Probe Edition 2 2013

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Contents Letter from the editors…........................................................................................2 President’s Report..................................................................................................3 SCDL Report...........................................................................................................4 DMD Report...........................................................................................................5 3rd Year Report......................................................................................................6 4th Year Report......................................................................................................7 Ed Rep Report........................................................................................................8 Cake Stall..............................................................................................................9 Dr Devin..............................................................................................................10 GV Black’s...........................................................................................................11 Red Party………...................................................................................................12 Film Night…….....................................................................................................13 Sponsors Page.....................................................................................................14 !

LETTER FROM THE EDITORS To our beloved Dental cohort, Thank you for reading The Probe Ed 2 We hope you enjoy, because we’ve really loved putting this together! !

Love your Media Reps, Christina and Cassandra

President’s Report ! ! ! ! ! ! !

! For this edition of the probe, you have the most imponderable joy of reading what will most definitely be at least a page of stream of consciousness prose discussing dentistry, dentistry related things, people studying dentistry and all dentistry studying people within Western Australia. The probe is truly a remarkable entity; a rose among thorns. And our last edition was by no means an exception to this aforementioned statement. It is actually quite refreshing to know that despite our sometimes #mundanelives, we can still produce such !a quality piece of literature that is both extremely interesting, and of course, educational.! I encourage you all to spare yourselves from having to read articles like this and submit actual articles for us all to enjoy. God knows you have more writing talent than I do.

Ok, well it’s been two paragraphs now, and I still haven’t managed to actually talk about anything yet, so I guess I better make a start. While I sit here, typing on my tiny typewriter, lit by a comically overly sized desk lamp, banana in one hand and a cup of hot almond milk in my other, I reflect on the fraction of the year which has already passed, and attempt to comprehend how it has gone by so very quickly. It just seems like yesterday that we were all enjoying a fantastic ‘FRESHER’S WELCOME’, which even my pet owl said was an absolute hoot. I am somewhat aware of the limitations of this media format, but while you read this, I urge you to all give a standing ovation to this year’s Junior Social Media Reps Thivya and Elke for doing stuff good and while you’re standing, HURRY UP and get your tickets for the next big event of the year the ‘NEW AND IMPROVED GV BLACK’S B’DAY SHINDIG PARTY EXTRAVAGANZA TIME’ (unofficial title). And now for an impromptu rap: Dis year’s Meet ‘n’ Greet waz a big succes And wiv ed reps lyk dis, I expect nuthin’ les I hop u 3rd yrs lrnt stuff good N u DMDs in our da dental ‘hood ‘entstry is rlly fun n cool n yeah Dats wat Tim sayz, Tim O’Hehir Anyhooooo, DMDs have settled in, 3rd are doing clinical things, 4th years are the coolest and 5th years are freaking out with their case presentations because they forgot to take a plaque score for their F/F patients in 3rd year. All in all, things are looking good…or bad? I don’t actually know since I’ve stopped going to uni and shifted my focus onto my up and coming rap career. I’m thinking ‘Big Rick-dawg’ or ‘Rizzle Nizzle’? Thoughts? Suggestions? Please feel to email me or leave a comment below. Hopefully, the verbosity of my writing has already deterred you from reaching this point in the presidential report, and you have made the correct choice to flip to another page and move on to read a more interesting article that isn’t written by me. If not, seriously, shouldn’t you be off making a special tray or something? But just for the sake of reaching my word quota for this article, and keeping our everso-merciful and gracious Probe taskmasters happy : CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT CAT Kindest Ermahgerd, Ricky Delaney-Bidnf1!kx.\ilyBABESXOXO


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We can’t believe how fast the semester has gone by, and we’re all stressing out about exams, which are just around the corner it seems. Luckily, we’ve had some awesome lecturers, such as John McGeachie, who generously donates his time and teaches us “just for fun”. It appears that no-one has anything bad to say about him (“Oh John, he’s such a sweetie, isn’t he?” – third year student). A bad mid-semester test (for Cell Biology and physiology argh) and a long walk from OHCWA to the main campus (which we have to do during our half-an-hour lunch break sometimes) seems like a small price to pay for a good lecture from John. Simodont has been getting the better of most of us – that donut, what can we say, but on the other end of the spectrum, as of this publication, 19 of us have completed all the tasks (yay for them). The Freshers Welcome was excellent, and the class thanks the UDSS for organising it, but it was also a learning experience as well – the DMD class needs to practice their drinking. Also, we had 3 guys and 2 girls in our team for the boat race, and it wasn’t really fair to put us against four guys and a girl from the BDSc years (we are such sore losers). Parking is still a nightmare – a few of us have resorted to coming in at 7am, when not even the library is open so what do these people do until class begins at 8am? Probably sit in their cars and contemplate what it feels like getting their first real patient after only one lecture on scaling instruments. Some of us still can’t tell the difference between Gracey and Universal curets, and the difference between composites and calculus (they’re both “tooth-coloured”). None of us should have calculus though, following visits from Oral-B and Colgate. We all got a top-of-theline power brush and a lifetime’s supply of toothpaste (we especially like the Dora the Explorer and Spiderman varieties). We’re looking forward to the second semester, which we’ve been warned is going to be a stretch, since we’ll be working on edentulous patients – yes, only after one assessment on preparing impressions and on people who have all their teeth. Thankfully, we’re all friends now and the supportive environment will be what gets us through. -Rose and Michiel.

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Mid year break is drawing closer, and that generally means for 4th years exams!requirements!how to survive 3 weeks outside OHCWA. With the looming possibility of clinic session in the mid year break, I can assure all 4th years are faced with the reality of OWS (OHCWA withdrawal syndrome). OHCWA withdrawal syndrome is a REAL medical condition, which occurs after spending more than 72 hours away from the premises. It is characterised by a number of things; waking in the night thinking about the colour scheme for you public health poster, twiddling fingers to control the need to grab a high speed drill, worrying about needing to rebook your patient for impressions, and the most concerning of all, smiling on the odd occasion. NO need to panic, the break will be only a few short weeks, and the world will make sense again. Requirements??? Stress?! 4th years has been working there ultimate hardest to try and fulfill these but there is only so much we can do! Aside from the stress of clinic, lab work and lectures 4th years have been living up to the reputation of being overly keen for everything. After having the best turn out at sports day, and a ticket sell out for GV Black’s cocktail night, I think it’s safe to say we are all trying to find balance in our lives. And with only a few more months of 4th year left, we’re doing a pretty good job of it. Penny and Eloise (IV)!

ED REP Report !


Hey everyone! Yousr and Rosie here, Ed Reppin’ OHCWA since 2013! This year we held a meet and greet where everyone from all species gathered around and received advice on any burning issue they needed help with. Unfortunately we think they received more pizza than advice, but we tried! Next on the agenda we decided to brighten up your lives by giving you a guest lecture on sleep medicine! Thankfully no one actually slept in the theatre while Dr. Delcahno was lecturing, but how could they when they knew that pizza would arrive in only a matters time?! (it seems like all we do is give you guys pizza while getting no love in return. Sigh.) Hopefully we have a few more things on our to do list that will get ticked off so stay tuned. Who knew education could be so fun! Yousr Kanbour and Rosie Monk (4th years)

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