Brochure Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito

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Our institution COLOMBIAN SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING JULIO GARAVITO The Colombian School of Engineering Julio Garavito is a technological university which mission is to contribute to the development of the individual, the knowledge and the society through comprehensive training, construction and development of knowledge, with relevance and anticipation, within the context of the Colombian situation. Its history dates back to 1972 in Undergraduate Studies, Graduate Studies and Continuing Education. For all its academic programs, the School has a staff of professors highly trained in academy and research, thus allowing the development of knowledge, mainly oriented to innovation and technological progress in the scientific, specialized and socio-humanistic fields by developing the academic functions such as training, construction and development of knowledge and interaction with the environment. In addition, the School assumes the internationalization as a possibility to incorporate knowledge of the highest quality and thus strengthen its academic functions. It emphasizes the participation in networks and academic communities, mobility in multiple directions, homologation and recognition of professional degrees, institutionalization of multilingualism and the incorporation of international quality standards.




The School also promotes the human development of all members of the university community in both their individual and collective aspects, for which it has the best conditions allowing the improvement of life quality, providing personal, social, educational and cultural support. It also favors an institutional atmosphere that enables the comprehensive development of the university population, promoting the construction and consolidation of an academic environment supported by a clear and timely communication based on the institutional philosophy adopted by the community with the commitment to enforce it on practice.

chapter 2 chapter 1

I. Our institution 4



I Statement of principles


Our institution COLOMBIAN SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING JULIO GARAVITO The Colombian School of Engineering Julio Garavito is a technological university which mission is to contribute to the development of the individual, the knowledge and the society through comprehensive training, construction and development of knowledge, with relevance and anticipation, within the context of the Colombian situation. Its history dates back to 1972 in Undergraduate Studies, Graduate Studies and Continuing Education. For all its academic programs, the School has a staff of professors highly trained in academy and research, thus allowing the development of knowledge, mainly oriented to innovation and technological progress in the scientific, specialized and socio-humanistic fields by developing the academic functions such as training, construction and development of knowledge and interaction with the environment. In addition, the School assumes the internationalization as a possibility to incorporate knowledge of the highest quality and thus strengthen its academic functions. It emphasizes the participation in networks and academic communities, mobility in multiple directions, homologation and recognition of professional degrees, institutionalization of multilingualism and the incorporation of international quality standards.


The School also promotes the human development of all members of the university community in both their individual and collective aspects, for which it has the best conditions allowing the improvement of life quality, providing personal, social, educational and cultural support. It also favors an institutional atmosphere that enables the comprehensive development of the university population, promoting the construction and consolidation of an academic environment supported by a clear and timely communication based on the institutional philosophy adopted by the community with the commitment to enforce it on practice.

Statement of principles (Signed by the founders on october 20, 1972)

We, the founders of the Colombian School of Engineering Julio Garavito, engineers and professors of engineering, convinced of the urgent need for the country to have an institution dedicated solely to facilitate the training of all those interested in learning the science and the technology in the field of engineering, in order to use our knowledge in the selfless service to the community to achieve welfare for the Colombian people, make the following statement of principles: • With the foundation of the Colombian School of Engineering, Julio Garavito, we do our task to contribute with the means at our disposal to train engineers whose distinctive characteristics are the high technical skills and their spirit of social solidarity. • For the fulfillment of the task we have set, the guidelines of the Colombian School of Engineering, Julio Garavito, tend towards the formation of the engineers both in the scientific and technical aspects and in social and humanistic aspects.

• The integral education must be understood as a supportive process between professors and students motivated by the community of objectives; therefore, the active participation of each other in this process is required without meaning the participation of students in managerial and administrative functions of the institution. • Both the integral education of engineers and other tasks that the Colombian School of Engineering Julio Garavito carries out will be referred to a conceptual framework focusing on the study and knowledge of the Colombian reality, so the engineers educated in the School can be in a position to formulate solutions to national problems and carry them out successfully. • In the development of all its activities, the Colombian School of Engineering Julio Garavito will keep absolute independence from all political, racial, economic or religious creeds and, therefore, will be outside all partisan interest for such beliefs.

• Those who aspire to educate themselves in the Colombian School of Engineering, Julio Garavito shall not be discriminated for reasons other than their skills and academic performance and interest in obtaining an integral education. 5


2. Undergraduate programs 8

I Undergraduate programs


I Procedure to apply for undergraduate studies


Undergraduate programs

• Deepening lines in communications, control and automation and bio-engineering.

Civil Engineering*** • SNIES 1980

Economics** • SNIES 3602

• Deepening lines in materials and structures, hydraulics, environmental engineering, geotechnics, roads, transportation and construction.

• Deepening lines in direction of companies, finance and projects, energy economy, mathematics and history.

Electrical Engineering** • SNIES 1982 • Deepening lines in power systems, energy resources, energy trading and control and automation. Systems Engineering** • SNIES 1981 • Deepening lines in software engineering, computer infrastructure and systems and organizations.


Business Administration • SNIES 53966 • Deepening lines in international business and finance Mathematics** • SNIES 17443 • Deepening lines in computational mathematics, actuary, optimization and continuous systems. Mechanical Engineering • SNIES 54358

Industrial Engineering** • SNIES 2563

• Deepening lines in automobile engineering and energy resources

• Deepening lines in production, technology and innovation management, optimization, integrated management systems and organizational management.

• Industrial automation, processes and materials

Electronic Engineering** • SNIES 2866

• Colombian School of Engineering Julio Garavito – Rosario University

Biomedical Engineering • SNIES 91049

• Deepening lines in bioinformatics, clinical engineering, signal processing and medical imaging and rehabilitation engineering. * International High Quality Accreditation RIACES of July 28, 2011 ** High Quality Accreditation.

Procedure to apply for undergraduate studies In order to apply for enrollment in one of the undergraduate programs, the following minimum scores must be met in the areas of interest of the state exam: Engineering and Mathematics Programs Minimum 40 points in Physics, Mathematics and Language* Economics Program Minimum 40 points in Philosophy, Mathematics and Language* Business Administration Program Minimum 40 points in Mathematics, Social Sciences and Language* Biomedical Engineering Program Minimum 40 points in Mathematics, Physics, Language, Biology and Chemistry* * The Board may modify the scores and enrollment criteria and selection, which will be reported in due course.

The request is made through the School website: www. and the following procedure must be followed: • Registration • Payment of registration fees • Fill out the digital form or through the website • Submit all documents on the scheduled dates (See list on the website admisiones/pregrado). The School reserves the right to verify the information provided relating to the state exam; so, there is no need to attach the printed result for registration purposes. For the admission criteria, refer to the School website.



3. Post-graduate programs 12

I Post-graduate programs


I Procedure to apply for graduate studies


Post-graduate programs MASTERS

Industrial Engineering • SNIES 101895

Civil Engineering • SNIES 53118

• With emphasis on Logistics, Operations Management and Integrated Management.E

• With emphasis on Geotechnics, Environmental Engineering, Structural Engineering, Water Resources and Environment, Traffic and Transport.


Information Management • SNIES 91269 • With emphasis on Business Architecture, Business Intelligence and Management of Knowledge. Electronic Engineering • SNIES 101379 • With emphasis on Industrial Control and Automation, Telecommunications and Biomedical Engineering. Development and Comprehensive Management of Projects • SNIES 101339 • With emphasis on Development of Projects (alignment, formulation, evaluation and performance) and Project Management. 12

Development and Comprehensive Management of Projects • SNIES 8501

Design, Construction and Maintenance of Roads • SNIES 8503 Economics for Engineers • SNIES 11696 Structures • SNIES 2973 Management of Industrial Production • SNIES 52800 Integrated Management QHSE • SNIES 19205 Foundation Engineering • SNIES 52304 Hydraulic Resources and Environment • SNIES 4656 Environmental Sanitation • SNIES 4826 Procedure to apply for graduate studies According to the Regulation of Graduate Studies, the following requirements must be met for registration, within the deadlines set by the School for this purpose: • Be a professional university graduate from a legally recognized institution of higher education. • Register • Pay for the registration fees

• Fill out the corresponding form • Go to the selection interview where the following aspects will be assessed: academic performance, work experience and areas of work developed, among others. Submit all documents on the due dates (See list on website posgrados/especializaciones)



4. Financial support 16

I Financial support


Financial support Financial support is an integral part of the policies of the School, so all those who are interested in accessing to higher education and meet the academic requirements can easily pay tuition fees for undergraduate studies, graduate studies and continued education. Financial options offered by the School include scholarships and loans for short, medium or long term coverings up to 100% of the tuition fee through agreements with external entities. Agreements with financial entities ( Medium term loan – Country (Pais) Program: up to 8 current legal minimum wages per semester (applies to undergraduate and graduate studies) • It requires a co - debtor • Deadline: the student shall pay 60% of the debt during the term of studies and 40% after finishing, in a period equal to the financed period. Long term loan - Access Program (applies to undergraduate studies) • For socio - economic strata 1 and 2: 75% of tuition fees (and 25% subsidy for SISBEN levels 1 and 2) • For socio - economic strata 3, 4, 5 and 6: 50% of tuition fees 16

• It requires a co - debtor • Approval by the due dates • Term: up to twice the period of studies financed • The student can have one year’s grace depending on the payment behavior

Agreements with other financial institutions • The School has agreements with the following banks: Helm Bank, Savings National Fund (FNA, as per its initials in Spanish), Corpbanca, Michelsen Foundation, Fincomercio, Financiar, Bank of Pichincha and Sufi.



JULIO GARAVITO ARMERO SCHOLARSHIPS Since 2001, the Colombian School of Engineering has exalted high academic achievement of high school graduates according to the results of current State tests, especially for the benefit of those who, despite having the intellectual ability and interest to pursue higher education do not have the financial resources to do it. How to participate in scholarship calls In order to select the beneficiaries, the School does semiannual calls through the website, under Admissions. The secondary school graduate wishing to enter the programs of Economics, Electrical Engineering or Mathematics must meet the registration process and may apply for scholarships when they have received the highest scores in the interest areas on the current State exams as follows:

What does the scholarship include? For the first semester, the scholarship may be granted with full or partial coverage according to the Icfes State Exam and the interviews held with the shortlisted candidates. For subsequent semesters, the coverage of the scholarship will depend on cumulative average during the career. The scholarship will cover exclusively the academic program granted and is personal, non-transferable and can not be postponed. The scholarship is awarded for a maximum period of nine semesters for cases of Economics and Mathematics, and ten semesters in the case of Electrical Engineering, nominal duration of these programs.

Economics Program Minimum 55 points in Philosophy, Mathematics and Language*

Nominations Nominations are made through the School website www.

Electrical Engineering and Mathematics* Minimum 55 points in Physics, Mathematics and Language*

OTHER SCHOLARSHIPS AND DISCOUNTS (Do not apply for Biomedical Engineering)

* These requirements might be modified for each call, as agreed by the Board of Directors of the School.

In addition, the student must demonstrate the lack of resources to finance higher education studies. The applicant shall provide, as scheduled by the Admissions Office, the


supporting documentation listed on the website in order to carry out the corresponding socio-economic study.

Economic benefits depending on the results of the State Test Discount granted to students of first semester depending on the results of the State Test. This discount can be maintained

Discount for Siblings It applies for siblings of students enrolled in the School since 2008-2 and covers 10% of the total value of tuition fees for each student. Discount for children of graduates It covers 10% of the tuition fees. Tuition fees

throughout the career, as long as the cumulative average is equal or greater than 3.8 Academic Excellence Scholarships Biannual scholarship for 100% of tuition fee granted to students with excellent academic performance, from fourth semester.

Taking into account the founding principles of social responsibility, the School of Engineering Julio Garavito has established a differential system to set the value of tuition according to: socio-economic information of the candidate’s family group, student’s academic performance in the State Test and the costs incurred by the institution to provide the training service with the highest quality. Biomedical Engineering is the exception, since it has a unique value. Once the information is confirmed and the registration process is completed, the student will know the approximate tuition fee at the School. Notice that the final value of tuition fees will be informed if the student is admitted to the program chosen, as long as the required documents are submitted for the calculation (more information in our website admisiones/pregrado).

Scholarship Manuel Casabianca This scholarship partially covers the tuition fee and is awarded to students with average equal or greater than 4.0 and is granted after the third semester. It only applies to students of Civil Engineering. Scholarship “God’s Gift Foundation” Full or partial scholarship awarded to former students with an average higher than 3.5. New students can also apply for this aid, for which they must submit certification of grades of the last three years of school and State Test certificate. Two scholarships are awarded biannually: one for Civil Engineering students and other for students of other careers. Applications must be submitted during the dates established by the call. Discount for children of Professors and Staff This discount covers 5% for each year of service, up to 80%. The application must be filed at the Administrative Vicechancellor of the School.



6. Publisher 22



ESCUELA COLOMBIANA DE INGENIERÍA PUBLISHER® Since 1990, the Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Publisher® produces and markets technical books in the areas of engineering, mathematics, economics and management, with 90 editions to date, consolidating their stamp on the specific field of technical books. Publications can be purchased through the internet. The publisher has made co-publications with prestigious national and international publishers, as well as government entities. Within the Collection of Civil Engineering, several works have been granted the Diódoro Sánchez National Engineering Award of the Colombian Society of Engineers. The School magazine is currently listed in Category C of Colciencias Publindex and is a space of permanent publication for the academic community of the School and other universities.

The Publisher has the following collections: Civil Engineering Engineering Sciences Mathematics Telecommunications Business Development Economy Notes Graphic Expression Computing Electronics Mechanics Arts and Letters


7. Library And Newspaper Library 24

I Library And Newspaper Library




Library And Newspaper Library The Library of the Colombian School of Engineering has been named Jorge Álvarez Lleras, after this outstanding engineer, who made important contributions to this country. Jorge Álvarez Lleras (1885- 1952) is a Colombian engineer, disciple and colleague of Julio Garavito Armero. He was appointed director of the National Astronomical Observatory during the presidency of Enrique Olaya Herrera. As Director of the Observatory, he implemented a key instrument for the history of the institute: the reflecting bi-telescope, useful for the study of the polar axis and the Earth’s rotation.

In order to fulfill this mission, the Library provides services, bibliographic, technological, physical and human resources. Bibliographic resources The library has: • More than 22,000 volumes of books, theses and standards. • Approximately 370 titles of printed magazines and 30,000 electronic magazines • 17 databases of bibliographical reference and in full text on the areas of interest for the School.

He founded the Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical, Chemical and Natural Sciences and created the magazine of the same organism, where many of the unpublished Julio Garavitos’s works were published.

• Around 320 titles of videos

In the company of Julio Garavito Armero and other fellow engineers, he produced the exchange of telegraphic signals that allowed communication between Bogotá and Medellín. The results of this research were published in the pages of the Annals of Engineering.

International newspapers online.

He was a member of the Colombian Society of Engineers. Mission The mission of the library is to support with resources, information services and documentation the different academic,


research and social projection activities carried out and projected at the School.

• Printed national newspapers (El Tiempo, El Espectador, La República and Portafolio)

Services Online catalog Search of existing information on collections of books, magazines, videos, CD-ROM and other material from any PC both inside and outside the campus using the following search criteria: • By author • By title

• By subject or theme • By key word • By type of material Loan of bibliographic material Search of material in and out of the Library or the School Renewal of bibliographic material You may renew the loan up to three times consecutively, provided that the material is not reserved by another user.

Databases, electronic books and magazines You can consult on national and international, reference or full text databases, electronic books of basic bibliography and electronic journals in different knowledge areas. Preparation of bibliographies Collection of bibliographical citations on topics of interest or information needs of the existing resources of the Library.

Reservation of Books If the required material is lent, you can make a reservation in the area of Circulation and Loan. The reservation will be maintained during one business day. If it is not claimed, it will be available in collection again. Return Materials must be returned personally and within the deadline set to avoid penalty charges or blocking of user account. Interlibrary loan Through an interlibrary cooperation agreement, you can request material from other libraries in the city. It can be ordered in the area of Circulation and Loan.


Alert Service The academic community receives newsletters according to their information needs and interests Obtaining of documents Search, localization and procurement of magazine articles, chapters of books existing in the units of information with which it has an agreement of interlibrary cooperation Induction for users Basic information on services, collections and resources provided to new students entering the first semester of the School, as new users.

User training Workshops aimed at developing skills in searching and recovery of information using electronic resources available in the Library. Teachers or students can program them in order to know and deepen electronic resources and library services. Reference Guidance and advice on the appropriate use of services and in the search, location and recovery of information both in physical and electronic collections. Ask your librarian You can ask questions on any topic or information that you require from the Library. Write to Virtual room It is intended for consulting digital and online information, electronic resources and navigation for academic purposes. Lockers The library has arranged lockers at the entrance for users to leave their personal belongings, so they can enter without luggage, backpacks, books or other material other than what is strictly necessary for investigation. Wireless network (WiFi) You can access the wireless network (WiFi) by authenticating with your username and institutional email password.


Finding information

Visit us at

Physical resources The most efficient way to find information about an item, a theme or a particular resource is using the online catalog. The library has open shelving system allowing free consultation of the bibliographic material.

The library resources are ordered according to the document type, according to their subject and classified under the Dewey Decimal Classification System which divides knowledge in the following areas:

Online catalog Suggestions Schedule Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

000 General works and systems

500 Pure science

100 Philosophy

600 Applied science

200 Religion

700 Fine arts

300 Social Science

800 Literature

400 Linguistics

900 History and Geography

Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Location The Library is located in Block B, first floor.

Each book has a label on the spine with a number of shelf placement: 515.3 No. of classification S739p Author key 3ra Ed. Edition Ej. 20 Sample No Magazines are available in the newspaper library in alphabetical order.

ELECTRONIC RESOURCES They are available through the website of the library. There are several databases, electronic books and magazines, among others. Through the “Metabuscador�, simultaneous searches in multiple resources of information can be made, either from the library or from any computer inside or outside the School. To access electronic and digital resources, the user must have an institutional email and must be authenticated in the library website whenever the resource to be consulted requires it.


8. Continuing Education 30 I Infrastructure, construction, environment and materials 31 I ENERGY 32 I Manufacturing, logistics, quality and service 32 I Project, management, statistics, Actuary and finance 34 I Technological infrastructure, information and communications 34 I Use of software tools

Infrastructure, construction, environment and materials • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


LEED program for sustainable constructions Preparing for the LEED Green Associate exam Design, management and evaluation of sustainable projects Construction of civil works Integral audit of works Estimated budget and schedule of works under the PMI guidelines Georeferenced Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing Supervision of works Standards for the design of steel structures AISC-2006 Updating in modeling SAP 2000 Structural principles, modern methods of analysis and use of the computer Dynamic analysis of structures Seismic design and structural systems Evaluation and seismic reinforcement of buildings Covers and Industrial steel structures Metal bridges and buildings Plastic behavior of concrete structures Advanced design of concrete structures Design of buildings with load- bearing walls Design of prestressed concrete structures

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Concrete bridges Foundation and containment structures I Foundation structures and full containment Timber construction Structural pathology Seminar of structural engineering Fundamentals of structural engineering Advanced design of roads Pavements Transport economics Construction and maintenance of roads Environmental impact and road safety Systems of quality management in construction engineering and consultation engineering Air pollution control Environmental audits Colombian legislation and environmental management Treatment of wastewater Basic hydraulics and hydrology Aqueduct and sewage Sewage Water microbiology Water chemistry Water quality Physicochemical treatment Biological treatment

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Biosolids treatment Industrial wastewater treatment River pollution Treatment and disposal of solid waste Environmental impact Let’s talk concretely about pavement Technologies of design, construction and rehabilitation of flexible pavements Pavement engineering Road geotechnics Geology for engineers Soil behavior Soil research Advanced foundations Numerical methods in geotechnics Rock engineering Containment structures Soil dynamics Soil improvement Soil- structure interaction Historical cases in foundation engineering Road drainage and sub-drainage Regulation of networks in Epanet Pressure systems hydraulic Open cut hydraulics I Water and environment legislation Computational hydraulics and hydrology I Basic applied hydrology Open cut hydraulics II Hydraulic works I Computational hydraulics and hydrology II Environmental pollution Fluvial hydraulics Hydraulic works II Hydraulic resources system Environmental impact Oil industry for non -oil professionals Methodological aspects of transportation Environmental modeling: Study of water and solute transportation in unsaturated soils Bracketed members, base slabs and other updating issues in steel structure area

• Research (data collection) and traffic accident reconstruction • Road safety, signs and traffic accident prevention • Road safety education in schools • Public transportation of passengers • Workshop on road safety audits • Documentation and scientific methodology • Computational tools • Statistics applied to transportation • Traffic engineering • Studies and audits in road safety • Road safety management based on ISO 39001 • International seminar on road accidents. ENERGY • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Regulation of Electricity Lighting systems with emphasis on RETILAP Design of facilities for preservation of agricultural products Electrical tests and regulation on patio and maneuver equipment Methods of electrical measurement and unit systems Induction motors Electrical protection associated to a generating unit Metrology Electric motor starters Electric drives Batteries and chargers Interpretation of drawings Monitoring of hydropower projects Fundamentals of lighting Protection for power systems 31

• Analysis of direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC) circuits • Basic electricity and electrical measurements • Basic electricity and different load rates generator, transformer • Electrical engineering for non electrical engineers • Feedback and control systems Manufacturing, logistics, quality and service • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 32

Business Management supported by BPM Black Belt – Six Sigma Lean training program – Six Sigma Green Belt Application of Minitab tool for Six Sigma Methodology Six Sigma Yellow Belt Process simulation with pro model Materials management operations Productivity management in times of globalization Production and operations management Process statistical control Production management systems Design basics Mathematical models of production control Mathematical models of inventory control Simulation applied to production Organizational learning, leadership and negotiation Integrated management systems Project management in production Research seminar Effective management of occupational health Management of hygiene and industrial safety Quality tools Environmental legislation and regulation Fundamentals of integrated QHSE Quality management Quality management standards Environmental management Environmental management standards Safety management and Occupational safety Safety standards and occupational safety Molding, molds and design of parts for injection of plastics

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Molds and dies Maintenance management Plastic film extrusion Design of bolted joints in metal structures and machinery Packaging Rheology Polymeric materials Processes Mold design Quality assurance Design of experiments Operations management Logistics and Management of the supply chain Optimization of industrial operations Planning, inventory control and management Planning, programming and production control Management indicators in supply chain Warehouse management Interpretation and application of ISO9001 requirements in light of an internal audit of quality • Business logistics • Balanced scorecard: plan, execute and control your strategy • Industrial processes automation Project, management, statistics, Actuary and finance • Diploma of project management • Diploma of formulation and evaluation of projects, a managerial approach • Culture for projects • Conflict and negotiation • Organizational change management for computer consultants • Budget and programming with accuracy • Formulation and evaluation of projects • Implementation of project management office • Risk management in projects • Planning and project control with MS project • Project planning and control • Management of acquisition in projects • Preparation for the international certification exam PMPtm and PMItm

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Management of organizational change for leaders Implementation of earned value management Program management Project formulation I Project formulation II Project evaluation Project implementation Project management I Project management II Integral management of engineering companies Providing tools for human resource management in the development of engineering projects Strategic management with emphasis in negotiation Administrative and labor law Risk management in construction industry Markets and international finance operations Strategic marketing Integral management of customer service Management of stock market Franchise management Business strategies for globalization Technique for writing contracts Friendly composition Customer management (CRM) Work teams of high performance

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Positive management of stress Effective negotiation Finance for engineers and engineering professionals Basic finance in excel applications Finance management in the construction company Culture of customer service as quality strategy Alternative methods of conflict resolution Financial fundamentals Management of constraints Development of management skills and competences ISO9000 for construction companies Administrative management for engineering companies Human resource management Purchasing and materials management Business protocol Organizational communication workshop Managerial skills workshop Geographic information systems and business opportunities in urban economy Financial evaluation Capital market Evaluation of social and economic projection Finance for non- financial professionals Fundamentals of microeconomics (theory of consumer, business and markets) 33

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Introduction to economics Mathematics for economics Quantitative methods Intermediate microeconomics Intermediate macroeconomics Quantitative economics Econometrics Public economics Urban economics Industrial organization Module III Social evaluation of projects Urban economics Industrial organization International economics Economic development The “sensometría”, statistics applied to the sensorial perception of groceries • Industrial statistics Technological infrastructure, information and communications • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 34

Software construction in Java Ee5 Spring Planning, IT strategy and policy Telematics and internet business (online) Security in wireless networks Fundamentals of data communications Development of games for mobile devices Engineering of requirements Development of applications in mobile phones and social networks Management of new mobile and internet technologies ITIL V3 fundamentals and certification tests Basic concepts of management of knowledge Agile development of software projects with Scrum Business intelligence: What, why, who, how Data networks & convergence of services Fundamentals of electronics and communications Fundamentals of computers and informatics Introduction to project management Development of telecommunications and telematics Computer networks

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Digital communication and broadband Concepts and models for e-business Internet and TCP/IP technologies TIC Planning and management Software for e-business Applications for electronic commerce Management and security in computer networks Design of networks and applications Virtual learning environment (AVA) Moderating virtual learning environments Learning and creation of communities supported by TICs (Actic) Literacy on the web Scenarios for learning computer fundamental concepts Preparation for CCNA industrial certification Augmented reality in PCs and mobiles Mobile telephony Mobile data and applications J2ME Cellular mobile communications Wireless networks (WiFi) Electronic equipment facilities Security in wireless informatics and mobile networking Radar systems management Fundamentals of basic electronics PLC, Programmable Logic Controllers, Bioengineering New generation networks Automation project management Clinical engineering and hospital technological management Biomedical metrology Updating in orthotics for foot and ankle

Use of software tools • Autocad • Numerical methods and programming • Computational tools for teaching mathematics • Process simulation with pro model • Preparation for the examination of the international certification PMPtm of the PMItmUnidad de proyectos

9. UNIT OF PROJECTS 36 I UNIT OF PROJECTS 36 I Masters, specialization, diplomas and courses



Masters, specialization, diplomas and courses

Within the institutional framework and based on their experience, the Unit of Projects participates in the development, implementation and consolidation of a culture of Projects and Project Management in the School and its environment, as a contribution to human, economic and social development of the countries, their companies and institutions.

Mastery • Development and integral management of projects

As a Global Registered Education Provider (REP®) that credits the School as the first university in Colombia recognized for training in the guidelines of the Project Management Institute PMI®, the Unit provides services of training, research and extension (support, consulting and advisory services) in the areas of integral development and management of projects, internally, to undergraduate programs, graduate programs and other School institutional units and externally, to companies and national and international institutions.

Specialization • Development and integral management of projects Diplomas • Management of projects • Formulation and evaluation of projects Courses • Risk management • Planning and control of projects with ms project • Implementation of the project management office pmo • Preparation for the international certification exam • Project management professional (pmp) • Implementation of earned value management • Conflict and negotiation • Management of programs


10. RESEARCH AND INNOVATION 38 I REASEARCH AND INNOVATION FOR THE SCHOOL ( I+i ) 38 I Objectives of research and innovation 40 I Groups of research


REASEARCH AND INNOVATION FOR THE SCHOOL ( I+i )11 The School understands research as a methodical process of generation, appropriation and application of knowledge in the scientific, technological and professional fields developed. This process is based on logic, problematic and validity criteria proper of these fields, as well as on the progress made by the relevant academic and scientific communities, both at national and international environments. The high academic standards, the commitment to the transformation of the social conditions and ethical behavior are the institutional values that, as a priority, guide research and are at the service of man. Of course, it also serves to conserve the ecosystems, the scientific and technological progress, the solution of social problems, the improvement of life quality and the excellence of their own building projects in both undergraduate and graduate studies of the institution. The freedom of thought and academic pluralism that the institution declares in its principles are reflected in the autonomy that the academic community of the School has to define the paradigms of research and to guide studies from

1. Proyecto Educativo Institucional, pp. 22-23. Available in: http://www.


epistemological approaches and methodological processes in line with the objects and problems of research in each field. The research, as a basic function of the School, comprises the creative, individual or collective work done in a systematic manner, and aimed at developing critical thinking and the scientific spirit in the members of the academic community and generate or incorporate knowledge in each field. Moreover, the School sees innovation as a process generated from an idea of research or the creation or transformation of products, services, processes, procedures, methodologies and techniques that meet the needs of society.

Objectives of research and innovation

• Generate a culture of research and innovation as a fundamental aspect of academic activities in the School. This culture is mainly expressed in the constant and disinterested search of knowledge about the world, reality, man and his quality of life to understand them from different meanings and possibilities. In this respect, the purpose related to the creation, adaptation and appropriation of scientific and cultural knowledge should imbue the functions of teaching and social outreach.

• Promote the development of the creative spirit and ability of innovation in the members of the academic community. • Permanently stimulate the active participation of the academic community in the study of Colombian reality in order to generate autochthonous solutions for national problems. • Base training of members of the academic community on high scientific and technological knowledge. • Develop units of specialized research to become centers of generation and dissemination of knowledge. • Contribute to the development of the region and the country through projects that aim to provide diagnosis, analysis and solution of their problems and needs. • Develop and strengthen the research capacity of teachers and students • Develop and strengthen the research groups as well as improve their national and international vision. • Generate impact with the research and innovation results on the undergraduate and graduate curricula through their teaching – learning processes. • Generate progress in different areas of knowledge • Establish new Master’s and Doctor’s degrees and consolidate the existing.

• Incorporate activities dealing with different levels and ways of scientific and technological research, such as: generation, transfer, adaptation, adoption and dissemination of knowledge. • Develop knowledge and innovations from research, preferably applied and of interdisciplinary nature. • Develop Master’s Degrees linked to the research lines for their mutual development and consolidation.

• Strengthen the capacity of transferring the results of research.


Groups of research The School has groups that develop basic research, applied research and innovation. The programs, projects and products of the activities developed by the research groups are focused on their strongest performance areas for each of the development areas of the country and constitute the basis to generate Master’s Degree programs, courses and continuing education seminars. • Gibiome • Ecitronics • Pentagogia • CTG – Computers • Educing • Electricity Markets • Socio – economic Studies – Corpoica • Sensometrics • Research group on Roads and Transportation • Research group on Structures and Materials • Research group on Engineering of Materials 40

• Research group on Development and Comprehensive Management of Projects Studies • Geotechnical Research Group • Teaching innovation and educational research Innovad - IE • Center for Hydraulic Studies • Center for Economic Studies • Center for Environmental Studies • Center for Business Studies and Development • Center for Research on Optimization and Logistics – CIOL • Center for Research in Manufacturing and Services – CIMSER

11. International Relations 42 I International Relations 43 I INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS


International Relations

country obtaining the diploma of both, the School of Engineering and the university abroad.

Through the offices of International Relations, Graduate, Inter University Contracts and Agreements, University –Enterprise and Continuing Education, the School offers various programs to enhance the professional preparation. Throughout their training at the School, students can find various opportunities for personal and professional development which facilitate their approach to organizations and national and international universities.

Scholarship Program • Young Engineers Germany – This program is supported by the German Service for Academic Exchange (DAAD, for its initials in German), the Ministry of Education, Icetex and Colciencias. Annually, they offer full scholarships for students with academic excellence in the School, who will take an intensive course of German in the School and in Germany and an academic semester in a German university and later, a professional internship at an institution in that country.

Student Exchange Program This program favors the possibility to complete some academic credits of the career in a local, a national or an international university up to one year. For this purpose, the School has signed twofold agreements with prestigious universities in Colombia and other countries (Flags of Germany, France, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Salvador, Spain, United States of America, Netherlands, India, Italy, Mexico, Colombia, Norway and United Kingdom) Double Academic Diploma Thanks to this program, undergraduate students have the opportunity to complete the career at a university of another


• Young Engineers France – This program is supported by the Embassy of France in Colombia, the Ministry of Education, Icetex and Colciencias. The program offers scholarships for two years to students of the last semesters with academic excellence, in order to obtain double academic diploma in M1 programs in French universities. • Program of Student and Academic Mobility of the Alliance Pacific - This program was established by the governments of Colombia, Chile, Peru and Mexico and the School belongs to it. This program supports the exchange of undergraduate and doctoral students and teachers in the four partner countries.

Other scholarships of international mobility* Other scholarships our students have been benefited of to finance their mobility projects are Banco Santander Scholarships, DAAD Scholarship for the improvement of the German language, ELAP Scholarships, EIFFEL Scholarship, Botin Foundation Scholarship, CEF (Corporation for Studies in France) Scholarship and Scholarships of Andean Integration. Programs for foreign students Students from other institutions can have the opportunity to participate in academic exchanges, dual degree programs, research, internship and professional practices. Postgraduate scholarships for foreigners The School offers financial aid through the scholarship program of reciprocity for foreign students of Icetex. Language Courses From time to time, the School introduces students to several institutions specialized in programs of language studies both at home and abroad and has signed agreements with recognized institutions like the Alliance Française and the Göethe Institut that offer language courses. Professional practices These practices are performed inside and outside the country in order to establish channels of communication with the productive sector, which allows the academic community to know the reality of the environment and companies to benefit from the processes of research and vocational training of the institution. Social Practices It proposes a participatory approach in which social actors participate in development projects with students where they analyze, diagnose and define action lines to become a proposal of understanding, intervention or transformation of reality. Job Bank for leisure time This Job Bank will provide students with time available, work experiences before graduation. Work Experience Programs

The School supports students to participate in work programs in the United States during their vacation time.

Office of Graduates The Office of Graduates links the graduates to their university and their society, making them part of their transformation processes and scientific, academic and social growth. This office focuses its work to strengthen the sense of belonging and seeks permanent presence of the graduates in the University work, so they have the opportunity to enrich the university with their contributions, experiences and suggestions for improvement, making it an institution progressing with the support of the graduates. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS • Consortium CoHemis • École Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Metz (ENIM) - France • École Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Brest (ENIB) - France • École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Switzerland • École Nationale Supérieure d´Arts et Métiers (ENSAM) France • Groupe ENI (Écoles Nationales d’Ìngénieurs) - France • Instituts Nationaux des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) - France • Hautes Études d’Ingénieur (HEI) - France • Université de Technologie de Troyes (UTT) - France • Hebei Vocational College of Foreign Languages - China • Institución Tecnológica de Toluca - México • Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey - México • German Service of Academic Exchange - Germany • Universidad Austral de Chile - Chile • Universidad Nacional de La Plata - Argentina • Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción - Chile • Universidad de Alicante - Spain • Universidad de Salamanca - Spain • Universidad del Golfo de México Norte - México • Universidad Mayor, Real y Pontificia de San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca - Bolivia • Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche - Spain • Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - Spain • Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana - Chile • University of Newcastle - Australia 43


12. “El otoño” coliseum 46

I “El otoño” coliseum


“El otoño” coliseum El Otoño Coliseum is a cultural and sports center built with the priority of providing the community with a space to integrate sports and cultural activities which promote the welfare of all. The architectural complex, designed by the firm Anzellini Garcia- Reyes Architects, has been raised in three bodies that host sporting, educational and wellness spaces which can be enabled for cultural activities. The design and construction involve engineering firms whose partners and employees are graduates of the School, for example Aceraq, Botero Ibañez, M&G Engineers, Oscar Giraldo & Co. and Gamma Ltd. NATURE The project is an architectural monument to sports and culture. Its central cover of harmonic curves allow the perception of the functions to be fulfilled: • It has a central nave housing fields and an impressive center of cultural events. It is organized in two zones: to the south, the area covered and closed with basketball courts and to the north, the covered and open zone with volleyball and indoor soccer courts.


• Two two-floor side naves flanking the central nave, designed for sport and cultural support activities. • Bridge- beam between the basketball and volleyball courts. It is the central support of the deck and is used as the gallery for entertainment. • Metal center cover • Flat side covers that are useful as terraces. • Metal structure of columns and beams in the central nave. • Structure of reinforced concrete arcades in the side aisles with surface facades made of brick.

TECHNICAL AND SUSTAINABILITY CRITERIA The project coordinates with precision technical variables in the management of the structure, the construction system, the light, the acoustics, the climate, the components and materials. It is based on the concept of sustainability including bioclimatic factors, design by coordinated systems for easy maintenance, choice of energy saving and recycling. Bioclimatic. The orientation of the coliseum allows controlling the natural fall of the sunlight and the minimum energy consumption for daytime electric lighting. The arrangement of the tilting of the window frames facilitates cross circulation of breeze for natural ventilation and release of hot air from inside.

fire, the NSR-10 regulations and in general, regulations for human security. FUNCTIONAL CRITERIA The project has been conceived in the manner of multi-use equipment that combines sports and cultural activities for both the School community and external users. The zoning allows for great flexibility in combining educational activities in small enclosures, as well as social and cultural activities in a large extended central enclosure.

Water supply system and networks. The hydraulic, sanitary, electrical and voice and data networks will be on display, organized in trays along circulation corridors of buildings 1 and 2 allowing their permanent inspection and adaptation to changing uses. Recycling. Water, according to its origin (Company of Aqueduct and Sewerage of Bogota, EAAB, deep well or rain water) will be used separately for human consumption or toileting. Likewise, the treatment of the discharges will be differentiated. Security. The set incorporates the safety criteria as prescribed in the building code of Bogota, the NFPA regulations against 47


13. University welfare 50 I University welfare 51 I CONTACTS


University welfare The University Welfare focuses its work to the promotion of human development in order to improve the quality of life of the university community in all its dimensions (emotional, social, cognitive, physical, cultural, aesthetic and spiritual). For that purpose, the following areas have been worked: Health Services of medicine, nursing, ambulance, dentistry and psychology aimed at the prevention, early diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation in health -disease conditions Recreation and sports The School promotes the creation of healthy habits, hygiene and body development. For this purpose, the School provides several options such as: training, recreational, competitive and directed sports. The School has an excellent sports campus, a cultural and sports center, a gymnasium, sports kits and a group of qualified professionals. Induction and Mentoring programs These programs exist according to the needs of the students in order to: promote the process of adaptation to the institution 50

and the program, strengthen their vocational choice and follow consistently their academic process and social performance. These programs are complemented with the mentoring of academic counselors.. Socioeconomic promotion It supports financially students in their involvement in academic, sporting and cultural events, as well as in associations and student groups. On the other hand, it subsidizes the participation in health campaigns and in academic and social projects.

Ecology It carries out actions promoting care of the environment and spaces in the School, for which campaigns and preventive actions are conducted. Arts and culture Artistic and cultural options such as plastic arts, performing arts, musical, audio visual, literary arts and all kinds of expressions to raise awareness as human beings within a context that claims them as such. CONTACTS Business Training Ext. 118 and 249 Continuing Education Ext. 118 and 249

University - Business Ext. 294 and 312 Office of Graduates Ext. 120 and 312 Publisher Ext. 394 Management of Communications and Marketing Ext. 243 Contact us Ext. 109

Graduate studies Ext. 109, 122, 373, 383 and 385 Undergraduate - Admissions Ext. 101, 263 and 274

International Relations Ext. 328 and 312

Avenida Carrera 45 (autopista Norte) N.° 205-59 PBX: (571) 6683600 – Línea Nacional – Call center 6683622 (57) 018000112668 Bogotá, D.C., Colombia

51 / escuelacolingenieria / escuelaing

/ escuelacolingenieria / escuelacoling



Avenida Carrera 45 (autopista Norte) N.° 205-59 PBX: (571) 6683600 – Línea Nacional (57) 018000112668 Bogotá, D.C., Colombia

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