The University of Lethbridge is celebrating its 45th anniversary this year, giving us an opportunity to reflect on all that is the U of L – our past, present and future. This means celebrating the contributions of donors like you whose gifts help shape our university. I want to extend my most sincere thanks for your contributions to the University this past year. Gifts like yours have enabled the U of L to forge a path of innovation, inspiration and discovery, laying a solid foundation for the future. Your generosity makes it possible for the U of L to increase educational opportunities for students, expand physical spaces on campus and provide necessary resources for research – all resulting in impacts far greater than we can imagine. In the following pages, you will learn about some of the generous gifts that have shaped our history, read some of the University’s highlights from 2011 and see the names of countless individuals and organizations who believe in the possibilities of what we can accomplish together. Whether it be through the students who study here, the faculty who conduct world-class research and engage in creative endeavours, the athletes who proudly wear our blue and gold, or the community members who share our passion for sport, culture and the arts – together we are making a difference thanks to the support of individuals like you. Once again, on behalf of students, faculty and staff at the University of Lethbridge, thank you for your support. We hope you will join us as we celebrate 45 years of accomplishment! Sincerely,
Dr. Michael J. Mahon President and Vice-Chancellor University of Lethbridge
A HISTORY OF SUPPORT TH R O U G HOUT OUR 4 5 -Y EAR HISTORY, THE U NI V E RS IT Y OF LET HBRIDGE HAS BEEN GE NE R O US LY S UPPORT ED BY INDIV IDUALS AND O R G A NIZAT ION S C O MMITTED TO ENHANCING TH E S T UD EN T EXPERIENCE, ADVANCING TE ACH I N G AN D FURT H ERING RESEARCH. The stories that follow are just a few examples of the visionary gifts that have helped shape our University – gifts that are inspirational, transformational and that have had significant impact. What all our donors have in common is a belief in what we can accomplish together.
Construction of University Hall
Moses installed outside at the U of L
A dynamic and forward-thinking group of citizens, an enlightened City administration and a bold regional planning commission strongly recommended that a site west of the Oldman River, mostly on the land bordering the coulee, was the ideal location for the University of Lethbridge.
Straddling the sixth and seventh floors of the University Centre for the Arts, Moses exudes the strength and confidence of one who has watched the world change around him. The eye-catching sculpture has the distinction of being the first piece of artwork acquired for the renowned University of Lethbridge Art Collection.
Taking the lead, the City of Lethbridge purchased approximately 1,800 acres of land across the river in 1968 with the intention of donating some of it to the newly founded University of Lethbridge. In October of that same year, city council voted in favour of donating 315 acres to the University, making the City of Lethbridge the U of L’s first donor. Since then, the City and the University have partnered on many projects to improve the personal well-being of individuals and families, and enhance the quality of life in local and regional communities. Today, the Max Bell Regional Aquatic Centre, the 1st Choice Savings Centre for Sport and Wellness and the U of L Community Sports Stadium benefit our community as a result of the U of L’s partnership with the City.
An integral part of the University’s history, 17-foot tall, 1,800 kilogram Moses was brought home by Dr. Van E. Christou (LLD ’84) following a family vacation at Expo 67 in Montreal. “When we were walking around Expo I was really struck by the art throughout the site, and I noticed that each sculpture was owned by the House of Seagrams,” says Christou, who was a member of the University’s original Board of Governors. “I called up our president, Sam Smith, and asked if he could get me a meeting with one of their representatives. The next day I spent an afternoon with Charles Bronfman, the CEO. At the end of our talk, I asked him what they were doing with all the sculptures when Expo was finished and he said they had no plans.” So Christou made his pitch, telling the story of the new centennial university in southern Alberta and how a significant art piece would make a
wonderful gift to celebrate its opening. “He said go ahead, choose whatever one you want,” says Christou, who eventually chose Moses because he thought it worked best with Arthur Erickson’s design of University Hall. Moses was originally installed at the University’s Lethbridge Junior College campus before being moved to the west side in 1972 and mounted outside the entrance to University Hall. For more than four years Moses braved the weather as best he could, but even 4,000 pounds of bronze can buckle when confronted with southern Alberta chinook winds that vibrated it so consistently, it developed a series of cracks in its base. In the fall of 1977, Moses was taken down and shipped off to Dressor Clark Industries for substantial repairs. A heavier base was constructed, cracks in its exterior were sealed and Moses was ready for his next, and final, journey. In 1981, as the Centre for the Arts was nearing completion, he was lowered through an unfinished roof to his current resting place. Today the U of L art collection includes more than 14,000 works of art. The U of L embraces its role as a major collecting institution and the collection plays a central role in research, learning and community engagement at the University.
Joseph Dorner
U of L Library
1993-94 Pronghorns men’s hockey team
Joseph Dorner passed away 12 years before the University of Lethbridge opened its doors, but a visionary gift in his name continues to impact U of L students today.
In 1990, the University of Lethbridge began the process of planning for the Library Information Network Connection (LINC), a state-of-the-art library that would address the needs of a growing student population.
The 1993-94 Pronghorns men’s hockey team was not considered a championship contender. Moreover, following a year of controversy over the priority of funding athletics at the University, the hockey program faced the prospect of being cut from the U of L athletic landscape completely.
Dorner was born in Austria and immigrated to North America in the late 1800s. First settling in North Dakota, he eventually travelled to Alberta and purchased some land in the Granum area, where he farmed for many years. Dorner passed away in 1955, leaving his estate to his second wife Leopoldine. With her death in 1989, she kindly made a bequest in her will for student awards at the U of L, with the intent to support a student from rural southern Alberta. Considered the U of L’s first estate gift, the Joseph Dorner Memorial Award has resulted in more than $97,300 in student awards to date. The U of L has always placed students at the heart of everything we do and increasing support for the more than 8,400 students attending the University continues to be a priority. Last year, the U of L received $4.5 million in funding for student awards from donors like you, helping provide opportunities that otherwise may have been out of reach.
Funding for LINC came from many sources, but U of L students were the largest single contributor, providing $1.5 million to the project. Led by Students’ Union President Poul Mark (BA ’94) in the largest student referendum at that time, U of L students overwhelmingly voted in favour of a $2.50 per course levy to go toward the new library. The $34 million project took 12 years to complete and officially opened in the fall of 2001. “It shows we’re willing to invest in our education,” said Students’ Union President Matt McHugh when interviewed at the grand opening. “Not only for ourselves, but for future students.” As one of the first universities in Canada to have students sit on the Board of Governors, the U of L has long involved students in the decision-making process. However, student support for the library project set a new precedent, proving that U of L students were willing to put their money where their mouth was. U of L students have contributed to a variety of projects, including the Students’ Union Building and the 1st Choice Savings Centre for Sport and Wellness, and continue to play a key role in determining the future of the University.
Board members, alumni and hockey fans throughout southern Alberta joined forces to establish the Pronghorns Booster Club, which provided essential support to University Athletics, including men’s hockey. And then finally, in March of 1994, the U of L Pronghorns proved they were the fittest species on the ice when they claimed the CIAU University Cup at Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto, Ont. For an institution struggling with the pain of budget cutbacks and restructuring, the Horns’ triumph boosted morale across campus. In addition, the establishment of the Pronghorns Booster Club helped turn U of L athletics into a University, student and community partnership that continues today. Programs such as Operation Red Nose, Adopt-a-Horn, Lux Bucks and the Pronghorns Annual Fund help the U of L maintain a level of athletic excellence that makes the University, our alumni and our fans proud.
These listings recognize our lifetime donors and the many dedicated individuals, corporations and organizations who generously supported the University of Lethbridge in 2011. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, we recognize that errors may have occurred in this listing. If your name is missing or listed incorrectly, please accept our sincere apologies and contact University Advancement at 403-329-2582.
Lifetime donors IN REC OGNI TI ON OF C ONTR I B U TI O N S O F $ 2 5 , 0 0 0 A N D A B OV E
Anonymous (22) 1st Choice Savings and Credit Union Ltd. Agrium Inc. Evelyn Aimis Alberta Health Services AADAC Alberta Blue Cross Alberta Lottery Board Alberta Natural Gas
Alberta Real Estate Foundation Alberta Society of Professional Biologists ALCOA Foundation Christopher Allen Illana Aloni AltaGas Ltd. Gisele Amantea AMOCO Canada Anderson Exploration
Anderson’s Medical Dental Pharmacy Ltd. Estate of Teresa Andrus APEGGA Arthur J. E. Child Foundation AstraZeneca Canada Inc. ATB Financial ATCO Group Lottie Austin and George Evelyn Walter Bachinski
Your generosity, combined with that of hundreds of others, makes it possible for the U of L to increase educational opportunities for students, expand physical spaces on campus and provide necessary resources for research – all resulting in impacts far greater than we can begin to imagine.
Mowrie Baden Lawrence and Wilma Barany Randy Bardock BDO Ron Bell Bennett Jones LLP Reginald Bennett Raj Bhogal Black Velvet Distilling Company BMO Bank of Montreal
Peter Boyd BP Canada Energy Company Roland Brener Jacqueline Brien Irwin Browns Erwin Buck Burbridge Farm Ltd. Bill Burden Burlington Resources Canada Brent and Niki Button
Here are some noteworthy numbers from 2011 that give a glimpse into the impact of your support:
Feike and Margaret Bylsma Bill and Elsa Cade Calgary Flames Limited Partnership Calgary Foundation Eric Cameron David and Vivian Campbell Rick and Ellen Campbell Canaccord Capital Corporation Canada Council for the Arts Canada Life Canada Safeway Limited Canadian Pacific Charitable Foundation Canbra Foods Ltd. Hartford Cantelon CanWest Global Foundation Janet Cardiff David Carpenter and Cheryl Arelis Ian Carr-Harris Carthy Foundation Cenovus Energy Certified Management Accountants of Alberta CGA Alberta Research and Education Foundation Pierre Chamberland Charlton and Hill Ltd. Chartered Accountants’ Education Foundation Christian Chouinard Winston Wing-Tat Chow Family CIBC-Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce City of Lethbridge Pamela and Joseph Clark Coca-Cola Bottling Ltd. CoCo Pazzo Italian Café Ronald Coleman
Community Foundation of Lethbridge and Southwestern Alberta Community Spirit Grant Program Dennis and Catherine Connolly ConocoPhillips Canada Jim Coutts Harry and Mildred Cox John Crabb Chris Cran Jean-Charles Crombez Elizabeth Crone G. Sidney Cross D.A. Electric Ltd. Dayna B. Daniels John and Myrna Daniels Davidson and Williams LLP Bart and Cynthia Davies John and Karen Davies Nicolas de Grandmaison Sonia de Grandmaison Rene Despres Devon Canada Corporation Estate of Arthur and Annie Dorigatti Estate of Leopoldine Dorner Dorot Foundation Dave Duckett David Duffin Robert Dufresne William Eakin Gordon Eberts William Elichen Ellison Milling Company Peter and Carol Emerson EnCana Cares Foundation EnCana Corporation Enercon Water Treatment Ltd.
Estate of Islay Erickson Ernst & Young LLP Paterson Ewen Ivan Eyre Fairmont Foundation Terry and Sheila Fenton Estate of Keith and Hope M. Ferguson Ferrari Westwood Babits Architects Rick and Rita Filanti Flanagan Foundation Jacqueline Flanagan Clair and H. Elaine Forestell Elizabeth Forrest Patrick Forrest Howard Forsyth Stefanie and Bill Forward Foster and Sons Jewellery Ltd. Graham Fowler and Catherine Perehudoff Fowler E. C. Fredericks Guy Gagnon Galt School of Nursing Alumnae Society Urs E. Gattiker James Gellman Genus Capital Management Inc. Gershon Iskowitz Foundation Joe and Bertha Ghert Mira Godard Gold and Gold Productions Government of Alberta William Gracey Graduate Students’ Association Gary Gray Great-West Life, London Life, Canada Life Peter and Olive Green
Bert W. Griffin Martin and Sonya Grypma Myron Gushlak Paul Hacker Frederick Hagen Einard and Kay Haniuk Gregory Hardy Estate of Alice Harper John Hartman Douglas Haynes W. Vaughan and Marilyn Hembroff Ben Heppner M. P. Hess Peter Hide James Hill and Karen Reid Barb and Eric Hillman Bob Hironaka Home Oil Family of Richard Martin Howell Laurence Hoye IGM Financial Inc. Imperial Oil Foundation Liz Ingram Investors Group Financial Services Rita Irwin Avrom Isaacs Judy Jaeger Geoffrey James Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Albert Johnson Terence Johnson Kent Jones Gordon and Elizabeth Jong Emerich Kasper Kawneer Company Ltd. Garry Kennedy
Kay Kerr Mushtaq and Catherine Khan Robert A. Kimmitt and Family Christopher Kostyniuk KPMG Foundation KPMG LLP Blaine A. Kunz Wayne and Rhonda Kwan Chantal Laberge Claude Laberge Louise-Marie Laberge Laidlaw Foundation Alain Lamoureux Lantic Inc. Dan and Karen Laplante Cindy LaValley Mona LaValley Leslie Lavers Lethbridge Community Lottery Board #75 Lethbridge Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ltd. Lethbridge Iron Works Company Limited Lethbridge Public School Local 41 ATA Lethbridge School District No. 51 Lethbridge Senior Men’s Soccer Association Jacques Libersan A. Lielmanis Leon Liffmann Kenneth Lochhead John and Maybelle Lockhart Syd Lovell Lowther Consultants Limited Estate of Dorothy Lundstad MNP LLP
William MacDonnell Allan MacKay Landon MacKenzie Glen Mackey Ian MacLachlan and Diane Clark Alex and Norrie MacMillan Memorial Gordon MacNamara G. MacNeil Liz Magor Allan Markin Dale and Colleen Martin Vincent Martino Richard Masson Val and Flora Matteotti Billy McCarroll McDonald Auto Group Estate of Phyllis Mary McDonell Catherine McGilly-McCoy Edward and Linda McNally Allan McWilliams Melcor Developments Ltd. E. F. Anthony Merchant Métis Education Foundation - an affiliate of the Métis Nation of Alberta Meyers Norris Penny Dan and Gail Michener Robert Michener Edward Mikhail Mathilde Miller Walter Joseph Mitchell Molson Inc. Monarch Corp. Kim G. C. Moody Cherie Moses Mountainview Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ltd. Muttart Foundation
Douglas Myhre Nat Christie Foundation Helen Henderson and Dennis Neufeldt Nexen Inc. N G Campbell Holdings Ltd. Norlien Foundation Nova Gas Kevin and Katharine Nugent Toni Onley Edward Orchard David Ornstein Lyndal Osborne Seamus and Judy O’Shea Pahulje Enterprises Ltd. Ludvik and Danica Pahulje Majda Pahulje and Malcolm Lowings Bruce Parsons Warren Pashkowich Lorne Patzer Graham Peacock and Wendy C. Rollins Pen-Bro Holdings Limited Penn West Petroleum Ltd. Harry Penner and Irene Klassen Penner Jim and Hazel Penny Estate of Kathleen Pepper Dale Percy William Perehudoff and Dorothy Knowles-Perehudoff Anil and Sheri Pereira Z. Perler Knud Petersen Petro-Canada J. Christopher Pratt Estate of John Digby Prentice John and Connie Prentice
247 6
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Provident Energy Stephen Pustil RBC Financial Group through RBC Foundation Richardson Oilseed Ltd. Robert J. Turner Professional Corporation David Roberts Art Robinson Rogers Broadcasting Limited Robert and Minda Rogerson Roloff Beny Foundation Fred Romanuk Richard Rooney Catherine Ross Royal Host Hotels and Resorts Randy and Jane Royer Terrance and Maureen Royer Earl Rumm Estate of Victor Ruryk Jared Sable Ron and Joyce Sakamoto Kevin Sassa Tony Scherman Scotiabank Robert Scott Brian Scully Yosh and Florence Senda Dean and Natalie Setoguchi A. W. Shackleford Robert and Mildred Shackleford Max Shafir Kelly R. H. Shannon Stan Shapson Shell Canada Limited Miriam Shiell Shoppers Drug Mart Muriel Shortreed
Ron Shuebrook David Silcox and Linda Intaschi T. Gordon Sim Sandra Simpson Simpson-Markinch Charitable Foundation Leo and Phyllis Singer Melissa Singer Estate of Mary T. Skelton Stephen Smart Southern Stationers Limited Raymond and Ingrid Speaker David and Jo Spinks Evelyn Springer Maxine Stephens Leila Sujir Sun Life Financial Roger Swierstra James and Tanya Szarko T & E Ventures Inc. A. D. Taliano Talisman Energy Inc. TD Bank Financial Group Teck Coal Limited TELUS Communications Inc. Howard and Sharon Tennant Rex and Jean Tennant David Thauberger The Ralph Klein Foundation Tim Rollingson Professional Corporation Claudio Tocchio Robert Tocchio TransAlta Corporation TransCanada Corporation TSX Venture Exchange Robert and Dawn Turner U of L Foundation
Douglas Udell University of Lethbridge Alumni Association University of Lethbridge Students Tony Urquhart Peter Valjas Thorpe Van de Mark Dave and Marilyn Van Gaalen Della Van Gaalen Tony and Lorraine Van Lewken Glenn and Janice Varzari W. Garfield Weston Foundation Ian Wallace John and Barbara Warren George Webber Simon Weinberg Wesbridge Construction Limited Edward White Darol and Evelyn Wigham Wigham Resources Ltd. John Will Mary Shannon Willl Lela Wilson Warren Wilson Mark Wiltshire Wind River Glass Ltd. Clive Wulwik Anne Wyse Xerox Canada Ltd. Maurice Yacowar Ronald and Kathryn Yoshida Robert Youds George A. and Kathleen Young Young Parkyn McNab LLP Young’s Securities Limited Tim Zuck Irving Zucker
Anonymous (37) Palmer and Lise Acheson Rheta and Andy Anderson Estate of Teresa Andrus Estate of John Babick Estate of Rolof Beny Cheryl Binassi Martin and Sylvia Brice Harry and Mildred Cox Estate of Arthur and Annie Dorigatti Estate of Leopoldine Dorner Estate of Bernd Ebel
Estate of Islay Erickson Estate of Keith and Hope Ferguson Eugenia Friebe Roderick and Marie Gaunt Estate of Stanley John Gregory Estate of Corrine Hamilton Einard and Kay Haniuk Mat and Anita Hanrahan Estate of Alice Harper Estate of Cora Hastings Estate of Clarence L. Hill Estate of Margaret Ann Hornsby
Estate of Harley Hotchkiss David W. Hughes and Shirley Hughes Estate of Sydney Wayne Jackman JP Christopher Jackson and Raymond Robertson Estate of Walter Jessop Mushtaq and Catherine Khan Pam Lavers Estate of Dorothy Lundstad Kathryn MacFarlane Richard F. Mallory Estate of Phyllis Mary McDonell
Estate of Robert J. McDowell Estate of Maurice Mitchell Estate of Louis Moser Estate of Kathleen Pepper Knud Petersen Estate of John Prentice Estate of Gwendolyn W. Pullen Estate of Victor Nicholas Ruryk Estate of Leo and Phyllis Singer Estate of Bill and Mary Skelton David and Jo Spinks Elke Sundstrom Estate of Norman Swyers
Howard and Sharon Tennant Robert and Dawn Turner Estate of Peter and Margaret Veer Cindy Venhuis Estate of George Watson Jean Wells Kathleen Wells Terry Whitehead Estate of Ida Wiens
2011 donors Anonymous (51) 0408 Holdings Ltd. 1181712 Alberta Ltd. 1st Choice Savings and Credit Union Ltd. 2152008 Ontario Limited 5 Suns Transloading Ltd. 593132 Alberta Ltd. (Joey’s Only Restaurant) 8522560 Alberta Ltd. Palmer and Lise Acheson Trish Achtymichuk Joy Ackerman Patrick Ackerman Robert Ackerman Sandra Ackerman Jon and Wendy Ackroyd Brittney Adams Carly Adams Dave and Pamela Adams Darren Adamson Shanna Adkins Advanced Technique Denture Centre Ltd. John Ady AECOM Canada Ltd. Agro Plus Sales and Services Lori Ahart Ravic Ahrens
Airtech Heating & Air Conditioning Ltd. Gordon and Brenda Aisman Nola Aitken Jo-Lynn Ajtai The Alberta Association of Architects Alberta Blue Cross Alberta Cup 2011-2012 Alberta Motor Association Alberta Professional Planners Institute Alberta Union of Provincial Employees Wendy Aleman Gerald Alexander James Algeo Bruce and Jane Allan Allan J. Kovacik Professional Corporation Ken Allan Jeff Allen Nancy Allen Scott Allen Allied Arts Council of Lethbridge Alpine Drywall (Lethbridge) Ltd. Jody Alston Denise and Robert Amatto Lynn Ambedian
Sarah Amies Bruce Andersen Jean Anderson Larry Anderson and Janine Andrews Linda Anderson Raye Anderson Estate of Rheta Anderson Robert Anderson Tracey Anderson Travis Anderson Colleen Andjelic Krysta Andreef Robert Androkovich Alan Andron Allen Ankutowycz Jelena Antonic Drew Anweiler Archaeological Society of Alberta Emmannuelle Archambault C. and J. Arnoldussen Art Batty Enterprises Inc. Elizabeth Arthur Ebenezer Asem ATB Financial ATCO Group Courtney Atkinson Cara Au Mary Aubin
Lottie Austin and George Evelyn Megan Bach Backstreet Pub and Pizza Patrick Bagnall Paul Bagnall Maureen Bailey John Bain and Elizabeth Schultz Jason and Tracy Baker Raeola and Daniel Baker Analea Balint Mark Ballermann Carmen Balog Darla Balog Dan and Margaret Banmann Jason Baranec Randy Bardock Brian Barlund Chelsea Barr Elda Barva Mike, Debra, Lisa and David Basil Kelly Baskerville Phyllis Baskin Victoria Baster Steven Bateman Colin Baustad and Staci Rotzien Anne Baxter Bayer CropScience Inc. Kyle Beauchamp
Verena Beazer Leanne Bectold George Bedard Behrends Bronze Inc. John and Naomi Beke Monty Bell Tim and Brenda Bell Julie Benci Ben Benedelto Eileen Benesh Susan Bengry Jeannette and Bryce Bennett Michael and Diane Bennett Trevor Bennett and Fern Brooks Aimee Benoit Kathy Benson Jim and Jean Berezan Todd Bergenhenengouwen Dorin and Helen Berlando Kelvin Berntson and Cynthia Badura Berntson Lyndsey Berry Bruce and Reta Berte Jennifer Best Kelly Bevans Maralon Bevans Reginald and Lita Bibby Bigelow Fowler Clinic Bruno and Cheryl Binassi
Galt School of Nursing Alumnae Association
In September 2011, the Galt School of Nursing Alumnae Association and the University of Lethbridge announced the transfer of nearly $150,000 in scholarship money to support students enrolled in the U of L’s nursing program. “The University of Lethbridge is pleased to continue in the tradition established by the Galt School of Nursing and is proud to
Lindsey Bingley Kent Binning Birth Partnership Midwifery Services Mike Bischke BKDI Architects, Partners and Family Noreen Blachly Brian Black John Black Black Velvet Distilling Company April Blackmer Greg Blair Kristan Blais Ray and Donna Block Tim and Kerry Bloomfield BMO Bank of Montreal Ian Boast Bob Dick Trucking (2008) Ltd. Carrie Bobinec Crista Bobowski Jochen Bocksnick Kim Bodnar Leon Bodrug Hank and Faye Boer Tennille Boessenkool John and Jerri Bolton Ray and Tina Bonetti Glenda Bonifacio and Family J. Boon Dorothy Boras Julie Boras Lois Boras Keith Boschee and Val Hill David and Alvira Boschmann Botting and Associates Alberta Ltd. Ray Bouchard Gordon Bourgoin Myles and Betty Bourke
Torill Bourret Ali Bowden Kelly Bozarth Monica Braat Brad K. Hembroff Professional Corporation Fay Braden Christine Brady Conner Brady Ryan Brandl Barry Braughorn Sharon and Douglas Bray Bonnie Brenner Bridge City Chrysler Dodge Jeep Inc. Michael and Annette Bright Robin Bright Terry Britton Deanna Britton-Rumohr Jennifer Brodoway Steve Brodrick Rhae Bromley Glenda Bron Geri Bronson Terry and Charmaine Brooks Rhonda Brosz Arlene Brown née Herriman Kirk and J’Nan Brown Lance and Janice Brown Lesley Brown Victor and Catherine Brown Ray and Karen Brownlee Michael and Laverne Bryant Gary Buchanan Hans and Karin Buhrmann Deb Bullock Burbridge Farm Ltd. Eileen Burke Ian Burleigh
educate the next generation of nursing professionals,” says U of L President Dr. Mike Mahon. “There continues to be a need for qualified health-care professionals and this gift from the Galt School of Nursing Alumnae Association helps ensure that current nursing students have access to much-needed scholarship money.”
Christy Burnett Loralee Burton Brent Butler Donna Butterwick Brent and Niki Button Bob and Brigitte Byers Phyllis Bysouth C. R. Mechanics Ltd. Bill and Elsa Cade David Calestane Calgary Flames Limited Partnership Calgary Foundation Cheryl Calver Kathleen Cameron Robin Cameron Campbell Farms (1995) Ltd. Debbie Campbell Gordon Campbell Janet Campbell Michael Campbell Rebecca Campbell Sylvia Campbell Canada Life Canadian Pacific Railway Company Elaine Carlson Carla Carnaghan David Carpenter and Cheryl Arelis George and Dorothy Carroll Charlotte Caton Catwalk Salon Spa Barbara Cavers Jeff Cej Cenovus Employee Foundation Centron Construction Limited Certified General Accountants Association of Alberta
Certified Management Accountants of Alberta CFUW-Lethbridge Chapter CGA Alberta Research and Education Foundation George Chan Donald and Nadine Chandler Vikash Chandra Connie Chaplin Bill and Debra Chapman Charlton and Hill Ltd. Chartered Accountants’ Education Foundation Angela Chen Chad Chen Erica Chen Brian Cheung Chireen Chick Jamie and Laurie Chinn Dennis and Sylvia Chinner Devon Chinners Robert Chomiak Scott Chomistek Casey Christensen Duane and Kathy Christensen Tony Christensen Dennis and Julianna Chu Kevin Chubb CIBC-Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Lois Cicman City of Lethbridge Clark Builders Terry Clark Jeff and Lisa Clarke Robert and Barbara Clay Clear Sky Radio Inc. David Clearwater Karen Clearwater
The fund will be endowed to provide scholarships to entering or continuing Bachelor of Nursing and Bachelor of Nursing After Degree third- and fourth-year students.
Cloverdale Paint Inc. Coast Lethbridge Hotel and Conference Centre Coca-Cola Bottling Ltd. Dawson Cochrance Leona Cochrane Danielle Codd Brenda Cohen Timothy and Shirley Coleman College Ford Lincoln Inc. David and Jayna Collingridge Kerry Colonna Doug Colwell and Sheila Torgunrud George Combe Gillian Comchi Community Foundation of Lethbridge and Southwestern Alberta Sam Conard Diane Conley Ryan Conn Dennis and Catherine Connolly ConocoPhillips Canada Consulting Architects of Alberta Continental Cattle Carriers Ltd Alex Cook Bernie Cook Christopher Cook Mitch Cook Dana Cooley Glynda Coop Laurie Cooper Jennifer Copeland Leanne Coquet Ron and Laurel Corbiere Justen Cordeiro Marta Cordeiro Joel Cordes
“The Galt Alumnae Association has looked after this money like it was our own, and is delighted to have the University accept it to continue supporting nurses,” says Karl.
Donna Karl, RN, a Galt School of Nursing graduate from 1963 and spokesperson for the alumnae group, says the gift to the U of L helps Galt alumnae continue their support of nursing in the community.
Brad Cornish Vaughan Coupland Bonnie Court Donna Court and Family Linda Court Shannon Court Todd and Karen Coverdale Kelly Cowan Roger Cowan Rob and Lynn Cowie Cox Financial Group Ltd. Harry and Mildred Cox Winnie Coy Chris Craig Naomi Cramer Michelle Crane Carol Cressman Robert Cressman Jeffery and Stephanie Crighton Regan Crone Art and Mary Jane Crooks Crop Life Canada - Alberta Lisa Crowe Mike and Kathy Crowe Emily Cruickshank Dave Cunningham Jim and Barbara Cunningham Shawna Cunningham Ken Curtis Susan Curtis Penny D’Agnone Dagmar Dahle Landon Dalshaug Dayna B. Daniels Troy and Helena Danyk David P. Stroud Professional Corporation Davidson and Williams LLP
Craig Davidson Diedre Davidson Glen and Lori-Jean Davidson Gord Davidson Knox Davidson Peter Davidson Bart and Cynthia Davies Victoria Davies Brenda Davis Joanne Davis Leslie Dawn Sheldon Day Chief Jamie Day Janet and Barry Day Lisa Daychief Daniel De Castro Jeanne de Valois Greg Deak Darcy Dean Kristen Deans Mark James DeBlois Paula Degner Jeffrey DeJong Keefer Delafosse Colette Delaney Diane Delbello Oriano Delbello Robert Delbridge Howard Dell David Demian Lee Ann Dempster Janz Dening Nicole Dening Janice DePaoli Jamie Dereniowski Anthony Derenzo Jeff Deringer Derochie Painting Ltd. Connor Derry
Joanne Des Roche Felix Desmarais Andrew Desmond Bruce Desmond Carlo Di Palma Rachel Diakow Diamond Energy Devin Diano June C. Dick Graham and Janice Dickie Lesia and Alan Dickson Michael and Michelle Dimnik Joanne Dirkson Michael and Allison Dixon DMT Mechanical Ltd. Jon Doan Danielle Dodd Bryan Doerksen Henry Doeve Douglas and Teresa Dolman Marlene Doram Janelle Dormaar Judi Dormaar Paul Dormaar Steven Dormaar Danny Douglas William Douglas Karen Dow-Cazal Renee Dowling Amanda Doyle Tom and Cheri Doyle Rodney Draffin Albert Drapeau Lana Draper-Caldwell Lynne Driessen Bhagwan and Swarn Dua Ducan Industries Inc. Dudas Electric Ltd. Dudas Painting Inc.
Hazel Dudley Gary Duell John Duffin Aaron Duke Duke Projects Inc. Mathew Duncan Clint Dunford Elaine Dunford Jack Dunford Ryan Dunford and Kristin Reeves Jenae Dunlop Kevin Dunn Phil and Mary Dyck Anne Dymond Keith and Ellie Dys and family E. R. Wilde Professional Corporation Shey Eagle Bear Darrell and Marion Eastman Eaton Yale Company Ashley Eckel Economic Development Lethbridge Edie Construction Gerald Edlund Edmonton Strikers Soccer Club Education Undergraduate Society Loralee Edwards EECOL Electric Ltd. Elements Physical Therapy and Acupuncture Ltd. Jenny Ellert Denise Elliott Ruby Elliott Sheila Elliott Brian Ellis Robert Ellis
Ellison Enterprises Ltd. Brad and Shannon Elves Auke and Ruth Elzinga Linda Embury Marianne Emelson Barry and Patricia Emerson Scott Emerson EnCana Cares Foundation Enercon Water Treatment Ltd. Aaron Engen Marc English Janelle Enns Gordon Rhonda Enns Helen Entz Christopher Epplett Penny Erickson Barb Erler Ernst & Young LLP Karen and Ken Esau Joyce Evans Chris Ewanchuk Executive Women International, Lethbridge Chapter Mike Faber Eugene Falkenberg Alesha Farfus-Shukaliak Dotty Farmham Kristi Farrier Cliff Faszer Don Fellger Dave and Diann Fender Bryan Fennell Elizabeth Ferguson Estate of Keith and Hope M. Ferguson Ferrari Westwood Babits Architects Fezz Carolyn (Paetz) Fetaz
M ÉTIS NAT IO N OF ALBE RTA CRE ATES U O F L ENDOWME NT F UND Christie-Dawn Ladouceur and Audrey Poitras, Métis Nation of Alberta president
Michelle Filipenko Craig Findlay David Findlay Luke Firth Alfred Fischer Stuart Fischer Brenda Fisher Cayley Fisher Dave Fisher Kaye Fisher Thomas Fisher Myrna Fisset Paul Fitton Don Flaig Flair Travel Planners Larry and June Flanagan Kevin and Rose Floate FloorRight Interiors Ltd. Arnold and Dorothy Follinglo Clair and H. Elaine Forestell Patrick Forrest Doug Forsyth Fort Macleod Glass Ltd. Ferdinand Fortier Bryce Fossum Foster and Sons Jewellery Ltd. Kim Fowler Leah Fowler Daphne Fox Shaun Fox Wendy Fox Helen Franklin Lydia Franko Patty Frantz Nathan and Tricia Fraser Sheldon Fraser Ang Fretts Eugenia Friebe Shannon Frizzell
Breeanne Fuller Faye Funa Ryan Funk G. Ryan Johnson Professional Corporation G.C. Noble Farms Limited Ken Gabruck Marty Gadd Terry Gaebel Carol Gaetz Brad Gal Tim Galbreath Dean and Bev Gallimore Galt School of Nursing Alumnae Society Ahilya Ganesh Brian Gardner Ron and Bev Garnett Brenda Garthus Dave and Fran Gaskell Joe and Leslie Gatner Janice Gavelin George B. Lomas Professional Corporation Robbin Gibb Audrey Gibson Clara Gibson Glen Giduk Barb Giesbrecht Tom and Lois Gilchrist Bob Gill Don Gill Gary Gill Sandy Gillis Jim Gladstone Lucille Gleddie Mary-Anne Going Stephanie Gokarn William and Susan Goldade
The Métis Nation of Alberta donated $500,000 toward scholarships for Métis undergraduate and graduate students at the U of L. Together with matching funds, the gift enables the creation of a $1-million endowment fund. This generous contribution will help ensure more students of Métis heritage complete their postsecondary education.
Joanne Golden Paul Goldsmith Roy Golsteyn Gregory Goodman Mary Gordon Laura Gothreau Henry and Anna Gouwenberg Alysia Gowler Joey Grace Graduate Students’ Association Blaine Graff Bart and Rumi Graham Erin Granigan Ewald and Myra Granson Andrea Grant Donna Grant Ruth Grant Kalischuk Elaine Grapentin Grasslands Public Schools Green Acres Foundation Fred Greene and Lisa Doolittle Robert Greenhalgh Elaine Greenhalgh Betsy Greenlees Green’s Pop Shop Ltd. Malcolm and Bonny Greenshields David Gregory Teresa Grice Bert W. Griffin Donald Griffiths Jason Grigor Travis Grindle Eryn Groft Group2 Architecture Engineering Ltd. Blaine and Connie Gross Cindy Groten Jaclyn Groten
Janelle Groten Andre and Anke Guerin Dennis Guff Cody Gundlock and Tanya Jacobson-Gundlock Douglas Gurney Duane Guzzi Shannon Haatvedt Marli Hadden Haig Clinic Patricia Hake The Hakin Family Andrew Hale Geoffrey Hale Lena Hale Troy Hale Dorothy Hall Spencer Halluk Marlene Hammel Vincent and Teresa Hanlon Bente Hansen Lorraine Happ David Hardy Lee and Karen Hargrave Jim Harker William Harker and Dereka Thibault Connie Harms Tanya Harnett Harold F. G. Elke Professional Corporation Harold’s Auto Service Ltd. Gordon Harris Judy and Gordon Harris OT Harrison Dorothy Harrowing Gord Harrowing Jen Harvey Tracy Harvey
Christie-Dawn Ladouceur was awarded $10,000 toward her master’s degree in counselling psychology, a program she is completing through the U of L Faculty of Education and Campus Alberta. Originally from the Lac La Biche area in northern Alberta, Ladouceur is now based in Edmonton and works as a project manager for a not-
Shawn Hass Sammy Hassan Elaine Haughian Cal and Brenda Hauserman Dean Hawkins Eric Hawthorne David Hay Rory Hayes Sean Hayes Hazco Environmental Rae Hazelwood HBV Farms Ltd. Judy Head Garett Heath Heatherbrae Builders Co. Ltd. Rick and Dee Hebert Hebrew Congregation of Lethbridge Frank and Geri Hecker Neil Heerschap James Hegedes Jordan Heggenstaller Karl Heggenstaller Megan Heggenstaller Pete Heggenstaller Howard and Suzanne Heil Marya Helm Brad and Trudy Hembroff Tracy Hembroff W. Vaughan and Marilyn Hembroff Lance Henderson Todd Hendricks Blaine Hendsbee Peter Henningson Daryl and Wendy R. Herbers Allen Herman S. Margaret Heyden Lloyd and Carol Hickman
for-profit Aboriginal organization, where she develops employment and education training programs for youth to improve their career and employment prospects. “This award will ensure that I can focus on my studies and complete my research,” says Ladouceur.
Herbert Hicks Karl and Frances Hiebert Ernie Higbee Ashlyn Higgs David and Barbara Hignell James Hill and Karen Reid Jamie Hill Nyna Hill (Dodd) Nicole Hillary Barb and Eric Hillman Brian Hills Julia Hilman Max Himsl Krista Hinckley Bob Hironaka Austin Hnatiuk Hobgoblin Holdings Limited Cindy Hoerger Kevin and Sandra Holland Stan Hollingsworth Darren Holmberg Beverly Holmes Owen and Jean Holmes Rick and Yvonne Homan Melissa Honess Alice Hontela Robin Hood Kathy Hopkins Kayla Hopkins Keith and Lynn Hopkins Chris Horbachewski and Lana Wicentovich Horns Hockey Alumni Association Vivian Horovitch-Kelley Cindy Horrigan James and Elizabeth Horsman Chris and Nancy Hosgood Renae Hougen
Kristen Houghton Andy Hougthuis Nadia Houle Ken Hounsome Tweela Houtekamer Alanna Howard Sheri Howe Laurence Hoye John Hoyt Yuan Huang Andy Hudson Doug Hudson Florence Huesken Scott Hulston Human Resources Institute of Alberta Alice Hummel Bernie Hummel Ruth M. Hummel Jason Humphreys Hungarian Canadian Old Timers Society Avis Hunt Dave Hunt Hunt Insurance Agencies Ltd. Gordon Hunter T. Andrew Hurly HyTech Production Ltd. Ian H. Miller Professional Corporation Yukako Ikeda Roland Ikuta Imperial Oil Foundation Institute of Chartered Accountants of Alberta Integrity Dental Integrity Hyundai Intrigue Lingerie Boutique Rita Irwin
Ann Ivan J. Patterson Trucking Inc. Estate of Sydney Wayne Jackman Audrey Jackson Catherine Jackson Kenneth Jackson Trish Jackson Ron and Mariette Jacobson Judy Jaeger Catherine Jaffray John James Frank and Marion Jankunis Victor Januszewski Tim and Doris Janzen Christopher Jappert Tina Jeffries Judy and Brett Jensen Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Hester Jiskoot Blake Johnson Brett Johnson Dan Johnson Dean and Lori Johnson Don Johnson Janie Johnson Mark Johnson Peter Johnson Rick Johnson Tracey Johnson Brian Johnston Cassandra Jokinen Cathy Jones Guy Jones Jeff and Marianne Jones Phil Jones Gordon and Elizabeth Jong Dragoslav and Rose Jurisich Edward Jurkowski Courtney Juurlink
K.B. Heating and Air Conditioning Ltd. Chandy Kaip Dale Kanashiro Derrick and Cathy Kanashiro Scott Kanashiro Rahim Kanjiyani Kappa Sigma Gladys Karanja Barbara Karbashewski Tina Karhoffer Thomas Kauhaahaa Dan Kazakoff Jennifer Keenan Gloria Keim Keith E. Spackman, M.D. Professional Corporation Kevin and Patricia Keith Steven and Tami Keiver Peter Kellett Peter and Helen Kelley Neil Kemp Ken H. Lewis Professional Corporation Lynn Kennedy Tammy Kennedy Trevor Kenney C. Kenwood Terry Kerkhoff Lorne and Lyn Kester John Keyes Kathryn Yamashita Mony Khiev Charles Kiely Kim G. C. Moody Professional Corporation Russell Kimber Raymond King Robert and Jenny King-Brown
Brenda Kingston Bryce Kirkpatrick Terry and Shelley Kirkvold Jenna Kleebaum Karen Kleebaum Leanne Kloppenborg Sam Kluthe Barry and Jody Knapp Daryn and Carolynn Knapp Carol Knibbs Kathleen Knight Shirley Knott Randi Knutson Erin Ko Randy Kobbert Pam Koetse Bryan Kolb Chris Kolodziej William and Sandi Kolysher Yenukwa Kombian Doreen Kooy Lori Kosek Mary Koskowich John and Doris Kostiuk Jill Kotkas Igor and Olga Kovalchuk Robert Kowal Nolan Kowalchuk KPMG Foundation KPMG LLP Leslaw Krysiak G. Krywolt Joseph Krywolt Daria Kubara Edward Kuberczek George and Marian Kuhl Judith Kulig Richard Kunz Lucille Labrecque
First Nations, Métis and Inuit students benefit from increased support.
Scotiabank has partnered with the University of Lethbridge Faculty of Management to help launch a mentoring program aimed at current U of L students, as well as students in junior high and high schools in communities throughout southern Alberta. The $150,000 investment demonstrates Scotiabank’s commitment to education and the First Nations, Métis and Inuit community.
Harvey Labuhn Barbara Lacey Lafarge Canada Inc. Ron Lagemaat Mabel Lake Courtney Lakevold Marilyn Lamb Vincent Lammi Apollonia Lang Steele Allyn and Linda Langager Lantic Inc. Bev Lanz Dave Lapp and Gloria Pigat Justin Lariviere Erik Larsen Robin Lastuka Jennifer Latham Greg and Marjorie Latimer Sherry Latrace William and Nancy Latta Helen and Rino Lattanzio Jason Laurendeau Leslie Lavers Douglas and Jodie Lavoie Logan Lavoratto Rita and Dwaine Law Peter and Betty Lawson Sharon Lawson Val Lazzaretto Brandie Lea Lealta Building Supplies Howe and Lina Leam Rick Leavitt Bonnie Lee Donny Lee Lana Leeb Patti Leeb David and Jen LeGrandeur Judy Lelek
Kyllo LeMoal Michael and Lorelie Lenaour Glen Lengyel Emma Lenz Susan Lenz Dianne Leonhardt Toby Lermer Les McIntyre Inc. Mark Leskow Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce Lethbridge College Lethbridge Construction Association Lethbridge Hockey Hounds Lethbridge Hurricanes Hockey Club Lethbridge Iron Works Company Limited Lethbridge Oldtimers Sports Association Lethbridge Orthotics Lethbridge Public School Local 41 ATA Lethbridge Real Estate Board Co-op Ltd. Lethbridge Senior Men’s Soccer Association Lethbridge Soccer Association Darlis Letwinetz Kenneth Levers Jake Lewis Margaret Lewis Sylvia L’Hirondelle Yang Li Karin Liddle Mike Liddle Bob Lien Lien Farms (1984) Ltd.
“Education is one of five pillars of Scotiabank’s global philanthropic program known as ‘Bright Future,’ ” says Shannon Burch, vice-president of southern Alberta/Kootenays for Scotiabank. “We have always believed in contributing to communities in which we live, work and do business. Scotiabank takes tremendous pleasure in supporting important institutions like the University of Lethbridge.”
Ted Likuski Erica Lind Rachel Lindemann Jone Lindsay Murray Lindsay Sharon Linitski Anna Linville Wayne Lippa Ruth Liska Mike Little Catherine Liu Livingstone Range School Division No. 68 Jason Lobe Darryl Lockyer A. Craig Loewen Rochelle Loewen Patricia Lohues Angela Lohues Lisa Loney Lamont Loo Clinton Loor Cornelis Los Donna Lounsbury Brandi Loverin Sheila Lowe David Lowther Blaire Loza Peggy Lucas Estate of Dorothy Lundstad Michael Lukacs Paul Lung Xuyen Luong Andrew Lynch Sandy Lyons M.A.P. Water and Sewer Services Ltd. Kim Ma Heather MacDermid
Heidi MacDonald Dan and Kathy MacFarlane Jerry Machacek J. J. Machalski Patrick Mack Flora and Bruce MacKay Margaret MacKay Brenda MacKinnon Glen MacKinnon Kevin MacKinnon Scott MacKinnon John MacKley Alan MacKlon MacLab Enterprises Ian MacLachlan and Diane Clark MacLachlan McNab Hembroff Carol MacLean Shelby MacLeod Dave MacQueen Fraser MacQueen Chris Maddeaux-Young Magrath Pharmacy 2000 Ltd. Mike and Maureen Mahon Tyler Maier Brenda Mailer Ted and Lola Major Joel Makin K. and I. Malik Dale Manhilo George and Nellie Mann Carol Mannas Maple Leaf Foods Inc. Toni Marak Teresa Marankowski Kieryn Marcellus Ray and Cathy Marco Ernest and May Mardon Deb Marek Hank Margolis
There are two key elements to the program that make it unique, says U of L Faculty of Management Dean Dr. Robert Ellis. “U of L First Nations, Métis and Inuit alumni will serve as mentors to Aboriginal students in the management and pre-management programs. The alumni will provide support, give advice and help to instill confidence in the students.”
Justin Marin Poul and Michelle Mark Mark A. Dashkewytch Professional Corporation Iolanda Marocco Valerie Martell-Kostiuk Will Martens Laurie Martin Annie Martin Dale and Colleen Martin Gary Martin Sahil Marwaha Randy Mason Richard Masson Chris Mastromatteo Mark and Cindy Matheson Ben and Marie Matkin Val and Flora Matteotti Audrey Maurushat Mark Mauthner Doug and Rita McArthur Kevin McBeath Dawn McBride McCain Foods (Canada) Kennedy McCaskill Tanya McClain Lise and Jim McCormack Brent McCowan Jamie McCowan Kendall McCowan Susan A. McDaniel Loretta McDermott Andy McDonald McDonald Auto Group McDonald Nissan W. Jack and Rose McDonald Kyle McDowl Lee McEwen Farrah McFadden
In turn, the U of L Aboriginal management students being mentored will provide guidance to junior and senior high students in local city and reserve schools.
Kevin McFadzen Sheena McInnis Christina McIntyre Kali McKay Robert and Sandra McKay Sandy McKay Dana McKechnie Bill McKee Margaret McKeen McKillop Insurance and Registry Services Ltd. Colin McKinnon Cory McLean Krista McLean Susan McLean Brodie McLellan Jim McLellan Sheila McManus Dave McMurray Guy and Tracy McNab Edward and Linda McNally Brian McNaughton Carly McNaughton Bryan McPherson Muriel McPherson and Cody Johnson David and Gaye McVean Alyssa McVee Medicine Hat Remedial Massage Therapy Neana Meeks Leanna Meers Melcor Developments Ltd. Meliorist Muriel Mellow Lexi Mensaghi Dale S. Merchant Dale W. Merchant Meridian Manufacturing Group
Carolyn Merkl Gordon Merrick Rod and Barbara Merrill Gail Meston John Metcalfe Métis Education Foundation - an affiliate of the Métis Nation of Alberta Peggy Mezei and Robert Moffat Russ Mezei Terry and Anne Michaelis John Michielsen Erin Millar Dennis Miller Shelley Miller Shauna Milligan Josephine Mills Laurie Mills J. Michael and Jeri Miltenberger Chelsea Minor Courtney Minor Neil and Heather Mirau Perry and Sharmaine Mirkovich Jason Mitchell Shaundra Mitchener Tamara Miyanaga MNP LLP Connie Moch John Moch John and Ruth Moldon James Moller Carmen Mombourquette Jim Monteith Kim G. C. Moody Chester Mook Jacob Moore Robbie Moore Shawn and Jaime Morasch Deborah Morgan
Dave and Kathy Morgan Chris Moroz Sidney Morrell Barb Morris Gregory and Nancy Morris Jaclyn Morrison Ella Mortemore Doug Mortin Brad and Mandy Moser Jason Moulton and Janay Nugent Moxie’s Restaurant Beth Moyer Marie Moyer Mr. Cash ATM Network Inc. MR. SUBMARINE LIMITED MS Maclean Livestock Co. Ltd. Lee-Ann Mucha Roger and Cherylanne Mueller Kelsey Muldoon Marlene Muldoon Marty Muldoon Doug and Pam Mundell Krysty Munns Glenn and Angie Murdoch Arlene Murphy Kathy Murphy Donna Murphy-Burke David Muryn Douglas Myhre Ahmed Nafie Misty Nagy Shig and Katie Nakagawa Aaron Nakama James and Mika Nakashima Sonny and Kimiko Nakashima National Bank Financial National Salvage Co. Ltd. Lukas Neamtu Edward Nedza
Christyn Nelis Christine Nelson Travis Nelson Dianna Nephew Cheryl Neufeld Helen Henderson and Dennis Neufeldt Janice Newberry Reginald and Cynthia Newkirk Cathy Newman Sheila and John Newman Kevin Newsome Nexen Inc. Adam Ngo Kayla Nichols Tana Nichols John Nicholson Yvonne Nickel Elspeth Nickle Jeet Nijjar Nikkei Cultural Society of Lethbridge Mark Nikota Jody Nilsson Andrea Nippard Donald Nishikawa Karen Nishiyama Ryan Nix Brenda Nixon Bryan and Carol Noble Dianne Nolette Noosa Energy Ltd. Ann Norford Norlien Foundation Dale Norlin Cindy and Trevor Norrgard North and Company R. Phillip and Freda North Ryan and Mary Nugent
Nutri-Source Inc. Larkin O’Connor Bob Odell Valerie Odell Margot O’Donnell Eric Ogrins Sylvia Oishi Wayne Oliver Orla Olson Ken and Arlene Olynyk Nicholas Ontkean John Oosterbroek Rod and Tracy Oosterbroek Dennis Opinko Russel Orcutt Order of the Eastern Star - Laurel Chapter 43 Kim Ordway Dana Orpin Doug Orr Seamus and Judy O’Shea Valentine Osoke Jacque Ostby Alison Ostergard A.K. Otsuka Outlaw Druids Rugby Club Deanna Oye P.S. Electric Pacheco Ross Architects, P.C. Raphael Paczkowski Pahulje Enterprises Ltd. Ludvik Pahulje and Jehan Cassis Majda Pahulje and Malcolm Lowings Adrienn Palinkas-Bellett Carolyn and Craig Palmer Erin Palmer Pamac Investments Ltd. Sheri Panas
When Dr. Jon Doan (PhD ’06) moved to Lethbridge in 2002 to pursue his PhD in neuroscience at the U of L, he never imagined he’d found a permanent home. Now, 10 years later, he’s so much a part of the U of L community he can’t imagine being anywhere else. “I have really benefited from the opportunities to get involved on campus,” says Doan. “There
Jon Doan
Jim Pangle Roberto Paoletti Carol Paproski Della Paradis Brian Paranica Dianne Parkinson Trenton Parks and Lillian De Vetten-Parks Jarret Parkyn Lyle and Cynthia Parr Parrish and Heimbecker Limited Judy Partridge-Stanford Warren Pashkowich Randy Paskuski Dino and Theresa Pasquotti Janine Paterson Erica Patey Steve Patitsas Dale Paton Darin Paton Patricia A. McMillan Professional Corporation Brodie Pattenden Michael Patterson Garry Pattison Katie Pattison Chris Paul Eva Paul Ron and Helen Paulence Susan Paul-Trechka Debbie Payne Lorna Peacock David Pearce Chris Pearse Adam Peck James Peck Casey Pedersen Flora Pederson Sergio Pellis
Pen-Bro Holdings Limited Harry Penner and Irene Klassen Penner James and Claire Penner Jeff Penner Kim Pennifold Jim and Hazel Penny Irene Pepin Bill Perdue Frank and Eileen Peta Rick and Lorie Peter Knud Petersen Vernon Peterson Peterson Walker LLP Jordan Petherbridge Duane Petluk and Lori Harasem Teresa and Doug Petriw Petroleum Accountants Society of Canada Shane Petry Karen Petzold Patti and Paul Pharo Karlee Phillips Mark Pierce Kathy Pierzchala Ron Pierzchala Quintin Pike and Cara Varzari Ryan Pinder Shawn Pinder Pinetree Supply Ltd. Andrea Pinsent Pioneer Hi-Bred Limited Mildred Piper Katarzyna Pisanski Kent Pitcher Trevor Pittman Darcel Pittman Quentin Pittman
are so many ways to meet people and be part of a community here that if you’re willing to get involved, you can do just about anything.” Doan’s engagement started when he was a student but he argues that his university experience didn’t end there. “I loved being a student and still enjoy being on campus and getting involved in campus
Pizza Hut Canada Paulette Poirier Lauren Pollock Susan Pollock Melody Polych Diane Pommen Srecko Ponjavic Shaela Ponsford Timothy Pope David Poppitt Pop’s Pub South Ltd. Rodney Potrie Rita Potvin Gary Poulin Prairie Rose School Division No. 8 Robert Pratt Sharon Prenevost Carolyn Presley Susie Preston Robert Price PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Rose L. Primachuk Progress Clothing Ltd. Graham Prokopetz Terry Provost Jozef and Theresa Prozniak Shaunna Pushor Quest Support Services Inc. R. James Jensen Professional Corporation Thomas Rabbitt Marion Radke Valerie Rajcic Debbie Rakos Mary Lou Rankin Grant Ranslam Carla Ransom Bill Rath
RBC Financial Group through RBC Foundation Read Jones Christoffersen Consulting Engineers Rita Reddy Kristin Reeves Douglas Reeves Bruno Regimbald Pam Regnier Chad Reid Patrick Reilly Kevin Reiter Robert and Brenda Rennie Melissa Rhodes Robert E. Rice Tyler Rice Richard G. Harder Professional Corporation Amanda Richardson Richardson Oilseed Ltd. Iris and Ted Richardson Valerie Richardson Blake Ricker Ricoh Canada Inc. Tara Riehl Marjorie Rigaux M. Rigaux Cathy Riley Ring Container Canada ULC Deb Robb Robert J. Turner Professional Corporation Scott Robertson Susan Robertson Keith and Jean Robin Art Robinson William Robinson Autumn-Rae Roch Desmond Rochfort
life,” says Doan, who is a proud supporter of Pronghorn Athletics. “I think it’s important for people like me who have enjoyed and continue to enjoy their involvement with the University to find simple but meaningful ways to help others enjoy it, too.”
Rocky Mountain Dealer Group Partnership Lyle and Lesley Rode Hillary Rodrigues Allison and Shane Roest Tammy Rogness Gregory Rohovie Margaret Rohovie Tim and Judi Rohovie Robbie Rolfe Janice Romanuck Romulus and Remus Italian Canadian Club Stewart Rood Lyle Rospres David Ross Doug Ross Dory Rossiter Rotary Club of Lethbridge Jerome and Michelle Roth Marc and Catharine Roussel Scott and Heather Rowland Royal Birch Homes Ltd. Royal Canadian Legion AlbertaNWT Command Royal LePage South Country Real Estate Services Ltd. Frances Rude Runners Soul Inc. Adam Runquist Estate of Victor Ruryk Katharine Russell Kuno Ryckborst Dan and Anita Ryder Allan Rypien Edward Saavedra Shannon Sabey Steve Sadownik Aman Saini
In 2011, more than 300 faculty and staff contributed more than $277,000 to SOS, proving that this is a campus community that cares.
Doan gives back by contributing to Supporting Our Students (SOS), an annual internal campaign to raise money for student awards.
Ron and Joyce Sakamoto Joyce Sakon Anne Saliwonbhuk Esa and Toni Salonen David Sammons Kathereen Samson Paul Sanden and Carolyn Herrington Debi Sandul Curtis Sanjenko Les and Clarice Santa Brad Sarchet Sarna and Sons Ltd O/A Chateau Kevin Sassa Aly Sayani Douglas Schaffer John Schelesnak Schenley Distilleries, Inc. Charity Schmidt Katherine Schmidt Cameron and Janelle Schmitt Brian and Donna Schneider Lindsey Schneider Ian Schofield Werner and Kathleen Schrage Shannon Schults Evaline Schultz Jill Schulz Leo and Donna Schulz Gordon and Irene Schussler Randy and Maureen Schwartz Teresa Schwarz Al Schwengler Scotiabank Eloise Scotland Craig Screda SDI Digital Imaging Inc. Dave and Linda Sebastian Mike and Kathleen Seeley
Travis Segbour Roberta Sekela Brian and Holly Sekiya Jane Senda Mark Sera ServiceMaster of Lethbridge Servus Credit Union Darlene Setoguchi Dean and Natalie Setoguchi Oliver and Joanna Seward Donna Seyed Mahmoud A.K.M. Shafiuddin Kelly R. H. Shannon Therese Shannon Chris Shantz Cody Sharpe Eric and Doreen Sharpe Rose Shaver Amy Shaw Travis Shaw Helen Jane Shawyer Leisa Shea Janette Sheets Dennis Sheppard John and Constance Sheriff Roberta Shields Alma Siemens Darwin Siewert Brenda Silbernagel Cheryl Simkin Briane Simpson Roni Simpson Simpson-Markinch Charitable Foundation Marilyn J. E. Sinclair Daniela Sirbu Robert and Linda Skelly Elaine Slatter Sandy Slavin
Ryan and Joanna Sleik Marc Slingerland Allan Slomp Elisabeth Slomp Dan Slovak Mark Smallbones Wilma Smiley David and Michaeleen Smith David Smith Eleanor Smith Jill Smith Marilyn A. Smith Marilyn M. Smith Deborah Smith McCarty SMP Consulting Electrical Engineers Robert Smythies Jay and Jessie Snow Barry Snowden Barbara Snowdon Lowell Sollid Sandy Solyom Reshma Somani Don and Susan Sommerfeldt Braden Souter South Western Alberta Retired Teachers’ Association Southern Alberta Art Gallery Southern Alcare Manor Andrew Southern Dean Southern Chris Spearman William and Shannon Spenceley Jackie Spencer Randall and Renee Spohnn Doug Spoulos Rhonda St. Amand St. Augustine’s Anglican Church St. John’s Music Ltd.
Joleen Standish Mavis and Barry Stannard Gary and Kathy Stauffer Gerry Ste Marie Emily Stearns Corinne Steele Ryan Steinley Deb Stephen Stephen F. Kwan Professional Corporation Judy and Dean Stetson Rick Stevenson Angus Stewart and Maria Ford Darren and Shilpa Stocker Matthew Straight Stranville Living Ltd. Strategic Charitable Giving Foundation Emily Strearns Wayne and Erika Street Sandra Stringer Conlon Boyd Stuart Karen Sturkoski Erin Stusick Nicolas Sullivan Brian and Colleen Sullivan Sun Life Financial Elke and Marvin Sundstrom Paul Sutherland Darlene Sutherland Robbin Sutherland Heather Suttie Lynn Suttie Sutton Group Stewart Swanson Roger Swierstra Karly Symonds Aniko Szojka-Parnell Kristin Szol
T. & E. Ventures Inc. T.L. Lund Cattle Co. Ltd. James and June Tagg Anil Tahiliani and Terry BourassaTahiliani Carrie and Jeff Takeyasu Kari Tanaka Don and Christine Tannas Jeffrey Tareta Debbie Tarnava Brian and Lorraine Taylor Don Taylor Richard Taylor TBT Associates TD Insurance Meloche Monnex Tim and Sonya Teel Philippe Teillet Lynn Telford TELUS Communications Inc. Joyce Temple Byron and Carolyn Templeton Howard and Sharon Tennant Ron Teramura Sylvia Teske Sander and Sally Tettmar Loretta Tetzlaff The Print Shop Peter Therrien Maria and Johannes Thijssen Kendel Thomas Fred and Terri Thomas Taylor Thomas Aaron and Shannon Thompson Brendan Thompson Chris Thompson Mary Thompson Barb Thomsen Andrew Thorn Frances Thorson
University of Lethbridge University Advancement Phone: 403-329-2582 Toll Free: 1-866-552-2582 www.ulethbridge.ca/giving
Ian Tidsbury Tim Rollingson Professional Corporation Mike Tisdale Richelle Titemore Jane O’Dea and Brian Titley Dan Toews and Stephanie Kubik Top Notch Taxidermy Torry Lewis Abells LLP Carmen Toth David Townsend Trap\Door An Artist Run Centre Traxx Transportation Ltd. Evelyn Tregidgo Triple M Housing Ltd. Virginia Trotter George Truba Gerald Truscott Sharon and Ken Turnbull Robert and Dawn Turner Tara Turner Two Guys and A Pizza Place Ltd. Brian and Jill Tyson Paul Tyson Malia Ubeda ULSU Art Society Fred and Gail Umeris Elaine Unger-Pengilly United Rentals United Way/Centraide Ottawa United Way of Calgary and Area United Way of Greater Toronto University of Lethbridge Faculty Association University of Lethbridge Students John Usher Gordon Uswak Amy Van Buskirk Mary Van Buskirk
Kathy Van Dellen Jim Van der Sloot Della Van Gaalen Rob Van Roessel and Stephanie Hlady Natalie Van Tryp Marcel Vanden Dungen M. Vanden Elzen Adrian and Gerda VanderFluit Lynda Vankoughnett Coby VanOostenbrugge Angela Van’t Land Robert and Laura VanTol Josh Vanuden Glenn and Janice Varzari Helen Vaselenak Veldman Masonry Ltd. Brad Velie Joe Versikaitis Renita and Dwight Versteeg Michael Villanueva Steven A. Vincett Pheng Kim Ving Garry Vinje George and Carole Virtue Lesley Visser Vogue Woodwork Nathan Vollo Amy von Heyking Anine Vonkeman Donna Voutsinos Debbie Vuch Wayne Vucurevich W.A. Enviromental Services Ltd. Jeanette Wachtler Nicholas Wade and Carol Beatty Garth Wahlstrom Jennifer Wakefield Allan and Eva Walburger
Angela Walburger Ashley Walker Laurence Walker Nancy and Paul Walker Tanya Walker Denise Wall Herb Wall and Kristine Carlsen Wall Dionne and Colin Walsh Mark Walton Robert Wanke Shaun and Pat Ward Ken Warne Edwin and Katherine Wasiak Sherry Wasilow Debra Waters Anna Watkins William Watkins Bob Watson Wayne C. Petersen Professional Corporation Wayne Shaw Enterprises Ltd. Webb Management Services Peter Weber Brian and Cathie Weersink Jean Wells Wesbridge Construction Limited Gwendolynn West Western Power Train Repair Ltd. Western Tractor Company Inc. Ken Westhaver Richard and Jamie Westlund Gerard and Terry Westwood Tim Westwood Mace Wetter John and Patricia Whimster Ian and Susan Whishaw Andrew Whiteford Terry Whitehead Andrew Wiacek
Marvin Wideen Kelly and Kevin Wiebe Ute Wieden-Kothe Stephanie Wiest Pati Wigelsworth Wilbur-Ellis Company of Canada Ltd. Wilfred Holdings Inc. L. Doreen Wilkie Carol Williams Diana Williams Lorne and Wendy Williams Tom and Vivian Williamson Walter Willms Kevin Willoughby Brian and Beverly Wilson Ellen Wilson Robert Wilson R. Wilson Robert Wiltzen Allan Winarski Leslie Wingerter Ila Wingfield Daniel and Sharon Wirzba Shelly and Stephen Wismath Karina Witbeck Jennifer Wittal Alane Witt-Lajeunesse Sue and Mark Wobick Bernadine Wojtowicz Helen Wolfe John Wolsley Women’s Soccer Association of Lethbridge Andrew Wong Craig Wood and Catherine Woolfrey Robert Wood and Kristin AilsbyWood
Chris Horbachewski Vice-President (Advancement)
Erica Lind Annual Giving Officer
Taryn Sailer Administrative Support
Ruth Hummel Senior Director, Calgary Advancement
Anna Linville Manager, Advancement Services
Lee Illes Administrative Support
Barry Knapp Manager, Major Gifts
Kristine Carlsen Wall Advancement Business Officer
Erika Street Research Support
Kathy MacFarlane Manager, Development Programs
Donna Court Gift Processing
Kali McKay Advancement Communications Officer 2011 Report to Donors, Editor and Writer
Keith and Louise Woodrow Luke Wooldridge Kevin Woolf Patty Woolf Ken and Patricia Woronuk Kate Wouwdwijk Paula Woynarowsky Tyler Wright Randy Wurzer Irwin and Doris Wyrostok Wei Xu Don Yamagishi Craig Yamamoto Geary Yamashita Sharon Yanicki Abdulrasheed Yaro Lecky Eddie Yee Brian Yezovich Doug Yoshida Ronald and Kathryn Yoshida Michelle Young Young Parkyn McNab LLP Janet Youngdahl and Shoja Mazidi Paula Zacharias Sajjad Zahir Rita Zak Mohammad Zehtabi Oskuie W. and M. Zeller Ralph Zentner Richard Zhao Dave Zimmer Jana Zoeteman Darryl Zol Kelly and Jane Zwicker In memory of Alex Close In memory of Johan Dormar In memory of Art Ferrari In memory of Scott Marshalsay In memory of Gaston Renaud
Thank You
“Scholarships help provide a wellrounded university experience, allowing students to focus on academics as well as opportunities outside the classroom. I am truly humbled to be the recipient of the John Gill Memorial Award.” Eva Gorny Fifth-year education student
Eva Gorny knows that a university
Eva is an active member of the University of
By supporting student awards, you help students
education will ensure she reaches
Lethbridge community: she currently represents
pursue opportunities that may otherwise be out of
her Faculty on the U of L Students’ Union General
reach, simply because of limited financial means.
her full potential, allowing her to maximize her contribution to society. In her final year of a bachelor of education degree, Eva recognizes the importance of student engagement both inside and outside the classroom. She is committed to her studies but maintains there’s more to the student experience than going to class and writing exams.
Assembly and is a longtime member of the U of L Rotaract Club. She strongly believes these
But this is just the beginning. Your gifts reach well
experiences have enriched her education and is
beyond our campus. Everywhere you look – from
grateful for the opportunity to give back to the
boardrooms to classrooms – students like Eva are
U of L community.
giving back to make the world a better place.
Last year Eva was the recipient of the John Gill Memorial Award, which recognizes student leadership and community engagement.
www.ulethbridge.ca/giving thank_you.indd 1
12-04-04 3:49 PM