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The Suffolk Executive MBA (SEMBA) offers business knowledge at a senior level of management and advances leadership skills. Undertaking this qualification will bolster your confidence and demonstrate determination to succeed in your chosen career as you develop analytical and strategic management skills using concepts derived from a wide range of academic disciplines. With its flexible and practical nature, the SEMBA is designed to fit in with existing career commitments, supporting managers across several different industries and sectors who want to boost their career prospects.


Our students get involved in live management issues through various projects and assessments, developing leadership and management skills, undertaking both group and individual work. This blended approach combines a variety of traditional classroom learning supported by additional forms of online study and the Postgraduate Workshop Series. The Postgraduate Workshop Series aims to address a wide range of current management issues and offers an opportunity to discuss these themes with academics and practitioners.

We actively encourage our students to fundamentally question generally accepted management and leadership understanding by drawing upon the full range of social scientific knowledge. This develops an enhanced awareness of the complex nature of organisations and their functioning, alongside the transferable skills of evaluation and analysis required of senior management. This enables our students to respond creatively and effectively to the challenges presented by a global business environment, and broadens the range of management responsibilities they confidently undertake.

The SEMBA offers three possible specialisms: Integrated Care, Leadership or Marketing. In order to gain the specialism element, you should take the relevant optional module and complete a management project within that discipline.

There are two options to study a Certificate or Diploma within the SEMBA programme and these options allow students/organisations an opportunity to explore certain specific disciplines: PgC Business Administration (60 credits) or PgD Business Administration (120 credits).

PgC Business Administration (Integrated Care) is also an enrollable award as well as exit awards of SEMBA.

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