The Intention Issue - Monumental Magazine

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THE WOMEN’S NETWORK The Women’s Network (TWN) is a collegiate women’s networking organization that focuses on empowering and connecting high-achieving women to each other and to leaders across many industries, as well as celebrating ambition. TWN holds a variety of events: speaker meetings with high-profile leaders, LinkedIn, resume, and internship workshops, alumni receptions, community-based discussion panels, and virtual networking opportunities with other members on campus and around the nation. It’s a great way to expand your network, gain exposure to different industries, build confidence, find career opportunities, and meet ambitious people. Get involved by filling out our membership form: Instagram @thewomensnetwork_umd_ LinkedIn The Women’s Network Podcast Redefining Ambition National Website


This issue is dedicated to our founder,

Erin Garry


Intention Intention Intention

Letter From the Editor


Natalie Leinbach Editor-in-Chief


I first heard about Monumental Magazine before it was officially named. At that time it was simply an idea. Our founder, Erin, believed that the University of Maryland paves a path for its community to do exceptional things. It was her goal to highlight these things as they relate to fashion, beauty, and lifestyle. With this intention, Monumental Magazine was born and it will be my intention to continue to support this goal and its growth. Since it’s conception, our publication has evolved to do more. It seeks to generate a space for young creatives to express themselves, practice their skills, showcase their abilities, and most importantly to interpret, critique, and reshape the world. With that mission in mind, I am ecstatic to introduce our first issue: The Intention Issue. It’s fitting that our first edition is dubbed The Intention Issue. During almost a year of lockdown conditions, we were forced to reflect on our behaviors, activities, and standpoints. After this period of introspection, we were granted the unique opportunity to enter into a year with new intentions unlike any before it. We chose intention as the theme of this issue to reflect this unique opportunity. The art pieces housed within these pages highlight purposeful ideas, deliberative action, and calculated thought. This issue is meant to consider where we have collectively been, where we are going, and where we could go. Intention is what we need more of in the world. Intention can create. It can define. It can change. It can inform.

Issue It can help you show up. With a unique set of challenges posed in the last year and the promise of opportunity on the horizon, we take aim. Every day, we attempt to seize purpose. We get to choose to plan or not plan, to do or not do, to try or not try. Ask yourself; What matters most to you? What direction do you want to travel? Sometimes it’s overwhelming to figure that out. But if you know you want to get somewhere, setting intentions can only help you get there. Look closely at your target, evaluate it with scrutiny, and intend to hit it. This is, without a doubt, a monumental occasion. For you to read these words and to see these images is something that has been on my mind every day for over a year now. So from the bottom of my heart, I thank you for reading. I thank you for engaging with the writers, photographers, stylists, fashion-lovers, and designers who worked hard to make this happen. The idea for this magazine all started with the intention to create. For me, this magazine has created a place for me to grow closer towards reaching my full creative potential, a place to practice leadership, dependability, and teamwork, and a place to make time and space for creativity. I hope it can inspire other students to do the same. It’s hard for me to translate my enthusiasm about this edition into words and impossible to fully express the hard work of our staff that lives within these pages. So I think it’s time for you to turn the page and see for yourself.

Welcome to our first publication.

We’re so glad you’re here.

I loved writing my own content because it could be literally anything I wanted. From fashion and its intersection with politics to fashion’s changes throughout the decades to style at the MET Gala to LGBTQ+ creators in the fashion industry, I finally got the chance to write about the topics that excite and interest me. Being able to pitch my

Letter From the Creative Director

During the summer of 2019 I was scrolling through my Facebook feed when I saw a post that caught my eye. A senior named Erin Garry had posted about a fashion magazine that she had just started at UMD. She was looking for people interested in helping her and joining the team. As a freshman journalism major who was disappointed in the lack of diversity of journalism topics that my classes covered, I was immediately excited. I have always loved fashion and style, but I never got the chance to explore that in my classes. I tried writing for other campus publications and even starting my own blog, but I felt like there was never a place for me to discover the things I really loved and cared about. I immediately reached out to Erin with my interest in Monumental Magazine and was named Managing Editor my sophomore year.

own ideas and write freely has not only been something that I enjoy doing, but it has allowed me to become a better writer. Monumental Magazine has given me the creative outlet that I had hoped for and it has opened my eyes to so much more. I have been truly honored to serve as Creative Director of Monumental Magazine this year. This past year has truly been transformative in terms of fashion, beauty, music, and politics, and these changes are something Monumental Magazine continues to explore. Despite not being able to hold physical meetings and events, this publication has managed to continue to produce content and create The Intention Issue, something I never thought was possible during a global pandemic. We have flourished in these uncertain and unpredictable times, continuing to welcome creativity in all forms. My experience with this magazine has been nothing but transformative, and I am extremely thankful for everything this magazine and its members have taught me. I am so proud to be a part of Monumental Magazine, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for it and all of its members.

Kassidy McDonald Creative Director


T h e

I n t e n t i o n E d i t i o n

Our intentions represent our deepest desires and they are a mechanism for expression. Intention is what allows us to create, which is the foundation of The Intention Issue. This issue features a multitude of intentional decisions that, when combined, serve as the beginning of something greater. Intentionality and fashion intersect in countless ways. Selecting your outfit each day is an intentional act; what you wear is a means of expression and it affects the ways in which others perceive you. Sporting clothing in hues that are meaningful can showcase your support for various causes, which many politicians have done throughout history as Kassidy points out (pg. 20). Wearing items that are socially recognized as contrary to your gender identity or expression, like Kyle and Noah (pg. 52), necessitates greater acceptance of individualized self-expression into the world. Choosing bold makeup looks can emphasize that you are fearless and unapologetically yourself (pg. 32). Making your art accessible, like Michael and Noor (pg. 56), can allow others to express their unique authenticity through your creation. The projects in this issue would never have happened without the hard work and deliberate decisions of our staff. The Intention Issue highlights the possibilities for expression through intentional choices and recognizes intention as a main driver for creativity. Have you ever felt like life is happening to you instead of having control over your life? Many people fail to realize how intent can help you seize the control they desire. In order to make a change and to reach a goal, you can set your trajectory and then take small intentional actions to get there. As you gain confidence in your journey towards some goal, these acts get bigger and more impactful. What is one thing you can do today to get closer to achieving your future goals? What do you want for yourself or for others? Intentional fashion choices can help you get to where you want to go. Try getting dressed today instead of wearing sweats; it might make you more productive. Or stay in your sweats instead of getting dressed; it will help you relax and decompress. No matter what you do, do it with intention. When we sit quietly, we gain the chance to experience clarity of intent, or what we truly desire. With any luck, you become aware of the experiences you want to have. With this key, you can unlock the door to living purposefully. In the following pages of our first edition, Monumental Magazine has chosen its truth: to lead with the intention to grow and create more art that challenges others to do the same.


What will your intention be?




Letter from the Editor 05

Letter from the Creative Director 06

Introducing Intention 10




Reflection and Looking Forward


Invest and Buy Less 16

Winter Looks

20 22

The Statement is Style Brazen



Makeup Trends for 2021


Get Graphic


Hydration is Key




42 46


Ode to the College Party

The Power of Intention Self Portraits

Virtual Visions

The Rise of Feminine Masculinity


Michael Spooner: Live with Color



Noor Nabulsi: The Official Pixie Chick


KASSIDY MCDONALD Creative Director

EDITORIAL Official Staff Members Michelle Drabovsky, Lei Danielle Escobal, Sasha Howard, Jacqueline Maloney, Sarah Pfau, Emma Rubino, Hannah Zozobrado Contributing Writers Kyle Faresich, Zuri Fearon, Jessie Garten, Jessica Leff, Natalie Leinbach, Jacqueline Maloney, Kassidy McDonald, Isabella Milano, Emilia Muga, Emma Rubino 10


Director of Art, Photography, and Promotions Zuri Fearon

Layout and Design Directors Katherine Mahoney and Sophia Wooden

Contributing Photographers and Editors Zuri Fearon, Sasha

Howard, Roe Lanford, Natalie Leinbach, Isabella Milano, Kylie Alvarez

Contributing Graphic Artists Clara Longo de Freitas, Zuri Fearon, Emma Rubino

Contributing Stylists Kyle Faresich, Michelle Drabovsky, Roe Lanford


Marketing Associates Sydney Albert, Micah Ferguson, Elizabeth Flood, Roe Lanford, Clara Russ, Sophia Wooden


Social Media Manager Jessica Leff

Digital and Web Designer Jessie Garten 11


Reflection & by: Zuri Fearon

model: Sydney Kauftheil

Appreciating all that is around

us because we understand how quickly it can be taken away.



Looking Forward

The past year has been filled with so much uncertainty. We have now begun asking how to move on and look forward, and wondered what it looks like. We’ve received new information about possible remedies and discussed living without as many precautions. Yet, we still know very little about the future. Many hopes, dreams, and plans were put on hold. Much of our time was spent inside with family, roommates, and - for some - all alone. It gave us the opportunity to reconnect with past hobbies and explore new ones. To try cooking, and cultivate our own gardens. To take up home improvement projects and “re-organize our lives.” It was a time of mass self-reflection as we all were forced to appreciate the little things. The last year was also a time of stress, as we worried about proper protection for ourselves, essential workers, high risk individuals, and the like. We collectively worked towards gaining a better understanding of exactly what we were up against and how we could combat it, (though ideas


about this still differ greatly). member it in the past. However, we also must remind We saw social unrest and ourselves that it’s bigger large scale protests over the than our individual power. summer. These movements asked us to think deeply It’s important to focus on about the fabric of our soci- what we can control: creating ety and how our institutions stronger relationships built affect people of color. We on healthy bonds; Being kind shared stories and informa- to ourselves and no longer tion online and tried to better overworking ourselves in the educate ourselves and others. name of productivity; Meeting each other where we We have experienced loss, are and no longer wearing the strain of friendships and ourselves so thin. Appreciatdisconnection. We’ve looked ing all that is around us beinward and reflected on how cause we understand how all of this has impacted our quickly it can be taken away. mental health. And we’ve tried to center ourselves and find When we look forward, it peace amidst our struggles. will be important to ask ourselves what we will take Many of us have turned to re- with us. The lessons we’ve connecting with nature and learned, the introspection stepping away from all of our we’ve gone through. How screens - through hiking and will the personal changes we spending time outside each have undergone shape us day. Others have enjoyed ar- and how can we use our new tisan activities and develop- knowledge in the future? ing craftsmanship as we’ve all looked for ways to bring Ultimately, we understand tranquility into our lives. that everything is uncertain. However, through continOur hopes are that every- ual reflection and discusthing can just return to “nor- sion on how to improve mal” soon. But, we’re ap- our society we can form prehensive about how we a more promising future. get there and if it will look different than how we re-


Invest and Buy Less by: Jessica Leff

With fast fashion on the rise, it’s helpful to stop and think: is it really worth it? We gravitate towards the pieces made for the present and the incredibly cheap price tag that comes with them. Oftentimes, we don’t realize how poorly made these items are and how small of a lifespan they’ll have in our closets. Counteracting fast fashion is slow fashion. Slow fashion is a movement aimed at promoting mindful manufacturing, fair labor rights, environmentally conscious practices, and lasting garments. To update your closet and be more sustainable while doing it, investing in pieces that are of better quality and mindfully produced is the answer. Investment pieces are defined as items that are versatile and timeless, allowing you to get the most use out of them. They can be adapted to many different outfits and work with new trends across multiple seasons throughout the years to come. While filling your closet with cheap garments may not break the bank, it will impact the environment and the fast fashion industry workers who made the items. By spending a little more, you can get higher quality, longer-lasting items that do not have nearly the same adverse environmental or ethical implications. These pieces are timeless and will truly never go out of style. Want to transform your closet by adding some investment pieces? Below are just a few of my favorite pieces that everyone should own in order to elevate their wardrobe.

Leather Jacket As an investment piece should be, leather jackets truly go with everything and are essential in everyone’s wardrobe. No matter the occasion, a simple leather jacket can work. You can dress it down with jeans and a t-shirt or elevate it with a dress, but it will always look effortless yet stylish. Leather jackets have continued to evolve over the decades, so it’s clear that they are not going out of style anytime soon.


Sunglasses You may find yourself in need of a pair of sunglasses more often than not. It can definitely take some time to find the perfect pair for you when it comes to style, shape, color, and proportion to your face, but, it’s a search worth exploring. Invest in a pair with UV-blocking protection as well as polarization, which assists with clearing any glare. Opt for a universal shape (such as round, aviator, or wayfarer) in a neutral color that is not too out of the box to ensure that they withstand the test of time.


Models Megan Burke and Samira Mudd

Everyday Jewelry Don’t devote your entire jewelry collection to cheap versions of timeless pieces. Why waste your money on short-term wear jewelry that turns green and rusty and needs quick replacements? Instead, invest in basic everyday jewelry pieces such as mini gold hoops and simple chain necklaces. You can build new and unique looks with a few simple necklaces by layering different lengths and styles as well as mixing and matching the pendants. It would be nice to wear your jewelry confidently every day without having to worry about replacing them.

Versatile Jeans


Not every outing requires a large purse or tote bag. Sometimes a small bag to hold the essentials (lip balm, money, and your keys) is all

you need. Bags with fun colors and accent designs are always great, however, for a staple piece, neutral is better. Opt for a simple crossbody bag that’s both functional and stylish. Wear it casually while you’re on the go running errands throughout the day or throw it over your outfit for a nice Saturday night dinner. The possibilities are endless.

Whether you are an avid denim wearer or more of a sweatpants/leggings type of person, everyone can agree that there is nothing better than the feeling of slipping into a pair of jeans with the perfect fit. There are a million different styles of jeans out there, each complimenting a different figure and body type. Once you find the perfect pair, it will be worth the splurge since you will get a huge amount of use out of them. A flawless and flattering fit is timeless, no matter what style of jeans is trending.

When it comes to fashion, quality over quantity is the takeaway here. Adjust your mindset when shopping and change what you splurge on. Instead of spending your savings on tons of cheap clothing, spend it on something you will want to wear every day. It may be the only item you purchase that month, however, you’ll have it for years. Save up, invest, and buy less.



W I N T E R 16

L O O K S styled by: Michelle Drabovsky


model Chloe Ober


model Michelle Drabovsky


photography by: Natalie Leinbach



graphic design by: Zuri Fearon

model Ileana Lozano



article and graphic by: 20

Kassidy McDonald


In November of 2020, I tuned in to watch Kamala Harris step on stage for the first time as Vice President-elect. I was in awe of her fashion choices for the night, a white pussy-bow blouse under a white Carolina Herrera pantsuit. Her outfit was a perfect symbol of inspiration and strength to women in this country, and a promise to young girls to fight for gender equality. I researched who Kamala was wearing immediately to find out exactly what the pussybow blouse stood for in terms of women’s history: a feminist symbol of protest for women’s suffrage. Kamala’s outfit choice perfectly highlighted how fashion can and should make an important statement. Although, social media had very divided opinions on Kamala’s outfit that night. Some thought her blouse was a brilliant and strategic move, but many called the blouse ugly, entirely missing the point that her outfit was an intentional ensemble. Our wardrobes can be used to show who we are and how we want to be perceived by others. Style is relevant in our everyday lives as well as our current political landscape. Often, politicians use “strategic styling” as a tool to spread messages to their constituents. But their fashion choices are often harshly judged by people who oppose them. The media scrutinizes negative aspects of female politicians’ wardrobes in particular, which are criticisms that male politicians rarely receive. Men usually sport a basic formal wardrobe in politics - a dark blue, gray, black, or a tan well-fitting suit - and no one has much to say about it. But, for a woman in politics, her wardrobe selection


becomes much more complicated due in part to systemic gender oppression. Women are subjected to unachievable beauty standards which cause much more criticism about what they’re wearing, making it taxing to decide what to wear. Is her shirt too lowcut? Is her skirt too short? Is that color too distracting? How much makeup is appropriate? How long or short should her hair be? Does she look “good”? These are all questions that female politicians must consider when they choose an ensemble. People may feel uncomfortable with the way a woman in politics dresses simply because they aren’t used to seeing women in powerful positions, not necessarily due to the clothing items. Since our government’s conception, women have been barred from equal opportunity in politics, so women were never associated with holding office (or any power for that matter). With the re-election of Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and many other women to Congress, women are slowly reaching milestones as they assume important political positions. Kamala Harris also challenges the idea that femininity and power are not associated by becoming the first woman to ever hold the position of Vice President of the United States. Instead of criticizing the way these women express their style, we can try to better understand how fashion is a mechanism for expression and communication. There are many exam-

ples of how women today are using their clothing to spread messages, convey their stance on an issue, and express themselves. In 2009, Sonia Sotomayer was nominated and appointed to the Supreme Court by President Barack Obama. She was told before her appointment to opt out her fiery red nail polish shade for the confirmation process for a more neutral shade. She chose to listen to her advisors during this time, but after the confirmation she brought back her signature red manicure and hoop earrings. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s style has been deeply influenced by Sotomayer’s fashion choices. AOC is often making statements by accessorizing her monochrome pant suits or dresses with the same bold red lip and gold hoop earrings. As the youngest woman to serve in the U.S. Congress, Ocasio-Cortez has continued to make headlines. But she is constantly under scrutiny in the media. In a viral tweet in 2018 Ocasio-Cortez says “The reasons journos from @FoxNews to @dcexaminer can’t help but obsess about my clothes, rent, or mischaracterize respectful convos as “fights’’ is bc as I’ve said, women like me aren’t supposed to run for office- or win.” This criticism comes from people who are uncomfortable accepting the growing number of oppressed people who are elected to positions of political power - different from the older cisgender white straight men that have monopolized power since our government was created. While running for Presi-

dent in 2016, Hillary Clinton coined the hashtag #PantSuitNation. Her supporters rallied behind her fashion in solidarity, showing women that pant suits are not just part of a man’s wardrobe and that pantsuits are stylish and powerful. In 2018, congresswomen wore black to stand in solidarity with the #MeToo and Time’s Up movements. During the 2019 State of the Union Address, women in Congress wore all white ensembles to make a statement with their clothing. White is a color that has been strategically worn throughout our country’s history to represent women’s suffrage. Both instances showcase the use of color as an influential message. Fashion means something and, when used intentionally, should be a part of conversations. Instead of judging women in politics for what they wear and how they look in it, we should be working to understand what they wear and exactly why they wore it. Fashion choices hold meaning and importance, much greater than how the outfits look according to traditional beauty standards. Giving a statement with style is how a woman in politics can showcase personal messages based on her identity. My hope is that as more women reach important milestones in our government, we will continue to see more examples of fashion statements that are expressive and have powerful messages.



Photographer & Stylist: Zuri Fearon Models: Jordan Fiordaliso & Dominique Jones Makeup: Savanna Elnicki & Jordan Fiordaliso

Production Assistant: Emory Reahm

















Makeup Trends for 2021 article by: Jacqueline Maloney

graphics by: Clara Longo de Freitas



Highlighter took the world by storm in the early 2010s with the explosion of social media and therefore “Instagram Makeup.” Since then, the shimmery products have maintained their position in all our makeup routines. This year it will be taking on a different form. Highlighter has mostly been a gold toned shimmer powder used to create a dewy effect, but this year we can expect the colors to range from blues to purples in accordance with the 80s electric trend. Primarily, purple highlighter will be blowing up the markets this year. Purple highlighter is really useful to balance out ashy or grey tones in the skin, resulting in more lively and bright skin. The purple or blue toned highlighter adds an ethereal touch to normal makeup, resulting in looks that “glow-from-within” and are practically angelic. Not only will the color of our highlighter change, but the entire way we have been contouring will be transformed. Traditionally, you put contour below your cheek bones and blush on the cheeks. Now makeup artists are saying that we should reverse this, putting


blush under the cheekbones, which results in the face looking lifted. Highlighter placement has generally stayed the same and will continue to stay the same, creating the illusion of brightness and height. In addition to colored highlights, colored eyeliner and mascara will be everywhere. Thankfully, there are many products we can mix with our favorite eyeshadow color to create a colored liner instead of having to buy hundreds of different colors. Some of our favorites are…: There is a fine line between the dewy, out-of-thisworld look and cheesy over glistening makeup. One great tip is to use either a fan brush or even your finger to apply highlighter. Using a regular bronzer or blush brush can result in too much glow in too little space. It is also important to remember to apply highlight not only above the cheekbones, but also use it under your brows, above your top lip, and even on the inner corner of your eye. These extra placements will really emphasize the inner-glow illusion you want to create and will result in that gorgeous no makeup-makeup look.


James Hogan’ 21 wearing NYX White Liquid Liner ($5) and the shade Lumi from Colourpop’s Blue Moon Palette ($12).

At the beginning of the pandemic, the world seemed to be at an end. For Maryland students, campus emptied out and classes proceeded online. With the elimination of sports games, club meetings, nights out at the bar, and activities in general, students were left with more time. However, this extra time gave students the opportunity to explore their creative side. For me, I used this time to practice using different eyeliners to create a variety of looks. I want to highlight five of my favorite affordable eyeliner looks, inspired by Hunter Schaefer and Instagram’s @cutcreaser and @dominiqueallisonx.



Article, Makeup Art, and Creative Direction by:

Emilia Muga

Photography and photo editing by: Kylie Alvarez Kylie Alvarez ’21 wearing NYX Vivid Brights Sapphire liquid eyeliner ($5), NYX Blue Trip from the Diamonss and Ice, Please Epic Wear Kit ($15), and the shade Lumi from Colourpop’s Blue Moon Palette ($12).

Kylie wearing White Liquid Liner and NYX Black id Liquid Eyeliner

NYX ($5) Viv($5).

James wearing NYX Vivid Brights Fire liquid eyeliner ($7) and the shade Morning Glory from the Me, Myself, and MMMMitchell Pressed Pigment Palette ($36).

Emilia Muga ’21 NYX Vivid Brights Violet liquid eyeliner ($5) and Stila’s Shade Mystère Liquid Eye Shadow in Mythical ($12).



Hydration is Key: Our Favorite Winter Skin Care

by: Jessie Garten

As to

January a close

comes . . .

the drop in temperature as we near the middle of winter causes dry skin that can be very frustrating. The air is cold and dry because of a decrease in humidity levels, resulting in a natural evaporation of

the water in your skin. Consequently, you are left with dry, tight, or even flaky skin. To revitalize your skin, pharmacies and beauty stores offer a variety of products. Many people turn to switching soaps and daily products, considering milder ones which don’t strip the essential oils in one’s skin and increase moisturization within the skin.

graphic by: Clara Longo de Freitas



Drunk Elephant B-Hydra Intensive Hydration Gel On the expensive side for hydrating products, the Drunk Elephant B-Hydra Intensive Hydration Gel can be applied to all skins, but especially to those that are oily or have acne. This intensive gel does not contain any animal products, making it completely vegan. It can be used on its own, but tends to work better when under other water based moisturizers. Not to mention the lightweight, thin tube is great for travel.

Belif The True Cream Moisturizing Bomb

Tatcha The Water Cream Tatcha the Water Cream is an oil-free, highly effective pore minimizing moisturizer. By scooping a small amount of cream and massaging it onto the skin in strokes, the product heals the skin from dryness. This product can be used daily morning and night. This product consists of Japanese Wild Rose, Japanese Leopard Lily, and Tatcha’s Signature Hadasei-3. These ingredients work to balance skin, reduce oil production, and restore healthy, radiant skin.

Belif’s True Cream Aqua Bomb is a gel cream that hydrates, cools, and refreshes dry skin. This product consists of Lady’s Mantle (known for its anti-inflammatory properties which minimize pore size), ceramide, and glycerin, which maintain moisture levels in the skin. To put the cherry on top of the sundae, this lightweight gel isn’t heavy or greasy on the skin.

First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream Intense Hydration The First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream Intense Hydration is a rich cream moisturizer that includes FAB Antioxidant Booster Complex, often used to protect the skin from UV rays and other outdoor dangers to the skin. The formula includes lightweight and nutrient-rich ingredients like shea butter, colloidal oatmeal, meadowfoam seed oil, licorice root, and both feverfew and white tea to strengthen the skin.

Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel Neutrogena’s Hydro Boost Water Gel was designed to keep pores from getting clogged because it does not include oils, dyes, or alternative fragrances. The water gel absorbs quickly and delivers powerful hydration to the skin. The formula is free of synthetic ingredients that may disrupt the skin, such as alcohol, and rich in ingredients found in the skin naturally, like hyaluronic acid.



Ode to the College Party by: Roe Lanford

Models: Arianna Beers, Megan Burke, Willow Edge, and Justin Gross









The Power of Intentions by: Emma Rubino

Meditation and mindfulness hold their roots in ancient Buddhism, historically utilized in religious tradition. In recent years, younger generations have been at the forefront of the movement pushing to lessen the stigma surrounding mental health which includes the promotion of utilizing mindfulness practices in our daily lifestyles. Mindfulness breaks down into three main components: intention, attention, and attitude. These three aspects work together to cultivate a mindful state of awareness.


Intention helps you identify what you are looking to achieve through these practices. Maybe it’s stress relief, personal growth, or just simply relaxation. Setting a comprehensible goal for yourself makes exercising meditation and other mindfulness practices less intimidating. Attention is where meditation comes into play, which can assume many different forms depending on what works for you. Whether that involves taking a walk, doing yoga, or just sitting alone in silence, meditation helps you place your focus and attention with purpose. Taking a moment to


be solely with your thoughts allows you to slow down and specify what you are putting your mind and energy towards. Allowing ourselves to focus on positive thoughts and gratitude during meditation brings in the third aspect: attitude. Your perception of the world and yourself is all based on the attitude you hold. Waking up in the morning and immediately writing down three things for which you are grateful can shift your frame of mind, pushing you to focus on the positive parts of your daily routine. Mindfulness takes time and effort, but implementing small daily gratitude practices can make a huge difference in your point of view and mindset. Daily affirmations are another large part of cultivating a positive thought process. Positive affirmations can be anything from a long quote to a short saying that makes you feel peaceful, happy, and empowered. These are essentially thoughts and ideas we want to train our brains to believe, ultimately manifesting them in our lives. Alongside writing down things you’re grateful for, jotting down a short affirmation in the morning and repeating it to yourself a few times daily can set or change the tone of your entire day. Setting your phone background with the affirmation is another way to seamlessly implement the quote into your everyday life. A simple affirmation I’ve come to utilize


is “Today I choose peace over perfection.” Repeating this phrase to myself reminds me to live in the present moment and that taking a break is okay. This daily affirmation helps me realize that everyone is on their own path and things will align when the time is right. In today’s media saturated world it is so easy to put pressure on ourselves. But, finding an affirmation that sets your day in a positive light and reminding yourself of what you are thankful for each morning are really simple ways to begin practicing mindfulness. If you start with those easy practices, eventually you will always set aside time in your hectic day (even if it’s just ten minutes) to implement your personal form of meditation. It can make all the difference. Shaping your own mindset through mindful practices has immense benefits. It is proven that meditation can improve your sleep, lower stress levels, help prevent depression, and even improve your attention span. As college students it is important that we take time to focus on self-care and pay attention to our thoughts and feelings. It’s definitely easy to push those things to the side in our busy schedules, but implementing quick and simple exercises into your daily routine to focus on your mindset can improve your mental health and create long term value.


by:Sasha Howard









Virtual Visions by: Isabella Milano

Almost a year into a pandemic, I think we can all agree that our artistic expression has been severely hindered for far too long. Thankfully, digital technology is a mechanism to create content that still allows us to tell stories in new and exciting ways. In the past, collaborating on creative projects required physical proximity, but not anymore. FaceTime acts as a perfect photoshoot tool to break down the space barrier.

In-person photo shoots for now are at a halt, but artists can still reach the same goals through FaceTiming with models on the other end. For this shoot, Gabby Reyes, UMD student and model, put on her brightest suit. With the help of Gabby’s ring light and a bright blue sky, we were able to have a socially distant shoot of our own. I made use of the vibrant, orange color Gabby was wearing by placing her against the simple blue sky to make the photos pop (along with some blue accessories of course). I simply asked Gabby to do specific poses while continuously taking live photos. I also showed her reference photos for inspiration since I was not able to position her in person.


The morning sun provided enough direct sunlight to achieve my desired look. I wanted bright lighting to bring out the orange and help with posing with shadows. The same natural lighting worked perfectly inside too, shining through a window.


model Gabby Reyes













by: Kyle Faresich

When Harry Styles was interviewed by Vogue in December of 2019 about his “candid” and “androgynous” fashion choices, he simply stated: “If I see a nice shirt and get told, ‘But it’s for ladies.’ I think: ‘Okaaaay? Doesn’t make me want to wear it less though…” Harry Styles isn’t the first male celebrity to question the status quo when it comes to dressing “according to your gender identity.” Men can be found dressing in feminine clothing in the United States as early as the Civil War, initially acting as entertainment for men at war. Drag then made its debut in the 1950’s in underground gay bars and clubs as a means of self-expression but considered to be taboo entertainment.

In fact, cross-dressing was criminalized throughout a large part of the 20th century, with the latest anti-crossdressing law being passed as late as 1974. Today, many of these laws have since been overturned, but there continues to be a looming stigma over the gender-fluid fashion movement. Numerous male influencers are starting to normalize gender-fluid fashion for men of all ages and sexual orientations by wearing traditionally female clothing items, painting their nails, and wearing makeup as everyday streetwear. Here’s a look at the latest male gender bender trends:



Crop Tops:

In recent years, more and more male figures have reclaimed crop tops, a clothing item that was almost exclusively for females for the latter part of the 20th century. Although previously worn by celebrities such as Will Smith in The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, the crop top today can be seen on men in their everyday lives, not just on TV. Ricky Thompson, a 24-year-old Instagram influencer with nearly 6 million followers, constantly shatters the gender barrier, wearing a crop top in almost every other post. His pairing of a tight-fitted crop top with loose baggy pants defines his disregard for conventional menswear. They are also an easy-to-make fashion statement; for mine, I simply found a light-material crewneck at a local thrift store, measured about four inches from the bottom, and cut across, leaving the sleeves intact for a long-sleeved crop top.


The 21st century makeup market has seen increased consumption from male customers. Although classic rock members have used makeup such as eye shadow and eye liner since the 70’s, social media moguls such as James Charles and Jeffree Star helped spark an entire revolution in the 2010s when they started making YouTube videos creating elaborate men’s (and women’s) makeup looks, plus celebrity guest makeovers. Their YouTube channels boast millions of followers and both figures have released makeup palettes for all genders and skin tones. From blending to contouring to lip-lining, men’s makeup tutorials have sprouted everywhere on social media thanks to these big-name trailblazers. Searching ‘male makeup looks’ on both YouTube and TikTok will result in hundreds of videos - all intended to erase stigmas and embrace change.



creative direction by: Kyle Faresich photography by: Natalie Leinbach models: Kyle Faresich and Noah Fichter




Although men have worn jewelry for ages, more guys are starting to stray away from the typical gold and silver color scheme. Not only are ‘mainstream colors’ starting to vary, but also jewelry silhouettes; another current trend is the rise of dangly earrings. One famous TikTok personality, Christian Vierling, repeatedly emphasises his belief that men wearing whatever clothing or jewelry they desire. Throughout his TikTok videos and Instagram pictures, he can be seen wearing colorful rings and dangly earrings, as well as incorporating these flamboyant jewelry pieces into his modeling career. It is also important to take note that Vierling identifies as heterosexual, making a statement that flamboyant outerwear that was once a staple of the queer community now transcends sexual orientation, identity, and expression.

Painted Nails:

In pop culture and fashion, men have painted their nails in the past, but it was almost exclusively as part of the on-stage performances of stars such as Freddie Mercury and David Bowie. Nowadays, men no longer have to be wellknown celebrities in order for it to be considered normal. Manicures are becoming mainstream for men and boys alike, providing a historically unconventional accent to any outfit. They can be seen anywhere from the music industry (e.g. Bad Bunny, A$AP Rocky) to the movies (e.g. Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt) to the runway (e.g. Marc Jacobs). Even boys of the younger generation, such as LilHuddy, a TikTok personality with 25.4 million followers, have contributed to the rise of this upand-coming social norm. More male social media influencers, especially those of the younger generation, are starting to incorporate painted nails as a nonchalant staple for any outfit, on the same level as one’s choice in shoes or jewelry.


These trends are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to a new wave of masculinity, and an equally new perspective on the attempt to further blur the lines between gendered fashion. The possibilities for creative expression are limitless. If men start to come to terms with breaking the barrier of social acceptability, they are tapping into a new part of their personal clothing preferences. They can look at a tennis skirt and equate it to the same practicality as wearing athletic shorts on a hot day, or they can discover a new artistic passion with how they do their makeup. When it comes down to it, what men wear should be nothing less than an expression of personal creativity, growth, aestheticism, and rebellion.


Michael Spooner: LIVE WITH COLOR By: Zuri Fearon

“I think it is important to live life with happiness and with energy. I think color is synonymous with all of those things; to live with color.”


Michael Spooner, a senior Psychology and African American Studies double major at the University of Maryland, is the creator of Color Brand, an innovative enterprise connecting fashion design, photography, and graphic art.



Color Brand is an extension of a creative project with Spooner’s photography as the centerpiece. He starts with an image and then manipulates it by adding other visual elements until he’s satisfied with the design. The image is then screen printed or embroidered onto various clothing items and other paraphernalia. For Spooner, “the photography is definitely the main piece and that’s the part that [he] enjoys the most.” Spooner took an interest in photography his senior year of high school after taking an elective that focused on the subject. He then began to take his camera with him to various events and out with friends, practicing the art of capturing his surroundings. “I didn’t even recognize how seriously I began to take it until the middle of last year.” Spooner had developed a broader interest in photo editing and his eye for media and design continued to evolve. Ever since he entered college, Spooner was interested in screen printing, but he did not know how to start. Around the end of 2019, he decided to use an image he had captured on vacation and put it on a hoodie. In the following two weeks, Spooner made five other designs, reached out to friends to weigh interest, and came up with a logo. By the end of the next month, he had created a website and launched his brand.

gradient series

color block series

vibration series

text logo series

distortion series

Currently, Spooner has released five coordinated themes which he refers to as series. The first was the “Gradient” series for which Spooner used five of the most dominant colors in the image as swatches around the center. He also incorporated gradients of the same colors as frames for the corners. The designs were then screen printed onto all of his items. Next was the “Color Block” series. Spooner used three to five different colors from the image as filters, as well as semi-transparent shapes and figures layered over parts of the picture. This series followed the same process for screen printing. The third series was the “Vibration” series, produced as a partnership with his friend Francis Sowande. Together, they focused on more monochromatic images and added different outlines and designs to make the artworks more robust. Next came the “Text Logo” series, which is much simpler in design and features a different style than some of Spooner’s previous work. It’s also the first time he used embroidery as opposed to screen printing. His most recent series is the “Distortion” series, featuring a more anachronistic look. Spooner is looking towards continuing to explore his creativity in future series.



Noor Nabulsi: THE OFFICIAL PIXIE CHICK By: Zuri Fearon



Noor Nabulsi is a junior at UMD, majoring in media studies and minoring in business, but there is more to her story than campus life. Nabulsi is an entrepreneur and artist, owning a start-up jewelry shop. “I just want people to feel like fairies when they wear my earrings,” Nabulsi said in reference to her shop, Pixie Chick Accessories. She takes an experimental approach in creating her bold, statement-style jewelry, creating earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. She specializes in crystal wrapping, combinations with polymer clay and resin, and other bronze casted jewelry. We sat down with Nabulsi to find out more.


Nabulsi took an interest in art and business from a very young age. She recalls a trip to a family-friend’s jewelry shop as having a very large impact on her understanding of the possibilities of jewelry curation. She was in awe of all of the materials available and the owner gifted her as many beads as she wished to take (some of which are incorporated into her current accessories). You might say that Pixie Chick Accessories has been a long time coming. Nabulsi bought a pack of clay about four months before lockdown and, with the time afforded to her in quarantine, she launched her business. She created about 20 pairs of earrings, posted them on her instagram, and people seemed to really like them. Before long, she knew this idea had enough traction to create an Etsy shop. Now, she creates jewelry for friends and strangers alike. Nabulsi takes an original approach in the curation of each piece, employing bold colors and adding different elements until she’s happy with the final result. For her, it’s important that each piece is made with careful attention and love as she feels it enhances the final product.

Nabulsi approaches the entire creative process (from making the jewelry to the feeling you get when you open her packaging) as an experience. She draws inspiration from imagining the customer wearing the piece while curating because the buyer’s feelings matter to her. She fills the packaging with handwritten letters, tarot cards and crystals for protection, defining her brand beyond the products themselves. For Nabulsi, “it’s important to put appreciation into all parts of the business.” She believes that having fun and genuinely enjoying her work will create a better experience for her customers. As she continues to expand her brand, Nabulsi will be adding rings to her inventory. In the near future, she hopes to attend pop-up events and make in-person connections with her customers. Nabulsi views Pixie Chick Accessories as an extension of her artistry and wants to continue to make people feel confident in her jewelry. When reflecting on her business she stated that, “I think part of what’s enjoyable is making sure that you enjoy making it. The products I love the most were made when I felt really genuine about the experience.” Nabulsi urges anyone interested in any art based-business or creative venture to always prioritize their enjoyment and love what they do.



University of Maryland Monumental Magazine Est. 2019 The Intention Issue 2021

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