Spirits Packaging and Labelling Regulations

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The following are the main requirements in terms of packaging and labelling for exporting Spirits in conformity with the current French regulations. These elements are given for information purposes only, they are not necessarily exhaustive and are not a substitute for ocial texts Information valid as of 06/06/2023

Front label

Size of bottle 70 cl / 700 ml (both units acceptable)

Alcohol volume (ABV) Include the degrees of alcohol by volume followed by % vol

Category Category of the product e.g. Single Malt Scotch Whisky

Origin Country or region where the product was manufactured

Age Age in years (if applicable e.g. whisky)

Batch number If applicable

Back label

Size of bottle 70 cl / 700 ml

About Include a short description of the product (if not done in the front label or outer packaging)

Ingredients Include all known allergenic substances. Including the list of ingredients is optional when ABV is more than 1.2%

Pregnancy logo Pregnancy warning pictogram minimum size of 1.4 cm in diameter

Manufacturer Include the address of the manufacturer (if not done in the front label)

Importer Include the address of the importer (if not done in the front label)

Green Dot Mandatory for the EU but not for France, as of now it is not forbidden to have both of the Triman logo and the Green Dot logo*

Triman logo & Infotri*

If the Triman logo and Infotri are not already displayed in the outer packaging, Triman logo is mandatory on the back label

Triman logo & Infotri

The current French regulation (Decree No. 2014-1577) requires labels and/or packaging to include the Triman logo (on the left) and the Infotri logo (on the right). The Infotri consists of the separation notice, it cannot be smaller than 8mm. It is possible to print in black and white or in colour. The Triman Logo may never be smaller than 6mm and must be in black and white. However, there are some exemptions to the requirement for the Triman logo:

# Deliverables

Glass bottles

Due Date


Small packaging

Triman logo is not mandatory on glass beverage containers but shall be displayed on the outer packaging of the product


Date of manufacture

Triman logo is not mandatory if the surface area of the longest edge is less than 10 cm² . The corresponding information must available in an electronic format e.g. QR codes.



If the packaging was produced before the 9th September 2022 or if the goods were packed before this date, they can enter the French market without the Triman logo. If packaging produced before 9th September 2022 was received until March 9th 2023 it can enter the French market without the Triman logo.

When packaging has as a final destination another business (and not the customer), there are no Triman logo and Infotri requirements E g the brown box used to transport the product to the distributor

When packaging has as a final destination the customer, it must have both Triman logo and Infotri E g the box where the whisky bottle is packed available at the store

Useful links

https://www legifrance gouv fr/loda/id/JORFTEXT000029958108/

https://www conseil-etat fr/fr/arianeweb/CE/decision/2021-03-15/449875

https://www europarl europa eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2021/690563/EPRS BRI(2021)690563 EN pdf

https://sante gouv fr/prevention-en-sante/addictions/article/alcool-cadre-legal

https://www pro-e org/future-use-of-the-green-dot-trademark-in-france

Presentation on French regulations: https://issuu com/ukti/docs/british embassy paris x citeo presentation

Disclaimer: The Department for Business & Trade provides this service. Whereas every effort has been made to ensure that information provided through this service is accurate, DBT accept no liability for any errors, omissions or misleading statements in such information and accept no responsibility as to the standing of any firm, details, company or individual mentioned. Companies should undertake their own research and should not consider the information to be an endorsement of any goods, services or companies mentioned

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