Gender Mainstreaming Training Workshop 23 – 24, August 2016 Nathia Gali, Pakistan
UNIDO Team Retreat & Gender Mainstreaming Training 2016
“Educating and investing in women and girls has a multiplier effect on productivity, efficiency and economic growth. But economically strengthening women is not only a means by which to spur and sustain inclusive industrial development. It is also a matter of advancing women's human rights�
UNIDO Director General LI Yong
UNIDO Team Retreat & Gender Mainstreaming Training 2016
Gender Mainstreaming Training Workshop 23-24, August, 2016
UNIDO Team Retreat & Gender Mainstreaming Training 2016
Gender Mainstreaming Training Workshop Day 1
UNIDO Team Retreat & Gender Mainstreaming Training 2016
Gender Mainstreaming Training Workshop Day 2
UNIDO Team Retreat & Gender Mainstreaming Training 2016
Gender Mainstreaming Training Workshop Day 2
UNIDO Team Retreat & Gender Mainstreaming Training 2016
UNIDO Gender Mainstreaming Training Workshop
Nathia Gali – August 23-24, 2016 Contents
1. Agenda: Gender Mainstreaming Training Workshop 2. Backdrop: Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women 3. Focus 4. Objectives 5. Methodology 6. Training Sessions
Session 1: Conceptual Understanding Session 2: Understanding Gender and Energy Nexus Session 3: Preparation of Gender Action Plans
7. Thematic Learning: Gender Mainstreaming in Energy Projects
8. Conclusion and Feedback 9. Gender Exercises
UNIDO Team Retreat & Gender Mainstreaming Training 2016
1. Agenda
Gender Mainstreaming Training objectives:
Enhanced understanding of the concepts of gender, development implications, gender frameworks and gender mainstreaming at organizational and programmatic level 2. Understanding gender and energy nexus 3. Preparation of gender action plans at organizational and programmatic level
Session 1 Objective 1: Enhanced understanding of the concepts of gender, development implications, gender frameworks and gender mainstreaming at organizational and programmatic level 0900 – 0915
Registration and attendance
0915 – 0930
Welcome remarks by the UNIDO Representative
1000 – 1030
Training agenda and expectations The consultant will brief participants about the training agenda and discuss their expectations from the training Dr Shahina Waheed
0930 – 1100
Introduction To UNIDO Policy and Strategy on Gender Equality & Empowerment of Women Group work: Understanding Gender Policy and Strategy Each group to identify and explain one most relevant policy point and two most relevant strategy points for UNIDO Pakistan
Dr Shahina Waheed 1100 – 1130
Coffee /tea break
UNIDO Team Retreat & Gender Mainstreaming Training 2016
10:45 – 11:30
Understanding Gender Activity: Group Activity on Gender Roles, Expectations, Opportunities, Stereotypes, Behaviours
PPT by Facilitators Interactive session on knowledge and understanding of gender mainstreaming
Dr Salman Asif 11:30 – 12:00
Orientation of localizing SDGs in Pakistan, current status and way forward Mr Shakeel Ahmad, ACD, UNDP
1200 – 1300
Gender issues in Pakistan - Dr Salman Asif 1. 2.
a) b) c)
e) f) g)
h) i)
1300 – 1400
PPT by Facilitator Interactive session on gender issues in Pakistan: Contents: Pakistan National Constitution – relevant provisions/entitlements National & International Frameworks Pakistan Global Gender Gap (GGP)/Gender Development Index/Gender Empowerment Measurement/Gender Responsive Legislations/Parallel Legal System Violence Against Women & Girls/GBV Gender, Society & Culture – Harmful Cultural Practices (origins, nexus/linkages/Change/Advocacy/Pakistan Women’s Movement Gender & Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (ICPD) Decision making – political representation/community level representation – voice, visibility and agency Economic Empowerment – Literacy-functional literacy-education/recognition of women’s contributions at all levels/labour force participation/inheritance/gender responsive-enabling work environments/access to and control over resources assets/mobility/ Media/Social Media/Civil Society Any other issues identified by the participants
Lunch break
Session 2 Objective 2: Understanding Gender and Energy Nexus 1400 – 1500 hrs
Essentials of Gender and Energy Nexus Dr Shahina Waheed
UNIDO Team Retreat & Gender Mainstreaming Training 2016
General issues of gender mainstreaming in energy projects Gender and energy related issues in Pakistan Specific questions to be considered for mainstreaming gender for the choice of interventions Energy needs of rural women along with her role in consumption and production of energy Gender mainstreaming in transfer of technologies Gender and energy access Gender and energy efficiency Main gender mainstreaming strategies to be adopted by energy projects in Pakistan Gender mainstreaming in clean technologies Gender mainstreaming in renewable energy (including Biomass) Conscious steps for project managers to mainstream gender in energy projects
1500 – 1600 hrs Tools of Gender Mainstreaming in Energy Projects Dr Salman Asif
Interactive session essentials of gender mainstreaming, key elements of mainstreaming in energy projects PPT by the facilitator Contents: a) Sector Related Gender Analysis b) Results framework with a theory of change c) Multiple track gender mainstreaming at sectoral and local levels d) Monitoring & Evaluation of Gender Mainstreaming e) Integrating human rights and gender equality in evaluation Tools Shared by Facilitator: f) Gender Check lists g) Sex disaggregated data (collation & analysis) h) Gender Specific Indicators i) Gender specific results framework
1600 – 1630
Working Tea & Coffee Break
Analysis and Conclusion of Day 1 UNIDO Representative
UNIDO Team Retreat & Gender Mainstreaming Training 2016
Gender Exercise Gender Specific Behavioural Challenges at Workplace Shahina Waheed, Zikrea Saleah & Seemin Saeed
2000 hrs
Day 2, 24th August 2016
Session 3 Objective 3: Preparation of Gender Action Plans
Understanding concept and tools of Gender Action Plans at programmatic and organizational level Dr Shahina Waheed
0930 – 1130
Group Work: Preparation of Gender Action Plans
A. Gender Mainstreaming in Energy Projects (programmatic level) B. Gender Mainstreaming at Organizational level 1130 – 1230
Groups Presentations & Discussion
Group Representatives 1230-1300
Conclusion and Closing UNIDO Representative
1300 – 1400
1400 hrs
Departure for Islamabad
UNIDO Team Retreat & Gender Mainstreaming Training 2016
Gender Mainstreaming Training Workshop
2. Backdrop: Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women The importance of gender equality and women’s empowerment, particularly women’s economic empowerment, is at the core of UNIDO’s mandate. Enhancing the role of women as drivers of poverty reduction, promoting female investors and entrepreneurs, and recognizing the link between gender equality and safeguarding the environment all promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and directly contribute to SDG 9 on industry, innovation and infrastructure, and to SDG 5 on gender equality. UNIDO continues to invest in its commitment to the global consensus on the need to achieve gender equality and women’s empowerment, particularly since the landmark Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in September 1995, and with the adoption of the new global development agenda beyond 2015, entitled: “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” (A/69/L.85) (2030 Agenda), including a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Targeting gender equality and women’s economic empowerment is not only important from the perspective of realizing women’s rights but is also smart economics. Women are key agents of change and when women and men are equal, economies grow faster; less people remain in poverty, and the overall well-being of people increases. Harnessing women’s potential as economic actors, leaders and consumers results in higher levels of industrialization and more sustained growth rates. Global gross domestic product could increase by more than 25 per cent by 2025 if women played the same role in labour markets as men. UNIDO collaborates with partners across the UN system, the private sector and at the country level to advance gender equality and women’s economic empowerment. Through these partnerships, UNIDO provides technical cooperation activities within its three thematic areas. By encouraging investment in women-owned businesses, strengthening female networks, improving access to markets and providing training, technology and clean energy solutions for inclusive and sustainable industrial development, UNIDO is helping to create a world where women can thrive. As well as empowering women through targeted technical cooperation activities, UNIDO mainstreams gender in all programmes, projects and organizational practices. UNIDO’s Policy on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, issued in 2009 and updated in 2015, sets out the Organization’s gender equality commitments. The Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women Strategy 2016-2019 provides a clear results-oriented framework and plan of action.
While important in their own right, gender equality and women’sempowerment are key to UNIDO’s goal of achieving inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID), as mandated by Member States in the Lima Declaration adopted in December 2013 and highlighted in SDG 9:
UNIDO Team Retreat & Gender Mainstreaming Training 2016
“Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation”. The multiplying effect of industrialization on all other areas of development contributes to the entire 2030 Agenda, and also supports SDG 5: “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls”.
3. Focus The Gender Mainstreaming Training aimed to provide the participants with competences to:
Facilitate learning of key concepts and approaches to gender equality, women’s empowerment and gender mainstreaming; Recognize gender concerns and identify the importance of gender analysis in industrial and economic development, energy and development nexus and Development programmes; Ways of mainstreaming gender both at organizational and programmatic levels; Apply the knowledge (attitudes, and skills) developed to on-going undertakings.
4. Objectives
Enhanced understanding of the concepts of gender, development implications, gender frameworks and gender mainstreaming at organizational and programmatic level 2. Understanding gender and energy nexus 3. Preparation of gender action plans at organizational and programmatic level
5. Trainers and Methodology The training was conducted by an experienced gender trainer Dr Salman Asif in collaboration with Gender Focal Point of UNIDO Pakistan office Dr Shahina Waheed. Dr Asif has been working with UN Women and UN RC office as Gender Advisor, for a long time, and is therefore, well versed with the requirements of UN system on gender mainstreaming. First day was facilitated by him together with the Gender Focal Point and second day only by Dr Shahina Waheed. The training workshop was participatory with hands on experience. The methodology used by the facilitators enabled a friendly environment and opportunities for exchange of experience. The sessions included four presentations followed by activities, group discussions and question and answers sessions.
UNIDO Team Retreat & Gender Mainstreaming Training 2016
All sessions were interactive with study cases and exercises that linked the practical and professional experience of the participants with the knowledge and information provided. Additionally experiences of staff with living examples of gender mainstreaming, from other institutions and countries – shared during sessions - were crucial in exposing the participants to different experiences.
Overall, the respective activities aimed at engaging the participants in developing their competency in:
Understanding of and clarity in gender concepts; Gender-mainstreaming within the organisation through United Nations Systemwide Action Plan (UNSWAP)on Gender Equality & Empowerment of Women; Working with examples and case study materials to analyse gender relations in a development context and analyse how they affect project implementation and organizational environment; Gender integration in planning, work plans, implementation, monitoring and reporting using the tools mentioned in the “Guide on Mainstreaming Gender in Climate Change and Energy Projects”, prepared by the Energy Branch UNIDO.
6. Training Sessions The training workshop included three sessions spread over two days. The sections were designed in such a way that they were interrelated but independent from each other. The main topics covered in the workshop were as follows (see agenda for details):
Session 1
Building Conceptual Understanding
Social Construction of Gender/Gender Roles/ Sex/Gender/Patriarchy/Gender Equality/Gender Equity/Human Rights Gender Equality issues in Pakistan (Global Gender Gap, Development indexes; Constitutional provisions; implementation gaps; opportunities) Orientation and understanding of UNIDO Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women Policy and Strategy A detailed Power-point Presentation was shared on issues related to Gender Equality in Pakistan, followed by a PPT on UNSWAP and its roll-out with specific reference to the One UN in Pakistan.
UNIDO Team Retreat & Gender Mainstreaming Training 2016
Exercises: Gender specific Role Plays Questions & Answers
Localizing SDGs in Pakistan Assistant Country Director, UNDP – Mr Shakeel Ahmed from UNDP provided the Orientation of localizing SDGs in Pakistan through a comprehensive presentation on current status and the way forward (presentation attached). During Q&A session, Mr Ahmed further explained that, in principle, SDG fund is available for UNDP as well as for other UN agencies. UNDP is in the process of developing the framework for the utilization of the SDG fund. Since the component on innovation in SDG fund is for broader cross cutting areas across all SDGs, UNIDO office should also be able to get funds for the promotion of industrial innovation in Pakistan. In response to another question Mr Ahmed informed that there is a scope to align and customize the indicators for SDGs and UNDP is already analyzing the indicators of SDG 16. He proposed that UNIDO and UNDP may work together to jointly prepare the proposals for quantifying the indicators for SDG 9 and UNDP may support such initiatives through the SDG fund. In this connection, UNDP has already signed a MoU with UNICEF for some initiatives to be supported through the SDG fund.
Follow-up actions:
Organize meeting with UNDP to discuss the options for the collaboration on Industrial Innovation in Pakistan Hold consultations with Ministry of Industries and Planning Commission of Pakistan to sensitize them on the preparation of proposals to align and re-define the indicators for SDG 9 together with UNDP and UNIDO
Sessions 2
UNIDO Team Retreat & Gender Mainstreaming Training 2016
Understanding Energy and Gender Nexus - From Theory to Practice
Developing strategies to mainstream Gender both at organizational and Programmatic levels Session on System-wide Action Plan on Gender Equality & Empowerment of Women Practical Gender Needs (PGN) & Strategic Gender Needs (SGN) in relation to energy sector Development and Human Rights: Why Gender Matters in Development, with specific emphasis on Industrial & Economic Development and its nexus with Energy Gender Mainstreaming concepts & Processes both at organizational and programmatic levels Gender, Socialization and energy sector Significance of Sex Disaggregated Data for energy projects Linking Sex Disaggregated Data (evidence) to developing programmes in energy sector Gender Budgeting Gender at Organizational level A one hour technical presentation on gender integration, “Integrating Gender: What, Why, How Who” was developed as part of this session. The gender presentation included gender-mainstreaming Checklists, case studies and section on developing a gender informed, sensitive and responsive theory of change. The goal of the session was to cover key definitions on sex and gender, to provide an understanding of the argument in favour of gender integration from both a legal and development perspective outline the process by which UNIDO staff can integrate gender considerations throughout the activity cycle, from design to implementation and through evaluation. In addition, the session raised several questions relating the central issues of gender integration to the development frameworks such as the SDGs, UDHR, and the (One UN’s) One Programme
Session 3
Preparation of Gender Action Plans at organizational level and for Energy Projects
UNIDO Team Retreat & Gender Mainstreaming Training 2016
Based on the above mentioned learning of gender concepts and mainstreaming tools, staff prepared a draft version of Gender Action Plans for all energy projects at programmatic level and for operations at organizational level. For this exercise, all participants were divided into three main groups, two for energy projects and one for office environment (operations). Groups came up with concrete strategies, outputs and activities along with challenges. The Group work was undertaken with the help of gender mainstreaming tools mentioned in the “Guide on Gender Mainstreaming in Climate Change and Energy Projects” (attached) for planning, implementation, indicators, monitoring and reporting etc. Keeping importance of these action plans in view, groups were asked to complete the plans with gender indicators within two weeks’ time after the completion of gender training workshop. The plans are under preparation at the moment and will be shared with Project Manager next week as a concrete outcome of the workshop.
7. Thematic Learning – Gender Mainstreaming Training Workshop 7.1.
Gender & Energy Nexus in Pakistan
Some very important sessions focused on 'Gender & Energy' nexus relevant to Pakistan. It was learned that it is easy to dismiss energy as a 'gender neutral' entity, however, the provision, use and access to energy has different requirements, opportunities and benefits for women and men. Therefore mainstreaming gender in energy and climate change projects is of significant importance to the three energy projects currently being implemented by UNIDO in Pakistan. This concept was elaborated during the gender training workshop so that the UNIDO Pakistan staff become cognizant of this and use the learning to better integrate gender in the existing and future projects in Pakistan. For this purpose the training included a session dedicated to this concept on Day 1 that included discussions on the importance of sex-disaggregated data collection and taking care of how extra efforts could be made to ensure that women are included as equal right-holders to men when it comes to the opportunities and benefits from UNIDO projects. For example, if electricity is being provided to an off-grid community, the men of the community may say that we only need household level electricity for lighting in evenings whereas the women may also demand electricity to allow them the opportunity to use electricity in streets and in their homes for other activities such as sewing, washing etc., which have the potential to reduce their household work and also allow them new avenues for productive use and economic contribution. It was highlighted that the gender and energy concept was central to the group training exercise held on Day 2 where two of the working groups of the training participants looked at specific gender related issues within the Clean Technology, Biomass and Renewable Energy projects respectively. The analytical exercise included the identification of the issue/problem, the specific target group needs, the desired results, influencing factors to be considered, the strategy for addressing the issue and finally the assumptions and risks. The exercise was followed by presentations from working
UNIDO Team Retreat & Gender Mainstreaming Training 2016
groups and a questions and answers session to ensure better learning of the gender & energy nexus and how to integrate it within the existing projects and development of subsequent project specific gender action plans. It was concluded that energy is crucial to achieving the economic, social and environmental aims of sustainable development, and that Patterns of energy generation, distribution and utilization directly affect opportunities for income generation, environmental protection and national development. It became absolutely clear that Energy services are an essential engine for growth to enable developing countries to overcome poverty. However, this engine of development needs to bring prosperity to both men and women on equitable terms.
Gender Mainstreaming in Energy Projects
The conceptual understanding of gender mainstreaming has clarified the task of preparing Gender Action Plan of each project. The equity and equality concepts have clearly defined the way existing stereotypical thinking and gender biases are applied by the patriarchal based societies in Pakistan, and how these can be redressed. In this perspective, the team has been able to perceive and understand that energy has an equity dimension as well. Such as, unavailability of fuel impacts more on women and girls as they have to spend most of their time in carrying fuelwood, dung and other traditional bio-fuels each day. Women’s access to decision-making within the household and community is also restricted, which limits their ability to influence processes and resource allocation on many issues including energy. In urban settings, industrialization has brought uneven development growth, without considering the gender based discrimination arising from the newer developments. We observe that the sprawling industrialization has brought new gender based crisis situations in many societies, weakening social orders and creating new problems. For instance, in many cases, women have been subjected to increase the work burden without compensating on equal terms. UN has updated its policy on Gender equality and Empowerment of Women in 2015, in line with its System Wide Action Plan, which consist of 6 broad and functional areas and 16 related performance indicators. The UN is to meet all these requirements by 2017 and UNIDO has established a road map to indicate how the organization will achieve these goals. Among these 6 functional areas, two most important areas are (1) Capacity (2) Coherent, knowledge and information management, are most relevant to be applied immediately, in local context. To further elaborate this concept, at the end, the UNIDO team shared examples of how the different projects are ensuring that women's role as right-holders , for example, Cleantech project ensured the participation of the winner of the 'Best Woman Led Team' in the global Cleantech Forum at Silicon Valley USA. The winner’s family had serious reservations on her visit to Silicon Valley USA and how it was made possible after significant facilitation of the Cleantech Pakistan project team.
UNIDO Team Retreat & Gender Mainstreaming Training 2016
This highlights that project managers need to think “out of box” to break barriers and come up with innovative strategies to involve women in project interventions.
8. Conclusion & Feedback The overall response to the trainings, as given during the feed-back session, was very positive. Participants agreed and pointed out during the feedback session that the topic was extremely important and the content useful. In each case, there was consensus about the exercises and the case studies. Role-play, exercises were avidly contributed to when used to get the group discussion started. Small group work on gender mainstreaming was keenly participated in as well, since this offered opportunities for people to give inputs at technical level towards more focused outputs. Preparation of Gender Action Plans for all energy projects along with the staff working in operations, was the most productive outcome of the workshop, which will be completed in two weeks and act as a guideline for all staff to mainstream gender in their respective areas of work.
9. Exercises – Gender Mainstreaming Exercise 1 Gender stereotypes – Role reversal Description: The men were asked to play the character of women and vice versa to feel like other gender under different settings Learning: staff understood the stereotypical expectations of society from other gender
Exercise 2 Gender specific behavioral challenges at workplace Description: This exercise was specifically about Gender behavioral challenges at workplace, Where 4 male and 4 female characters were played Learning: staff expressed their everyday challenges faced when working and interacting with each other specifically because of their gender, and how it effects on their efficiency and potential.
UNIDO Team Retreat & Gender Mainstreaming Training 2016