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Agarwal, N. Local Roads Safety Program in Florida, Conference: ASCE ICTD 2022 Seattle, May-June 2022.

Bejleri, I., Noh, S., Chen, C., Zhai, L. A Geographic Information System Toolkit for Modeling Transit Accessibility to Services. Poster Presentation in Transportation Research Board 101st Annual Meeting, January 2022.

Chen, C., Bejleri, I., Zhai, L., Noh, S. A Geospatial Toolkit for Modeling Public Transit Accessibility to Community Essential Services. Poster Presentation in in Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP), October 2021, (virtual).

Classen, S., Mason, J., Yang, W., Sisiopiku, V.P. Experience of Drivers of All Age Groups in Accepting Autonomous Vehicle Technology. University Transportation Centers Annual Conference, Boca Raton, Florida, March 2022.

Elefteriadou, L. Successful Course Delivery During the Pandemic, CUTC Summer Meeting, Big Sky, MT, June 2022.

Fang, J., Yan, X., Bejleri, I. Which Trip Destination Matters? Estimating the Influence of Land Use on Mode Choice for Home-Based Complex Tours. Poster Presentation in Transportation Research Board 101st Annual Meeting, January 2022.

Gao, S., Wang, Y., Wang, Q. Household-Targeted Hurricane Warnings for Effective Evacuation: Case Study of Hurricane Irma in North Miami Beach. 2022 ASCE’s Construction Institute and Construction Research Council. 1116–1124. Arlington, VA; March 2022.

Giang, W.C.W., Mason, J., Zheng, H., Rudd, N., Classen, S. Development and Effects of ACC Roles and Responsibilities Training for Younger and Older Adults. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting – Standing Committee on Vehicle User Education, Training and Licensing: ACH60. Transportation Research Board’s 101st Annual Conference, Washington DC, January 2022.

Gulhare, S., Srinivasan, S. A Probabilistic Method to Estimate Emissions and Fuel Consumption using Connected Vehicle Data from a Mixed Fleet”, presented at the IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC) Indianapolis, September 2021.

Hao, H., Wang, Y. Smart Curb Digital Twin: Inventorying Curb Environments using Computer Vision and Street Imagery. 2nd Annual International Conference on Digital Twins and Parallel Intelligence (IEEE DTPI 2022). Smart City Digital Twins Convergence (by invitation only) Boston, U.S., Accepted, 2022.

Hwangbo, S. W., Classen, S., Mason, J., Wersal, J., Rogers, J., Sisiopiku, V. Older Adults’ Motion Sickness and Simulator Sickness after Riding in an On-Road Automated Shuttle and Simulated Drive in Autonomous Mode. Florida Occupational Therapy Association Virtual Conference. November 2021.

Hwangbo, S. W., Mason, J., Classen, S. Predictors of Simulator Sickness in a Driving Simulator in Autonomous Mode. Occupational Therapy Summit of Scholars, Madison, WI, June 2022.

Knott, M., Classen, S., Leung, V., Alvarez, L. The Car Drives Itself Home: Exploring Healthcare Shift-Workers’ Sleepy-Driving Experiences. Oral paper presentation. Canadian Association of Occupational Therapy Conference, Whistler, BC., May 2022.

Li, Y., Classen, S., Giang, W.C., Winter, S.M., Ramirez-Zamora, A. Protocol: Driving Performance of People with Parkinson’s disease (PD) Using Autonomous In-Vehicle Technologies, Video presentation, PHHP Research Day 2022, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, Mason, J., Classen, S. Automated Shuttles and Buses for All Users (Session B210): Older Drivers and Persons with Disabilities Experiences with Automated Shuttles. Virtually presented at the TRB: Automated Road Transportation Symposium (ARTS), Washington DC, July 2021.

Manjunatha, P., Mason, J., Classen, S., Elefteriadou, L., Srinivasan, S., Huang, E. Public Perception and Lessons Learned from Autonomous Shuttle Demonstration Studies. Transportation Research Board’s 101st Annual Conference, Washington DC, January 2022.

Mirzanejad M., Tran K.T., McVay M., Horhota D., Wasman S. Deep Void Detection with 3D Seismic Waveform Tomography, 5 pages, the Sixth International Conference on Engineering Geophysics (ICEG), virtual, October 2021.

Noh, S., Bejleri, I., Lee, I. Identifying Spatial Gaps in Alternative Transportation Services For Low-Income Older Adults By Age Group. Presentation in in Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP), virtual, October 2021.

Silva, K. C. R., Srinivasan, S., Ferraz, A. C. P. Transferability of North American Crash Prediction Models for Two Lane Highways to South American Context, presented at the PANAM Conference, Virtual, August 2021.

Sisiopiku, V.P., Yang, W., Mason, J., McKinney, B., Hwangbo, S. W., Classen, S. Users’ Perceptions and Attitudes toward Autonomous Vehicle Technologies after Simulation Exposure – A Study across the Lifespan. Proceedings of the 2022 Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Athens, Greece, June 2022.

Srinivasan, S. Enhancing Multi-Modal Transportation Safety Through Technology, Keynote address at the Conference on Smart and Sustainable Development of Urban Green Infrastructure in India and Canada, organized by National Institute of Technology (NIT), Tiruchirappalli, India with the support of Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (SICI), virtual, March 2022.

Su, L., Yan, X., Zhao, X. Micromobility Equity: A Comparison of Shared E-Scooters and Station-based Bikeshare in Washington DC. Proceedings of Transportation Research Board 101st Annual Meeting, January 2022.

Wandenkolk, I., Classen, S., Mason, J., Yarney, A., Winter, S. Interim Analysis to Quantify the Effect of an OT Driving Intervention on Real-World Driving Events in Combat Veterans. Occupational Therapy Summit of Scholars, Madison, WI, June 2022.

Wang Y., Tran K.T., Horhota D. Road Sinkhole Imaging with Ambient Noise Tomography, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication, GSP 334, pp. 41-51, Geo-congress 2022, Charlotte, North Carolina, March 2022.

Washburn, S. Highway Capacity Manual Upgrade: What Is New for the 7th Edition? Presenter for topic New Two-Lane Highway Analysis Method, webinar, Western Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), April 2022.

Wei, J., Giang, W.C.W., Jeghers, M., Rogers, J., Li, Y., Ramirez-Zamora, A., Winter, S.M., Classen, S. Feasibility Study to Assess Procedure and Outcomes for Drivers using Autonomous In-Vehicle Technologies. 9th Annual Occupational Therapy Summit of Scholars, 2021. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. June 2021.

Xu, X., Bejleri, I. (2022, January). Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Traffic Fatalities and Economic Development: A Study of U.S. Counties. Poster Presentation in Transportation Research Board 101st Annual Meeting

Zhai, L., Bejleri, I. Predicting Future Reduction of Traffic Crashes Due to Adoption Of Fully Autonomous Vehicles. Presentation in in Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP), virtual, October 2021.

Zhang, X., Zhou, Z., Yan, X., Zhao, X. Examining Spatial Heterogeneity in the Determinants of Ridesourcing Trips with Explainable Machine Learning. Proceedings of Transportation Research Board 101st Annual Meeting, January 2022.

Zhao, X., Xu, Y., Lovreglio, R., Kuligowski, E., Nilsson, D., Cova, T., Wu, A., Yan, X. Estimating Wildfire Evacuation Decision and Departure Timing Using Massive GPS Data. Proceedings of Transportation Research Board 101st Annual Meeting, January 2022.

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