3 minute read
Table 1. Evaluation process checklist
▪ Uploading management responses and key actions and updating on a quarterly basis; and ▪ Reporting to management on compliance with the evaluation plan, completion of management responses and key actions and results of the quality assessment.
Evaluation reference group: The evaluation commissioner and evaluation manager should consider establishing an evaluation reference group made up of key partners and stakeholders who can support the evaluation and give comments and direction at key stages in the process. An evaluation reference group ensures transparency in the evaluation process and strengthens the credibility of the results.
Regional evaluation focal points oversee the implementation of country office evaluation plans, approve any adjustments to the plans with valid justification, and ensure that country offices meet the evaluation commitments made in the plans. The regional evaluation focal point also offers technical guidance on the implementation of evaluations to country offices, primarily to their management and M&E focal points or specialists, to ensure that commitments under evaluation plans are met and that evaluations are credible, independent and of the required quality. Evaluation focal points at central bureau level have the same role, overseeing central bureau evaluation plans and changes uploaded to the ERC.
In country offices where there is no dedicated M&E officer or specialist, the regional evaluation focal points should provide additional support to the assigned M&E focal points. Technical support can include: advice on the development of TORs, including the integration of gender equality perspectives; recruitment of evaluators; feedback on inception reports; implementation of evaluations; finalization of evaluations; and feedback on draft evaluation reports and management responses. Regional evaluation focal points are the main contacts when disputes arise in the evaluation process.
More details of roles and responsibilities in evaluation implementation can be found in section 5.
Table 1 details the roles and responsibilities and expected completion schedules for the entire evaluation process.
Table 1. Evaluation process checklist
Six months before proposed
Evaluability check commencement ▪ Evaluation commissioner ▪ Evaluation manager ▪ M&E specialist/ officer or focal point ▪ Programme/ project officer
Draft TOR Three to six months before proposed commencement ▪ Evaluation commissioner ▪ Evaluation manager ▪ M&E specialist/ officer or focal point ▪ Evaluation reference group ▪ Programme/ project officer
Final TOR ❖ Uploaded to ERC two weeks after completion of the TOR ▪ M&E specialist or focal point
Recruit evaluation team One month prior to proposed commencement or earlier ▪ Evaluation commissioner ▪ Evaluation manager ▪ M&E specialist or focal point ▪ Operations team
Inception report review According to the TOR (two to four weeks after contract signing)
Data collection and field visits
Draft report review
Audit report and comments Final report completion Final report uploaded to the ERC
Management response and key actions
Final management response
Quarterly follow-up on key actions
Management response and key actions closed According to the TOR and inception report
Immediately on reception according to the TOR and inception report
According to the TOR and inception report According to the TOR and inception report Uploaded to ERC within two weeks of receipt Project and outcome evaluations: within six weeks of the final report UNSDCF evaluations: within two months of the final report2 Uploaded to ERC within six weeks of receipt of the final evaluation report UNSDCF evaluations: within two months of the final report
Update ERC at the end of every quarter
When all planned actions have been completed or after five years ▪ Programme/ project officer ▪ Evaluation commissioner ▪ Evaluation manager ▪ M&E specialist/ officer or focal point ▪ Evaluation reference group ▪ Programme/ project officer
▪ Evaluation team
▪ Evaluation commissioner ▪ Evaluation manager ▪ M&E specialist or focal point ▪ Evaluation reference group ▪ Programme/ project officer
▪ Evaluation team
▪ Evaluation team
▪ M&E specialist or focal point
▪ Evaluation manager ▪ Evaluation reference group ▪ Programme/ project officer
▪ M&E specialist or focal point
▪ Evaluation manager ▪ M&E specialist or focal point based on inputs provided by programme units
▪ M&E specialist or focal point
Timings and schedules for each stage can be set by the programme units. However, the dates for completion and uploading to the ERC are set.
2 UNEG Guidelines, 2012, UNEG Guidance on Preparing Management Responses to UNDAF Evaluations give a generous two months for the finalization of management responses.