Resume Self Checklist

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Resume Staples

 Are you currently using a template? Creating an original word document to have a unique resume where you have more control over formatting and included information is advantageous.

 Does your name have authority on the top of the page? 16-20 pt. font? Maybe it’s bolded or in all caps?

 Up to date contact information with an email not tied to a student account? Taking up 1-2 lines maximum?

 Are dates formatted consistently throughout? Example: Month Year – Month Year, numerical, or abbreviated?

 Are all section titles formatted the same? Font size, bolding, capitalization, italics, underlining, etc.?

 Have you used the same font and font size throughout the resume? With the exception that name and section titles may be slightly larger.

 Are bullet points all aligned throughout each section?


 Is the name of your degree fully spelled out and not abbreviated?

o Bachelor of Arts in English

o BA in English

 Is the name of your school fully spelled out?

 If you listed any course highlights, are the titles written out fully as opposed to abbreviating?

o Principles of Business Economics

o BUS102


 Is your job title, company name, and dates consistently written from one experience to the next?

 Do bullet points state what you did, how you did, and why you did it? Results mentioned if applicable?

 Do bullet points start with an action verb that accurately represents your skills?

 Are you using key words from the job description in your bullet points to show that you are directly qualified?

 Did you include accomplishments in your bullet points? Show your impact!


 Are all your technical skills included (computer, lab, tools, etc.)? Are these tailored to the job description and listed in order of greatest relevance to least?

 Have you included all languages along with proficiency level?

o Fluent – can read, write, and speak.

o Conversational – can carry a verbal conversation only.

 Did not list ‘soft’ skills in this section (communication, problem-solving, attention to detail, etc.)

o Build these into your bullet points where you can prove them.

Some Other Resume Sections to Consider:

Relevant Experience

Awards and Accomplishments

Research Experience

Project Experience

Extracurricular Involvement

Leadership Experience


Additional Experience


Honors and Awards

Anything you can improve? 208-885-6121 ISUB Vandal Success Center

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