GCOM 343
University of Plymouth Faculty of Arts Spring/summer term 2011 GCOM343
BA Hons: Graphic Communication with Typography
THE MAJOR PROJECT Introduction This module forms the climax of your studes in the Faculty. It is eleven weeks long (excluding the Easter break) with a three week assessment and show period at the end. It is worth 40 credits and is the principle part of your final year experience. As in modules GCOM313 and 323 you must develop your own brief by negotiation with tutors. It should reflect personal aims and objectives. Your design brief should reflect your interests and strengths. It should also relate to any chosen option you have pursued in year 3 (identity and branding, publishing and editorial, information design). The short module descriptor says: After self-initiated reflection, research and consultation with tutors, a written design brief and schedule of work is presented outlining a complex/substantial graphic communication task. Upon approval, the student undertakes self-directed and negotiated study leading to the production of a major body of work reflecting chosen aims, interests and subject option. The proposal Produce a brief for your design project in the form of a written proposal. This should be submitted to tutors for approval. The following information should be included: • Your name, the module number and the title of your brief • A project introduction • The brief - state the design problem you want to solve/address • Anticipated preliminary research • The purpose of the work. Who is it for? Who is the target audience? • Suggested outcome/s (eg. Website, packaging etc.) If your tutors consider your brief does not offer you enough of a learning challenge or places little/no demands upon your abilities to research you will be asked to reconsider your proposal. You may also be asked to rethink your proposal if it is felt to be over ambitious, too vague, too shallow, or too prescriptive in outcome. Your proposal needs to demonstrate appropriate depth, breadth and progression of learning for this, the major assignment of the course. Attached to your proposal should be a programme of work outlining how you expect to address and complete the tasks – a plan or schedule of work. NB The proposal must be written clearly, word processed, spell checked, set within considered margins, and be no more than one A4 page. It should be designed to be legible.
Assessed learning outcomes At the end of a module the learner will be expected to be able to: 1. Demonstrate advanced ability to originate and construct a design brief for a substantial and realistic body of work. 2. Demonstrate appropriate research in depth and breadth. 3. Demonstrate advanced selfmanagement, organisational and analytical/critical skills. 4. Demonstrate further confirmation of the ability to work to an agreed brief/workplan within a chosen timeframe. 5. Be able to define personal aims and passions clearly, through the design and production of an imaginative major body of work. Participation Full participation and attendance is required in this module as shown on the timetable. Unsatisfactory participation /attendance will adversely affect your learning experience and consequently the grade/mark awarded at assessment, and may result in a fail. Assessment Work must be submitted on Thursday 26 May at 12.00noon. The quality of the achievement will be assessed according to the grading criteria matrix published in the student handbook and displayed in the studio. You must evaluate your own performance on your personal assessment profile using the same matrix and your profile should be given to the module leader prior to assessment. You are reminded that the assessment is by 100% course work. This means that the whole learning experience and your response to it is being assessed, not just the finished work you produce. To achieve a pass in this module you must achieve the learning outcomes described above and as specified on the Definitive Module Record (available on the student portal).