UHR|Connect November 2016 Vol. 2 No. 11
A GREAT PLACE TO WORK You may have received our recent email asking that you update your personal information in our systems through ares.umd.edu. Time is running short, so please take the few minutes and verify your information by October 28, 2016 and make any necessary changes to items such as: • *Primary Name • *Address and Phone - for permanent and business information • Ethnicity/Racial Identification • Veteran’s Status/Disability Status • Emergency Contact Information *If you are a benefits earning employee and change your permanent address or name, you will also need to submit an address/name change form found at http://uhr.umd.edu/address-name-change/ to the Employee Benefits Office. Before making any changes to your email address please read these instructions. Perhaps you obtained a new degree since the last time your information was updated, or you have a functional title that best describes your roles and responsibilities or, your emergency contact has a new phone number that needs to be updated. We send a reminder out each year asking you to review your information, and it often falls to the end of the list of things you have to do; make this the year that you do it. Additionally, in September, 2013, the Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) published the final version of its revised affirmative action regulations for protected veterans and individuals with disabilities. The updated guidelines currently require a 7% hiring benchmark for hiring Veterans and a 7% placement goal for hiring people with disabilities. UMD has the responsibility to meet these goals and updating your personal information moves us all in the right direction in recognizing the vast diversity in our community. When reviewing your personal information, if you identify errors and you are not able to make changes on the “Personal PHR Information” page, please contact your unit’s PHR Coordinator. Should you have any additional questions or need assistance accessing your information, please contact the UHR Support Center at 301405-7575.
UHR|CONNECT | Vol. 1, No. 11
Lunch & Learn November’s Lunch & Learn will focus on Diabetes Awareness & Prevention. This month is American Diabetes Month! The focus will concentrate on the symptoms of diabetes and the risk for pre-diabetes and diabetes. Learn the best strategies for preventing diabetes. The Lunch & Learn will be held on Friday, November 11, 2016 in 1101U Chesapeake Building from 12:00 – 1:00 register at training.umd.edu Healthfinder.gov indicates that Diabetes is one of the leading causes of disability and death in the United States. It can cause blindness, nerve damage, kidney disease, and other health problems if it’s not controlled. One in 11 Americans have diabetes — that’s more than 29 million people. And another 86 million adults in the United States are at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The good news? People who are at high risk for type 2 diabetes can lower their risk by more than half if they make healthy changes. These changes include: eating healthy, increasing physical activity, and losing weight.
Supplemental Retirement Plan Overview
Not contributing to a supplemental retirement plan? Learn how contributing just $10 to $20 per pay can get you on the road to supplementing your pension and social security payments during your retirement years. We cover everything you need to know about the Plans including how much to save, withdrawal rules and options, and the power of compounding. We will also explain the difference between saving pre-tax and after-tax (Roth) dollars. Lastly, we discuss how you should be investing for retirement with an emphasis on diversification, asset allocation, and market trends. After short presentations by the representatives, you will have an opportunity to meet with them. The workshop will be held on Friday, November 18th from 10:00 – 11:30AM in Nyumburu Cultural Center’s Multipurpose Room. To register for this workshop, go to training.umd.edu
Pre-Retirement Seminar for members of the Optional Retirement Plan UHR Benefits Office will be hosting a PreRetirement Seminar for Faculty and Staff who are members of the Optional Retirement Plan. Topics to be discussed include: • Retiring Under the Optional Retirement Program (ORP) presented by TIAA and Fidelity • What you need to know about Retiree Health Benefits • Social Security and Medicare Overview The ORP Pre-Retirement will be on Friday, November 11, 2016 from 9:00 – 12:00PM in 1528 Van Munching Hall. To register for this workshop, go to training.umd.edu
Open Enrollment Reminder November 15, 2016 is the last day for Open Enrollment. The Plan Year begins January 1, 2017. The new Flexible Spending Account Carrier is P & A Group as of January 1, 2017. • All claims incurred in 2016 will be processed by the current carrier Connect Your Care. • 2016 grace period healthcare FSA claims (1/1/2017 – 3/15/2017) will be processed by Connect Your Care. • REMINDER: Last day to submit 2016 claims is April 15, 2017 • If you want a flexible spending account in 2017, you must enroll for a flexible spending plan through the IVR during open enrollment.
UHR|CONNECT | Vol. 1, No. 11
Change Your Language, Shift Your World When we speak with colleagues across campus or send out surveys and questionnaires to find out what topics people would like to learn about in a training session or conference the most popular response is often ‘work/life balance.’ What does that mean to you? Can there be a real balance? Does that mean that you give 100% at work and 100% at home? Do you have 200% to give? If you adjust the math, recognizing you only have 100% in total, does that mean 50% at work and 50% at home? That doesn’t seem like balance and neither the boss nor the family are going to be pleased with only getting 50% of your energy. Perhaps the key is no longer to strive for work-life balance, but for work-life fit or work-life integration. I don’t know about you, but even changing the language from balance, which creates a vision of unbalance, as well, to integration or fit, makes it all seem more possible and within reach. Lynda.com has a course on work-life fit. Best-selling author, Cali Yost, takes less than 30 minutes of your time, 29 minutes and 7 seconds, to be exact, to explain work-life fit and provide tips on how to get there. Topics include: • What is work-life fit? • Creating work, personal, and career to-dos • Adding tweaks to your calendar • Creating a plan to reset
Image from the New York Times February 25, 2016
After you complete the course, go ahead and hit the blue button – Publish to Profile – and Lynda.com will load your Certificate of Completion on to your Linked In profile. Using your Directory ID and password, login to lyndatraining.umd.edu or https://www.lynda.com/BusinessSkills-tutorials/Finding-Work-Life-Fit/166524-2.html?org=umd.edu and check it out. It just may change the way you’ve been thinking, lessen the stress about creating a ‘balance,’ and provide you with action oriented steps to weave your work and your life together. You only have 100% to work with, use it well.
Training Plan for FLSA Impacted Employees Employees directly impacted as a result of new overtime standards issued by the Department of Labor, will be notified over the course of the next week. For some, there will now be a requirement to maintain a record of hours worked. UHR understands that there will be questions from both impacted employees and their supervisors. Which is why, beginning November 1st, Time Keeping Information Sessions (live and online) are being provided along with an additional General Q&A session. Registration for the live classroom options is available at training.umd.edu. On-Line sessions will be
available through elms.umd.edu. Additional information is available at uhr.umd.edu/flsa. If you have questions about the training plan, please contact Cyn Trombly Allen at ctrombly@umd.edu.
UHR|CONNECT | Vol. 1, No. 11
November 2016 Mon.
9:00am-Noon: Leadership Development Initiatives (LDI), Planning & Execution (5 of 6)
9:00am-Noon: Supervisor’s Essentials, Role of a Supervisor 1:30pm-4:30pm: Supervisor’s Essentials, Getting Things Done
9:00am-Noon: Employee Development Initiatives (EDI), 4 of 6
9:00am-Noon: Leadership Development Initiatives (LDI), Performance Conversations (6 of 6)
9:00am-10:30am: Performance, Review, & Development (PRD) for Supervisors and NonSupervisors
9:00am-Noon: Employee Development Initiatives (EDI), 5 of 6
11 Noon-1:00pm: Employee Benefits, BYOL (Bring Your Own Lunch) Brown Bag Seminars
10:45am-4:30pm: Supervisor’s Essentials, Staff Relations
8:15am-4:30pm: New Employee Orientation & Welcome
8:15am-4:30pm: New Employee Orientation & l November 1
1:30-4:30pm: Supervisor’s Essentials, An Overview of Workplace Safety
6 of 6
9:00am-Noon: Supervisor’s Essentials, Encouraging an Inclusive Workplace
9:00am-Noon: Employee Development Initiatives (EDI),
9:00am – Leadership Development Initiatives (LDI), Planning & Execution (5 of 6) November 2 9:00am – Supervisor’s Essentials, Role of a Supervisor 1:30pm – Supervisor’s Essentials, Getting Things Done November 3 9:00am – Employee Development Initiatives (EDI), Extraordinary Customer Service (4 of 6) November 8 9:00am – Leadership Development Initiatives (LDI), Performance Conversations (6 of 6) November 9 9:00am – Performance, Review, & Development (PRD) for Supervisors and Non-Supervisors 10:45am – Supervisor’s Essentials, Staff Relations Resources November 10 9:00am – Employee Development Initiatives (EDI), Maximizing Productivity (5 of 6) November 11 12:00pm – Employee Benefits Bring Your Own Lunch Brown Bag Seminar November 14 8:15am – New Employee Orientation & Welcome November 16 9:00am – Supervisor’s Essentials, Encouraging an Inclusive Workplace 1:30pm – Supervisor’s Essentials, An Overview of Workplace Safety November 17 9:00am – Employee Development Initiatives (EDI), Exceed Expectations & Grow Your Career (6 of 6) November 18 9:00am – Organization Communication Fundamentals using Lynda.com November 28 8:15am – New Employee Orientation & Welcome
9:00am-Noon: Organization Communication Fundamentals using Lynda.com