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Interview With MAGIXX
Magixx is an incredibly brilliant musician.
Aside from being one of the fastest rising artistes emerging from Africa, he is also very skillful with the pencil (artist), an amazing singer, and songwriter, who currently has a number of really intriguing hit songstohiscredit.
The Mavin Records signee speaks to Afrobeatsglobal presenter Omobola Val (@omobolanleadigun_), about lifeasaNigerianartisteandhow hegotsignedintoMavinrecord.
Given that you go by Alexander Adelabu, it is almost impossible to tell that you are Yoruba. How then did your brand name, Magixx,evolve?
People usually doubt that I’m Yoruba. People have always asked if I’m Igbo and that’s not surprising because my mum is from Edo State and I look more like her. Recently, I posted her pictureonmyInstagrampageand peopleweresayingIlooksomuch like her. Also, people think I’m Igbo because of the way I talk. As for my brand name ‘Magixx’, it’s a divine name I chose the name becauseI’maveryversatileartiste andthishasbeensosinceIwasin school Iusedtodraw,sing,dance and all these things gave me that superman vibe First, the name was ‘Magic’, and then I decided to changeitto‘Magixx’.
HowdidyougetsignedtoMavin records and how did you feel whenthishappened?
Mavin happened sometime in 2020duringthepandemic.Then, Iwasputtingoutalotoffreestyle videos and I was also reaching out to a lot of people that I really wanted to be signed to their management.
I had just finished school then so I was really reaching out to people Thenonefaithful night, I got a message and this message led to me meeting Don Jazzy and then becoming part of the team. Thismademesohappy.
Though I was really popular in school (UNILAG) for my music andallthatIalwaysdidbutwhen I got signed, it just felt like God’s timing because it came at a very crucial time of my life when I neededit.
What is your educational background?
I studied Mass Communication attheUniversity Thefunnystory istherewasatimeIwantedtodo
Sciences but after attending one class,Ijustknewitwasn’tforme.I always had a passion for Music. MyPrimaryschoolwasmorelike a Music school too so I did TheatreArts,studiedMusic,Fine Arts and also played instruments while in school. Then when I got to secondary school I also joined adancegroupanditjustfeltlikeI wasalwaysaroundMusic.
When did you kick-start your musiccareer?
I recorded my first song when I wasthirteenbutIdidn’tputitout. The first song I recorded and put outwasin2015soI’llsayIstarted myMusiccareerofficiallyin2015. The first song before Mavin was ‘Problem’ but after I got signed intoMavin,itwas‘Lovedon’tcost a dime’ You know as an artist we just do our best and hope that a song will be accepted but you reallyneverknowwhichsongwill do exceptionally well. But for me, I am super grateful and this year I’lldefinitelyputoutgreaterwork.
Which song would you consider tobeyourhitsong?
How would you describe your styleofmusic?
I would say I consciously make my music every time My style is Afro-fusion; a little bit of soul, patwa,justafrofusion.Itrytotell my story through my music. Not like my songs tell a current experience but more of my past experience. For example, when I sang‘Lovedon’tcostadime’,Ihad beensingleforlikeayear
Who is your role model in the musicindustry?
My biggest inspiration is Drake because I feel like we have a lot in common. I really want my brand to be known for speaking the truth and relatable stuff Here in Nigeria too, there are a lot of people doing great stuff and they inspire me, people like; Burna Boy, Davido, and Wizkid, they all inspiremetodomore
What motivates you when you have a performance but aren't feelingwell?
Honestly, this is normal but you always have to put up a show for those who paid to see you! And for me, because I love what I do, thepassion andlove for what I do keep me going so I am always gingeredtoentertainmypeople
Whatotherbusinessorinterests does Magixx have outside of music?
I studied Mass Communication sosometimeinthefuture,Imight really consider establishing a Media firm because I feel like the industry needs a lot of redefining and a lot of young people that thinkfreelyandhaveaplatformto expressthemselves.Idon’twantto say a lot but that’s one interest I reallyhave
Currently, how would you describe the Nigerian Music industry compared to the internationalspace?
Tobeveryhonest,Ifeellikeweare growing These international peoplehavelikea70/100yearsold industry so yes they deserve the perfection they have now but we are just growing and we are doing amazinglywell Also,inour industry if you pay your dues, it's only right that you get what you deserve Although, you need to have your connections, you need to relate with people because you can'tdoitallalone Butthetruthis you don't have to be Wizkid to make money or you don't have to beasuperstartomakemoneyasa musician in our industry and that'sgrowth
Are you currently working on any project, track or album? If yes,kindlytellusaboutthis.
Yes, I’m working on dropping some work this year. I won’t say a project because I don’t want to go ahead of my team but definitely, there’sgoingtobemoremusicthis year It might be an album, an EP justexpectsomethinggreat.
W h a t w a s t h e m o s t embarrassing fan interaction you'veeverhad?
I’ve not really had embarrassing momentsbecauseItakeitallinas lovebutI’vehadreallyextrafans.I met a fan who asked me to give her my phone so she took a picturewithmewithmyphone and asked me to send the picture to her on WhatsApp so she could save my number. Though her phone was off truthfully as she claimed, I foundthisreallyfunny
No, I’ve not been in a relationship for a minute and that’s because I’ve really been busywithgettingwhatIwantto get out of my career and life.I genuinely think that at this momentarelationshipwillbea distractionforme. always create time for myself. Sometimes I play games in my house, sometimes, I go to the beach, very few times I go to lounges and sometimes I go hometomyfamily.Ijustensure I do random stuff that makes mehappy
What do you do for fun given howhardyouwork?
Youhaveadistinctivesenseof style, What influences your styleofclothing?
I’vealwaysbeenveryconscious and intentional about how I want people to see my brand Also,oneofthethingsIwantto do is create a Fashion brand. You actually need to stand out in the industry because it’s a game Ireallywanttostampmy footprints on the sand of time and this is what inspires my fashionstyletoo
In five years, where do you envisionyourbrand?
What I’ll just say is you’ll see my work. The thing about destiny is youcan’tputinsomuchworkand notgetarewardsoyou’llseeGod’s workandyou’llseemyworks.
Who do you aspire to collaborate with locally or globally,andwhy?
I’ll really love to work with Doja Cat, Stormzy, Chris Brown, and a lot of great people There are just so many people that I’ll love to workwith.
What has been your greatest achievementtodate?
My greatest achievement definitely will be being able to provide for my family, and being abletolookoutforpeople.Itgives mesomuchjoy.
Kindly share three facts about you that the public doesn’t know?
IamaveryjovialpersonbutIalso lovetobealonesometimes.Also,I love football Lastly, I draw very well. I posted about this on my Instagram page on this day and peoplewereshockedbecausethey didn’tknowthisaboutme.
What is your honest advice to every talented individual who hasn’tbeendiscoveredyetandat the verge of giving up & final wordstoallyour fans
I’ll start by saying a lot of people chase dreams, but what separates the dream chaser from the gogetter is that the go-getter is very conscious about a lot of things. You might be chasing the dream thewrongway.
Constant Self-improvement is key! Also, you need to have mental strength. For instance, if youwanttogetabodyatthegym, you have to break a sweat. To be promoted in school, you need to write an exam. Put in so much work and be confident so that when you show up they ask who this guy is. Don’t worry, it’ll come toyou.
Lastly, to my fans, I can’t wait to share so much more years and great music with you guys. I love how you ’ ve been supporting my music and sharing it with other people I’vebeenabletotraveland feedmyfamilythroughthismusic business and through their support. I am really very grateful forthis.