6,000+ Graduate and professional students 11:1 Student-to-faculty ratio
100+ Majors & Programs
300+ Student-run Clubs & Organizations
49 States, D.C. & 3 territories
93 Countries 64% 27% Florida residents 8% International students Non-Florida residents
200K+ Service hours completed by students each year 21 NCAA Division I Championships
60% of Fall 2024 first-year students speak two or more languages* 53% 44% 3% self-identify as white non-Hispanic students self-identify as students of color did not identify
2024–2025 cost of attendance for undergraduates living on campus miami.edu/coa
Average net price (cost after grants and scholarships) is $34,625. Net price can vary from $0 to $93,892. miami.edu/npc
100+ Networking/ Recruiting Events FAST FACTS
84% of Fall 2023 first-year students received financial aid
50% of undergradute courses with 17 or fewer students 9 Undergraduate Schools and Colleges TOP EMPLOYERS OF UM GRADUATES INCLUDE: American Express - Bank of America Merrill Lynch - BlackRockBloomberg - Citi - Deloitte - Disney - F1 Miami Grand Prix - Goldman Sachs - Google - JPMorgan Chase - Morgan Stanley - NBCUniversalPfizer - Procter & Gamble – Royal Caribbean International
99% of Class of 2023 secured plans six months after graduation† miami.edu/outcomes Connect with us @UMadmission *As of July
†Based on UM post-graduation career outcomes data. miami.edu/outcomes 100% of demonstrated financial need is met for all admitted students in their first year miami.edu/withinreach
$63,378 median salary for Class of 2023 six months after graduation based on UM post-graduation career outcomes data.†
Welcome to the University of Miami
There’s no better way to know if a university is the right fit for you than to visit, so we’re thrilled to have you on campus. During your visit, we encourage you to ask current students about their experiences and take the time to picture yourself here. Discover the culture, ideas, and opportunities available only at the U!
Create Your Path
Discover your own college experience and take advantage of the many programs, events, and opportunities available throughout the school year. Locate these campus points of interest on the map on pages 6 and 7.
3D Printing Center of Excellence Collaborative Laboratory
The 5,800-square-foot laboratory is a centerpiece of the College of Engineering’s research and education initiatives.
The Arboretum
Named for Dr. John C. Gifford, an expert and professor of tropical forestry at the University, the Gifford Arboretum was created to promote the study of tropical plants.
Athletics Hall of Fame
Our Hall of Fame preserves the names and achievements of athletes who have brought national and international acclaim to the U.
Camner Center
Take advantage of peer tutoring services and dedicated learning specialists to advance your potential.
Campus Store
Pick up some UM gear at the Campus Store to show off your ’Cane pride during and after your visit!
Cosford Cinema
Watch contemporary, classic, and foreign films at the University’s very own oncampus art-house cinema.
Farmers Market
Wednesdays are abuzz at the weekly Farmers Market—serving up a variety of produce, treats, and meals.
Food Court
Various dining options available, with menus that include vegetarian and vegan options.
Gusman Concert Hall
Frost School of Music ensembles and internationally acclaimed faculty and guest artists perform year-round.
Herbert Wellness Center
Cultivate a healthy mind and body at the gym and with classes in cardio, cooking, yoga, and more.
Located in the Braman Miller Center, Hillel is home to just one of the religious groups on campus.
Kislak Center
In addition to hosting special events and lectures, the center houses the University Libraries’ Special Collections.
Koenigsberg & Nadal Interactive Media Center
With the latest technology and a flexible coworking space, students write, edit, design, develop, and create for real-world projects and clients.
Lake Osceola
Celebrate Homecoming with the boatburning ceremony and fireworks display around Lake Osceola. Tradition states that if the boat’s mast falls before it sinks, Miami Hurricanes will win the Homecoming football game.
Lakeside Patio Stage
A popular spot for concerts and events, the stage also hosts the Patio Jams free concert series on Thursdays.
Farmers Market
Koenigsberg & Nadal Interactive Media Center
Gusman Concert Hall
The Launch Pad
Bring your entrepreneurship dreams to life with advisors who assist students in launching their ventures.
Lowe Art Museum
One of the Southeast’s most distinguished and diverse permanent visual art collections, the Lowe serves the educational and cultural needs of our community.
Residential Colleges
Nonlocal first-year students must live on campus their first year, pending availability. Students are supported by peers, faculty, and staff.
Richter Library
UM Libraries rank among the top 50 research libraries in North America. In addition to a vast collection, Richter is home to the Learning Commons, where students can get one-on-one help conducting research, refining writing assignments, and more.
Ring Theatre
Enjoy fresh interpretations of your favorite musicals, classic plays, and contemporary productions.
Shalala Student Center
Get involved! The Student Center is a hub for activity for our 300+ student organizations.
Simulation Hospital Advancing Research & Education (S.H.A.R.E.®)
The Simulation Hospital replicates a fully functioning health care system, unique among simulation-based health care education programs worldwide.
Sports Fields
The U’s world-class athletics facilities include: Alex Rodriguez Park at Mark Light Field (baseball)
Cobb Stadium (soccer and track)
Neil Schiff Tennis Center
Carol Soffer Indoor Practice Facility (football)
The Storer Auditorium
The auditorium hosts events such as the Distinguished Leaders Lecture Series, which brings top business leaders to campus.
SUSTAIN Lab, aka Hurricane Simulator
How do you safely study a hurricane? This 75-foot tank simulator is capable of generating Category-5 winds, giving scientists a close-up look at the power of a hurricane.
The Taylor Family / UTrailblazers Experience
A digital exhibition that commemorates the First Black Graduates at UM and celebrates the contributions of past, present, and future Black students, faculty, and staff.
Thomas P. Murphy Design Studio
In addition to providing studio space for all architecture students, the building includes a fabrications lab and modern workstations to enable advanced digital production.
Toppel Career Center
Trained career advisors will support you every step along your path to career success. Toppel brings more than 1,000 employers to campus each year to recruit our students.
Undergraduate Admission and The Nest
Welcome to our campus! Admission counselors are on hand to answer questions about the University and the admission process. Financial aid advisors are also available upstairs in “The Nest.”
Ungar Building
A hub for undergraduate classes and advising for students in marine, earth, and atmospheric science programs.
Watsco Center
Find excitement at large-scale concerts, lectures, Hurricanes basketball games, and more!
Simulation Hospital Advancing Research & Education (S.H.A.R.E.®)
Richter Library
Sports Fields
Thomas P. Murphy Design Studio
Our Campus
With the support of a multicultural community of students and scholars who come together from all over the world, you’ll learn, tackle pressing global issues, and accomplish more than you ever thought possible.
Dining Parking
Drinking Fountain
Housing and Residential Colleges
Un g a r B ui ld i n g
G a t e Hou s e A B C F E D G
F ro s t M u s i c St u d i o s N o r t h
He r ma n R in g T h e a t r e
rat o
c rat i o n r Vo l p e B u i l d i n g
k s C e n t e r R ec o r di n g e r f or ma n c e
C o x A n n e x
C o x S c i e n c e B u ild in g
R i c ht e r Lib r a r y
G i f f o r d A r bo r e t um
G r eenh o u s e
K n ig h t Ph y s i c s B u i l d i n g
M c Ar t h u r A ddi t io n
M c A r t h u r En g i n ee r i n g
B u il d i n g
13 0 0 Ca m p o Sa n o
Doo l y M e mor i a l
C l a ss r o o m B u ildi n g
A s h e
A d m in is t r a t i o n B u ildi n g
Gu sm a n Co n ce r t H a l l
S h al a l a St u de n t
We e k s M u s i c Lib r a r y a n d Te c h n olo g y C e n t e r
E a t o n
Re s i d e n ti a l
t e c t u r e 4 9
C o l l eg e
M u rph y es i g n St udi o
B ui ld i n t To r c
ti o n
C e n t e r
i n i i u i l d l di
L a k e O sc e o l a
r Sc hw a r t z
C e n t e r f o N ur s i n g
a n d H ea l t h St u d i e s
C o mm u n i c a ti o n I nt e r na t i on a l B ui l di n g
W h i t t e n
ro n n in ui ld u i l d
F er r é B u i l d i n g
Le a r ni n g
C e n t e r
A l l e n H a l l
n F u i l d
St ude n t C e n te r C o mp l e x
W h i t t e n U n i v er s i t y C e n t e r
A d m is s ion s
J enk i n s B ui ld i n g
Mer r i c k B ui ld i n g
A r e s t y B ui ldi n g
C e s a r an
Epst e i n / Ko s a r Fa c u l t y B ui ldi n g
St ub b l e f i e l d B ui ld i n g
Lo n g a n d S m i t h
St u d e n t S e r v i c e s B u ild in g
Low e A r t M u s e u m
B e h a v i or a l
M e d i c i n e B u i l d i n g
M a h on e y - P ea r s o n Din i n g H a l l
C at h o l i c
C e n t e r
C hri s ti a n
S ci en c e
M a hon e y
Re s i d e n ti a l
To ppe l C a ree r C e n t e r
C an t e r b u r y Hou s e
B apt i s t M i ni s t r y
Ep i sco p a l C e n t e r
scop te r
B r a m a n M ill e r
Coll e g e
M a h o n e y - P e a r s o n C o m m o n s
G a t e Hou s e
P e a r s o n Re s id e n ti a l
C o l l e g e
C e n t e r ( H i l le l )
W o l fs o n B ui ld i n g
C en t r e x
s e n lel A ui ld tr n t ild in r i dd it ui ld e nc e
B ui ld i n g
l i
Merr i t t P a n h e l l en i c B u i l d i n g
We s t L a b o r at o r y S c h oo l
Application Process
Admission Checklist*
o Common Application, including supplemental essay
o Official high school transcript(s)
o School Report from a school counselor
o One letter of recommendation from a school official
o Optional for Fall 2025: ACT and/or SAT scores
If you choose to submit, you may self-report your test scores on the Common Application. Applicants to the School of Architecture who do not provide test scores must submit a portfolio. Frost School of Music applicants must complete an audition.
o Official high school/secondary school transcript(s)
If your transcript is in a language other than English, an official English translation issued by a school official or accredited translation agency must be sent directly to the University of Miami.
o International Financial Certification Form
*Documents must be submitted by the deadline of your chosen admission plan. Additional items may be required for special programs.
Financial Aid Checklist
o CSS Profile
o Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) (U.S. citizens and eligible nonresidents only)
o Signed tax returns and W2s
o Noncustodial Parent Profile, if applicable
o Business and Farm Supplement, if applicable finaid.miami.edu/apply
Admission Plans & Deadlines
†The deadline to submit the FAFSA for all Admission Plans is January 6.
‡Early Decision I and II are binding options, which means applicants commit to attending the University of Miami if admitted.
Merit Scholarships
All applicants are automatically considered for scholarships when they apply, regardless of financial need. miami.edu/scholarships
Total number of completed applications
Admission rate
Average unweighted GPA on 4.0 scale 52%
28% Early Decision I
Early Action
Early Decision II 23% Regular Decision
Middle 50% of test superscores¶
Non-Florida residents
29% Florida residents
7% International students
§As of July 2024.
¶Range comprises applicants who elected to have their scores considered as part of the application process.
Majors & Programs
School of Architecture
College of Arts and Sciences
Africana Studies
American Studies
Medical Anthropology
Art Ceramics
Graphic Design
Art History
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Biochemistry and Nutrition
Biology Pre-Health
Classical Studies
Greek Latin
Latin and Greek
Computer Science
Computational Science
Cryptography and Security
Data Science
Graphics and Games
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Ecosystem Science and Policy
Creative Writing
Exploratory (Undeclared)
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Geography and Sustainable Development
Global Health Studies
Social Sciences
Innovation and Society (co-major)
International Studies
Judaic Studies
Latin American Studies
Materials Science
Applied Analysis
Computational Mathematics
Core Mathematics
Probability and Statistics
Microbiology and Immunology
Political Science
Public Administration
Religion and Health Care
Religious Studies
Studio Art
Theatre Arts
(audition/portfolio required for BFA applicants)
Design/Technical Production
Musical Theatre
Stage Management
Miami Herbert Business School
Accounting and Finance
Business Analytics
Business Technology
Political Economy
Quantitative Economics
General Business
Global Business (co-major)
Health Management and Policy
Human Resource Management
Legal Studies
Organizational Leadership
Real Estate
Supply Chain Analytics
Sustainable Business (co-major)
School of Communication
Creative Management
Broadcast Journalism
Communication Studies
Majors are subject to change. For the latest list, visit miami.edu/majors