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We welcome applications from all prospective students who demonstrate they have the academic skills or experience to successfully complete their chosen course.
Most postgraduate degrees are available on both a full-time and part-time basis with students able to choose the best method of study for them. Individuals wishing to study full-time or part-time postgraduate, professional or CPD courses starting in September or February should apply directly via the online application form on our website. Visit uos.ac.uk/apply
If you are considering applying for postgraduate study, we would encourage you to visit the University at one of our Postgraduate Open Events or contact the Course Leader to find out more about the course. Contact details for Course Leaders are available on individual course pages, and find out more about our Open Events on page 106 or at uos.ac.uk/openevents
If you have any questions about entry requirements, or whether your qualifications are sufficient please contact Admissions on 01473 338348