Programme d’évènements / Event Programme
Mercredi 22 janvier 2025
Horaire & langue Entreprise
10h30 - 10h45
11h00 - 11h45
12h00 - 12h15
12h20 - 12h35
Information sur l’évènement
Bennetts Associates Retrofit and Innovation
Edward Marchand, Associate Director
Grimshaw, RSHP
Atelier One
Panel : Nouveau ou (Re)Nouveau
Grimshaw : Alice Barrois, Principal RSHP : Hamish Crockett, Associé Senior Modérateur : TBC
L’importance d’intégrer l’héritage industriel au centre des projets de régénération urbaine
Sebastien Ricard, Directeur
Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations
Neil Thomas, Director
12h45 - 13h15 UK Government TBC
13h20 - 13h35
13h40 - 13h55
14h00 - 14h30
Eckersley O’Callaghan
Innovation in Materials, Our Work in France and Beyond
Philip Wilson and Mitsu Edwards, Directors
Future Work (place): urbanism and work
Nick Gaskell, Partner
English UK Department for Business and Trade Investing in the UK’s built environment: gaps and opportunities in green buildings’ supply chains
Julie Godefroy
14h40 - 14h55
English WW+P
Designing infrastructure to support sustainable cities
Rob Naybour, Chair
15h00 - 15h30
Français GROUPWORK, The Stonemasonry Company, Webb Yates
15h40 - 15h55
16h00 - 16h15
16h20 - 16h35
Buro Happold
Alice fait table rase
Pierre Bidaud, Steve Webb, Amin Taha
BHoM (Buildings and Habitats object Model) & Ingénierie Structure – Une approche spécialisée pour les projets multidisciplinaires
Sarah Fahlaoui, Senior Engineer
Stanton Williams Continuity and Transformation: When Heritage Buildings Shape Tomorrow's Culture
Patrick Richard, Principal Director
Foster + Partners 15 years in Provence, where innovation meets history.
Francois Curato, Partner
Jeudi 23 janvier 2025
Horaire & langue Entreprise
10h30 - 10h45
Français Mott MacDonald
11h00 - 11h45
Français Arcadis, Buro Happold, La Défense, WilkinsonEyre
12h00 - 12h15
English Price & Myers
12h20 – 12h35
Français Zaha Hadid Architects
12h40 – 12h55
English Allies and Morrison
13h00 - 13h15
Français RSHP
13h20 - 13h40
English RIBA
14h00 - 14h45
Hawkins\Brown, WW+P
15h00 - 15h15 Grimshaw
Information sur l’évènement
Une technologie stimulante pour une innovation axée sur la valeur sur les projets
Sébastien Mellot, Responsable du programme d’adoption de l’innovation numérique
Panel : Les différences de cultures pour mettre en place des grands plans d’aménagements/ d’urbanisme en général entre la France et l’Angleterre.
Arcadis : Nicolas Ledoux, Directeur de la solution globale urbanisme
Buro Happold : Franck Robert, Partenaire
La Défense : Pierre-Yves Guice, Directeur Général
WilkinsonEyre : Sebastien Ricard, Directeur
Modérateur : Nathalie Rozencwajg - RIBA
The Art of Engineering
Tim Lucas, Partner at Price & Myers (EN)
Reimagining existing buildings – a sustainable approach
Stéphane Vallotton and Marie-Perrine Plaçais, Directors
Research and innovation
Lionel Eid, Associate Director and Head of Research
L’histoire de deux villes : Londres et Paris
Stephen Barrett, Director
The greenest building is the one that already exists: new strategies in building overhauls
Nathalie Rozencwaig - NAME Architecture
Panel: Infrastructure as a catalyst for urban regeneration
Hawkins\Brown: Heike Neurohr, Partner
WW+P: Lucy Dunn, Senior Architect
Modérateur: Waldemar Koehler - RIBA
Humanising Infrastructure
Declan McCafferty, Partner
15h20 – 15h35
Français Mamou-Mani
15h40 – 15h55
English Design International
Eco-Parametric Architecture
Arthur Mamou-Mani, Managing Director
Designing for Community
Lucio Guerra, Chief Design Officer and Partner
Department for Business and Trade
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• Advising, supporting, and promoting British businesses to grow and export.
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• Promoting free trade, economic security and resilient supply chains.
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Published by
Department for Business and Trade