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Weekly Record Sheet
4th March 2020
What did we do this week? Was it effective?
1. Identified need for facilitation workshop to share individual visions. Researching potential facilitators. Found one potential facilitator from Gibberish for NOK 5000
2. Weekly Sunday meeting a. Facilitation workshop well received by all
3. Coordinating Art NTNU-Live Workshop and creating promotional materials (Facebook post, poster, emailing key partners etc)
4. Research auto-ethnographic research techniques a. Closely relates to our project - to include personal framing experiences and interviews. b. Course coordinators (David + Rolee) are supportive. To carry out theory mapping and essay structure planning
5. Bi-weekly meeting with David and Rolee a. Consider making it a publishable article
What did we learn?
● Some individuals feel the need to be in control / in charge especially when this is a normal role for them. This can create innate conflict or a ‘messy’ situation. This creates the need for ‘boundaries’ for these individuals.
● Facilitation workshops can create space for quieter voices to be heard.
● When we have joint ownership of a ‘brand’ there needs to be a system for ensuring events associated with it are ‘on brand’
● Given the timescale of our academic research, relating it to literature at this stage is difficult. And auto-ethnographic approach can provide more interesting and useful insights.
● Patience
● Delegation is vital for getting things done
How does it relate to our theories?
● Relating our existing research to:
○ Self-organization and self-governance
○ Insurgent placemaking (claimed/invented and invited spaces)
○ Intentional communities
To do’s until next time
● Ask Brita about conflict-management workshop - Fabi
○ See if students on 15-credit course would be interested
● Have theory-domain mapping session- All
● Laura contacts Kristian Mjoen the leader of the FN center of the TRD municipality, and Bert who made the video of Romolslia fieldwork - Laura
● Apply for funding 5000 kr conflict-management workshop - Laura
● Research Broset - Laura
● Organise relevant theories into folder - Hamish
● Add to questionnaire (google survey)
● Brainstorming about film-storyline / Contact Oda for filming? Add to the storyboard.