Índice Editorial The great battle By Miguel A. Morra And the why of the cover. Concepts The necessary lesson: this is how the foundation that teaches how to create wealth works By Eduardo Marty "Make money" Stories Luminous footprints by Constanza Hypatia of Alexandria Reflections The Revolutions of Ideas. By Ezequiel Eiben The glorious revolution : the cries of freedom that the world heard . 2
The American Revolution: This is how the republic was born and freedom evolved Present The revolution of values By Eduardo Salleras, 100 years ago… what happened to us next? A zoom with the past: Why have I spoken? Humor Riddles Republicans United The Party What differentiates Republicans Unidos from other parties? Who is it? What do we want in politics? Republicans United Santa Fe
File I love freedom Riddles solution
Editorial The great battle By Miguel A. Morra And the why of the cover. Neanderthals and Sapiens coexisted many thousands of years ago , but the latter progressed more than the former because they managed to generate a brain with creativity and reasoning. Plato raises ba a world of darkness barely illuminated by reflexes emanating from the beyond. Aristotle , however, poses ba the OBSE rvation as useful tools to have the adventure of knowledge Christianity consecrates the Platonic vision to leaving reason as a source of knowledge in the background and thus generates the Middle Ages and 10 centuries of obscurantism. Aristotle's concepts give rise to the "Renaissance ."
As Eduardo Marty expressed very well in his article on Vision Liberal ; " The momentum of the Renaissance and the standard of living of the" modern "world is due to the flourishing of these" enlightenment "and" romantic "thinkers. The Industrial Revolution, Modernity and the rise of the arts and sciences are due to them: from Guttenberg (1468) to Da Vinci (1519) and Michelangelo (1564), Bacon (1626), Galileo (1642), Rembrandt ( 1669), Vermeer (1675), Spinoza (1677), Locke (1704), Newton (1727), Vivaldi (17410, BACH (1750), Voltaire (1778), Adam Smith (1790), Franklin (1790) and many others that last until the end of the XIX century. "
In Argentina, the battle of thought and action took place between the group of Belgrano, Saavedra, Moreno, Rivadavia, Alberdi, S armiento, Echeverria, Gutiérrez, among others, defending freedom of trade, private property and individual rights against Rosas and yours that despite talk of federalism, its concepts had to individual liberty, to private property and to the free trade in a lower rank in terms of its benefits to society. (Data taken from the same article in Vision Liberal) Already in the twentieth century, as Ayn Rand well expressed in her "Rebellion" , lovers of reasoning and individual freedom dedicated themselves to producing and lovers of collectivism and restrictions on freedom strongly dedicated themselves to the cultural battle to stay for middle of the state with part of what is produced by others . E xpresándolo also flawlessly in El Manantial "in the mouth of Howard Roark, " Nothing has been given to man on earth. Everything he needs he has to produce. And here man faces his fundamental alternative; it can survive one way or another; by independent work of his own mind
or as a parasite fed by the mind of another. The creator produces, the parasite borrows. The interest of the creator is the conquest of nature. The interest of the parasite is the conquest of man. Its essential purpose is in itself. The parasite lives second hand. Needs others. Others become his essential motive. " At the same time, in Argentina, despite their incredible potential, the fascist concepts incorporated into society by Juan Domingo Perón, especially in labor and union legislation complemented with the intervention of HIS state in all areas, brought about a cultural battle very broad in favor of collectivism and no freedom in defense of a "common good" diffuse it Resulted in a heavy anchor b to the underdevelopment that still endures. For this reason, on the cover of Amo la Libertad there is always the image of Juan Bautista Alberdi, and of other defenders of reason and freedom of the last centuries such as John Locke, Friedrich Hayek, Ludwig Heinrich Edler von Mises , Baruch Spinoza, Claude Frédéric Bastiat , Ayn Rand and Mary Wollstonecraft, but from this number on, the idea is to incorporate people who are 8
currently fighting the cultural battle and with the images made by a Rafaeline artist , Monica Rossi, who is deeply thanked for her work that is also part of this process of opening minds to reason. The idea is that when you see, hear or read these names, pay attention to their messages. In this cap; Gloria Álvarez Cross , Guatemalan P olitologist, writer, television and radio presenter, of libertarian doctrine. Some of his publications are The Populist Deception (2016; with Axel Kaiser, How to Talk to a Progre (2017). How to Talk to a Conservative (2018 ) . And others. His YouTube channel Maria Marty . Argentine and liberal, CEO of Ayn Rand Center Latin America Writer in Panam Post among other activities .
Two incredible minds generating actions in defense of the most natural of rights. The freedom of the human being .
A hug, and good reading. The editor, Miguel A. Morra, is an Independent CPN and an old liberal wolf
Concepts The necessary lesson: this is how the foundation that teaches how to create wealth works By Eduardo Marty Junior Achievement Argentina and the creation of wealth Over three decades we have reached more than 1 million students in courses taught in 20 provinces Junior Achievement is the oldest, largest and fastest growing business and economic education foundation in the world . It was founded in the United States in 1919 to generate an entrepreneurial spirit in young people and help them achieve their goals within a framework of responsibility and freedom. It currently operates in more than 100 countries around the world. I came across this foundation in 1989, while working for the Institute for Humane Studies in Fairfax, Virginia. I had been entrusted with a research project that would 12
explain which educational institutions in the United States had contributed the most to forging the entrepreneurial spirit of young Americans. I selected Junior Achievement after seeing how his “learning by doing” courses managed to explain step by step how to put a creative process in motion and how to execute it effectively. This method made passive, disbelieving and apathetic boys transform their attitude and, full of enthusiasm, turn to productive processes. I decided to bring the project to the country and together with the support of my collaborators Maria Marty and Miriam Souto, and the entrepreneurs Enrique Duhau (Duhau Administration), Enrique Braun Estrugamou (Qualitas) and Ricardo Zinn (Carlos Pellegrini Foundation) we got to work and formed the first board of directors which was soon joined by Pablo Cairoli (Capital Markets), Gustavo Zinn (Carlos Pellegrini Foundation) and Julian Harguindey (Nahuelco).
At first we only had the programs in English and few resources to translate them. So we began to work with bilingual schools that were sympathetic to the project and opened their doors to us. Then, thanks to Carlos Menem's government minister, Antonio Francisco Salonia, the course contents were approved by the National Ministry of Education and we were empowered to teach them in public schools throughout the country. Our first “The Company” Junior Achievement course was taught at Northlands College. In just 15 weeks (one class per week of two hours each time) we had to teach girls, without capital, without raw materials and without tools, the art of thinking effectively and how in that way you could create a company and make money by marketing a business. product. Our first company was called "22 Ladies"; The students had to decide not only what product or service they were going to market but also select their authorities. As a product, they decided to make "chutney", a sweet and sour sauce that is eaten with white meat ; As authorities, I still 14
remember its President Paula Estrada and its VP Josefina Tanoira. The company was a success and the demand for its implementation grew, rapidly joining other institutions such as Victoria College, Belgrano Day School, Cardenal Newman, Bayard Institute and later the ORT College, the Tarbut, the University of San Andrés and the Colleges. National of Buenos Aires and Carlos Pellegrini. During these 15 classes the students create the company, choose its authorities, capitalize it by selling shares, put together their Business Plan and operate it with its different departments: production, marketing, human resources and finance. The “companies” are capitalized by selling shares to those who trust in the project and also in the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange. Being able to see with your own eyes how the entrepreneurial attitude manages to transform an idea into a tangible project that pays dividends has been of vital importance for the more than one million students who have attended our courses throughout these 30 years.
From now on, the work of the foundation could not have been carried out without the passionate work of thousands of volunteers, specially trained and in charge of teaching the courses. "Make money" Throughout history, men have always considered wealth as something static, of a fixed amount; and as such it was there to be appropriated, or requested through supplication, inherited, shared, stolen, or obtained as a special favor. Americans were the first to understand that wealth is created. The expression "to make money" (translatable as "make money") contains the essence of human morality since for the first time it is understood that wealth can be created. The idea that wealth is fixed and that the secret of a good government consists of distributing it with "equity", "fraternally" and with "social justice" was replaced thanks to this understanding, by the idea that a good government is that that creates an appropriate legal framework of defense and 16
respect for private property so that wealth can be reproduced without limit, creating abundance and prosperity. The old Montaigne dogma ("The poverty of the poor is due to the wealth of the rich") thus became obsolete, with palpable evidence that wealth can be created and reproduced without limits. It was no longer a matter of distributing the few apples from the tree but of creating an orchard that generates abundance. A world that had barely managed to feed 1 billion people at the beginning of the 18th century in conditions of rustic survival and barely 30 years of average life, suffering from hunger and plagues, went on to feed 7 billion and double the number of years of expectation of average life within increasing comfort. This was the idea that Junior Achievement brought to the country and that little by little is beginning to be understood especially among our young people . During these 30 years the foundation expanded throughout our territory: together
with Lucas Hadad and businessmen Claudio Caprile, Miguel Rosenthal and Eduardo Llovet in the Province of Santa Fe; with Edgardo Donato and businessman Sergio Roggio, the Pagani and the Minetti in Córdoba; with Daniel Pereyra, Lucy Pujals and the Pulenta in Mendoza; with José Godoy and Paul Blackwedell in Tucumán; together with the Martorell and Cha Usandivaras in Salta; with Marcelo Fretes and Minister Felipe de los Ríos in San Juan; with Gabriel Sánchez Zinny in the Province of Buenos Aires, Jorge Macri in Vicente López; together with Esteban Bullrich, Soledad Acuña, Ricardo Zinn (Carlos Pellegrini Foundation), Steven Darch (JP Morgan), Santiago Soldati (Sociedad Comercial del Plata), Carlos Fedrigotti (Citibank), Guillermo Yeatts (Sol Petroleo), Alejandro Bottan (General Electric ), Claudio Muruzabal (SAP), Enrique Duhau (Duhau Administration), Pablo Cairoli (Capital Markets), Matías Brea (BreaSolanz), Cristiano Rattazzi (Fiat Motors), Patricio Greco (SC Johnson) and Sean Summers (Mercado Libre) In Buenos Aires city. Throughout these three decades we have reached more than 1 million students in 18
courses taught in 20 provinces. In 1996 we won the Fuqua award for the best JA in the world. At the request of JA International, we collaborate in the JA Foundation in Chile together with the presidential candidate Joaquín Lavin, in Paraguay with Ian Speranza and the Paraguayan Foundation for Development, in Bolivia with María Fra Amador, in Brazil with Andre Loiferman and Vilma Araujo Santos and in Spain with Hernán Marín and Francesco Vanni D Archirafi (Citicorp Spain). We also tried together with Cáritas and the Evangelical Pastors in Cuba but the Fidel Castro regime harassed our teachers and expelled them from the island: José Ignacio García Hamilton (the historian), José Benegas (writer), Rosa Pelz (printer and editor ), Ximena Jankelevicius, Ponciano Vivanco, Ricardo Ribatto and the brave Carolina Feuillant suffered the intolerance of the communist regime. Teaching how to develop an entrepreneurial spirit is not an easy task. We were able to achieve this thanks to the excellence of our educational directors: Paula
Bullrich, Constanza Oxenford, Mariano Ulanovsky, Matías Eisbruch, Verónica Viel Temperley and Mariana Furchi Sly, among other outstanding professionals. Don Osvaldo Canova (Harteneck and Lopez), Fermín del Valle (Deloitte) and Fernando Ruiz (Ruiz y Asociados) took care of the legal and accounting aspects and spread our work through the media Gabriel Griffa (Apertura), Julio Saguier (La Nación) and Daniel Hadad (Infobae) as a journalist and businessman. The notary public Armando Paganelli kept us up to date during all these years with the demands of the General Inspection of Justice. In an Argentina determined to put obstacles, taxes and regulations on the productive sector and where the distribution bid for an increasingly smaller cake is accentuated, the persistent work of Junior Achievement teaching an entrepreneurial attitude and that wealth can be created became primary importance. Whoever writes this, now retired and dedicated to the dissemination of ideas and principles in defense of freedom from the Foundation for Intellectual Responsibility, 20
wishes that Noel Zemborain (my successor and current director of Junior Achievement Argentina), its current President Claudia Boeri (SAP Latin America South) and the entrepreneurs who support the foundation can continue with this great work for the benefit of our children and the country. This article was published in Vision Liberal The author is Founder and CEO of Junior Achievement de Argentina; founder and advisor of Junior Achievement in Spain and organizer and promoter of Junior Achievement in Paraguay, Chile, Brazil and Colombia. In addition, he is president of the Education for the Future Foundation (NFTE). He has a BA in Economics from Grove City College, Pennsylvania, and is a Certified Public Accountant from the University of Buenos Aires.
Stories Luminous footprints by Constanza Hypatia of Alexandria Did you know that Hypatia of Alexandria said that "teaching superstitions as truth is a horrible thing"? The most remarkable thing is that he said it in the fourth century! Although there are not many details about his life, it is known that his father and instructor was Theon, mathematician, astronomer and professor at the Library of Alexandria, founded by the Ptolemies, one of the richest libraries in the world. Hypatia is believed to have been born in 355, at a time when the scientific debate about the position of the Earth in the universe was one of the main topics of discussion and confrontation. As a teacher in the Neoplatonic school, she made important contributions to science in the fields of mathematics and astronomy, and, although many aspects of her life are 22
unknown, her brutal murder shows the passage from classical reasoning to medieval obscurantism. She was young and beautiful at the time of the cruel crime, in March 415, by a mob of Christians. His death shows the intolerance of a sector of Christianity towards paganism and towards women. Hypatia had students from different parts of the world, who were a model of cultural, religious and ethnic diversity. His classes were dialogues covering philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, ethics, and religion. He wrote papers and built scientific instruments, such as an astrolabe to build a celestial planisphere and a hydroscope to weigh liquids. He lived during the time of the Roman Empire, in Alexandria, the intellectual and commercial center of the Nile Delta. Because of his formation he was Greek and because of his location in Alexandria, Egyptian, and at the time, Roman. Hypatia was a symbol of free thought in the face of intolerance and is remembered
as the best living mathematics in the GrecoRoman world of her time. Her figure is very inspiring for all the girls who want to dedicate themselves to science. And also for all of us, with his famous phrase: "Defend your right to think, because even thinking wrong is better than not thinking" Until the next footprints! Constanza is a teacher.
Reflections The Revolutions of Ideas. By Ezequiel Eiben Modernity witnessed two events that are largely responsible for the evolution of limited government and individual rights in the Western world: the Glorious Revolution of 1688 in England, and the American Revolution that led to the independence of the United States in 1776.
The glorious revolution : the cries of freedom that the world heard .
The term "Revolution" is endorsed with changes, and these revolutions brought renewals. Even so, they are not the type of revolution that was used to encourage in the 20th century, leading to dictatorial or totalitarian states, such as the Cuban Revolution or the Islamic Revolution in Iran. In the Glorious Revolution and the American Revolution, no changes were imposed at any price, nor was the violence without measure of the mobs resorted to. In these two revolutionary events, the main role 26
was reserved for ideas - under whose protection the reforms were woven - and specifically, ideas of freedom. The revolutionary effects in terms of limitation of power and recognition of individual rights were no more than coherent derivations of its fundamental premises. For all these reasons, the examination of both revolutions turns out to be very important if the objective is to understand the institutional structures that began by shaping England and the United States and then spread the Anglo-Saxon and North American influence to other lands of the civilized world. In contemplation of the temporal order - and the intellectual evolution - of the episodes, the Glorious Revolution will be approached first, and then the same will be done with the American Revolution. Grudemi's Encyclopedia of History synthesizes the plot of the Glorious Revolution in these terms:
“The Revolution was fostered by the English Parliament, which viewed with great concern the absolutist attempts of the King [James II] and his attempts to re-implant Catholicism in a predominantly Protestant society. (…) It meant the end of the absolutist monarchy and the consecration of the parliamentary monarchy [assuming the monarchical power of Mary II and her husband William III of Orange]. "[1] The Glorious Revolution was mostly peaceful, and although some violence was exerted -mainly in Ireland and Scotland-, it is clear that this was not the determining motive or the preferred means. The peaceful procedure was ingratiated with the sustained ideals: it sought to delimit political action and for this, unlimited political action was not resorted to; protection was sought for individual rights and for this the abolition of rights was not harangued. On the contrary, strategic political equilibrium agreements were woven, acts of legal 28
guarantees were promoted, and civil liberties were extended. The spirit of the Revolution was not tainted by a violent and irreverent completely refundational desire to cut all ties with the past (which was attempted in the French Revolution); nor by the instigation to physically eliminate the perceived opposition to the new order (which did happen in Europe already in the early 20th century). Instead, the Gloriosa tried to abandon old bad practices of politics, and respect already existing visions that nurtured her new project of civil liberty and religious tolerance. George Macaulay Trevelyan describes how stability was sought in the combination of the preserved and the new: “Whigs and Tories, having risen together in rebellion against James, took advantage of the fleeting moment of their union to establish a form of government both old and new, known in history as the Order of the Revolution. Under this Order, England has lived in peace with herself up to the present. (…)
The expulsion of Jacobo was a revolutionary act; and yet the spirit of this strange Revolution was opposed to any revolutionary attempt. He did not want to destroy the laws, but to confirm them against a king who violated them. He did not want to force the people to submit to a political and religious pattern, but to give them freedom under the law and by law. It was both liberal and conservative; Most revolutions are neither one thing nor the other, but first destroy the law and then impose a unique way of thinking. In our Revolution the two great parties, both in the church and in the state, united to defend the laws and the land itself from the destruction with which James threatened them; having thus proceeded, and having thus become jointly masters of the situation in February 1689, neither the Whig party nor the Tory party were willing to allow their affiliates to be subject to persecution any longer, and to come from royal power. or the other party. In such conditions, the dominant note of the Order of the Revolution was personal freedom under the law, both in religion and in politics. ”[2] 30
The vision of political containment and citizen tolerance that ran through the revolutionary ideology, according to Trevelyan's studies, tended on the one hand to the balance of forces and distribution of power, and on the other to the assurance of individual freedoms, even in practical terms, when not in law. From the first: even as a source of executive authority, the King was subject to the law; the interpretation of this rested on the independent criterion of immovable judges; and its modification was left to the Parliament's decision. Of the second: censorship was abolished and freedom of opinion was reinforced; the obligation that the subjects of the State should also be subjects of the Church of the State was rejected; Religious freedom (but not full political equality) was recognized for dissenting Protestants, and factually (but not legally) extended to Roman Catholics. [3] As is often the case in human endeavors where different forces participate, there are new ideas in the making and others
already evolved, and a mixture lies at the heart of the feat, certain disvalued results appear next to the benefits. In Trevelyan's words: The Revolution did as much for the legal, commercial and popular elements of our national life, as for the aristocratic ones. The worst permanent result of the Revolution was not the increase in power of the aristocracy, but the excessive conservatism that lasted throughout the entire 18th century. The result of the reaction against the innovations of Jacobo II was to accentuate the desire, in the years that followed, to perpetuate the institutions in the same way that they had then ”. [4] For the benefit of his monarchy and Catholicism, Jacobo "had reformed the municipal corporations, invaded the freedom of the universities and the church and tried to annul the House of Commons". [5] The Revolution did not dare, did not know, or did not want to go back with respect to certain elements left by absolutism projected in municipalities, universities, churches and Parliament, and there the conservative elements triumphed. Which, fortunately for 32
the entire revolutionary enterprise, did not evaporate the other liberal elements that served as its support. As a last point, there is a discussion among historians about the character of the Glorious Revolution in relation to the participation of the people: Was it a popular Revolution? Grudemi's Encyclopedia mentions those who say it was not: “For some authors it was more a coup d'état than an authentic revolution, since it originated in a conspiracy of the nobles of Parliament, with very little participation of the majority of the people. ". [6] Trevelyan stands on the sidewalk opposite: The Revolution has been branded aristocratic. In reality, it was carried out by the whole nation, by the union of all classes; but in a still largely agricultural society, whose economic and social structure made the large landowners the natural and accepted chiefs of the peasant population, nobles and squires, as the Danby and Seymour Tories and the Devonshire and Shrewsbury Whigs took the
lead. when the resistance against the government had to be improvised. Truly, the nation knew of no other chiefs who could guide it in such circumstances. [7] Beyond the discrepancy among the scholars of the subject on the active, scarce or null participation of the people, it is worth asking about "the popular", not always well defined. If by popular the participation of the people is merely taken into account, then an event where all, the majority, or a substantial part of the people participate, could fit the label of popular. If, on the other hand, by popular, only the participation of lower class people , estates of the "common people", or deprived sectors, that are directly associated with the "people" and are generalized as incarnators of it, in contrast to aristocratic sectors, is considered. , privileged, or simply economically wealthy who are excluded from the reference, then "the popular" will be a partial representation of the totality that makes up the people. 34
Now, if you change your criteria and do not take into account the level of participation but rather the recipients or beneficiaries of the project's objectives, then the vision may change. "The popular" can be what has a full impact on the people, positively, for example, and considered in its entirety without assimilating it to a specific sector. In the latter case, the Glorious Revolution, regardless of its leadership, could be considered as a popular Revolution, for considerably limiting the government in the face of all and for protecting rights recognized to all. By way of conclusion, the intellectual vision implemented by the Glorious Revolution and the legal-political consequences that it generated must be weighed . The ideas of freedom were spread and its benefits enjoyed by the English nation. Arbitrariness was eliminated from the system, a certain balance of power was achieved, and individual rights were recognized. All of this created a climate conducive to political stability, peaceful civil life, religious freedom, and economic growth. He explains to the disbelievers that great results can be achieved without
becoming what one decides to fight, and without resorting to domes that deceive masses to lead them down a violent path with the excuse of popular demands. And it shows the personalists that when it is talked about, it is generally done alluding to the event "Glorious Revolution" without reducing it to the leadership of a rebel turned dictator, or to the face of an alleged martyr turned into a symbol by serial rights violators. and supporters of the all-embracing state. For something the energy of its premises is revitalized in works like those of John Locke, founding pieces of Classical Liberalism, and not in revolutionary manifestos by makers of dictatorships. [1] Glorious Revolution (2019). Recovered from Encyclopedia of History ( https://enciclopediadehistoria.com/revoluciongloriosa/ ). [2] Trevelyan, George Macaulay; The English Revolution: 1688-1689, translation by Florentino M. Torner, Fondo de Cultura Económica, Mexico, 1951 [3] Ibídem [4] Ibídem [5] Ibídem
[6] Glorious Revolution; op. cit. [7] Trevelyan; op. cit.
The American Revolution: This is how the republic was born and freedom evolved
As previously studied, Revolutions of Ideas are those where events occur according to the firm guide of philosophical and intellectual conceptions, without obeying the thoughtless impulses of mobs or the mere violent desire of a manipulative leadership to which -apparent or non-ideals - he is primarily interested in the exercise of power. In this type of revolution, the leading role is held by ideas: abstractions that refer to 38
ethical values, philosophical reflections and political positions, without falling into messianic personalisms or empty symbolisms wielded more as excuses than as sincere conviction. The first example addressed was the Glorious Revolution of 1688 that took place in England, which constituted a political milestone of great impact. Due to its commitment to the abolition of arbitrariness that stained the system, the achievement of a certain institutional balance regarding the exercise of political power, and the healthy guarantee of individual rights for citizens , the Glorious Revolution scored the merit of producing a the right climate for political stability, peaceful civil life, religious freedom, and economic growth. Thus, it became a beacon whose light illuminated the path of the next revolution, which arose in the North American Colonies and - this time - in opposition to the policy of the British Crown on the Continent.
So, the second exponent of the Revolutions of Ideas is the American Revolution, an uprising translated not only in confrontations against British forces, but also in the exposition of solid intellectual positions; and that it had not only the military leadership of George Washington, but also the keynote presentations of the pens of Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine, among others. The American Revolution, in fact, consisted of the rebellious opposition of the North American colonists to the measures adopted towards them by England, which wanting to increase the collection of funds to sustain its imperial policy -, went beyond what was considered normal until the moment, harassing the Thirteen Colonies in such a way with taxes, levies and regulations that affected rights, property and commerce. The new regulations of the Crown were considered improper and abusive by the colonists, and the relations of cordiality and understanding with the metropolis entered a state of tension, from which they broke down, and with the passage of time and more abusive 40
rules, ended up awakening the independence spirit of the North Americans. At first, the colonists did not show themselves in the facet of independentistas. Rather, they wanted to reconcile and normalize their relations with the metropolis. What they did demand was a return to the status quo without outrage. Cristián Guerrero Yoacham indicates the reactions aroused in the colonial legislatures, criticisms of the English procedure: “These resolutions established the thesis, likewise, of requesting due respect, on the part of the Crown and Parliament, for colonial autonomy. It was also in these resolutions that North American constitutional theories, products of experience and lived reality, began to be formulated publicly and systematically. In general, the argumentation of the Legislatures was very simple: the English who founded the colonies brought to the New World the proper and natural rights of British subjects, among which were to be governed
and in particular, to be taxed, unique and exclusively by their representatives. For this reason, they could not abide by the legislation of Parliament, which represented solely and exclusively the English citizens of Great Britain and not of the colonies, since there were no colonial representatives neither in the House of Commons nor less in the House of Commons. the Lords; consequently, the colonies were not under the jurisdiction of Parliament and the only assemblies that could tax them were the Colonial Legislatures ”. [1] From the heated climate, the agitations and the British hardening, the colonists organized the political discussion in the format of congresses. Begun in 1774, the First Continental Congress "took the position that Americans possessed the inalienable rights to" life, liberty, and property, "and all other inherited and constitutional rights of the English." [2] As for England, it had to recognize that “each colonial society was sovereign within its own limits and that the English Empire was a federation of sovereign colonies, united by their common nationality, by a common 42
monarch and the administration of intercolonial interests. and common intercontinental ”. [3] Accordingly, the recognition of autonomy remained at the center of the demands. In response, England remained intransigent in its position. The lack of agreement led to violent clashes between North Americans and British soldiers, persecution of local rebels to local supporters of the Crown, seizure of weapons intended for the uprising, arrests, and confiscations of merchandise. In 1775, the Second Continental Congress upheld the complaints of the Colonies and, even without proclaiming the departure of the empire, made determinations with a view to equipping the armed forces for the war conflict. Following the guidelines, a statement written by Thomas Jefferson was approved that "did not at this time state the idea of independence, but clearly stated that Americans were ready to die rather than live as slaves." [4]
The following year, in January 1776, with hostilities boiling over, Common Sense began to circulate, a writing by Thomas Paine who had been born in Great Britain but resided in the Colonies and opposed continental policy. of the CrownIn this pamphlet, which explicitly declared itself in favor of independence and reviled the metropolis, Paine argued that separation from England would bring peace, prosperity and happiness to the Americans, and that America's interest should be focused on the constitution of a government. own republican, the development of the continent as free men, the direction of free trade, and friendly trade relations with other countries. In addition to the circumstances surrounding its publication, the fervor of Paine's writing contributed to definitively overturn the majority public spirit towards the pro-independence position. Guerrero Yoacham explains: “Until the publication of the Paine brochure, the idea of Independence had been 44
held only by the most extreme radicals. The military actions, the unpopularity of the British measures and the Common Sense, gave a broader channel to the concept that the moment had to come when the relations between the colonies and the Metropolis should be cut off, and the idea of Independence became then popular ”. [5] Confirming the trend, the Continental Congress expressly devoted itself to the objective of independence, which would be declared during the famous July 4, 1776. The colonies manifested themselves free from the British yoke, and from there they would freely and independently undertake the longawaited development. of the continent. As a conclusion to this episode, it must be said that the American Revolution, plus the legal documents, political statements and philosophical texts that surrounded it, gave firm support to the intellectual conceptions inherited from England (and that they knew how to use against it when it was became disrespectful towards the Colonies), and in an unprecedented way they presented to the world the case of a new country born on the
basis of a perfected philosophy, wisely oriented towards the individual as a free being. The consecration of independence before tyranny, the popular origin of the government, the legitimate powers of a constitutional republic, the inalienable rights of people created as equals, and the definitive step from being subjects to being constitutionally protected citizens, left in the depth of its footprints the path to follow for nations and individuals who would like to be free and live as free. It is not forgotten that the United States still had to continue to suffer the damaging effects of the Civil War and slavery; but a step without return had been taken in order to correct the damages in the national order and the definitive proclamation of the freedom of all individuals, processes that would continue until the end of the internal clash and the official abolition of all forms of slavery. As a conclusion about both revolutionary experiences, it must be expressed that both the Glorious Revolution 46
and its intellectual friend the American Revolution, in addition to chronologically recording history, serve as a parameter to evaluate the evolution of ideas and their effects on the political events of societies. that shelter them. The first meant the transition from a tougher (absolute) monarchy to a moderate (parliamentary) monarchy. The second resulted in independence from the monarchy and the birth of the constitutional republic. Both served for the vindication and popularization of rights: the rights of the people as such considered, and the rights of people individually considered. [1] Guerrero Yoacham, Cristián; The Causes of the American Revolution and the Declaration of Independence. In: Sánchez G., Walter; Guerrero Y., Cristián (ed.); The North American Revolution, boom and prospects, Institute of International Studies of the University of Chile, Editorial Universitaria, Santiago de Chile, 1979 [2] Ibid [3] Ibid [4] Ibid [5] Ibid
The author is the CEO & Founder of Academia Eiben
Article published in Liberal Vision
Present The revolution of values By Eduardo Salleras, 100 years ago… what happened to us next? The family ate dinner watching television, which is not recommended, especially watching the news. It was coincidentally the news that lit the fuse of the controversy at the family table, when the mother made a comment about reality, and one of her sons, a pro-government activist, responded politically, or at least that was what he wanted to do, but when he stayed Without arguments before the clear scene of today, as possessed by his militancy, or his "ideology", he began to insult his mother in front of his father and his brothers, who could not believe the epithets they heard; until the father stood up abruptly in a shout, shutting up his wayward son, with one arm extended as if measuring the blow, but one of his daughters intervened avoiding the aggression, saying: "No dad, like that, because that's not what becomes".
In the silence, the door slammed from the person who sought the street as a way out or as an escape from the paper. He will surely go to meet a comrade who will give him a reason to justify the enormous mistake, hide himself from himself like that, and continue as if nothing with his devotion to the inexplicable. The family is the homeland, two terms closely linked to each other: homeland and family, since nations were built on the basis of families, which united in common, formed communities, and among their projects was to set limits to the territory in the who lived together, to later call it a nation. However, populist modernity has as an image of the new world, supplying the family context, the blood structure, replacing it with the worship of ideologies, astonishing stories, which always have a leader as the protagonist, and if not another. , the one that will try to replace the father or the mother, the family or even the country, to form the great political conspiracy whose flag will be transparent.
Those heroes of the patriotic deeds, men and women who, with much effort and giving their lives and fortunes, made this territory what it is today: THE ARGENTINE NATION, will see our destiny from history with deep sadness and concern, because It turned out to have been invaded, in the last 20 years, by new settlers who set themselves the sublime mission of the restorers of social equality for all those who are below the modern home of power, mounting as a strategy of the new breed, to pollute to society, creating deep confrontations within it, even within families, children against parents or between friends, making them more militant than relatives or friends. The homeland is the family, the land of our ancestors, those who formed a great country, the one that 100 years ago was the pride of South America, when the Argentine Peso was chosen as the best valued currency in the world, the product of a progressive country. food exporter, serving all nations after the first world war . Argentina was the great creditor of almost all western countries and even the United States.
After interrupting the institutional order several times, 80 years ago, populism began as a new political discourse and a strategy of power. Nobody suspected that he could do us so much harm, and many flirted with him, to the point that, that admired Argentina, that rich nation, today is begging for the same countries that at one time were helped by us, those debtors of a nation called to be the first world power. It is possible to simplify such an unfortunate fact that it plunged us into the saddest and heaviest decline of which today we believe we have hit bottom (and it is not like that), which together with demagoguery, 8 decades ago, began a huge crisis of values, a situation that came at levels of horror in the last 20 years, when the benefits of corruption reached different political and social categories, while the most limited classes were plunged, until today, into the most appalling level of poverty. If we do not carry out a profound cultural change, recovering those virtues that we had and made Argentina a great Nation, admired by the world, it will be very difficult to 52
remove the intense fetid aroma of failure from those who were condemned to success. It must be, now, The Revolution of Values. A zoom with the past: Why have I spoken? Turns out I was invited to zoom into the past. These past participants were all heroes of our history who interviewed me to explain why we destroyed the country in the last 80 years. From their gazes, they consider it unintelligible to have accepted, the Argentines of my generation, such destructive policies and such totalitarian behaviors, whether de facto or populist ... • I ask for the floor - it was heard - I am Juan Bautista Alberdi. I want to clarify to you Mr. Salleras that the Argentine National Constitution is not a whim of mine, it is the product of the thoughts of the Mayo Association and is the conclusion of the analysis of several fundamental laws, dictated and practiced by other nations, mainly that of the States. United. This country respected it strictly and today it is the world's leading
power. While Argentina obeyed its Magna Carta until 1930, it was then considered one of the most important countries in the world, to then put the Constitution aside and govern according to partisan, sectarian or personal interests, making a great Nation the shame that is today. I rather than contribute some gesture, without still leaving the amazement, and also from the experience that I was going through, perhaps a dream come true, although I would have preferred to talk about other things and not about my failure as a contemporary of disaster, decadence and disillusionment Argentina. • The Argentines of your time, Mr. Salleras, are liars. (General Urquiza entered the dialogue, without introducing himself, and with a powerful voice, I recognized him immediately in his painting). • All? I asked. • Liar (continued the Entre Ríos) is not only the one who lies, but also the one who allows himself to be lied, because he ends up lying to himself, enters the fantasy of the 54
skilled social seducer, who is not doing anything other than what they call politics, misrepresenting his concept, subverting reality and adapting it to what suits him best. After 1930, Argentina began to abandon the charisma of a great established nation, to transform, little by little, into what it is today, a country without direction, full of poor people in the midst of rich and unpunished leaders, who achieved their luxurious standard. of life fostering pockets of poverty, to transform free citizens into dependents who crawl after the crumbs that fall from the highest power ... if I could go back ... (he closed with a hard voice and raised his hand as if he had his sword in it). A collected white hair, came to life and introduced himself as Santiago de Liniers: - Mr ... (There was a short silence) is at this time the commemoration of one of the most important events in the history of the Rio de la Plata, the expulsion from our lands of the other great world power of my time, England.
The English newspapers wrote about the courage and the spirit of independence and freedom of the people of the River Plate. What happens that now that bravery of the Argentines does not appear when they are being invaded by another world power of the 21st century, such as the international left? And today there is no need for weapons or boiling water, only with mobilization and a vote, the invader can be stopped, always on time. Brothers of tomorrow, at least, sell your defeat dearly. Although I, little by little, I was acclimatizing to the moment, feeling more comfortable inside in that rare situation, it did not stop bothering me to be the center of the questioning of those illustrious personalities of Argentine history. I could not think of anything better than, in an attempt to familiarize myself with the boys of the past, as if there was no time left, to say: - Although not all have spoken, I have not heard so far, not a single self-criticism. For what ... what need is mine ... they jumped me to the jugular, but that will be for the next ... will continue. 56
This July 9, the great figures of our history will look at us from the sky of the country. San Nicolás (province Ba) 10 hours / reconquest (sfe) 14 hours / obelisk (caba) 16 hours
Humor A teenager had just passed his driving test and asked his father when he could talk about when he could start using the car. The father suggested that they make a deal: “You improve your grades and raise your GPA, you study the Bible a little and you cut your hair. Then we will talk about lending you the car " About six weeks later the father told him "son, you improved your grades and I have seen that you have been studying the Bible, but I am disappointed to see that you have not cut your hair" The boy replied: “You know dad, I have been seeing, in my Bible studies, that Samson wore long hair, John the Baptist wore long hair, Moses also wore it long and there is even evidence that Jesus wore long hair. " ……… .to which the father replied, "and did you notice that they all went everywhere on foot ??" 60
---------------------------------An asthmatic man goes up the five floors with problems, knocks on the door and they open him and says: -Doctor, I have a lot of asthma, what do you recommend? -Easy, don't smoke, don't drink, rest and buy yourself some glasses. -And what do glasses have to do with asthma? -They are for you to find the doctor's house, which is downstairs, I'm a bricklayer. . ----------------------------------
An older Italian man who lived on the outskirts of Naples went to the local church to go to confession. When the priest opened the board of the confessional, the man said: - Father ... During World War II, a pretty woman knocked on my door and asked me to hide it from the enemy. So I hid it in my attic.
"That was a wonderful thing you have done, son," replied the priest. "You don't have the need to confess that." - No Father, is that she began to thank me with sexual favors. - Being in great danger and under those circumstances, two people can be very tempted to act like this. But if you truly feel it, you are actually forgiven. - Thanks, Dad. That is a great burden that it takes from my soul. But I have a doubt. - And what is it, son? - Do you think I should tell him that the war is over?
Riddles There were six Jews who have changed the way of seeing the world the most : Moses said: "the Law is ALL ..." Jesus said: "Love is ALL ..." Marx said: "Capital is EVERYTHING ..." Freud said: "Sex is EVERYTHING ..." Then Einstein came along and broke theories when he said: "Everything is relative" What is the sixth? A little help. He is Argentine . -------Solution in the end ---------------------------------A student is tested: Teacher: What do you prefer: one difficult question or several easy ones?
Student: A difficult one. Teacher: What color is my brother-inlaw's car? The student passed the test. What did you answer? Solution in the end
Republicans United The Party
Republicanos Unidos is a political party that aims to recover the ideas that made our country a power and position freedom again as the fundamental pillar for life in society, economic development and institutional quality. We believe that the key to reversing Argentina's decline is in respect for individual rights, equality before the law, private initiative and the right of each person to seek their own happiness. What differentiates Republicans Unidos from other parties? Internal democracy: the end of the sheet list is one of the fundamental
commitments in the creation of Unidos. Any party affiliate who so wishes may be a candidate, starting from an internal election where the Single Transferable Vote (VUT) system will channel the opinions of the members and define those selected for the list and the order in which they will be located. The intolerable practice of “handpicking” candidates for elective office is avoided. Openness: solid internal democracy guarantees the possibility that any citizen who shares the principles enshrined by the party can join. The intention is to help ensure that the ideological space is never divided into elections. The guarantees for those who wish to enter and participate in the internal elections will be the same as for those who already take part. The party will thus consolidate itself as a lasting institution, a tool for union and a guarantee of representativeness. Antipersonalism: the internal division of powers from which the executive authorities of the party will not be able to run for elective positions guarantees that no personalism acquires a preponderant role , 66
remaining as the central axis the ideas promoted by the party in its declaration of principles and its bases of political action. Innovation: attentive to technological advances and the context in which it arises, those of us who constitute Unidos are aware of the need to adopt technology in their daily operations, and for this we are dedicated to the development of a mobile application. This app will be the vehicle for affiliates to actively participate and decide in internal elections to define pre-candidates. Who is it? We are simply ordinary people of all ages, who work and study like any other, who enter politics from personal detachment, thinking that Argentina is being changed by a change in Society. We want for Argentina a change from the roots, and we decided to bring the ideas of freedom to the political field, to allow development and improve the quality of life.
What do we want in politics? Our incorporation into the National Congress, the provincial legislatures and the deliberative councils in each municipality will give the space and the entire ideological sector an exponential boost. With a legislative presence, it will be possible to propose real turns in public policy, and give the ideas of freedom an unprecedented visibility and impact in recent years. Something new is needed.
------------------------------------------------A good test if you are interested in knowing your ideological preferences ; https://www.testpolitico.com/ -------------------------------------------------
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If you would like us to send it to you in pdf, you can request it at miguel.morra@gmail.com
Riddles solution 1st) And then Kirchner came and said ...... " EVERYTHING is mine" -------------------------------------------------
2nd ) Student : "the same color as my grandmother's car" And what is that color? asks the teacher. "It was a single question" answers the student.