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Drinking water, despite being a fundamental and vital right for the human being, is a service to which not all Colombians have access, this is noticeable in territories such as La Guajira. Due to this, the present project focuses on providing a solution to mitigate this problem, designing a seawater desalination plant to supply this need in the urban area of the municipality of Dibulla, which according to DANE corresponds to 14% of the total population of this territory, being approximately 6000 inhabitants that would be supplied with this service. According to the United Nations, 100 L/day per person is required, so a flow of 776 m³/day of drinking water was established. For the design, four alternatives were considered, of which, through an AHP matrix, desalination by reverse osmosis was selected because it has a greater recovery of drinking water at a lower cost and energy requirement. It was also taken into account that the necessary electrical energy will be supplied with photovoltaic solar energy and that the brine should not be returned to the sea, for which reason a system is mentioned to make use of it, which consists of using the biomass present in La Guajira. Finally, simulations were carried out to confirm that the calculations were correct, the possible risks that may be present in doing the project were analyzed, and a budget was established.
Cueto Altahona, Marcela María
Hoz Arévalo, Dayana Karina de la Molina Moré, Gisel Viviana Prada Olarte, Edgar Santiago
Maury, Heriberto
Ingenier A Mec Nica

El gasto mundial total en construcción e infraestructura ha sido de 11,4 billones de dólares en 2018 y se espera que incremente a 14 billones de dólares en 2025. A cierre del año pasado, el aumento general en los materiales ha sido del 7,53%, en especial por el costo del acero que se aumentó un 33,47%. Se espera para 2021 un total de ventas proyectadas en 195.545 correspondientes a 34.8 billones de pesos. En materia ambiental, teniendo en cuenta que el cemento genera 2.2 billones de toneladas de CO₂ al año, lo que equivalen a 8% de la producción global [1], es importante pensar en maneras ecosostenibles de construcción, que puedan reducir significativamente las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, sin deteriorar el sector industrial de construcción de viviendas. La impresión 3D es un proceso por medio del cual los objetos físicos se generan depositando materiales en capas fundamentadas en un modelo digital. Esta alternativa tiene el potencial de mitigar la huella de carbono y al alza de costos de materiales de construcción. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de un mecanismo/sistema CNC de manufactura aditiva que pueda construir edificaciones robustas, económicas y sostenibles rápidamente, y desplegarse en el lugar de construcción para cubrir la demanda de una amplia gama de construcción horizontal, residencial o comercial, y auxiliar. (Condominios, oficinas, mobiliario, cabañas o estructuras de diseño). Con esto en mente, se realizó el proceso de diseño, desde especificaciones hasta en parte diseño detallado, de una impresora 3D de plataforma tipo “gantry” y extrusora de tornillo.

The global cost of construction and infrastructure has been 11.4 billion dollars in 2018 and is expected to rise to 14 billion in 2025. As of last year, the general price in material cost has been of 7.53%, especially due to the cost of steel which increased in 33.47%. For 2021, there is a total of 195545 projected sales, corresponding to 34.8 billion COP. Regarding the environment, considering that cement production generates 2.2 billion tons of CO2 emissions yearly, which equals to 8% of the global production, it’s important to think in sustainable ways to continue construction that can significantly reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses (GHG), without impacting the industrial household construction sector. 3D printing is a process in which physical objects are generated through the deposit of a material in fine layers from a digital model. This alternative has the potential to mitigate the carbon footprint and price rises of the traditional construction materials. This project has as objective to develop an additive manufacturing CNC mechanism/system that can construct robust, economic, sustainable, and fast buildings and able to be deployed in-site to cover the demand of a wide spectrum of horizontal, residential, commercial and auxiliar construction (Condominiums, offices, furniture, cabins, or design structures). Having this in mind, a design process; from specifications to part of detailed design, for a gantry platform and screw-extruder 3D printer was conducted.
Ferreira, Jose
Romero, Anderson
Villarreal, Juan
Maury, Heriberto