2021 Annual Report: A Whole Person Approach to Well-Being

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2021 ANNUAL REPORT A Whole Person approach to well-being Well-being at the University of Iowa is a process focused on life-long learning that promotes and sustains optimal health, personal connectedness, meaningful experiences, and a purposeful life.


WELLNESS AMBASSADOR NETWORK Wellness Ambassadors serve as volunteer

Above: End of year Wellness Ambassador Connect meeting December 13, 2021.

local-level champions of a healthy workplace culture. They help connect their peers to

“ITS offered a virtual Week of Wellness

programs and services at the right time.

for the second year in a row. It was well

• 122 Wellness Ambassadors help infuse

received by the organization and even

well-being into the day-to-day work

prompted additional participation in the

activities of their units.

Personal Health Assessment.”

• A monthly live ZOOM call keeps Wellness Ambassadors apprised of offerings and

ROBIN SPRINGER Budget Officer, ITS Wellness Ambassador

allows time for sharing and networking • A departmental wellbeing toolbox was developed in 2021 as

”This year our Week of Wellness activities

additional ideas to

encouraged developing ongoing good

infuse well-being into

habits in well-being, eating, and activity.

the work experience

Additionally, our College sends a monthly wellness message that shares healthy seasonal recipes, lists health-related events and training, and expresses appreciation for a spectrum of health

“We were able to have a ZOOM yoga

aspects for well-being.“

offering throughout 2021, which helped keep many of us strong and grounded.“

WILLOW FUCHS Business Reference & Instruction Librarian, Tippie College of Business & UI Libraries Wellness Ambassador

KIM MERCHANT Research Associate, College of Public Health Wellness Ambassador

DO YOU HAVE A WELLNESS AMBASSADOR? These local-level champions for health and well-being receive updates about employee health and well-being opportunities. They communicate out to departments via email, staff meetings, bulletin boards, etc. Learn more at hr.uiowa.edu/livewell/wellness-ambassadors



MINI HEALTH FAIR Know Your Numbers In partnership with the American Pharmacists Association–Academy of Student Pharmacists

“As one of the pharmacists who

chapter at the UI College of Pharmacy and

precepted pharmacy

Student Wellness, liveWELL provided three “pop-

students at one of the mini health

up” health fairs. All members of the University

fairs this past fall, it was great to

of Iowa were able to attend three events

see on-site preventative health

held at the Campus Recreation and Wellness

screenings take place in person

Center and College of Pharmacy Building.

again. The collaboration offers the

• Blood Pressure and Blood Glucose Screenings provided awareness and early detection • High Risk Employees were referred to

opportunity for individuals to take control of their health through patient education on a number of chronic disease states as well as

either UI Health Care and/or the liveWELL

providing preventative care

Diabetes Prevention Program


• Information from Mental Health @

STEPHANIE HENDRICKS, PharmD Pharmacy Resident, Ambulatory Care

Iowa was embedded into this event for easy referral to resources

F E AT U R E D live W E L L T R A I N I N G

RESILIENCE 101 Working through times of adversity and stress is

524 attendees in

challenging. Fortunately, decades of research have

Resilience 101 classes

set a road map for building resilience, adjusting to life-changing situations, and emerging stronger than before. liveWELL offered a 4-part series on

121 unique, individual faculty/staff attendees

100% of those surveyed

Resilience in Spring and Fall 2021.

are committed to taking action

SESSION 1: What is Resilience and How to Build It

on something they learned


number of overall attendees in 2021 liveWELL trainings and presentations.


100% of those surveyed

Happiness, Gratitude, Protective Factors

earned a new skill that they

in the areas of

can apply in their life

Financial Wellness,


Topics are offered

Nutrition, Healthy

Self-Compassion and the Resilient Brain

100% of those surveyed


agreed that their identities were

Family Caregiving,

Self-Care and Stress Management

respected as a part of the training

and more


Habits, Mindfulness,




A local-level planning committee works in lockstep with liveWELL to ensure a customized experience for Week of Wellness based upon local culture and PHA data trends. Executive Leadership, Senior HR Leadership, HR Community, Wellness Ambassadors, and other invited committee members are central to the success of a Week of Wellness! • 36 Organizational Units were served with a tailored Week of Wellness experience in 2021

PERSONAL HEALTH ASSESSMENT (PHA) PARTICIPATION GOALS MET The following Organizational Units achieved 50% or greater participation of their eligible Faculty/Staff population (a goal of the Week of Wellness):

College of Pharmacy

• Smaller orgs were combined for efficiency College of Education

• UI Health Care orgs were served in conjunction with National Hospital Week and National Nurses Week (May 2021) • 127 total programs/events were held

President General Counsel Human Resources External Relations*

• 1,200 faculty/staff attended a Week of Wellness event Provost Graduate College Univesity College* Office of the Vice President for Research and State Hygienic Lab College of Nursing College of Dentistry University Libraries Above: College of Education Dean Harriet

*Designates a combined Week of Wellness for multiple organizational units

Nembhard kicks off their Week of Wellness with an inspiring message about taking care of self while addressing her faculty and staff in a “Monday Minute” video. Left: College of Law Lunch Walk–led by our Wellness Ambassadors Jill Soppe and Tami Diebel.

“We had great Week of Wellness activities and provided healthy snacks for our faculty and staff. Also, one of our professors led a group for the Iowa Healthiest State Walk.”

KIM GEGUZIS Secretary to the Dean, College of Nursing Wellness Ambassador liveWELL 2021 ANNUAL REPORT | 4

LIFESTYLES CHRONIC HEALTH CONDITION PREVENTION PROGRAMS The Centers for Disease Control National Diabetes Prevention Program and the 10-Week Weight Management platform (powered by Wondr Health) have shown that active participants reduce their risk for chronic health conditions such as diabetes, stroke, heart disease, and some cancers, as well as orthopedic issues associated with being overweight or inactive. liveWELL launched both in 2020. WONDR HEALTH 731 faculty and staff have participated in the 10-week Wondr Health program since it started on campus in 2020. 650 (89%) faculty and staff participated in two or more of the 10 sessions

University of Iowa employees Megan and Jon G. lost a combined total of 90 pounds by participating in Wondr

34% of participants lost at least 3% of body weight* Estimated $315,000 cost savings since

Health, a skills-based digital program focused on healthy habits.

program was implemented on campus

DIABETES PREVENTION PROGRAM 78 faculty and staff have enrolled in five cohorts launched since 2020. Each cohort works through the CDC’s DPP curriculum over a 52-week period with a Certified Lifestyle Coach. The results are life-changing for individuals and their families and provide a return in value to the University of Iowa from a health standpoint. 51% lost at least 3% of body weight* 12% lost more than 10% of body weight 85% increased physical activity 69% increased energy *Medical experts advise that losing at least 3% body weight leads to medically significant health improvements which also have a cost savings.


“We are happier, healthier, & have more enthusiasm to be active. It’s a great feeling!” Megan G.




April-May 2021

Summer 2021

September-October 2021




• Nutrition

• Creativity, art, and campus engagement

• Physical activity

• Healthy weight

• Diversity, equity, inclusion

• Environment and sustainability

• Intellectual curiosity and learning • Collaboration

• Nutrition • Mental well-being • Gratitude • Healthy rest and sleep

PARTICIPATION 569 faculty/staff focused on a deep dive into various benefits of various fruits and vegetables

PARTICIPATION 580 faculty/staff completed learning activities about 9 art installations on campus

PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS • 97% increased fruit and veggie intake • Healthy recipes were most popular program component

PARTICIPATION 652 faculty/staff with a football theme

PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS • The program focused on learning and appreciation of art • 98% increased learning and appreciation of art on campus


• 95% increased fruit/ veggie consumption • 92% improved rest and sleep habits • 95% increased gratitude practice • 92% increased exercise

2021 WELLNESS CHALLENGES Four wellness challenges are offered each year to provide an informative and motivating format to engage employees in their well-being habits. liveWELL sends out weekly tips, tricks, and tools for health improvement focused on many areas of wellness. Topics and programs are chosen each year based upon Personal Health Assessment data (need) and user experience/requests (interest).

liveWELL teamed up with students from the Department of Health and Human Physiology to deliver Be Kind to Your Mind, a three-week program to UI faculty and staff based on principles from positive psychology.

DATE November 2021

REGISTRATION 1,350 participants registered for Be Kind to Your Mind (100% increase in registration from previous program and over half of registrants from UI Health Care).

FOCUS AREAS • Purpose • Social connections • Mental well-being • Positive psychology

Wins 95%

of those surveyed agreed GRATITUDE JOURNALS 1,232 gratitude journals were distributed to participants that registered for the program by November 3, 2021.

that their personal well-being has improved

BONUS CODES PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS • 94% greater ability to cope with stress • 96% more positive mindset • 94% relationships at home have improved • 94% relationships at work have improved

Participants received a weekly email with tips and resources as well as a weekly bonus code to earn 50 wellness points. WEEK 1: 835 participants WEEK 2: 693 participants WEEK 3: 724 participants


of those surveyed agreed that the program was respectful and inclusive of my identity

“Partnering with liveWELL to establish this program was a transformational experience. Not only did it expand my knowledge on how to roll out a successful health communication campaign, but it provided me the opportunity to really connect and provide resources to the University of Iowa community.” GR ACE DRINANE Student contributor to Be Kind to Your Mind Program




8,656 Number of staff (45%) that completed their Personal Health Assessment (PHA) survey (51% participation in 2020)




These continue to be the top three behavior risks for campus. Of



note, is the category “Unmanaged



Stress” which has climbed to 22% from 17% in 2020.



Poor Nutrition

Poor Sleep

56% 40




in 2020. “Financial Stress” saw an improvement from 32% in 2020.


Too much to do/ not enough time

81% PHA responders agree that their physical work environment provides opportunities to make healthy choices (83% in 2020)


“Too Much to Do” climbed from 52% and “Caregiving” climbed from 28%

Physical Inactivity

Total faculty/staff touches in a service, program or event offered by liveWELL in 2021

Financial Stress

Caregiving Responsibilities

87% PHA responders agree that their supervisor supports health and wellbeing locally (87% in 2020)



Inspiring a culture of wellbeing, providing employees the opportunity to thrive.

Human Resources provides leadership in shaping an equitable and inclusive culture that drives diversity, excellence, and innovation by supporting talent, engagement, and the employee work experience.


at livewell@uiowa.edu or call 319-353-2973

CONNECT WITH US on social media @UIowaLiveWELL

Partnerships are vital to the outcomes in this report. liveWELL would like to thank the following partners who contribute to our healthy campus community and accolades: University Human Resources, Recreational Services, UI Health Care, Integrated Health Management Advisory Group, Wellness Ambassadors, and students who contribute via internships, employment, or class projects.

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