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The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), the City of Gainesville (CoG) and the UFTI have partnered to create the Implementing Solutions from Transportation Research and Evaluating Emerging Technologies (I-STREET) Living Lab on the UF campus and surrounding highway network. The testbed is an area of designated roads and highways that deploys and evaluates numerous advanced technologies including connected and autonomous vehicles, smart devices and sensors. lt also develops and applies novel applications to enhance mobility and safety.


Dr. Pruthvi Manjunatha pruthvim@ufl.edu istreet.ce.ufl.edu


Southeastern Transportation Research, Innovation, Development and Education Center

The STRIDE Center is the 2016 USDOT Region 4 (Southeast) University Transportation Center (UTC) housed at the University of Florida Transportation Institute (UFTI).

STRIDE’s mission is to develop novel strategies for Reducing Congestion. The Center has nine partners, representing seven states in the Southeastern U.S.

Contact: Ines Aviles-Spadoni, M.S. iaviles@ce.ufl.edu stride.ce.ufl.edu

The McTrans Center at the University of Florida develops, distributes and supports software programs for traffic engineering and transportation planning applications, including the Highway Capacity Software(HCS), TSIS-CORSIM and TRANSYT-7F. It also offers training courses and the highest level of technical support provided for these packages.

As an umbrella organization for many national and state-based programs, the T2 Center provides training, technical assistance, technology transfer services and safety information to transportation, public works and safety professionals, as well as the general public. Our mission is to transform engineering research and technology into common practice and to foster a safe, efficient, environmentally sound transportation system by improving skills and knowledge.


Dr. Behzad Aghdashi saghdashi@ufl.edu mctrans.ce.ufl.edu transportation.ufl.edu


Dr. Nithin Agarwal nithin.agarwal@ufl.edu techtransfer.ce.ufl.edu

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