TòMaS User Guide

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TòMaS User Guide - Version 1.1

CONTENTS Handbook for memoq Creating a New Project      

New Project Wizard Meta-data or Meta-Information How to add a document How to add a Translation Memory How to add a Termbase Project Settings

Publishing a local project on-line         

Assigning the documents to a translator Publish on Server Step1 Step2 Step3 Step4 Altering the Settings of an online project Statistics Tracking Changes

Create an online project 

How to get started

Translator User Interface            

Starting to translate Adding Segments to a Translation Memory Adding Terms to a Termbase Concordance Split and Join Tagging Comments Resolve Errors and Warnings Exporting a File LiveDocs Saving your Work Shortcut Keys or Hotkeys

Creating a new Project New memoQ project wizard     

Open up memoQ – double click on the desktop icon The Dashboard/Home panel will now appear. In the Frequent tasks section, select Create a new project. Give the new project a title under Name. Choose the Source language as English (United Kingdom) and the Target language as Gaelic (Scotland).

Meta-data or Meta-information

As part of the ‘Create a New Project’ Wizard, there are 4 distinct fields to fill in, which are known as metadata fields. The information added here is assigned to all new translation memory segments and term base entries created within this project. In the future, this would allow translators to filter the TM’s and the TB’s for specific material associated to specific metadata. Project: This could be the same as the Project name – eg, News Client: This could be the organisation that the translation is for – eg, UHI Domain: This could be the department/subject area that the translation is for – eg, M&C Subject: This could be the type of translation – eg, News Release   

Under Description, enter a short description outlining the project. This is not as important as metadata and simply offers more information to the translator. Project Directory – The file is automatically saved to a folder called My memoQ Projects. Once these fields have been completed, click on Next>.

How to add a Document

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To add a document, click on Add document and navigate to the drive/folder where the document is kept. Select the document and click on OK, to upload it into the project. If the document is in another format other than Word, click on Add document as… and choose the filter that is relevant to the file format. When the document is uploaded, click on Next>. How to add a Translation Memory A Remote TM has an icon of a white cloud beside them. (This is stored online on the TòMaS server) A Local TM has an icon of a blue computer beside them. (This is stored locally on the computer)

 Click on the check box on the left hand side to select the TM’s you require.  Select the one you wish to use as the Primary TM. (This is the one that the segments will be saved to)  Click on Set as Primary.  Other Translation Memories can be added to the project, at any stage of the translation, and the software will search through these. Simply click on the checkbox beside the Translation Memories you require, to add them.

How to add a Term Base      

Term Bases or TB’s are similar to TM’s in that they are available as either Remote or Local TB’s. Click on the check box on the left hand side to select the TB’s you require. Select the one you wish to use as the Primary TB. (This is the one that the terms will be saved to) Click on Set as Primary Other Termbases can be added to the project and the software will search through these. Click on the checkbox, beside the Termbases you require, to add them.

Click on Finish to open the Project home panel - By default, the translations panel will appear. The files that are to be translated within this project are displayed here. New files can be added, at any time, to the project by selecting Add Document. To open a file, double click on the file name. The Translator interface screen will then be displayed. LiveDocs – to add these resources to your project, click on the check box to add them to the project. Translation Memories – to add these resources to your project, click on the check box to add them to the project – please remember that whichever is set as primary will be the resource that all translations are saved to. Term bases – to add these resources to your project, click on the check box to add them to the project – it is possible, during translation, to select an alternative term base as you add a term, when using the Add term function. A drop down list containing the term bases attached to that project will appear and the correct term base can be selected. Project Settings - this section contains information on Name and Location – where the project is stored; Languages – the language pairs involved in the project and User and Meta-information. This data was created when the project was set up. All these settings can be changed within this window if required. The project is now ready for translating or you can publish it on-line if you want to send it to a translator Publishing a local project on-line To create an online project, create a new local project as outlined above. (Please note that only those with a Project Manager licence are able to create online projects.) Then complete the following steps to publish this project online: Assigning the documents to a translator:

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Open up the project home panel by double clicking on the local project name. Under the Translations tab, the list of documents is shown. Under the headings Translator, Reviewer 1 and Reviewer 2, there are drop down boxes where the names of the appropriate users must be entered. Or click on Assign at the bottom right hand side and enter the names, under the headings as they appear in the window. (These names do not need to be specific, as they will be matched to specific users later, when publishing the project to the server).

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(It is not necessary to assign all files within a project, if they are not all to be translated – unassigned files will not be visible to the translators.) Close the project and you will return to the Dashboard panel.

Publish on Server   

Within the Dashboard panel, highlight the project that you wish to publish online. At the bottom right hand side of the screen, select Publish on Server. The Publish Project Wizard will now appear.

Step 1 – Choose the server where you wish to publish the project This should always be tmsgaelic.uhi.ac.uk The project name should now appear within the middle box, as per the original project. Desktop documents (without web translation) should be checked. This allows for any alterations to be made to the source file during the translation process; for example, there might be a requirement to join or split some segments that have not been segmented correctly. Hide local project after successful publishing should also be checked out: This allows for the original local project to be hidden from view as you will have to check out an online project, which will provide you with a new version of the project. Step 2 – Match users in the Local Project to server users This should list those Users that you assigned to the translation tasks before publishing this project on the server. Contact the UHI TMS Service Developer if the User is not listed. memoQ will try and match them with those names appearing on the Server, but you can also click on the drop down arrow beside Server user name and choose the translator you require. You can also give the translator other privileges, such as Project Manager, Terminologist etc. Step 3 – Choose which resources to publish along with the project Local Translation Memories, term bases and corpora – if you have local resources attached to the project, these will be displayed here. Local Light Resources – the settings that are attached to the local project will be displayed here.

Step 4 – Checkout options for desktop documents These checkout options can be selected to suit the project requirements.

Alterin g the settings of an online project Any user working on an online project can add/remove TM’s and TB’s – Only the Project Manager, that created the project, can add/remove files to be translated. This has to be done through the Online Project home page - this appears when you open up an online project under the ServerURL tmsgaelic.uhi.ac.uk. It is possible to add and remove documents, resources within this panel if required. Once any changes have been made, click on the blue arrow icon button at the top left of the panel to update the changes. The red lightning bolt beside it will now be replaced by a green tick to show that the project has now been updated successfully. Changes can also be made to the Users that are working on the project, by clicking on Overview and under Users, select Add new user and select the required name from the Server list. Statistics Statistics can be run on either individual documents or all documents. This feature allows the User to calculate the number of matches found against the number of segments without matches. To run the statistics, either highlight the file name within the translations panel and click on Statistics at the bottom right of the screen or open the project and go to Operations and then Statistics.     

The statistics window will open and either the whole project (all files) or individual files can be selected to be evaluated. Once the required files have been identified, select Calculate to run the statistics. A table appears with a breakdown of the results found from searching the database. All – is the number of segments/words within the files etc. X-translated – updates new document with existing translations from previous versions of the same document.

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Repetition – the number of repeated segments within the document (memoQ will automatically translate the following repetitive segments once the first one is translated. 101% - perfect match found and in context. 100% - perfect match found. The remaining percentage ranges give the PM an idea of what is left that requires to be translated – some translators feel that anything less than 75% would require so much altering that it is best to start from scratch.

Tracking Changes This allows Translators and Reviewers to compare any amendments that have been made to their work.           

When creating a new project, ensure that Version Recording is checked. Ensure that when publishing the project to a server that allowing desktop docs is also selected. Translator will check out an online project and start to translate. The translator will confirm all translations to the TM. Once finished, the translator can click on the deliver button – the envelope icon. The project can then be closed – if asked to synchronise documents, select Yes. The Reviewer can then check out their copy of the online project. Any changes can be made to document and confirmed to the TM, to overwrite the existing strands. The project can then be closed and ‘delivered’ by pressing the envelope icon. The translator would then re-open their copy of the project and document. To select Track Changes;  Go to Translation in the menu bar  Select Toggle Track Changes – against last received version  The file should now highlight the differences between the original translations and the amended translations  If the whole line is highlighted in Red, then you can go to Translation in the menu bar and select Row History, which shows the differences between

Create an Online Project This allows the translator to start working within an online project immediately. It is useful if more than one translator is working on different files within the project at the same time.  

Open up the memoQ dashboard Ensure that tmsgaelic.uhi.ac.uk is selected under the ServerURL

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At the bottom right of the screen, select Create Online Project The Create online project will open Name and Meta-Information - Fill in the fields on this page as normal for any project Click on Next Languages – Select English (United Kingdom) as Source Language and Gaelic Scotland as Target

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Click on Next Connectivity – Keep all selections as they appear by default Click on Next Click on Finish The new Online project will now appear in the project list under the ServerURL tmsgaelic.uhi.ac.uk

Double clicking on the new online project will open the dashboard panel for the project. To enable yourself or other translators and reviewers to do this, you will have to assign them tasks from the online project.                  

Double click on the online project to open it To assign the translation tasks to you, click on the down arrow beside Translator and select your name If you need to assign other people to the project, you will need to add them, as their names will not appear automatically in the drop down boxes. Go to the Overview link on the left hand side Click on the Users tab Select Add new user Choose the names you require, individually or by selecting more than one by pressing the Ctrl key and selecting each one Click on OK They will be added to the project list Click on the Translations link on the left hand side Clicking on either the Translator or Reviewer drop down arrow should allow you to select the names required. This has to be done individually for each file It is not possible to add the same name to more than one task for each file, i.e. the translator cannot also be added as the reviewer Adding the names in to the online project can be done and amended at any time throughout the project lifetime Translation Memories and Termbases can be added to the project by selecting them from the menu on the left hand side and checking the ones required The project is now ready to launch Click on the Rocket at the top left hand corner, to launch the project and the button above should now be green with a green tick The project has now been launched

Any future changes to the project will need to be made through this online project – ensure that the serverurl tmsgaelic.uhiac.uk is selected, to allow you to open the online project.

It is not possible to carry out any translation work within this online project as it is the master project that is saved to the server. To translate the files within the project, you will have to check out a local copy of this project and work within this.           

Change the ServerURL to My Computer Go to Project in the top right corner Click on Check out online project Ensure that tmsgaelic.uhi.ac.uk is shown in the ServerURL and click Select This will list all the projects that you have been assigned to Click on the required project and select OK This will download a local version of the online project to your computer Ensure that My Computer is selected within the ServerURL box There will be a local copy of the online project with your name beside it, eg: testproject-Ruairidh You will be asked to synchronise this project each time you open and close it – this ensures that any changes you or another user make are saved to the master online project To start translating, simply double click on the project name to open it.

Translator User interface Starting to translate Click the cursor within the target column and either translate as normal or use the matches from the databases; There are 2 ways to add translations found within the databases; Using the results from the Translation Results panel. 

Click twice on the translation segment number and it will appear in the target section. Any alterations can then be made to the segment, within the target section.

Select pre-translate to fill in the segments with the best match found.   

Go to Operations in the menu bar. Select and click on Pre-translate. Choose which settings you would prefer.

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Active document is the entire document. Any match can give some weak matches. o Good match gives anything higher than 65%. o Exact match gives a 100% match. o Exact match with context gives a 101% match. Click on OK The best match should now be visible within the target section.

Adding segments to a Translation Memory    

Once you have finished translating a segment, you can add it to the primary TM. Go to the menu bar and click on Translation Select Confirm. (Ctrl+Enter) A green tick should now appear beside the segment, replacing the red cross, indicating that the segment pair has been stored within the TM. If the lightning bolt appears, check what is required by double clicking on it. OR

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You can finish translating all the segments, then go to Translations, select Confirm and update all. This adds a green tick to all the segments and stores all pairs within the TM. If any segments do not display a green tick, and show a lightning bolt symbol, go to the section on Resolving errors and warnings.

Adding terms to a TermBase As you translate, certain terms may appear that would be beneficial to the organisation and other translators, with regards to consistency. To add a term to the term base, carry out the following steps;   

Highlight the specific English term by dragging to select it. Do the same for the equivalent Gaelic term. Right click on the mouse key and select either;

Quick add term – this automatically saves the term to the termbase that is selected as Primary, without the dialogue window appearing.

OR - Add to termbase – this opens a new dialogue window, where you can choose to alter the terms, the meta-info or select which Termbase you want to save the term to.

To select which termbase to save the term to, all termbases that are attributed to the project appear in a drop down list – tick the check box for the required termbase. Concordance The concordance feature searches through all the TM’s that you have in your project and allows you to view how the term or phrase was used in previous translations. If there is an entry in the Translation Results appearing in yellow, this means that entries have been found within concordance. The concordance dialogue window can be started by highlighting the chosen text within the Source segment, click on ‘Operations’ and then Concordance.

Split and Join        

Occasionally, the software does not recognise a break between two sentences and they can be uploaded into the same segment. To split this segment, place the cursor at the position you wish the segment to split. You can then click on Edit and then Split Segment or click on the Split symbol on the menu bar. The shortcut for split is Ctrl+T. Sometimes, the software splits a sentence – usually caused by a punctuation mark and they can be uploaded as two segments. To join these segments, place the cursor at the end of the first segment. You can then click on Edit and then Merge Segment or click on the Merge symbol on the menu bar. The shortcut for Join (Merge) is Ctrl+J.

Tagging When translating, specific formatting tags may appear within the Source column, for example;

Formatting tags covers text formats such as Bold, Italics and Underlined text and also bullet points, indents etc. If these tags are not inserted into the Target column, the file may not export properly (see Errors and Warnings section) or the translator may then have to spend time, within the original file, altering the formatting to match. Any changes made out with the software, means that these changes have not been saved within the databases and the translator may have to carry out the same changes another time.

When working with uninterpreted formatting tags, to add them to the target text, you simply click the cursor at the point a tag is required and press f8 – these tags appear within *.doc files.

When working with inline tags, which appear in any *.docx file, do as above but press f9.

The QA process will also inform you if there are too many/too few tags within the text and you will have to alter these to then be able to export the file (Resolve Errors and Warnings) Comments If you are working with another translator, you can add comments to individual segments, by clicking on the blue speech bubble icon. This opens up a window where you can type in comments regarding the segment. Once a comment has been added, the speech bubble changes to a dark blue to notify the other translator that a comment has been made. Resolving Errors and Warnings

If after confirming a segment, a red lightning bolt is displayed instead of a green tick, the QA process has identified that there is an issue with the translation. Double click on the lightning bolt to find out the cause. If you receive a message about warnings and errors, you will have to check and resolve these before exporting it. To do this, you can bring up the warnings and errors messages window by double clicking on the red lightning bolt or by going to the Operations tab on the menu bar and selecting Resolve Errors and Warnings. These are highlighted as part of the in-built Quality Assurance process, and will alert you to any issues such as extra spaces, mis-matches between Source/Target terms and numbers etc. Some of these errors and warnings can be ignored, but some will need to be corrected.

Exporting a File Once the translation is completed, go to Project in the menu bar and select export active document. This will then export the translated file to the same folder as the original – the file name will be the same but with a (_gla) ending to the file name. A file may not export if there are any Errors and Warnings outstanding within the file. LiveDocs

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This feature allows you to upload previously translated documents (archive material) and add them (in pairs of English Source text and Gaelic Target text), to a live Corpus. The Corpus can then be saved as a resource and added to a project when needed. The software will then search through the corpus, as well as any TM’s that you have added to the project for any possible matches. A LiveDocs corpus differs from a Translation Memory, in that the translator does not need to align the segments first – memoQ’s alignment tool is able to align the segments automatically, but in the event of a mis-alignment, the translator can open up the LiveDocs editor window and align the segments manually. The aim of LiveDocs is to reduce the time spent on aligning previously translated material initially – especially if the material does not provide the translators with a large amount of future matches, it could be considered a poor use of time. If you have a Corpus that is aligned correctly, you can export the aligned files to a TM if required.

How to upload files.

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Under Project Manager, click on the ‘LiveDocs’ tab Click on ‘Create/use new’ to create a new Corpus. The ‘New Corpus’ window will appear to allow you to create a new Corpus as you would a TM or TB. Once all the relevant fields are completed, click on OK. It is possible to alter the metadata fields, for different documents, before saving the segments to the TM. The Corpus will now appear in the upper window. The new Corpus must then be selected (ticked) to enable you to continue.

To add the files, click on ‘Add alignment pair…..’ Click ‘Browse’ to navigate and select the Source language file and double click to add.

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Click ‘Browse’ to navigate and select the Target language file and double click to add. Click on OK and the files will be automatically downloaded In the lower window, the translated files you have just added to the Corpus will be displayed here.

How to align the files and export them to a TM           

Highlight the Alignment Pair within the lower window and click on View/edit. Both files will now appear side by side in a new window and the software has carried out some preliminary pairing, by breaking the files down into segments. The coloured line between each pair signifies the estimated match level; ie, a dark green line is a close match and lighter green, not so close. You will need to read through the segment pairs and make sure that the Source and Target segments are matched correctly (aligned). Within the Source or Target side, some text may appear in the wrong segment and you will need to use the Split and Merge feature. If there is a pair that is not in-line, and due to the uploading process, is separated by other pairs, then you can use the Create Cross Link to pair them off. It may be that the alignments are added to the TM incorrectly, but they can then be amended within the TM window. Once all the links have been made, click on the Alignment menu bar and click on Export to TM. If there are any segments that you have not confirmed, you will be asked to do so now or they will not be saved to the TM. You will need to make sure that the TM where you wish to save the alignments is highlighted within the TM panel and set as Primary. These segments will now appear in the TM that you have selected.

Saving your work MemoQ will automatically save all work. If you want to close down memoQ, simply click on the red X in the top right hand corner. You will not be prompted to save anything. The next time you start up memoQ, you can continue from where you finished previously.

If you are working as part of an online project with desktop documents, you may be prompted to synchronise documents – this is to ensure that any changes you have made to the files are then replicated in the server documents, so that the other translators, involved in the project, can also see the changes you have made.

Shortcut Keys or Hot Keys







Close Active Document




Save All




Insert Current Hit


Insert Assembled Hit


OPERATIONS MENU Confirm and Update Rows






Scan Segment


Look Up Term




Add Term


Confirm and Overwrite


Quick Add Term


Confirm Without Update




Add Comment




Edit Warnings






Create Synchro Link




Create Cross Link




Mark as Insertion




Remove Link or Insertion




Confirm all Auto Links


Select All Text


Run Aligner


Select All Segments


Copy Source To Target



Copy Selection to Target




Toggle Case


Add Term


Insert Symbol


Go To Next



Go To Next Settings


Switch to Next Layout

Split Segment


Join Segments



Edit Source











Insert Next Format Tag


Remove All Format Tags


Copy Next tag Sequence


Copy Next Inline Tag


Edit Inline Tag




For more information and technical guidance on the use of TòMaS, please contact the Gaelic Technology Services Developer;

ruairidh.mackay@uhi.ac.uk or 01463 279341

More information can be found on our website


or the following social media pages;

Facebook – www.facebook.com/tomasUHI Twitter – @ToMaS_UHI Blog – http://tomasuhi.wordpress.com/

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