Local Agenda 21 promotion and development stages


Appraisal of a decade of Local Sustainability in the Basque Country 2000-2010

Development of Local Agenda 21 in the Basque Country The development of LA21 can be divided into 3 stages ranging from the year 2000 to 2009, followed by a fourth stage which began in the year 2010 and which is expected to last until 2015 (see figure 8).These stages are based on the steps that have been taken as the processes have matured within the local councils and as Udalsarea 21 itself has grown and evolved. LA21 has evolved and matured as new phases in the management of the LA21-LAPs have gradually been incorporated by the most advanced municipalities. The phases are as follows: LAP design (2000-2002); implementation of the actions encompassed in the LAP (2003-2005); LAP assessment and indicator calculation (2006-2009); and review of the Local Action Plans (from 2010 onwards).

US21 Development

Udalsarea 21 has developed in parallel, in accordance with the stages established in its Strategic Plans and the key objectives set for each period. These objects were: Set up, growth and structuring of services (2003-2005); consolidation, diversification of services and focusing of activities (2006-2009); and commitment and quality, cross-cutting action, social outreach and recognition (2010-2015).

Set up of Udalsarea 21

Strategic Plan 2003-2005

Set up Growth Structuring of services

Strategic Plan 2006-2009

Consolidation Diversification of services Focusing

Strategic Plan 2010-2015

Commitment and quality Recognition Social outreach Cross-cutting action

LA21 Development


LA21-LAP design


LAP implementation

LAP assessment Indicator calculation

LAP review Global quality LA21: tak21




Num. LA21 processes





Municipalities in US21





Num. LAPs assessed





Processes with advanced LA21





Revised plans





Figure 8 • Stages in the development of Local Agenda 21 and Udalsarea 21 in the Basque Country (2000-2010)

Local Agenda 21 promotion and development stages



AIDAR strategy for promoting Local Agenda 21 processes and developing Udalsarea 21


Appraisal of a decade of Local Sustainability in the Basque Country 2000-2010

Review of development from 2000-2010 As stated above, the promotion of Local Agenda 21 processes in the Basque Country is focused on and makes use of the strategic instrument known as AIDAR. In this case, Local Agenda 21 processes are promoted through the generation of services and activities grouped in accordance with the process’s current stage of development. This makes it easier to respond to the specific needs of each municipality, as well as to help the processes to mature and evolve towards more advanced stages. Depending on their developmental stage, municipalities are classified as:


municipalities which have not yet initiated a Local Agenda 21 process.


municipalities which are compiling or have compiled a LAP.


municipalities with a LAP underway and which are members of Udalsarea 21.


Udalsarea 21 members who carry out LAP monitoring and follow up.


municipalities which are members of Udalsarea 21, carry out LAP monitoring and follow up and have more mature processes.

Within the general AIDAR framework, in the case of the more advanced stages (DAR), LA21 promotion is carried out through Udalsarea 21 and its portfolio of services. The figure below provides a more graphic illustration of the evolution of the municipalities in accordance with the developmental stages (AIDAR) during the 2000-2010 period. The graphs indicate the percentage of municipalities within the Basque Country which are located in each stage in each given year. The figure also shows the principal services provided to the local councils each year and at each stage.


92% Attention










US21 internal and external participation appendixes

Udala website

82% Attention









AIDAR strategy for promoting Local Agenda 21 processes and developing Udalsarea 21



Appraisal of a decade of Local Sustainability in the Basque Country 2000-2010


European Sustainable Mobility Week and Aste Berdea (Green Week)

Udala website

25% Attention

Information Service on Subsidies and Financial Aid Guides and Manuals Training Udalsarea 21 notebooks US21 appendixes: Internal and external participation Technical Secretariat

LA21 Monitoring Programmes MUGI 21








Recognition Electronic newsletter Best Practices: on-line Udalsarea21 Appendixes: citizen engagement and LA21 consolidation Information Service on Subsidies and Financial Aid Guides and manuals Training Udalsarea 21 notebooks

MUGI 21 LA21 Monitoring Programmes; Segmentation Basque Country Local Sustainability Observatory










5% Attention

Think tank tak21:LA21 quality self-assessment system Udalsarea 21 Awards: consolidation

When the data and ďŹ gures are analysed, it becomes clear that LA21 processes have evolved considerably, and in an ongoing manner, over the course of the last decade. Thus, for example, whereas in the year 2000 the vast majority (92%) of municipalities had not yet initiated their processes and only a very few had approved plans, in 2010, the situation was just the opposite: 95% had approved plans, 75% were members of Udalsarea 21, 40% assessed the degree of implementation of the plan on an annual basis and 7% were at an advanced stage of the process, and therefore eligible to be publicly acknowledged for their quality and efforts. The data from 2010 indicate that the majority of municipalities in the Basque Country have reached the stage required to become members of Udalsarea 21 (Demand) and have formally expressed their desire to join the network. They also show that greater and greater differences are becoming clear as regards the development stages of Local Agenda 21 processes. This highlights the inability or lack of effort shown by some, as well as the commitment and quality shown by others. The gradual progress of the municipalities through the phases has been accompanied by the increasing generation of support services and resources.


AIDAR strategy for promoting Local Agenda 21 processes and developing Udalsarea 21


Appraisal of a decade of Local Sustainability in the Basque Country 2000-2010

The first services set up were aimed at catching the municipalities’ Attention. Actions at this time included the creation of a specific website (Web Udala) and a telephone information hotline (IhobeLine). Once the municipalities had begun to express an Interest in the processes, other instruments were generated to help them get started. Thus, from 2001-2003 the Udaltaldes 21 were designed and set up. Udaltaldes are working groups of municipalities located in the same region which, with the help of shared external technical assistance and the coordination of a regional supramunicipal body, designed and implemented their Action Plans. Between 2001 (the year in which the first pilot Udaltalde 21 was set up) and 2010, as many as 28 Udaltalde groups were formed. Thanks to these groups, almost all of the 239 existing Action Plans were successfully designed. In 2003, thanks to the increase in the number of municipalities with approved Action Plans, a growing Demand was noted for implementation support services. It was then that Udalsarea 21 was set up. Through the network’s Strategic Plans, a portfolio of services was established which was later expanded and diversified between 2003 and 2010. This portfolio of services was initially aimed at municipalities at the Demand stage, who required implementation support, but from 2006 onwards it was expanded as more and more municipalities began to progress to the Action stage, initiating their Action Plan assessment. It was also expanded to cater to those who demonstrated particular commitment and quality in their processes, thus attaining the Recognition stage.

2007 Information Service on Subsidies and Financial Aid Guides and manuals Training US21 appendixes: Internal and external participation Aste Berdea (Green Week) European Sustainable Mobility Week Udalsarea 21 notebooks

15% Attention

MUGI 21 LA21 Monitoring Programmes Basque Country Local Sustainability Observatory and Report









AIDAR strategy for promoting Local Agenda 21 processes and developing Udalsarea 21



Appraisal of a decade of Local Sustainability in the Basque Country 2000-2010


12% Attention Electronic newsletter Information Service on Subsidies and Financial Aid: training Regulatory models Eco-barometers

MUGI21 LA21 Monitoring Programmes: Segmentation Basque Country Local Sustainability Observatory









Udalsarea 21 Awards: consolidation

2009 Customised Training Days

6% Attention

MUGI21 LA21 Monitoring Programmes Basque Country Local Sustainability Observatory










5% Attention Electronic newsletter US 21 appendixes: Consolidating Local Agenda 21 Best Practices: on-line Information Service on Subsidies and Financial Aid Guides and Manuals Training Udalsarea 21 notebooks

LA21 Monitoring Programmes: Segmentation









Think tank tak21:LA21 quality self-assessment system

N.B.: Only the new services to meet Demand are shown for 2008 and 2009 for reasons of space


AIDAR strategy for promoting Local Agenda 21 processes and developing Udalsarea 21


Appraisal of a decade of Local Sustainability in the Basque Country 2000-2010

In the specific period between 2007 and 2010, we should mentioned that 95% of the municipalities in the Basque Country set up Local Agenda 21 processes. This includes small municipalities and those located in rural areas. We also managed to consolidate the number of members in the Udalsarea 21 network (DAR), as well as the number of municipalities which carry out an annual assessment of their Plans and calculate local sustainability indicators. Finally, we should also point out the setting up of a new group of municipalities, defined as “advanced” municipalities. This group includes those municipalities which have shown a particularly strong commitment to their processes. In recognition of their efforts, they are offered a series of exclusive services, such as Auzolan 21, help groups, the execution of pilot projects of common interest and the LA21 global quality measurement system (tak21). To summarise the 2000-2010 period, Table 1 outlines the principal indicators of the degree of LA 21 development and implementation in the Basque Country.

Degree of LA21 Development and Implementation: LA21 processes drawn up (2000-2010)


Udaltaldes 21 (2000-2010)


Number of Local Agenda 21 specialists (municipal and regional)


Number of LAPs assessed (2010)


Number of participating municipal employees


Number of LAP actions assessed (2010)


Number of indicators calculated (2010)

> 6,000

Revised Plans (2007-2010)


Municipalities with advanced LA21 processes (2010)


Citizen engagement within the framework of LA21 (2000-2010) (1) Participants in LA21 forums


Participants in LA21 School forums


Participants in LA21 Business forums


Participants in Environmental Advisory Boards


Participants in Sustainable Development Commissions


Participants in thematic work meetings


Number of municipalities which are members of Udalsarea 21 (2010)


Table 1 • Summary of the LA21 development indicators (2000-2010) (1): Data taken from the Participa 21 project, based on a questionnaire administered to all the municipalities in the Basque Country.

AIDAR strategy for promoting Local Agenda 21 processes and developing Udalsarea 21



Appraisal of a decade of Local Sustainability in the Basque Country 2000-2010

Throughout the 2003-2010 period, the Udalsarea 21 network has continuously developed the scope of its activities and services, and has set up various different forums and communications channels between its members. Figure 9 shows the various different forums and communication channels which have enabled the construction of a solid network and a community of people working together to ensure local sustainability in the municipalities of the Basque Country.

Internal meeting and communication forums

On-line information and communication channels

Network bodies

MUGI 21 Auzolan 21

Technical Committee

Executive Committee

Technical Secretariat

LA21 Seminars



Training days

Udalsarea 21 website

Social networks

Figure 9 • Udalsarea 21 network forums and communication channels

Overall, a very high level of communication and exchange has been achieved, both as regards the number of people participating and in relation to the number of channels and the volume of communications they enable. Also, over recent years, over 250 working and exchange events have been held within the framework of the network’s different bodies (Technical Committee, Executive Committee) and in the internal meeting and communications forums (Ekitaldes, Auzolan 21 and Training days). Moreover, the network has gradually developed a broad-ranging portfolio of 28 different services, which can be grouped into the following categories: Information, Training, Methodology, Computer services, Finance, Consulting and technical assistance and Recognition activities. The table below provides a summary of the degree of development of the network’s most emblematic services.


AIDAR strategy for promoting Local Agenda 21 processes and developing Udalsarea 21


Appraisal of a decade of Local Sustainability in the Basque Country 2000-2010

Principal Activities and Services Provided by Udalsarea 21 Number of network Technical Committee meetings (2003-2010)


Number of network Executive Committee meetings (2003-2010)


Number of publications (2007-2010)

US21Notebooks and Methodology Guides published




Number of people receiving training (2007-2010) hits (2010)

1,399 166,449

Ekitaldes (1) (2004-2010) Number of Ekitaldes Number of participants (municipalities and regional bodies)

20 293

Auzolan 21 (2) (2007-2010) Number of Auzolan 21 experiences Number of participants in Auzolan 21

4 31

IdentiďŹ cation and dissemination of Best Practices (2010) Best practices of the Udalsarea 21 municipalities


Best practices of non-Udalsarea 21 municipalities


Number of users of the MUGI 21 computer application (2010)


School Agenda 21 (2010) Number of municipalities with SA21


Number of schools




Table 2 • Summary of the development indicators for the principal activities and support services provided by Udalsarea 21 (1): Ekitaldes: Thematic work groups of municipalities set up in 2004 and aimed at enabling learning though action and the generation of common resources for the network. (2): Auzolan 21: Technical and economic support service for carrying out innovative, pilot projects set up in 1007. It is provided through the teamwork of a restricted number of highly-committed municipalities.

AIDAR strategy for promoting Local Agenda 21 processes and developing Udalsarea 21



Results of the implementation of the Action Plans

Appraisal of a decade of Local Sustainability in the Basque Country 2000-2010


As a result of the promotion and development of Local Agenda 21, a total of 239 Action Plans (with approximately 25,000 actions) have been implemented by the vast majority of Basque municipalities. A large number of actions have therefore been carried out, which contribute to the environmental, social and economic improvement of the municipalities. Their degree of implementation varies widely from municipality to municipality: while in some the actions are carried out at a stable pace, which is sometimes even faster than expected, in others the processes have virtually come to a standstill, with very slow progress being made. On the whole, the mean level of implementation of the Plans is gradually and consistently increasing as time goes on, although the execution rate is around 20% lower than the desired level. The review of the Action Plans by diverse municipalities, which has been underway since 2008, has helped improve the implementation rate, since Plans are designed with actions more suited to the real resources available and the specific needs of the local area. Based on the sample of Plans assessed during the last year for which data are available, the thematic area on which most of the actions carried out focus is Mobility (429), followed by Waste management (304), Wellbeing and social inclusion (280) and Territory and Planning (272). At the other extreme, environmental control (soil, acoustic and atmospheric) and the management of environmental hazards are themes on which the fewest number of actions focus. Alongside the execution of actions, the development of Local Agenda 21 processes has also contributed to the achievement of other positive results, including: • The creation and strengthening of technical environmental and Local Agenda 21 coordination services in local councils, which in turn has helped boost those local sustainability policies which are both directly and indirectly linked to the LA21 initiative. • The creation and/or strengthening of local council departments for the environment and sustainability. • The creation and promotion of citizen engagement processes and organisations, which constitute in themselves novel experiences in many municipalities. • The fostering of communication and awareness-raising regarding sustainability. • The strengthening and structuring of local environmental and sustainability policies and the integration of sustainability criteria in the design and development of local public policies. • The fostering of a culture and practice of target-based public management, incorporating the assessment of the action carried out, the calculation of results and improvement indicators and accountability, or the duty to communicate these results both internally (among politicians and specialists) and externally (to the general public).

Results of the implementation of the Action Plans



Appraisal of a decade of Local Sustainability in the Basque Country 2000-2010

Evolution of the mean level of implementation of the Plans, in comparison with the target

Degree of execution

100% 70,5%




60,0% 60%

49,5% 39,0%

40% 18,0%


20% 0%







13,8% 13 1










Year of execution Target level of implementation

Mean level of implementation

Figure 10 • Evolution of the mean level of implementation of the Action Plans in comparison with the target Source: Basque Country Local Sustainability Observatory (2010)

Level of execution of the PAL actions, according to thematic area

Mobility and transport


Waste management


Wellbeing and social inclusion


Territory and planning


Economic development


Environmental management of the municipal administration




Biodiversity and the natural environment


Awareness raising and sustainable consumption


Communication and citizen engagement






Basque language


Environmental management of economic activities








Labour market








Peaceful and harmonious coexistence


Environmental hazards












Num. of actions carried out

Figure 11 • Level of execution of the PAL actions, according to thematic area Source: Basque Country Local Sustainability Observatory (2010)


Results of the implementation of the Action Plans

Appraisal of a decade of Local Sustainability in the Basque Country 2000-2010


In addition to assessing the degree of implementation of the Plans, every year the municipalities in the network also calculate the value of their local sustainability indicators. This calculation is based on the MUGI 21 computer application and a system of common indicators. Between all the network municipalities, over 6,000 indicators have been calculated to date. Based on the information provided by these indicators, the municipalities can assess the degree of environmental and social improvement achieved. The result of this assessment can later be compared with the mean value calculated for the network as a whole, as well as with the speciďŹ c targets established in the ďŹ eld of speciďŹ c policies.

Results of the implementation of the Action Plans



External relations and promotion

Appraisal of a decade of Local Sustainability in the Basque Country 2000-2010


External relations with other organisations and networks, both in Spain and abroad, have, from the very beginning, been an important part of the Local Agenda 21 initiative in the Basque Country. The promotion and implementation of Local Agenda 21 began fairly late in the Basque Country (the year 2000), whereas other regions of both Spain and Europe initiated their processes, which were pioneering in their day, much earlier (between 1996 and 1999). During the initial stage, the promotion of Local Agenda 21 initiatives in the Basque Country was based on what we learned from the experiences of other regions. As the processes matured, however, and particularly as Udalsarea 21 was developed, this relationship evolved into one based on mutual exchange and cooperation. Currently, Udalsarea 21 has ever stronger ties with other regions in Spain and Europe, and is now a benchmark as regards the promotion and development of Local Agenda 21 initiatives. In this sense, over recent years, the number of papers and presentations given by the network and its member municipalities at national and international events has risen. Furthermore, a growing interest is being shown by other networks and organisations in Spain and Europe in learning more about the activities and services provided by the network. The following aspects are the object of particular interest to other organisations: - The various methodological guidebooks compiled (related to the design of Local Agenda 21 processes, as well as to speciďŹ c thematic areas). - The Local Action Plan monitoring model and the instruments developed (annual monitoring programmes, MUGI 21 computer tool and the Basque Country Local Sustainability Reports). - Anticipating climate change and how to focus its integration into LA21. - The scope and quality of the portfolio of services and tools.

External relations and promotion



Appraisal of a decade of Local Sustainability in the Basque Country 2000-2010

The table below outlines the main cooperation and external promotion initiatives carried out over recent years:

US21 Development

Creation of Udalsarea 21

Strategic Plan 2003-2005

Set up Growth Structuring of services

Strategic Plan 2006-2009

Consolidation Diversification of services Focusing

Strategic Plan 2010-2015

Commitment and quality Recognition Social outreach Cross-cutting action

Exchange with other networks and organisations


External relations and promotion

2000 - 2005

Benchmarking and learning from others

2006 - 2009

Cooperation and emerging reference

From 2010 onwards

Figure 12 • Evolution of Udalsarea 21’s external relations and promotion (2000-2010)


External relations and promotion

Appraisal of a decade of Local Sustainability in the Basque Country 2000-2010


Level of Activity and External Promotion of the network

International networks with a cooperation agreement

1 ICLEI, Local Governments for Sustainability (2004)

Member of organisations working towards local sustainability


National networks with a cooperation agreement


Network of Sustainable Local Development Networks, Network of Sustainability Observatories and Cities for Climate Network(1)

Network of Cities and Towns for Sustainability (2004) and Navarra Network of Local Entities for Sustainability (2006)

International exchange meetings with other networks


Exchange meetings between the municipalities and other national networks


Presentations at international conferences and seminars


Principal presentations at national conferences and seminars

Italian LA21 Association Bilbao (2007) and Rimini (2008)

Bilbao (2005), Barcelona (2005) and Pamplona (2006)

4th European Conference of Sustainable Cities and Towns (Aalborg, 2004), 5th European Conference of Sustainable Cities and Towns (Seville, 2007), European Conference of ICLEI (Zaragoza, 2008), ICLEI Conference on Climate Protection and Renewable Energy (Rovigo-Italy, 2008), ICLEI World Congress (Edmonton, 2009), 1st ICLEI World Congress: Resilient Cities (Bonn, 2010).

11 CONAMA (2006, 2008, 2010). Various interventions at AL21 seminars in the different autonomous regions of Spain (The Canary Islands, 2005; La Rioja, 2005; Asturias, 2006; Granada, 2006; Murcia 2006 and 2008; Catalonia, 2008; Huesca, 2010)

Table 3 • Summary of the network’s main external relations and promotion initiatives. (1) Observer status only

External relations and promotion



Local Agenda 21 success factors

Appraisal of a decade of Local Sustainability in the Basque Country 2000-2010


The following factors contributed greatly to the success obtained regarding the promotion and development of Local Agenda 21 in the Basque Country.


Local Agenda 21 as a component of Basque sustainability policies

The development of Local Agenda 21 was established as a priority objective and commitment of Basque sustainability policies by the 1st Environmental Framework Programme, and was later endorsed and consolidated in the 2nd and 3rd Environmental Framework Programmes, as well as, more recently, by the Basque Sustainable Development Strategy: EcoEuskadi 2010. Being so closely linked to a key commitment of the region’s sustainability policies has lent LA21 great force, as well as providing firm, ongoing support by the various supramunicipal authorities. Moreover, having a decade-old stable working framework is an advantage that sets us apart from other regions. This circumstance has proved essential to consolidating certain policies which, by nature, require a certain time to mature - something which is not always coincident with political cycles.


The incorporation of a strategic approach to the development of Local Agenda 21 Local Action Plans

One essential factor in the development of Local Agenda 21 in the Basque Country has been the use of strategic approaches and tools during the development of support policies by the Basque Government. The key elements of this development include the AIDAR instrument and the Udalsarea 21 Strategic Plans, which have enabled the design of medium and long-term support instruments and services, striving to anticipate the future needs of LA21 processes as they mature. They also permitted the inclusion of the municipalities as key figures in the definition of the support services to be provided.


The set up and development of the Udalsarea 21 network

Since it was set up in 2002, the Udalsarea 21 network has played a key role as a organisation that brings together, drives, orients and aligns the actions of its member municipalities, enabling them to share their resources and providing a multitude of useful, high-quality services specially adapted to the diversity of Basque municipalities, thus developing the AIDAR strategy. The network enables the exchange of knowledge, information, best practices and assistance, and also helps those working in the same field to get to know one another.


Inter-institutional involvement and cooperation

The Basque Government Department of the Environment, Spatial Planning, Agriculture and Fisheries has led the development of Local Agenda 21. In this undertaking, from 2000-2010 it has had the help and involvement of many different agencies working within the Basque administration at both a regional and provincial level.


The creation and consolidation of the position “Head of Local Agenda21”

Since the year 2000, the position “Head of LA21” was created at both a municipal and local regional level. This position has been a key factor in the development of Local Agenda 21 processes in the different municipalities. In the specific case of small municipalities, the Udaltaldes 21 have played a particularly important role, as has the appointment of shared local area specialists to help manage LA21 in groups of small municipalities.

Local Agenda 21 success factors



Appraisal of a decade of Local Sustainability in the Basque Country 2000-2010

Furthermore, the involvement and firm commitment of the people fulfilling these posts have proved essential for the consolidation of the various processes. Within the framework of Udalsarea 21, these individuals have formed a network which has been a key element for the continued advancement and improvement of the initiative.


The incorporation of the annual assessment of the actions carried out and the results obtained, as well as the periodic review of the Action Plans

Over 80 municipalities assess the degree of implementation of their Plans on a yearly basis, using the MUGI 21 tool. They use a common methodology and an external assessor who helps ensure the comparability and credibility of the assessment carried out. Moreover, these municipalities also calculate every year the network’s common local sustainability indicators, using the computer application and the shared assistance provided by MUGI 21. The consolidation of this monitoring system has been a key element in driving forward the execution of the 25,000 or so actions contemplated by the PALs of the Basque municipalities. Thanks to their participation in the monitoring process, every year the involvement of over 1,000 municipal employees throughout the Basque Country is ensured and consolidated. In addition to driving forward the Local Agenda 21 LAPs themselves, this annual monitoring process helps ensure the general improvement of public management in the Basque Country municipalities, thus moving the whole region towards a targetbased management system, whose degree of implementation is assessed and communicated to the general public. Based on the experience accumulated since the year 2000, a common methodology for reviewing Action Plans has been developed. Since 2008, this methodology has been implemented in a large number of municipalities, as the initial Plans in said municipalities have expired. The review of the Plans enables the processes to be revitalised and adapted to current needs and priorities. It therefore helps the LAPs to continue serving as a key management instrument.


The gradual incorporation of the principle of recognising commitment

Over recent years, the practice of recognising and acknowledging the commitment shown by local councils has gained ground. Particularly from 2007 to 2010, services were developed aimed exclusively at those municipalities which are exemplary as regards the effort made and the quality achieved in their processes. This commitment is a key element for incentivising the activities of the municipalities. It is also a mechanism for improving the efficiency with which the resources provided by the network are used, aimed mainly at those members who are in a position to make the most effective use of their value.


Incorporation of socioeconomic aspects

Local Agenda 21 was designed as an instrument for sustainable local development planning in all its many dimensions, which could be adapted to the specific needs and requirements of each individual municipality. As a result, many municipalities have incorporated social and economic aspects into their Plans, alongside (and in equal measure with) environmental concerns. This is particularly evident in relation to small and rural municipalities, which have very specific social and economic needs and for which LA21-LAP has become their principal planning instrument.

9 Local Agenda 21 as a framework instrument for other policies As sectoral sustainability policies have developed, Local Agenda 21 has increasingly become a framework instrument encompassing many new areas of action. Emerging environmental aspects such as the mitigation of and adaptation to climate change, biodiversity and sustainable public procurement have gradually been incorporated into Local Agenda 21 processes as the Local Action Plans are revised and redrafted. In this way, the Agenda retains its importance as a planning and management instrument for local councils.


Local Agenda 21 success factors

Appraisal of a decade of Local Sustainability in the Basque Country 2000-2010



Commitment to communication and engagement

Local Agenda 21 is a key framework through which citizen engagement has been articulated and promoted in municipalities. This has resulted in the incorporation of new approaches and instruments which had hitherto not been taken into consideration in the municipal management process. Although in a signiďŹ cant number of municipalities these processes have diminished, in a remarkable number periodic citizen engagement forums are still organised in relation to the annual monitoring of the LAPs, as well as to the formulation of new policies directly or indirectly linked to them.

Challenges The main challenges for the future development of Local Agenda 21 and the Basque Network of Municipalities for Sustainability - Udalsarea 21 are:

To increase commitment to local sustainability and the quality of Local Agenda 21 processes by Basque municipalities, by strengthening the actions designed to recognise and acknowledge this effort. This should also serve to motivate other, less committed municipalities.

To ensure improved social-environmental and public management results. These results should be tangible and notable, and should be communicated effectively to Basque society in general, thereby ensuring a greater social impact and raising public awareness of Local Agenda 21 processes both in Spain and in Europe.

To consolidate the ongoing development of Udalsarea 21 as a framework for cooperation and a provider of key services designed to foster Local Agenda 21, and to strengthen the cross-cutting nature of the network through the incorporation of new supramunicipal entities.

Local Agenda 21 success factors

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