7 minute read
Stephanie Brakefield and her daughter, May Cayten
It’s funny how the sum of all your experiences come together to create opportunities. Stephanie Hendrix Brakefield (‘81) and her sister, Tiffany Hendrix Willard (‘78) learned to sew before they started kindergarten, making clothes and blankets for their dolls alongside their mom who was making beautiful garments for herself and her two daughters.
In high school, Stephanie spent her free time designing and sewing clothes, painting and working with the disabled population. Little did she know that some 40 years later, she would come full circle, and find herself creating a universally designed line of clothes with her daughter that encompasses all three of her teenage passions.
A lot happened during those 40 years. She attended Vanderbilt University, and earned both a bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Special Education. She taught in the classroom for six years then turned her attention to her favorite job, raising her four children. A couple of years ago when her youngest daughter, Mary Cayten, suggested they start a brand together, Stephanie was all in, and Brakefields was born!
While the two were narrowing down a focus for their line, Mary Cayten was diagnosed with a genetic condition that altered her ability levels, helping them to realize that many items in their closets were not ability inclusive. When the Pandemic hit and sent Mary Cayten back to Nashville to remotely finish her senior year at the University of Tennessee, the two ladies reached out to women all over the world to find out what their closets lacked and what would make dressing easier. adaptive features to their garments, their designs were desired by a much larger audience. Whether due to disability, motherhood, a demanding job, or simply an active lifestyle, all women need clothes that equip them for anything their day might ask of them. By creating universally designed products that solve the problems women often find when getting dressed, Brakefields is filling a void in the fashion industry.
The women’s extensive research has taught them what traditional clothing lacks in order to make dressing independently a reality. It’s the small features on the inside that make a big difference, and on the outside? It’s just a great looking outfit! For some, universal design is a necessity, and for others it’s a desire. But the bottom line is that we all benefit when our clothes are designed with function and not just fashion in mind. Brakefields is excited to offer exactly that in their upcoming collection!
Most women will see the line’s feminine, colorful silhouettes as attractive additions to their closets, but there’s a lot more to these designs. The custom prints and fabrics are equally as fashionable as they are functional. Dual access pockets hold insulin supplies or your keys. No closures make dressing with limited mobility a cinch. Soft, stretchy fabrics mean you can chase after your kids at the park, pull on your clothes independently with limited strength, or bike to work without having to change at the office, all while looking great!
To Stephanie, colors are like children; she could never pick a favorite. They all make her happy! She has surrounded herself with color, patterns, art, and fashion for as long as she can remember. In her eyes, leopard print is neutral and hot pink is basic.
She loves combining her background in Special Education, love of art and design, and desire to hear other’s stories into this brand called Brakefields. And best of all, she gets to work with her daughter every day!

Big Design Ideas
Stephanie Hendrix Brakefield '81
WHAT INTERESTING THINGS HAVE YOU EXPERIENCED THROUGH YOUR CAREER PATH? I started my career as a Special Education teacher and loved my years in the classroom (interesting side note: I taught with my grad school roommate and we combined our classrooms to create an innovative learning environment for our K-6 students). I quit teaching to spend time raising my own four kids but continued to use my skills volunteering in their schools until the last one graduated from high school. My youngest daughter and I have always loved to design and make our clothes and always thought it would be fun to create a line together. The pandemic proved to be a great time of reflection and research and development for us that eventually led to our current focus of universally designed women’s wear.

HOW DO YOU FEEL UMS-WRIGHT PREPARED YOU FOR BOTH YOUR PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL LIFE? As a student at Julius T. Wright (before the merge with UMS), I learned so much about being a strong, motivated leader. Through student government, clubs and sports, I learned the value of maintaining grace and poise while being driven to succeed.
WHAT IS YOUR FONDEST MEMORY OF JULIUS T. WRIGHT? There are so many great memories, but some of my favorites include running down the hill on Fridays to get Elvie’s hot chocolate chip cookies, apple dumplings or the crunchy bits from her fried chicken; the Student Council campaign sleepovers and plastering the campus with posters and huge paper mache creations; and Senior breakfasts at Hardees on Fridays! (I just noticed most of my memories revolve around eating, haha!) WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE YOURSELF IN HIGH SCHOOL? I think I took it! Do what you love, and you’ll always be fulfilled. As a high school senior, I had a hard time deciding if I wanted to focus on special education or fashion design. Little did I know I would eventually do both!
IF YOU COULD HAVE DINNER WITH ANY OF YOUR FORMER TEACHERS, WHOM WOULD YOU CHOOSE? Not exactly a teacher, but head mistress Ethel Gholston. As a student, I was a little intimidated by her, but the older I got, the more I realized how much she really cared for all of the students. I’d love to be able to talk as peers now.

WHAT IS THE BEST ADVICE YOU HAVE EVER RECEIVED? My Aunt Mary used to say “You can sew without a sewing machine, but you can’t sew without an iron!” I never knew that would actually become a very valuable lesson in my career. I also strongly believe that everything will work out if you keep a positive attitude and keep on working hard.
AS A CHILD, WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GREW UP? This one is funny. While cleaning out my mom’s house after she passed away, I actually found a note I wrote when I was about 8 years old. It listed all the things I liked to do and what I wanted to be when I grew up. I liked to bike, swim, dance, paint, sew and cook, and I wanted to be a teacher or a fashion designer. Haha, I could have written that in 1971 or 2022! WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST JOB? Working at The Limited in the mall. To this day, I neatly fold clothes in stores and make sure anything on a hanger is facing the correct direction and has all the buttons buttoned! About the same time, my sister, Tiffany, and I made and sold hand painted wraparound skirts as a side hustle!
WHAT IS THE MOST REWARDING ASPECT OF YOUR JOB? Definitely getting to work with my daughter! I always say “when your adult children ask you to do something with them, there’s one answer…. YES!” But I also really love working with our focus group and clients and seeing our adaptations make a difference for someone, and I’ve loved exploring creating art digitally to use on our fabrics.
WHAT CHALLENGES DO YOU FACE AS A LEADER? Trying to do everything (and as a small business owner, actually having to do everything sometimes!).
WHAT IS ONE THING YOU MISS ABOUT MOBILE? Being so close to the beach, Spanish moss in the trees, fried crab claws, fresh fish, and shrimp (there I go with food again!).

WHAT IS SOMETHING PEOPLE MAY NOT KNOW ABOUT YOU? I raise chickens and bees (but live in the middle of the city in Nashville)!