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Weekly Record Sheet

18th March 2020

What did we do this week? Was it effective?


1. Dealt with internal ‘crisis’ concerning allegations with one of our members. Attended private meetings and a group meeting to agree on an appropriate response as an association.

2. All started writing final report sections

3. Drafting questionnaire for Fargemarka Members

4. Agreed a report structure and broken down sections between us a. The site ‘walkaround’ on Saturday and the second part of the NTNU-Live workshop have both been cancelled. It’s unclear how we can maintain engagement and renew the great relationships we made during the first workshop without face-to-face contact. This is something we’re still working on. b. Appointments got cancelled: meeting with PhD Student of circular economy for possible cooperation.

5. The Coronavirus restrictions have limited our ability to carry out most activities.

What did we learn?

● There is a need to distance Fargemarka as an association from some of the actions of individual members where we don’t have proper procedures in place for dealing with them.

● Decision making in time-critical situations is extremely difficult with a consensus-based structure and can result in some acrimony between group members.

● Hard to keep association running in times of crisis.

To do’s until next time

● Complete the questionnaire for Farge members

● Complete the film storyboard

● Need to find a way, how Fargemarka can survive the crisis-period

(From last week)

● Find Brøset contact and discover why it wasn’t taken forward by Kommunen

● All to add proposed questions to questionnaire (google survey)

● Brainstorming about film-storyline / Contact Oda for filming? Add to the storyboard.

● Follow up with Finance on sourcing 5000kr for Gibberish to host conflict management workshop

● Ask Brita about conflict-management workshop - Fabi

○ See if students on 15-credit course would be interested

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