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EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 2021-2022 President - Amy Carpenter • President Elect - Brandi Purvis • Recording/Corresponding Secretary - Judy Cole Treasurer - Celia Stewart • Lower School Liaison - Kelsey Moody • Member at Large - Natalie Dodson

Through the dedication of our volunteers, the Parents' Association's generous donation of $120,000 helped enhance the SmartBoard technology in classrooms across all divisions, provide audiovisual screens in the new dining hall and purchase needed supplies to build new classrooms in Deal Hall. In addition to the $120,000 donated to the school, the Parents' Association also donated $10,000 to the UMS-Wright Foundation and $20,000 to the Athletic Department for non-revenue sports.
Advisor - Taylor Baird Beautification - Blair Kovar & Tiffany Waters Box Tops - Hartley Winter Constitution/Bylaws - Alex Wood Crimson & Grey Day/Bidding for the Bulldogs - Sherie Mabrey & Vickie Snypes Dawgs on the Hunt - Dana Yance, Walsh Arendall, Caroline Poole & Courtney McMahan Faculty & Staff Appreciation - Natalie Jones, Stacy Meek & Suzanne Holston Grad Night - Stacey Ladas Homecoming - Kasey Stubbs & Taylor Baird Hospitality - Tracie Ramsay Lower School Reception - Sara Pilot Parent Socials - Garland Sanders & Celeste Thomas Publicity - Jay Stubbs Used Uniform - Jasmine Qasim
K3 - Beth Liles K4 - McRae Dugger K5 - Chambliss Brister 1st - Laurie Murphy 2nd - Ashley Riddell 3rd - Leigh Rendfrey 4th - Hartley Winter 5th - Mary Frances Delong 6th - Erin Fillers 7th - Kelly Warren & Brook McMillan 8th - Ashley Lathan & Julie Bassett 9th - Katherine Wills 10th - Leann Hanes 11th - Heather Schultz & Beth Watts 12th - Mary Esther Elliott & Michelle Harrigan