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GatorITE Institute of Transportation Engineers Student Chapter at University of Florida
This past year, GatorITE, the student chapter of the Institute of Transportation (ITE) was busy promoting research, education, leadership and professional ethics among their student members once again. Under the watchful eye of Chapter Advisor, Dr. Fabio Sasahara, their diverse membership engaged in both technical and social events and though limited by COVID-19 restrictions, they managed to bring in speakers from as far as Brazil and Germany by utilizing virtual platforms.
An internal poll of undergraduate students, spearheaded by Chapter Treasurer, Bryce Grame, indicated that the top three interests of members included networking events; big data and analytics; and interview advising, so the Board of Directors developed the year’s activities based on that information.
Members successfullydefended their title for the seventh time at the 2022 ITE CollegiateTraffic Bowl for the Florida Puerto Rico District.
On campus, in October 2021, GatorITE members met with the UFTI’s External Advisory Board and in January 2022, ESSIE UF organized a Career Fair/Industrial Evening, which was attended by several GatorITE members. The easing of travel restrictions allowed for some travel in the fall and spring, which included:
• December 2021 - Six students traveled to Orlando to participate in the Florida Automated Vehicles Summit (FAV);
• January 2022 - 20 students attended the Transportation Research Board (TSB) conference in Washington, DC, where seven members presented research papers and posters.
• February 2022 - 10 members attended the Student Leadership Summit (SLS) held in Tallahassee, Florida and hosted by FAMU-FSU.
• July 2022 – Members traveled to Bonita Springs, Florida, and successfully defended their title for the seventh time at the 2022 ITE Collegiate Traffic Bowl for the Florida Puerto Rico District.
A total of 10 seminars and webinars were held between September 2021 and March 2022 with speakers from industry, government and UF. But it’s not all calculators and slide rules in this group; they also know how to enjoy life. The student chapter organized social meet ups as a way to get to know each other better and a barbecue at Lake Wauberg in the fall and a volleyball match on campus gave them a chance to have fun. But more outings are in the works.