Semifinalists 2015 GCIP

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Short Profile of the Semifinalist of GCIP Pakistan 2015


List of Innovators 1.

Comcept Energy Solutions

















10. Team ECO 11. The Think Tank 12. Energy Auditing Services 13. UET 14. Zaheen Machines 15. ElectroMagnetic Inspection Services (EMIS) 16. Project Roshni 17. Mobilytics 18. Arcane Winds 19. DC surface water pumps


20. EnTas 21. Highbrows Engineering and Technologies 22. ISEZA 23. Triple Stars 24. Engeecon 25. BOLT bike 26. DanaLabs 27. Global Intellects 28. Innovators 29. Photons 30. EcoEnergyFinance 31. ignition 32. Ocean Keepers 33. Onvento 34. Ozone 35. Ace 36. Asian Engineers 37. Biofuels Musketeers 38. CO2 Arrester 39. EnvAlley 40. Gulraiz Aftab 3

41. Clean Bio gas Pakistan 42. CEES Pioneers 43. Green Fuel 44. SAENPAK 45. Saima Mirza 46. Tawanai 47. UET Dare's 48. OD energies 49. Bitsym Watersense 50. Chitral Engineering Works 51. Pak Aquaponics Farms 52. ROTEC 53. CYPHYNETS 54. Asif & Co. 55. eForte


Category: Energy Efficiency Team name: Comcept Energy Solutions Team #: 1501 City: Islamabad, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Every airconditioner can be an inverter airconditioner Our device technology.

saves electricity by upgrading existing split air conditioning units using the inverter

Category: Energy Efficiency Team name: Crater Team #: 1502 City: Islamabad, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Paving the way to a better commute! Crater is a Crowd Sensing Application To Estimate Road Conditions, used to map road and traffic conditions in Pakistan. A study at Texas A&M shows that Texans will spend an additional $6100 a year on car maintenance and extra fuel due to poor road and traffic conditions. As Pakistan is a developing country, it is very likely that we spend much more; we need to find a method to map road and traffic conditions so that educated decisions can be made about investing in alternate routes.


Category: Energy Efficiency Team name: ElectroMagnetic Inspection Services (EMIS) Team #: 1503 City: Karachi, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Quality, Integrity & Efficiency! We are offering an efficient, cost-effective and complete pipeline inspection system through two products. The products include a 'low cost smart Pipeline Inspection Gauge (PIG)' and 'Multi-Frequency Eddy Current Testing (ECT) System' to detect and localize faults. The combined system promotes energy efficiency by maintaining quality standards at pipelines manufacturing facilities and preventing fluid losses in transmission pipelines. We identify possible sources of leaks in order to pinpoint locations requiring repair thereby saving even more energy by not needing exploratory excavation processes. The technical innovation in the PIG is that we are using Tunneling Magneto-resistive technology which offers detection using low magnetic field strength. So large coils and large amperage current is not required to generate a magnetic field. The proposed size of the product is super compact. Another innovation is that we’re using a 6 DOF IMU to calculate the position along the pipeline. So we don’t need to use extra hardware to track it. As for the Multi-Frequency ECT system, use of Improved Howland Current Pump provides stable and constant current for exciting the Eddy Current coils at multiple frequencies. This combined with the idea of having 8 Eddy Current Probes installed at the pipeline assembly line will ensure testing over the entire dia of the pipeline. The data from these probes is acquired in real time using embedded hardware making the system ultra-portable and reliable. Position sensing feature is also added using an Optical Mouse configured with a software. Both the data acquired is used for flaw diagnostics and hence ensuring timely maintenance and repair.


Category: Energy Efficiency Team name: Energica Team #: 1504 City: Islamabad, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Green solutions for a better life Our device saves electricity by smartly turning off unused appliances both automatically and through the user's smartphone.

Category: Energy Efficiency Team name: Energy Auditing Services Team #: 1505 City: Multan, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Energy Efficiency & Waste to Energy We have developed procedures, unique designed tools, dedicated experienced team and diverse mindset to overcome energy crisis from corporate level till domestic level. We are the 1st prize winner of “All Pakistan Business Plan Competition-2015” and finalist of “Moblink-Discover NUST Business Plan Competition, 2014-15” with the same business plan.


Category: Energy Efficiency Team name: Fastians Team #: 1506 City: Islamabad, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Energy for tomorrow Our idea is "Energizing toll plazas from their own" using Piezoelectricity. Energy demand and heavy traffic correlation motivated us to dream about a device in the road that would harvest energy from the vehicles driving over it. For this, we'll embed piezoelectric material beneath roads, near toll plazas. Not only toll plazas but highway traffic lights can also be loaded on this system. Scientists estimate that only car traffic can generate 80 kilowatts/hour from a 1 km road. Moreover its a polution free and cost effective solution and electricity shotfall can be reduced for sure by implementing it.

Category: Energy Efficiency Team name: Freezo Team #: 1507 City: Islamabad, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Mini Portable Room Cooler We have invented a gadget which is among best device as energy efficient during the long lasting load shedding of summer season, where light is barely available during the hot days. We are providing a mini rechargeable and portable mini cooler, which is also known Freezo, in this we will use Small size High Rpm Low Current Dc fans to provide air and for cool air water ventilation system. The current required by this device to run is 12 V Dc motor the current can go maximum up to 2~2.5 Amperes.


Category: Energy Efficiency Team name: Inventors Team #: 1508 City: Rawalpindi, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: UET is best We have designed and fabricate six stroke engine which is fuel efficient. We actually used the heat of cylinder after four stokes. In six stroke there are two power strokes. First four strokes are same as in conventional four stroke engine. After completing four stroke engine, the temperature of the cylinder is very high and we introduce the air in fifth stroke which will expand due to greater temperature difference and will give second power stroke and sixth stroke is again exhaust stroke. Six stroke is 40% more efficient then four stroke engine hence fuel consumption is 40% low in six stroke engine as compared to four stroke engine.

Category: Energy Efficiency Team name: NanoSmart Team #: 1509 City: Islamabad, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Small is the new Big We have bio engineered an organic Nano disinfectant formulation which will be implemented in broad range of application such as disinfectant sprays, disinfectant bandages and coated surgical instruments. All of them will be used to control infections that can be spread through contact such as hospital acquired infection. Category: Energy Efficiency Team name: ECOMOTIVE Team #: 1510 City: Islamabad, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: The new definition of fuel Our aim is to develop cost effective, fuel-efficient vehicles and impart knowledge about the need for environmental friendly products in the field of automotive. 9

Category: Energy Efficiency Team name: Project Roshni Team #: 1511 City: Karachi, Pakistan Email Address/ Website:, Energy conversation & cost savings delivered We have created a device + algorithm that will allow residential & industrial users to cost-effectively see how they consume electrical power in their respective facilities and enable users to detect inefficient appliances & alter behavior to save power & cost.

Category: Energy Efficiency Team name: RASAI Team #: 1512 City: Islamabad, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Tapping into Low cost Energy Efficient Building Retrofitting. HEMPCRETE + Geothermal: Utilizing indigenous resources to provide a cost effective alternative for thermal insulation & Cooling/ heating mechanisim, saving on initial + running cost of conventional HVAC systems, a technology that can be retrofitted or Installed during construction to save on construction cost aswell.


Category: Energy Efficiency Team name: Team ECO Team #: 1513 City: Islamabad, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Energy Saving Products We have created ECO, a super energy saving LED bulb, designed by us from scratch, for local conditions. ECO is low cost, high luminosity, high efficiency, high power factor, low EMI and with a life of more than ten years. ECO targets the estimated 100 million CFL (energy saver) lights installed in Pakistan. If all these 20W CFLs are relaced with 10W ECOs, there will be a total saving of 1000 Mw! And we will create many Pakistani jobs in this process. What more can we ask for!

Category: Energy Efficiency Team name: The Think Tank Team #: 1514 City: Rawalpindi, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Efficient Use Of Energy In this project we will develop a smart card which will be able to perform the functions of a meter and display the result, as well as send the information to the distributers for billing purposes. And the consumer will also be informed the amount of power he/she has consumed over the defined period of time. The information to the consumer will be transferred using GSM. The consumer will be informed using SHORT MESSASGE SERVICE (SMS). This card will also monitor the power loss between the pole and the meter to prevent power theft. A power management firmware will be designed for the card for monitoring and billing purposes.


Category: Energy Efficiency Team name: UET Team #: 1515 City: Lahore, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Education Our technology can improve energy efficiency by monitoring energy consumption of individual appliances used inside a particular building. The device implements non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) technique using wavelets and fractal analysis to help keep track of the energizing and deenergizing of different electrical appliances so that their energy consumption data may be obtained. This data can be used for performing energy audits, devising load shedding plans and formulation of other such energy management schemes. Nonintrusive load monitoring has the advantage of being able to monitor individual appliances by the use of a single set of sensors placed at the service mains. Placement of individual sensors with each appliance is not required thus money is saved and there is no intrusion on the consumer's property.

Category: Energy Efficiency Team name: Zaheen Machines Team #: 1516 City: Lahore, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Optimizing natural gas, electricity and water usage through iOT based automation Our invention can help save Pakistan around $50 million in gas bills per month by giving the user a convenient method to turn their gas burning water heater on or off remotely or via a timer.


Category: Renewable Energy Team name: Arcane Winds Team #: 1517 City: Islamabad, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Flying you to a better future Our innovation uses the well-known concept of using wind to produce electricity with a novel twist. Instead of using stationary blade as the contact surface with air, our prototype uses parachute shaped wings that will fly at high altitudes and harnesses wind energy. The whole structure is more flexible, lighter and a step towards achieving a feasible project that will be able to compete with the prices of fossil fuels and revolutionize the wind-harnessing technology.

Category: Renewable Energy Team name: BOLT bike Team #: 1518 City: Lahore, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: BURN CALORIES, NOT CARBON PROVIDING EFFECTIVE SOLUTION TO INTER-CITY TRANSPORT - We strive with our product to reduce the consumption of conventional fuels for transport, as well as provide an efficient alternative to power them. Prob: People face difficulties associated with current mechanical engine transport: running cost, maintenance cost, seasonal shortages, air pollution and noise pollution. Sol: Hybrid technology - Battery power and human muscle power (pedaling).


Category: Renewable Energy Team name: DanaLabs Team #: 1519 City: Lahore, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Sustainable energy solution for everyone The indigenous development of domestic wind turbines of small scale suitable for a single family.

Category: Renewable Energy Team name: DC surface water pumps Team #: 1520 City: Islamabad, Pakistan Email Address/ Website:; Go Green Production of indigenous products including Surface Based DC Mono-block water pumps with 1’’,2’’,3’’, 4’’, 5’’ & 6’’ water discharge lines.


Category: Renewable Energy Team name: EcoEnergyFinance Team #: 1521 City: Karachi, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Affordable clean energy for rural Pakistan 70 million people in Pakistan lack access to the electricity grid, instead spending $2.2 billion each year on poor-quality alternatives. EcoEnergyFinance makes clean energy solutions affordable and accessible hrough its deep distribution network into off-grid areas, PAYG solar technology and financing to "unbankable" customers.

Category: Renewable Energy Team name: Engeecon Team #: 1522 City: Peshawar, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: We have make a mechanism for the purification of water by utilizing the solar energy.


Category: Renewable Energy Team name: EnTas Team #: 1523 City: Islamabad, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: We have created a device which uses a thumb for charging electronic gadgets and ticking the digital counter namely called as Charger Tasbeeh counter. There is an integrated battery with a thumb driven battery charger which can be used later to charge mobile phones while digital counter can be used by pilgrims to remember/count religious verses which is an essential part of pilgrimage.

Category: Renewable Energy Team name: Global Intellects Team #: 1524 City: Lahore, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Making Solar Affordable!!! Smart deployment of Solar Energy System backed by financing mechanism to ensure a widespread diffusion


Category: Renewable Energy Team name: Highbrows Engineering and Technologies Team #: 1525 City: Rawalpindi, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Research and development / industrial automation firm We have created Piezoelectric materials that can be installed to generate electricity from the weight of passing cars on roads hence using the traffic to generate eletricity via a renewable, non depleting secondary power source.

Category: Renewable Energy Team name: ignition Team #: 1526 City: Karachi, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: solar based cooling We have designed absorbtion refrigerator.Our idea is to use heat energy from solar energy to produce cooling effect and apply this on solar thermal absorbtion refrigerator.


Category: Renewable Energy Team name: Innovators Team #: 1527 City: Lahore, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Electricity for All A solar based micro grid to provide electricity to the areas those are not yet connected to the national grid

Category: Renewable Energy Team name: ISEZA Team #: 1528 City: Islamabad, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: conserve to preserve Smart & self-sustainable roadside lights: Our aim is to redesign roadside lights so that every light will be self-sustainable by generating its own electricity using very small wind mills located on road curbs 10-20 inches from the ground. Windmills will charge small batteries by harvesting the wind generated by motion of vehicles. Our design is safer and cost efficient because we are not using large metal poles to hang lights as a single pole can cost around 15,000 rupees and they also claim thousands of lives every year due to accidents. We are conserving energy by using sensors to detect the flow of traffic and send traffic updates to general public to avoid traffic jams resulting in thousands of cars being stuck with their engines running. Most of the lights will automatically be turned off to save electricity if there is no traffic or pedestrians on the road.


Category: Renewable Energy Team name: Ocean Keepers Team #: 1529 City: Karachi, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Blue is the new green. We have managed to convert energy of ocean waves into electrical energy using our prototype as the power plant of the future, as oceans cover 71% of the planet and. This sustainable, renewable and costeffective form of electricity production will save the humanity its lands, its cultivable soils, its environment and will help utilize the largest reservoir of energy on the planet. This is one of the first steps towards BLUE ENERGIES after the Green Energies and boasts a brand new solution from a brand new concept to a centuries old problem - harnessing oceans.

Category: Renewable Energy Team name: Onvento Team #: 1530 City: Karachi, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Energizing cleaner fuels for life. Our idea is to produce Bio-Diesel from Algae which is abundant in Canals of Pakistan and a clean and renewable fuel.


Category: Renewable Energy Team name: Photons Team #: 1531 City: Lahore, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Plug into the Sun We have developed an innovative idea of hybrid Solar-Electric Chargers. These charges will be charged mainly using solar energy and will charge mobiles and laptops. These would be portable charges so they will be user friendly moreover they will save us a lot of electricity. Their market is very strong because of millions of mobile and laptop users. We have developed techniques of minimizing the cost and maximizing the efficiency. Keeping in view the needs of user, we have developed an effiecient way to save electricity.

Category: Renewable Energy Team name: Triple Stars Team #: 1532 City: Islamabad, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Grid-Tied Solar Technology Our innovation enables the users to utilize solar energy to the maximum. Also, it will contribute towards solving the load shedding problem that is prevalent in our country by enabling us to supply the surplus amount of energy back to the national grid.


Category: Renewable Energy Team name: Ozone Team #: 1533 City: Karachi, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: say no to bacteria Ozonation in water treatment using Renewable energy (solar energy)Water quality in pakistan has deteriorated dangerously over the past decade so keeping this condition in mind we have designed an ozonation system.In this system ozone has a greater disinfection effectiveness against bacteria and viruses compared to chlorination. In addition, the oxidizing properties can also reduce the concentration of iron, manganese, sulfur and reduce or eliminate taste and odor problems. Ozone oxides the iron, manganese, and sulfur in the water to form insoluble metal oxides or elemental sulfur. These insoluble particles are then removed by post-filtration.Ozone is produced by solar energy(panels) which is the main source to operate corona tube. As solar energy in Pakistan is readily available but not in use so in order to utilize solar energy which is almost free so we have decided to treat water by using it.


Category: Waste to Energy Team name: Ace Team #: 1534 City: Rawalpindi, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Water Preservation Technology We have developed a system techinques which will safe water form our daily useage. It consists of a water level detector which detects water in over head tanks. A piping sytem which takes water from floor cleaning , washing machines and put it into the flushes of the washrooms, a system of hygrometers controlled by a microcontroller which saves water from gardens and lawns


Category: Waste to Energy Team name: Asian Engineers Team #: 1535 City: Islamabad, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Impossible is nothing, think for better future. We are going to solve the energy crisis by minimizing the loss of energy through energy theft. We have an idea and design about how to implement the project to detect where energy is going to theft on run time. It’s completely wireless communication through GSM and GPRS. Also by implementing our idea human power is also reduced to maximum extent which is used in calculating power units consumed and calculating bills. By implementation of our project whole WAPDA system became an online system. The metering system also changed smart energy meters for which users have to buy cards or to pay bills through any easiest way they want to pay. Our project is energy efficient, cost effective and bring a lot of financial benefits and economically best. From this project we reduce about 33 percent of energy consumption in wastage. This is large enough to meet the current energy requirements.

Category: Waste to Energy Team name: Biofuels Musketeers Team #: 1536 City: Islamabad, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Biodiesel from waste lipids We have developed an indiginous lab scale model which can covert waste lipids, obtained from any source, into biodiesel in economical and efficient way.


Category: Waste to Energy Team name: CEES Pioneers Team #: 1537 City: Lahore, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Sustainability-Conserve Every Bits and Pieces of Resource We have developed a SOLAR BIOREACTOR that converts unprocessed lignocellulosic wastes, generated at household and community level, into biogas and compost at rapid rate; diverting >50 % MSW from landfill; saving transportation and remote processing costs. We create opportunity of incentive-based Municipal Solid Waste Mangment for communities.

Category: Waste to Energy Team name: Clean Bio gas Pakistan Team #: 1538 City: Peshawar, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: We provide purification technology for bio gas at domestic and national level. we have made a device which has zero emission and is economical as well that is bio gas scrubber and whose sole is to purify the biogas


Category: Waste to Energy Team name: CO2 Arrester Team #: 1539 City: Islamabad, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: CO2 Sequestration To filter CO2 from Car's Exhaust using a cost-efficient scrubber.

Category: Waste to Energy Team name: EnvAlley Team #: 1540 City: Islamabad, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Environment Alley: We are mere students and are here to save the world. Biodiesel and Bioethanol Production from waste by employing nanotechnology.We have produced our product at 300 C, milestone achieved.


Category: Waste to Energy Team name: Green Fuel Team #: 1541 City: Sialkot, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Go Green and Clean We developed a new technique in which we convert microalgae into clean, Butanol chemical fuels. Alcohol like Butanol is considered as high quality fuels, because of its potential to be manufactured from renewable sources and because of its valuable properties for spark-ignition engines. This process which we have selected for the conversion of algae into butanol in this project is basically the combination (hybrid) of two processing steps. These steps are: >Gasification of algae to syngas >Fermentation of syngas into butanol

Category: Waste to Energy Team name: Gulraiz Aftab Team #: 1542 City: Islamabad, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Company will plan to introduce improved equipment/ systems in market We will make polyethylene sheets & bags Biodegradable by mixing a Biodegradable additive in the polyethlene resin before manufacturing. Which will make these bags Bio-degradeable.


Category: Energy Efficiency Team name: Mobilytics Team #: 1543 City: Karachi, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Preserving automobile fuel We have been working over one of the products that allows automobile drivers in avoiding traffic jams using real time traffic analytics. A large amount of fuel can be preserved by avoiding these traffic jams. Our innovative solution will provide simple and accurate information about the traffic over major roads of cities.

Category: Waste to Energy Team name: OD energies Team #: 1544 City: Karachi, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Eco-friendly systems Our idea is to grow low cost, high lipid yield algae, in open water canals of Pakistan; which will be exported to biodiesel producing countries at a low cost and will help industrialize biodiesel production.


Category: Waste to Energy Team name: SAENPAK Team #: 1545 City: Lahore, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Turning trash into cash We have introduced "Vermicomposting-Turing Trash into cash". By which we can manage solid waste and produce compost (Natural Fertilizer) to sell in market. This is energy from waste and an efficient and clean energy technique which have dual advantages.

Category: Waste to Energy Team name: Saima Mirza Team #: 1546 City: Lahore, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Cougs Corporation Private Limited We have developed an innovative technique which can provide indomitable solution to conquer current critical country’s energy situation on one hand and environmental deterioration problem on the other. In this offered algae based biodiesel production strategy developed PBR+MFS system will provide efficient harvesting of algae biomass with additional incentive of atmospheric carbon dioxide mitigation and organic pollutant removal. Briefly in comparison with other available techniques if 68% lipid in a system that produces 1 kg/d of DW, then it produce 0.68 kg lipids per day. However offered system will produce instead 10kgDW/day at 20% lipids, resulted in 2 kg lipid per day which will become more optimal. The bio-oil extracted from this alga culture would be used as feedstock for biodiesel production. The produce can replace conventional biodiesel in transportation, industrial and agriculture sector and can also cut energy supply required in different production sectors.


Category: Waste to Energy Team name: Tawanai Team #: 1547 City: Lahore, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Energy Management People To cater for the prevalent energy crisis, we are working on two scalable solutions with virtually zero carbon footprint. The first solution is an agricultural dry bio-waste gasifier that is scalable by adding smaller units or making a large one. The input to the gasifier is palletized dry crop waste that produces syn-gas with high hydrogen component that can be used in rural households for cooking and heating; in agriculture, for running tractors and water pumps; in industry as a fuel in furnaces, boilers and in electricity generators. The second solution is a solar thermal concentrator that can provide heat up to 700C to consumer of different categories.

Category: Waste to Energy Team name: UET Dare's Team #: 1548 City: Lahore, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: We are here to serve nation. We have developed a cell which can be used to treat polluted water be it industrial or domestic water, to reduce the concentration of micro-organisms. These micro-organisms are very much dangerous to living things so elimination of these organisms from water is also very important to avoid diseases from polluted water. Our innovation concept is that to produce electricity from these micro-organisms with the help of electrodes being suspended in the waste water tank. Wrapping the whole description our innovation can treat the waste water and produce electricity simultaneously. (We built up a practical model few months ago)


Category: Water Efficiency Team name: Asif & Co. Team #: 1549 City: Daharki, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Hydro Power We have created a device/system which can save electricity by providing the pre-cool air to the conventional air conditioner (AC), resulting AC will consume less current and more energy efficient. Furthermore, the exhaust air will be able to utilize in effective way to cool the other place. More specifically the device/system will work by placing the inlet unit of AC in a frame, which will be covered by the evaporative pads, wherein the water will flow and the hot air will be pre cooled and this pre-cool air will be supplied to AC. This mechanism of system will allow the AC to achieve the required temperature in a room at less time and reprocess the exhaust air.

Category: Water Efficiency Team name: Bitsym Watersense Team #: 1550 City: Islamabad, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Symphoneering Green Imagination A system for real-time detection and reporting of pollutants.


Category: Water Efficiency Team name: Chitral Engineering Works Team #: 1551 City: Taxila, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Hydro Power, wind power Turbines Manufacturer We have developed a hydro turbine that can genarate electricity from running water which is cost efficient and completely green energy. our this Turbine is 88% efficient, we named it T-34 Cross Pilot Reaction Turbine, our this T-34 turbine is alternate to the Francis Reation Turbine. Our T-34 Cross Pilot Reaction Turbine is easy to manufacture, low running cost, low mannufacturing cost and easy to repair as compared with Francis Reaction Turbine. Our T-34 Cross Pilot Reaction Turbine is also Patented from IPO Pakistan. One Successful unit is working efficienctly at Garam Chashma, Distt Chitral, KPK.

Category: Water Efficiency Team name: CYPHYNETS Team #: 1552 City: Lahore, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Research Lab Inspired by the need to monitor and control the world’s largest irrigation and river networks such as those in the Indus River Basin, we have developed a smart water meter to gauge open channel flows. While developing this design, we have overcome challenges related to power consumption, precision, accuracy, calibration, field conditions, data communication and cost. Large scale deployment of such WSN inspired meters would ensure equity of water distribution and better management opportunities.


Category: Water Efficiency Team name: eForte Team #: 1553 City: Karachi, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Concentrated Solar Power We have built a device which creates water from air at very low power consumption. It has a solar model which can be totally independent of grid power needs for its water generation process.


Category: Water Efficiency Team name: Pak Aquaponics Farms Team #: 1554 City: Islamabad, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: modernize Farming We come up with an idea of utilizing water efficiently in farming (agriculture and fishing), which shrinks the gap of demand – supply of food. The technology combines the two well-established practices of aquaculture and hydroponics to yield a method of food growing that greatly reduces the use of water resources, demands no soil at all, and produces high yields of fresh, nutritious crops in the form of vegetables, fruits, herbs and fish. Aquaponics on a small scale can serve as a family’s solution to the need for an inexpensive, nutritious and reliable food source that has the capacity to provide a full meal (vegetables and protein) without many inputs

Category: Water Efficiency Team name: ROTEC Team #: 1555 City: Islamabad, Pakistan Email Address/ Website: Clean water for all, water equality through membrane desalination, water reclamation using RO Our cleantech innovation is an energy efficient and advance water treatment system. The technology behind it is Reverse Osmosis (RO) process. The Reverse Osmosis(RO) is a technology that has been around for the past half century. However, its use for brackish water treatment is not widespread in the developing regions of the world including Pakistan. We aim to provide RO treated water wherever there is a demand to treat brackish or saline water. The problems that we aim to address include increased cost of energy usage, RO membranes limitations, appropriate pre-treatment, maintenance costs and lack of experienced RO operators/technicians.

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