Charlie's Web Date

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charlie’s web date making an impression copyright of charlie design 2007


Charlie Design provides consultancy and website management that focuses on simplicity.


Charlie Design has an information management background.


Charlie kisses are provided to help you understand the web. Charlie’s motto is to Keep Information Strategies Simple Easy Straightforward

CHARLIE’S WEB DATE :: intro to report o

The enclosed report provides and overview of the things you need to consider when deciding upon a website.


The report is based on the experience Charlie has gained over the past 8 or 9 years in building and managing websites.


Websites provide a brief window of opportunity to capture the interest of a new customer. As with any first date, you want to make a good impression. Therefore, make sure you look good but keep in mind your end goal. Focus on your business needs, build a solid foundation and enjoy the long term customer relationship.


This report includes information for guidance only.

[ Charlie Design ]

Making an impression:

Reason why

You need a website. Don’t be desperate and dateless, consider and plan for success.




What is your personal or business style?

First impressions count.

Will your website have a role to play?

Questions to ask yourself


Who do you want to attract?

What will the purpose of the website be to enhance your business?

What do you want to say?

What additional offerings can you provide via your website? How can you get to the second date? ie what will bring them back?

How will it align with online? Do you need to modify?

Don’t create false expectations or illusions through a website. Be yourself.

What is the best way to present what you want to say to the person you wish to attract?

Don’t assume you know what your customer wants from your website. Ask.

Do you want your website to “do” anything?

Some ideas to ponder:

Can you sustain the new service provided through your website? How will your website affect your brand?

Customise and add pages as you go by watching website statistics ie which page does your customer frequent the most? What Q’s are they asking? Keep your website up to date. A bit like changing your lingerie every day – keep fresh and you’ll always be ready for anything.

I want to get feedback? I want to make contact? I’d like to capture names? eCommerce? I’d like to sell?

[ Charlie Design ]


Do you want a small website, only a few pages? Or large, with many pages and functions?

Who do you use?

We all prefer dates with those who have been recommended by a friend or who we have “checked out” and like the look of. Therefore, select that company, but also keep in mind: Local developers are just easier to work with when building small websites. It’s nice to be able to face to face occasionally – especially when you are not familiar with building websites. If possible gather some in-house skills for day-to-day management long term.


Do you want to communicate with your customers? Do you want them to find your store?

Make sure your contact details are easy to locate and include EVERYTHING.

Some options: Always provide your full name and address and ALL contact details. Include a photo of you (and your staff). Let your customers know who you are. Provide a feedback form only when you have someone who can answer queries quickly. ALWAYS respond within 24 hours (or less), even if it’s a generic email explaining that someone will be in touch within the next (3?) days. Many lost opportunities happen through this basic online mistake.

Good luck with your first date. Let me know how the relationship progresses.

[ Charlie Design ]

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