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Weekly Record Sheet

17th February 2020

What did we do this week? Was it effective?


1. Tue 18th Feb. Hamish and Fabian met with Shamita Chaudhary and agreed future collaboration and meeting with Kommune on 13th March. Effective as gives us more leverage over Kommune to negotiate a lease-rental agreement.

2. Weekly meeting. Effective as engaged three new useful members including elected member of Kommune and former resident of Ostmarka. However lack of actions completed from previous week.

3. Kunst-stuff: a. Hamish met with Franziska to discuss structure for NTNU-Live-Kunstprosject. Effective as found useful case studies and comparisons in German cities and (raumlabor). Tromso Case Study. b. Fabian & Laura created flyer for “call-for-contribution” for students + neighbourhood. Not yet effective c. All created poster to engage students in the project. Not yet effective.

4. Wed 19th - interviewed psychologist Tore Fallet. Effective as highlighted need to work with hospital and potential benefits for them. Tore to attend Sunday meeting.

5. SP and RP political parties are ‘interested’ and are waiting for further communication.

6. Revised Project Proposal, reduced number of questions, added to and structured literature. Effective as starting to focus more on academic research questions.

What did we learn?

● Finding project partners can add leverage for negotiation with Kommune

● Lack of responsibility for delivering on actions

How does it relate to our theories?

● Lack of responsibility taken for actions could relate to flat-structure. Learning from literature ‘Leadership and Power in Intentional Communities’ of the need for “focalisers” or sub-leaders in each group.

○ Flat structures take energy for self-organisation and can take energy away from external actions

○ Consider a rotating system of leadership

○ Does the need for a flat/centralised structure change over time?

To do’s until next time

● Put up physical posters for call for contributions

● Raise issue of hierarchy vs a flat structure in delivering. Consider having ‘focalisers’ for each working.

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