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Evaluating the Operations and Safety Benefits of AI-Driven Driver Information-Focused Countermeasures for CAV Technologies
Goal: The operational and safety benefits of information-based strategies (messages to CAVs) are evaluated using a simulation framework. Specifically, the impacts of providing speed-control messages to connected vehicles on the travel times and near misses along the corridor are evaluated. A simulation framework that combines a traffic simulator with the surrogate safety assessment tool is used.
Sponsor: FDOT (in collaboration with Siemens)
Status: Active
Research Team: Dr. Siva Srinivasan (PI) and Co-PIs: Dr. Ilir Bejleri, Dr. Nithin Agarwal, Dr. Rui Guo
Assessing Safety and Mobility Benefits of Autonomous Ride-Sharing Services among Older Adults in Florida
Goal: To learn older (50+) adults’ perspectives of autonomous vehicles (AV) and to identify user perspectives of automated ride sharing services and to solicit responses pertaining to adoption and acceptance practices. Older adults in four geographic areas can complete an AV ride sharing experience and participate in pre- and post- ride surveys and focus groups. We are partnered with beep, Inc. in Orlando, Florida. beep is recognized as a leader in AV ride sharing by both the United States Department of Transportation (US DOT) and the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA). beep has successfully tested AV ride sharing solutions in communities across the U.S. and is currently testing in Florida under FDOT guidance.
Sponsor: FDOT and beep
Status: Active
Research Team: Dr. Sherrilene Classen (PI) and Co-PIs: Dr. Nichole Stetten,Dr. Sandra Winter, Dr. Feifei Xiao and Dr. Carla VandeWeerd
Data Analytics and Evaluation of the Gainesville Trapezium Connected Vehicle Signal Phase and Timing (SPaT) Deployment Project
Goal: The overall goal of this project was to evaluate the efficacy of dedicated short-range communications (DSRC) in improving efficiency and safety within a network of signalized intersections. We collected, processed and analyzed data collected from the Gainesville Trapezium, a set of high-volume arterials surrounding the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida. The Trapezium is instrumented with various sensing equipment, including high-resolution loop detectors, video cameras, DSRC roadside and vehicles with on-board units provided by BRANDMOTION. We interviewed drivers of vehicles with on-board units to learn about their experience with the system.

Status: Completed
Research Team: Dr. Pruthvi Manjunatha, Dr. Lily Elefteriadou (PI), Dr. Sanjay Ranka (Co-PI)
Investigating Shared E-Scooters as a First/Last Mile Connection To Transit
Goal: E-scooters hold great potential as a first/last mile connector to public transit, yet we know very little about whether people are using them for this purpose or what barriers exist that could improve this use. This project partnered with Spin, an e-scooter company, to investigate usage of scooters as a first/last mile connector with a combination of GPS data provided by Spin and a survey of their users.
Sponsor: Ford Motor Company
Status: Completed
Research Team: Dr. Xilei Zhao (PI), Dr. Xiang Yan (Co-PI), Dr. Andrew Broaddus (Ford PI)