Alive in Christ Spurgeon Michael Reeves, Union
Church Planting, Greg Wilson, Acts29
The Christian Life and Calm Dane Ortlund, Crossway
From Our Hearts to The World Justin Schell, Lausanne
4D Ministry Jonathan Thomas, UST
Issue 03
OCTOBER 5–6, 2018 | PRICE: $49 / £37
Contents 06
Editorial Michael Reeves, President of Union
4D Ministry Jonathan Thomas, Pastoral Dean of Union
Union is all about mission. We enable healthy church growth - by investing in leaders - so that churches can flourish in the gospel, and
Jonathan Edwards, the Christian life, and Calm Dane Ortlund, Executive Vice President of Bible Publishing at Crossway.
press forward in mission.
President of the Union Foundation US. Editorial Board Michael Reeves (Editor)
Daniel Hames (Associate Editor) Joel Morris Design
Michael Reeves, President of Union
There is Something More ÂŽ
Communications Officer
From our hearts to the world Justin Schell, Director of Executive Projects for the Lausanne Movement,
Twitter: @UnionTheology Union Publishing Oxford
Generosity & the heart of God Sarah Bennington, Development and Find out more Freephone: 0330 123 4446
Spurgeon: A man full of life
and Vice-President of the Union Foundation US
Student interview
Union Campus Bridgend
Matt Faux is a second year
Wales CF31 4DX
Student President
Union is a registered UK charity #517324
BA students at UST, and our
Union Foundation US is 501(c)(3) not-forprofit
Aims for students of the Old Testament Steffen Jenkins, Lecturer in Greek and Biblical Studies at UST
Serving the gospel in Oldham Stephen Kneale, Lead Mentor, Union Learning Community, Greater Manchester
Church Planting Greg Willson, Acts 29 Church Planter in Chorlton, UK
From our President ‘Labour to be alive in all your duties... Brethren, we must have life more abundantly, each one of us, and it must flow out into all the duties of our office… Be full of life at all times, and let that life be seen in your ordinary conversation.’1 So said Charles Spurgeon to
more confident that “the joy
roles in Union’s ministry in the
the theological students and
of the Lord is and must be our
years to come.
ministers of his day, more than
strength, and that discontent
a hundred years ago. As we
and moroseness are fatal to
Jonathan Thomas is Union
will see later in this magazine,
usefulness.”3 This joy is, in fact,
School of Theology’s new
he was a man full of life – a
“the sign and symbol of strong
Pastoral Dean. From September
liveliness and sparkle that came
spiritual life. Holy vivacity
2018, Jonathan will be directing
from his spiritual life in Christ.
betokens spiritual vigour.”4 And
the spiritual and pastoral
that, quite simply, is because
formation of our students – both
Reading Spurgeon’s sermons
it is impossible to enjoy close
on campus and in Learning
and lectures, it’s clear that his
communion with the happy
Communities. He brings a
liveliness was not something
God without being affected.
wealth of pastoral experience
surface-level or purely individual
God’s presence is gloriously
as well as theological wisdom
to him. He believed that when a
transformative: his presence
to this important role and
person is born again they come
must strengthen the weak,
will continue as Pastor of
to be full of life: the Spirit of life
purify the corrupt, and cheer the
Cornerstone Evangelical Church
makes lively people. As the Son
gloomy so that they become like
in Abergavenny. On p.8-9, he
of God is dynamically and fully
him. “A man who walks in the
shares something of his heart for
alive in the Spirit, so he makes
sunlight of God’s countenance,
this ministry.
the children of God spiritually
for that very reason is warm
active and energetic. This is
and strong. The sunlight of joy
Dane Ortlund is Executive Vice
what life means. The idea of a
usually goes with the warmth of
President of Bible Publishing at
passive Christian, content in sin,
spiritual life.”5
Crossway. He has been a dear
content not to know God better, was simply anathema to his
Life and light
understanding of the Spirit. No,
friend of Union for some years, and serves as President of the Union Foundation US, our non-
“wherever the grace of God is, it
I am encouraged as I read
profit body in the USA. Dane is
makes a difference. A graceless
through the contents of this
an expert on Jonathan Edwards,
man is not like a gracious man;
issue of the Union Magazine to
and shares with us on p.12-15
and a gracious man is not like a
see such bursting, bubbling life in
an insight of Edwards’ about
graceless one.”2
brothers and sisters from all over
what life in Christ is like.
the world. I’m especially thrilled Spurgeon wrote that with
to introduce three contributors
every year in ministry he grew
who will play hugely significant
Justin Schell is Vice-President
to see our students delighting
of the Union Foundation US
in God and captured by the
alongside Dane. He is also the
glory of Christ. For, gazing on
Lead Mentor of our Tulsa, OK
him, we are ‘transformed into
Learning Community, pioneering
his image with ever-increasing
Union’s ministry in the USA. He
glory’ (2 Corinthians 3:18), and
works as Director of Executive
it is his glory that shines brightly
Projects with the Lausanne
into darkness, and into the
Movement, with a strategic eye
hearts of lost men and women
on evangelicalism around the
(1 Corinthians 4:6). Enjoying the
world. Justin writes about his
God of glory in the face of his
work on p.30-33.
Son, we begin to shine with his brightness and go out with his
It is a great pleasure to share
these contributions and many others with you. Everything we
Thank you for standing with
do at Union—not only our School
us. May the Lord bless you and
of Theology—is dedicated to
encourage you as you read this
raising up leaders who are ready
and as we serve you in this
to dedicate their lives to serve
the church of Christ. Our vision is to see a growing and healthy
Michael Reeves is President of
church that can overflow in love
Union Theology
and life with the gospel, for the blessing of the world. In all our academic programmes, our formation of leaders, and our training of preachers, we want
Endnotes [1] An All-Round Ministry: Addresses to Ministers and Students (London: Passmore & Alabaster, 1900), 188–91. [2] Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, 58:589. [3] Sword & Trowel: 1866, 34. [4] The Joy of the Lord, the Strength of His People, in MTP, 17:715. [5] The Joy of the Lord, the Strength of His People,in MTP, 17:715.
4D Ministry Jonathan Thomas I can still remember going to see
3D approach to ministry wasn’t
But we need to be aware of
my first 3D film in an Imax theatre
going to sustain me for the long haul.
encouraging a fourth dimension that
in Seattle. It was a U2 concert and I
Sure, it would make me orthodox, but
is like the 4D cinema – illusion. A film
thought I could reach out and touch
it was limited. The more I read, the
entertains and produces all kinds of
Bono. It was simply amazing.
more I realised I was missing the key
emotion, but it doesn’t change your
‘D’ in gospel ministry. And it is the
life. Only a true delight in the true
As a young leader I was encouraged
foundation, fuel, and fruit of the other
God, through his wonderful gospel,
and challenged by the 3D call to
three. What is it? Delight. We must
has the power not only to sustain us
‘declare, define and defend’ the
(and may!) delight in God himself.
in mission and ministry, but help us
gospel. To me, this seemed like the
say: ‘Whatever my lot, it is well, it is
clarion call my generation needed.
Just like 4D cinema introduces the
well with my soul.’ This is the reality
If I were to be both trained and
felt presence of a film, so delighting
that we need to encourage ministers
sustained for real, fruitful, life-long
in God and his gospel introduces
of the gospel to pursue.
ministry, I needed to be able to
the Scriptural offer of drawing near:
do these 3 ‘D’s. In many senses,
approaching the throne of grace
That is why I have been so grateful
Union’s Learning Communities are
in our times of need and knowing
for the ministry of Union over the
perfectly placed to help people
the love of God that is poured out
years, and am committed to serve
learn how to define, declare, and
into our hearts. This cherishing
here for the future. Here we have
defend the gospel. Through a mix of
and clinging to Christ is the fourth
a faculty that can teach us how to
biblical studies, church history and
dimension of Christian ministry that
define, declare, defend, and delight
systematics, you can grow in your
will make sure men are trained and
in God. At the end of a week of
grasp of the gospel and then be able
sustained, making them able to finish
lectures I was attending earlier this
to feed the sheep, share the gospel,
the race.
year, as the lecturer closed in prayer,
and shoot the wolves.
a student exclaimed: ‘I just want to In a letter to a young minster, John
praise God now!’. That is 4D ministry.
The entertainment industry has
Newton warns:
moved on from 3D cinema and
‘The ministry of the gospel, like the
Jonathan Thomas is UST’s
introduced 4D. This is where they
book which the Apostle John ate, is
Pastoral Dean
work on your touch senses, and
a bitter sweet; but the sweetness is
produce physical effects like wind
tasted first, the bitterness is usually
and rain. I’ll be honest: I won’t be
known afterwards, when we are so
going to see Titanic in a 4D cinema!
far engaged that there is no going
However, I love the idea of being
immersed in a film and feeling the environment.
Getting through those seasons of trial is vital for both the servant of
As I got to the end of my first decade
Christ and the Church. We need to
in ministry and started to spend
produce students who can serve
more and more time with old friends
for decades, and it is the ability, by
like Sibbes, Charles, Edwards and
God’s grace, to minister in 4D that is
Newton, I began to realise that my
In a letter to a young minster, John Newton warns: ‘The ministry of the gospel, like the book which the Apostle John ate, is a bitter sweet; but the sweetness is tasted first, the bitterness is usually known afterwards, when we are so far engaged that there is no going back.’
Resourcing the church and blessing the world with the knowledge of God. Our campus and our regional Learning Communities together deliver a widely respected theological education - from BA to PhD - that is both geographically and financially accessible.
School of Theology
Jonathan Edwards, the Christian life, and calm Dane Ortlund What a deep breath does for your
How do you slow down the inner
Edwards liberally used two other
RPMs? How do you move through
synonyms when talking about calm:
life without feeling on the inside like
‘tranquil’ and ‘serene’.
your soul. A sinner being given
the wheel? How do you get your
But he especially loved the word
child being given an inhaler.
frantic heart (not just lungs) to take
‘calm,’ as evidenced by the fact
a deep breath? Haven’t you been
that it crops up 442 times in the
around someone, and find your heart
online Works of Edwards that Yale
slowing down? Have you ever been
University hosts.
But all the world’s strategies are
radiated outward and caused you to
Jonathan Edwards shows us that
tells us to go in. Edwards tells us to
breathe more easily just by being in
the Christian life is not only a matter
their presence?
of being justified and adopted and
a hamster running frenetically on
around someone whose inner calm
reconciled and purchased and
lungs, Jonathan Edwards does for Jonathan Edwards is like an asthmatic
The world has strategies for controlling our inner scurrying about. limited to self-resourcing. The world go out. Jonathan Edwards shows us how to walk into true calm, by being drawn out of yourself, and stepping out of your unsustainably fast-paced
Jonathan Edwards takes us into such
liberated and cleansed. It is also a
calm. Let me be clear that by ‘calm’ I
matter of being calmed.
mental universe.
Have you tasted this?
What is ‘Calm’?
How does Edwards help calm us
Internally, we move from frantic
By ‘calm’ we’re not talking about
clear is that this blanketing soul-calm
hastiness to calm.
yawning indifference or stoicism or
do not mean working any less hard. Life in Christ energizes us in one way, and calms us in another. Externally, we finally get traction with being truly productive, fruitful, and active.
apathy or lethargy. Edwards wrote
down, then? The first thing to get is definitive of the Christian life. It is not peripheral. It is not optional. In Religious Affections he wrote:
Isaiah 28:16 says, ‘Whoever believes
that ‘lukewarmness in religion is
will not be in haste.’ Our evangelical
abominable.’ By calm Edwards had
and reformed instincts might cause
in mind a settled, inner, unflappable
us to expect that sentence to
repose of soul, beyond the reach of
conclude ‘condemned’ instead of ‘in
than in steadfastly maintaining a
be condemned.’ But the text takes
Like the eye of a tornado, it is an
benevolence of his mind, amid all the
trust in God in a different direction,
inner quiet when all around is chaos.
identifying a different benefit. And
It is deeper than simply not getting
as I consider all that God gives us
angry. After all, sometimes we should
through Jonathan Edwards, in living
get angry and are wrong not to (cf.
the Christian life, among the most
Eph. 4:26). Edwards has in mind
personally meaningful today—and
something more wonderful, more all-
at the same time most neglected—is
haste’ – ‘Whoever believes will not
captured by the little word ‘calm.’
‘The strength of the good soldier of Jesus Christ appears in nothing more holy calm, meekness, sweetness, and storms, injuries, strange behavior, and surprising acts and events of this evil and unreasonable world.’ Do you think of the Christian soldier’s central battle as ‘maintaining a holy calm’?
Life in Christ energises us in one way, and calms us in another.
Supper he was embroiled in): ‘If
‘Oh, of what a sweet, humble nature
anyone opposes me from the
is holiness! . . . It makes the soul like
And this defining, transcending
press, I desire he would endeavor
a delightful field or garden planted
fairly to take off the force of each
by God, with all manner of pleasant
argument, by answering with calm
flowers growing in the order in which
our words, for example:
and close reasoning—avoiding both
nature has planted them, that is all
dogmatical assertion and passionate
pleasant and delightful, undisturbed,
‘In him who exercises the Christian
free from all the noise of man and
calm breaks out into all the different aspects of living the Christian life. In
spirit as he ought there will be no passionate, rash and hasty expression; there will not be a bitter exasperated countenance, or air of behavior, no violence in talk or carriage, but on the contrary, those words and that behavior which savor
beast, enjoying a sweet calm and Soul-calm is to pervade all of life for
the bright, calm, and gently vivifying
one united to Christ.
beams of the sun forevermore: where
the sun is Jesus Christ; the blessed beams and calm breeze, the Holy Spirit.’ Who is winning people over
Those are some ways calm
to Christian holiness like that today?
of peaceableness and calmness.’
manifests itself in the Christian life.
In our pain:
the manifestation to the inner reality. The word Edwards used more than
How then do you get this holy calm?
‘The Christian temper is to be meek
any other in tunneling in to the heart
The first answer Edwards gives
of the Christian life is holiness. And
is the same answer Jesus gave to
when we go to his descriptions
Nicodemus: ‘You must be born again’
of holiness, we find him using the
(John 3:7). Inner calm is not the result
language of calmness. In 1740 he
of having a certain Myers-Briggs
reflected back on his conversion and
personality profile.
and calm and not easily provoked, to be undisturbed by affronts and injuries. The Christian is above these things; he is out of the reach of them; he does as it were dwell above the clouds, out of the reach of winds and storms, and enjoys a perpetual
But let’s go one step deeper, from
wrote that holiness at that time Before new birth, outside
serenity and tranquility.’
‘appeared to me to be of a sweet,
circumstances necessarily dictate
pleasant, charming, serene, calm
the pace of our heart inside us. After
In our relationships:
nature. It seemed to me, it brought
new birth, we are plugged into God
an inexpressible purity, brightness,
and reordered on inside, and an
‘Love will dispose men to meekness
peacefulness, and ravishment to the
imperviousness to circumstance
soul: and that it made the soul . . .
is now available to us. Edwards
pleasant, delightful, and undisturbed;
and gentleness in their carriage towards their neighbors, and not to treat them with passion or violence, but with moderation and
enjoying a sweet calm.’ ‘Men in their natural state Austerity and holiness are antonyms
[unregenerate] are like winter,
according to Jonathan Edwards.
perpetually disturbed with the
Holiness is not dreary, morose,
storms of lust and vice, and a
and will dispose to peaceableness.’
somber, plodding, shoulder-drooping.
raging conscience; their souls are
It’s bright, pleasant, serene. Calm. He
all beclouded with sin and spiritual
In theological debate (referring
darkness. But when Christ comes
calmness. Love is altogether a sweet disposition and affection of the soul. Love will prevent broils and quarrels,
with his warming influences, things
to a controversy about the Lord’s
are far otherwise: their minds are
The creation of the world seems to
calm and serene.’ New birth is the
have been especially for this end,
fundamental prerequisite to the inner
that the eternal Son of God might
calm every sinner is panting for.
obtain a spouse, toward whom
Drilling Deeper
he might fully exercise the infinite benevolence of his nature, and to whom he might, as it were, open and
But what does regeneration do to
pour forth all that immense fountain
give us this new fundamental calm?
of condescension, love, and grace
New birth makes God real to us.
that was in his heart, and that in this
God himself goes from black-and-
way God might be glorified.
white to full color. From subscribed truth on paper to felt experience.
And if that just seems beyond what
We no longer see God like we see a
our messy little lives can really step
postcard of a Jamaican beach; we
into, Edwards understands. He said:
see God like we see that beach if we’re suddenly transported there,
‘Here some Christians may be ready
blinking, looking around.
to say, ‘How can it be that I may be so bold thus to have communion with
The one verse in the Bible that sums
one who is so great and glorious
up the way you get calm in your life,
when I am so exceeding little and
and the one verse in the Bible that
vile?’ I answer: the grace of God is as
sums up what Jonathan Edwards
great as his majesty. His mercy and
does for us, is Job 42:5: ‘I had heard
condescension are fully equal to the
of you by the hearing of the ear, but
height of his dignity and exaltation.
now my eye sees you.’
You may place yourself in the love of Christ. You may place yourself in his
You don’t get tranquility, calm,
divine embraces.’
peaceableness, by looking for these things in themselves. You get them
It’s not seeing greatness of Christ
by looking at God—when God
that will calm you. It’s seeing that
becomes real to you—and all these
being so great, he loves little you. As
things will be added unto you.
he put it in another sermon,
But what about God becomes real to
‘The love of Christ has a tendency
you? Seeing what? Seeing the glory
to fill the soul with an inexpressible
of God in the Son of God revealing
sweetness. It sweetens every
the love of God. If we ask how calm
thought and makes every meditation
sweeps over your heart, the answer
pleasant; it brings a divine calm upon
Edwards gives is that we see the
the mind, and spreads a heavenly
beauty of the love of Christ. In a
sermon late in life Edwards preached:
Conclusion Are you frenetic today? Hasty on the inside, despite being born again? Let Jonathan Edwards walks you into the green pastures and still waters of a calmed inner life. Labor today to be melted afresh into the love of the Triune God, receiving God’s love, and expressing love back to him. Then go to bed. And get up tomorrow and do it again. And many years from now, you will be looking back on a life that slowly moved ever more deeply into radiant calm. Edwards spoke of this calm as something a Christian can carry around inside him: ‘He who has divine love in him has a wellspring of true happiness that he carries about in his own chest, a fountain of sweetness, a spring of the water of life. There is a pleasant calmness and serenity and brightness in the soul in the exercise of this holy affection.’ Jonathan Edwards takes us by the hand, and walks us out of the frenetic chaos of a life consumed with our natural inveterate self-preoccupations, into the bright, tranquil meadow of a life invincibilized by the giving and receiving of divine love. Soul-calm is what real Christians exhale, having inhaled the love of God. Dane Ortlund is Executive Vice President of Bible Publishing at Crossway and President of the Union Foundation US
extraordinary THE PRIVILEGE & PRIORITY OF THE LOCAL CHURCH 2018 Conference | Bristol | 18-20 October
Bob Kauflin
Devon Kauflin
Tim Chester
18 October 2018
Leaders Day To freshly envision and equip church leaders for the extraordinary privilege of serving and leading the local church God has entrusted to them.
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Rick Gamache
Nathan Smith
19-20 October 2018
WorshipGod To freshly envision and equip everyone who plans, leads or cares about the extraordinary life and weekly worship of the gathered church.
THEOLOGIANS on the Christian Life
NEW IN THE SERIES: Spurgeon on the Christian Life: Alive in Christ Michael Reeves 978-1-4335-4387-6, £15.99
For more information, visit
Resourcing the church and blessing the world with the knowledge of God. As part of our commitment to grow leaders for sustainable and healthy mission, Union Publishing will provide quality theological material for our student-leaders and their churches.
Spurgeon: A man full of life Michael Reeves Charles Haddon Spurgeon was a
and hands full of life, in fine, a vivid
man who went at all of life full-on.
preacher, altogether alive.1
He laughed and cried much; he read avidly and felt deeply; he was
We ought to be all alive, and always
a zealously industrious worker and
alive. A pillar of light and fire should
a sociable lover of play and beauty.
be the preacher’s fit emblem.”2
He was, in other words, a man who embodied the truth that to be in
We pray that the leaders we raise at
Christ means to be made ever more
Union School of Theology would be
roundly human, more fully alive.
pastors and preachers “altogether
Mr Great Heart
alive” with such “light and fire”!
A Life of Joy
It takes no great insight to see that Spurgeon in his ministry was a
“What a bubbling fountain of humour
big-hearted man of deep affections.
Mr. Spurgeon had!” wrote his friend
His printed sermons and lectures
William Williams. “I have laughed
still throb with passion. At times
more, I verily believe, when in his
the emotional freight of his sermon
company than during all the rest
would even overcome him, especially
of my life besides.”3 Few, it seems,
when it was about the crucifixion of
expected to laugh so much in the
presence of the zealous pastor; but Spurgeon knew this and seemed to
Yet he was not simply a large
take an impish delight in springing
presence in the pulpit. In fact, we
comedy on those around him.
need to be clear that his liveliness of character, while expressed in
Spurgeon enjoyed telling the story
ways particular to him, was not a
of how, as a young pastor in Park
mere matter of unique or inherited
Street, he had complained to his
personality: it was a natural but
deacons about how stuffy and
wholly self-conscious expression of
stifling it could get in the building,
his theology.
suggesting that they remove the upper panes of glass from some
Spurgeon saw that this deep
of the windows to let in more air.
connection between a minister’s
Nothing was done about it; but then
affections and his ministry was vital.
one day it was found that someone
As he said to his students, training
had smashed those window panes
for ministry:
out. Spurgeon offered a reward of five pounds for the discovery of the
“We ought each one to be like that
offender, who would then be given
reformer who is described as… “a
the money in thanks.
countenance beaming with life, eyes
This money the pastor then pocketed, being himself the culprit.4
Spurgeon saw that this deep connection between a minister’s affections and his ministry was vital.
Most essentially, Spurgeon’s sunny
make them in due time, they shall
manner was a manifestation of that also be perfectly happy… and it is our happiness and cheer which is found Saviour’s will that even now his joy in Christ, the light of the world. He
should remain in us, and that our joy
refused to take himself—or any other should be full.5 sinner—too seriously. Spurgeon held that to be alive in Christ means to
For Spurgeon, none of this meant
fight not only the habits and acts
being a triumphalist, cheerily
of sin but also sin’s temperamental blustering past all difficulty. sullenness, ingratitude, bitterness,
Spurgeon could never have done
and despair. To enter into Christ’s
that; we know about the extent
life entails entering into the joy of
of his suffering with bereavement,
being fully human, at peace with the depression, and persecution. “blessed” or “happy” God of glory (1 Experiencing life in Christ, the Man Tim. 1:11).
of Sorrows, must entail suffering. Yet life in Christ must also involve
A Christian has never fully realized
real cheer. Living as a Child of
what Christ came to make him until the Creator Spurgeon saw that in he has grasped the joy of the Lord.
Christ he was adopted and loved
Christ wishes his people to be happy. by an omnipotent Father who When they are perfect, as he will
reigns, sovereign over all things. It
Image: Spurgeon – credit to artist Mark Summers, Richard Solomon Artists, used with permission from Crossway
‘Spurgeon knew that Christ is the logic and the light of the world; the gospel is the sum of all wisdom; the Scriptures are able to make us wise—and not just for salvation.’ meant that everything fearful—all
of all wisdom; the Scriptures are
opposition and danger—tended to
able to make us wise—and not
shrink in his sight. When rightly
just for salvation.
viewed, nothing could cause despair, for everything exists under
Christians should therefore be
the almighty hand of God the
wise and omnivorous people of
Father, ruler on high.
comprehensive intellect. Once when I read books, I put all my
Seeing that all things are the
knowledge together in glorious
Father’s and have their being from
confusion; but ever since I have
him also gave Spurgeon a broad
known Christ, I have put Christ in
interest in his Father’s creation.
the centre as my sun...6
Brought up in the countryside, under the broad skies of East
Like us all, Spurgeon was uniquely
Anglia, he loved spending time
himself. Yet his big-heartedness
outside, often in his garden,
and joy as he walked through
enjoying trees, flowers, birds,
his Father’s creation displays
rainbows, and all the rich variety
exactly the sort of life that will
of creation.
always grow from the theology he believed.
He was also curious, and read extensively on horticulture and
Michael Reeves is President of
biology, the knowledge and
Union Theology
enjoyment of which leaked through into so much of his teaching. More than that, Spurgeon knew that Christ is the logic and the light of the world; the gospel is the sum
Endnotes [1] Lectures, 2:218. [2] Lectures, 2:221. [3] Williams, Personal Reminiscences of Charles Haddon Spurgeon, 17–18. [4] Lectures, 1:139. [5] MTP, 51:229. [6] NPSP, 1:60.
Like us all, Spurgeon was uniquely himself. Yet his big-heartedness and joy as he walked through his Father’s creation displays exactly the sort of life that will always grow from the theology he believed.
Fuelling the church’s mission through theological excellence. Union Research will resource and fuel Union’s mission with the highest quality theology.
Generosity & the heart of God Sarah Bennington Indulge me for a moment while
wanted to give of his own precious
It’s the same with our food. The
I dote on my child. Imagine the
bounty to make their Christmas
earth in all its richness provides us
scene in our kitchen as we started
with a multitude of colours, textures,
assembling a Christmas hamper for
flavours, and smells to delight our
a community programme at church.
In the hectic run-up to Christmas in
The sight of mummy wrapping up a
a household with small children and
big cardboard box grabbed our son’s
a husband in full-time ministry, why
We see a world absolutely dripping
attention: on the off-chance that this
has this short moment stuck with
in variety, beauty, splendour, and
box was for him, he wanted to get
me? Because, I think, it points me
majesty, because the One who
right to the heart of God. Our God
made it was generous. He didn’t
is a generous God: not a sensible,
cut corners, cut costs, or do it on
My husband and I explained that not
give-them-what-they-need kind
a budget. His world is lavish and
everyone in our city has enough of
of God, but a God whose heart
abundant. Paul tells us in 1 Timothy
what they need at Christmas, and
overflows with kindness, richness,
that God ‘richly provides us with
that this was a very small way for
and a desire to bless. When God
everything for our enjoyment.’2 His
us to help. So, we started to fill the
gives, He gives the best. And it is so
purpose in generosity is to bless us.
box with tins of soup, bars of soap,
good —so refreshing, liberating, and
breakfast cereal and all the other
challenging—for us to remember that.
Generous in salvation
Generous in creation
We see generosity in the ministry of
sensible things I had bought for the occasion. Our four year old son didn’t think this was good enough. He
eyes and our tastebuds.
Jesus during his time on earth. When
headed straight to the drawer where
We see God’s generosity in his
Jesus changed water into wine, he
his (sugar-averse) parents had
creation of the heavens and the
didn’t make just about enough, and
stashed all of the sweets he’d been
earth1, in the dazzling variety of
it didn’t taste just about ok. It the
given at parties and birthdays – the
valleys and mountains, beaches and
finest wine of the whole celebration
drawer from which he is occasionally
oceans, deserts, jungles, and glaciers.
– at the end of the ceremony when
allowed to pick one treat – and
That’s before we even consider the
a lot of the guests wouldn’t have
emptied all of them into the hamper.
shapes and sizes of all the different
noticed anyway. When he fed the
creatures who live in them. Did you
5000, he didn’t ration the food:
know there are more than 100 species
there were basket-loads of leftovers
of octopuses in our oceans? 10,000
after everyone had eaten and been
This box was no longer going to be
species of birds flying in our skies?
good for anyone’s teeth, but it was
25,000 species of orchid growing on
good for my heart. It was good to
the earth? Did you know that just one
And don’t we see generosity most of
see my little boy moved to lavish and
handful of sand has 10,000 grains in
all—most beautifully, most fully—in
heartfelt generosity when confronted
it – and would it boggle your mind to
the story of salvation? It’s not just
with a need. He didn’t know who
know that there are more stars in the
the ministry of Jesus on earth which
would get our hamper, but he knew
cosmos than grains of sand on every
gives us an insight into his generous
that they didn’t have enough. He
beach in the world?
nature. It’s not just his death on the
All of them.
cross, either, when he breathed
and then by the will of God also to
to me—whether that’s my sweets,
his last and gave himself up for us,
[others].’7 When we give ourselves
my time, my money, or anything else
taking our punishment for sin and
first of all to our generous God, our
the Lord has given to me—I become
enabling us to go free. Before he
churches, too, can be marked by rich
a little bit more like my Saviour.
gave up his life on earth, he had
generosity to others – a generosity
When I reflect upon the generosity of
already given up his life in heaven,
which might come as rather a shock
God, I start to know the freedom of a
in order that he, ‘though he was rich,
to the world around us (as I suspect it
generous heart.
yet for your sake… became poor, so
did back in Paul’s day). Generosity in
that you through his poverty might
ministry and mission are key values
Sarah Bennington is Development
become rich.’3 Of course, Jesus
for Union, too: we want to equip
and Communications Officer at
didn’t act alone in this great act of
church leaders to love God, grow in
salvation: we see the generosity of
Christ, serve the church, and bless
our Father in giving his one and only
the world. We want to invest in
son ; we see the generosity of the
leaders who—amongst many other
Holy Spirit in being given ‘without
things—will show the generous heart
limit.’5 And we see the generosity of
of God to the world.
Endnotes [1] Nehemiah 9:6 [2] 1 Timothy 6:17 [3] 2 Corinthians 8:9 [4] John 3:16 [5] John 3:34 [6] 2 Corinthians 8:2-3 [7] 2 Corinthians 8:5
God in what salvation means for us: not a get-out-of-jail-free card, but
I know that I have a pattern to
the warm, loving, eternal embrace
follow, too, in my own heart, in my
of a Father, who unites us with his
own diary, in my own wallet, in my
Son, gives us his Spirit now as a
own home. When I reflect upon the
guarantee of our inheritance, and one
kindness of our Father in giving us all
day will welcome us home to be with
things, and upon the richness of my
him in glory everlasting. In salvation,
salvation through Jesus, who at that
God gives us himself. In salvation,
very first Christmas made himself
God holds nothing back.
poor that I might become rich, my
Generous in response
heart becomes a little more like my son’s. I remember that everything I have was given to me; I remember
When we think about the generosity
that I can trust him to provide what
of God, I think we have a pattern
he wants me to have. I remember
to follow. We have a pattern to
that in giving away what is precious
overflow with generosity; we have a pattern to give even when it’s at personal cost. I love to read about the Macedonian church in 2 Corinthians: Paul tells us that ‘in the midst of a very severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity… They gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability.’6 The key for them, of course, was that they ‘gave themselves first of all to the Lord,
We work closely with many churches, networks and agencies to recruit, raise and strategically deploy church leaders where they can be most useful.
From our hearts to the world Justin Schell James Hudson Taylor, founder of
might that mean for our mission to
But, again, what if that weren’t
China Inland Mission (now Overseas
the, nearly, 7,000 ethno-linguistic
true? We are excited to see the
Missionary Fellowship or OMF),
peoples who still have little to no
Union School of Theology network
once said, ‘There are three stages
access to the Gospel, those groups
of Learning Communities steadily
to every great work of God; first it is
we call Unreached Peoples? How
expanding over the coming year.
impossible, then it is difficult, then it
might the world look different in 20,
They are already developing in major
is done.’
50, or 100 years? And would it be
cities in Europe and North America,
worth spending 10, 20, or 30 years of
all led by local pastor-theologians.
In my work as the director of
your life working to see that become
As they become established we can
executive projects for the Lausanne
a reality? I think so!
begin to explore options that are
Movement, I get to see this reality play out on a regular basis.
How might…?
What if…?
But, of course, that brings us to the
appropriate for the majority world.
What if?!
second question: How might that be
I love it when my work with
I am blessed to have a job designed
accomplished. It seems impossible!
Lausanne overlaps with my
to ask ‘What if?’ and ‘How might?’
With denominational division, with
service to my local church in Tulsa,
For instance, in the last few months,
language challenges, with a spirit of
Oklahoma. In getting to know Union’s
in conversation with Union, we’ve
competition instead of cooperation
leadership, vision, and mission, it also
been asking, ‘What if robust
in the Church, how could this dream
spurred us in Tulsa to ask ‘What if?!’
theological education was available
become a reality – when it seems
to anyone, anywhere? Education that
that most are content complaining
As a growing network of like-minded
is beautifully biblical, foundationally
about the shallow faith they see
churches, with a passion for church
missional, as well as accessible and
around the world instead of doing
planting, revitalization, and global
anything about it?
mission, what if we had access to
Or asked another way, ‘What if
We wonder why it seems that
the global Church, and her leaders,
churches have the theological
What if we didn’t have to send our
had access to the best theological
depth of an 18-year old short-
potential laborers and leaders to
education possible without limitation
term missionary, not realizing that
another city for two or more years of
of location or money?’
the reason for this is that the only
robust theological education in Tulsa?
theological education available to I don’t know about you, but when I
many church leaders around the
start to think about a world in which
world is being delivered by just such
that is a reality, I get excited! What
teachers and programs.
might that do for the health of the Church across the globe? What
We are convinced that raising up leaders for Tulsa should happen in Tulsa, and so we are hosting a Union Learning Community in Tulsa starting in September of 2018. In the last few weeks I’ve met with a network of Presbyterian pastors in the area who see the Learning Community as a potential answer to their need for theological
There are three stages to every great work of God; first it is impossible, then it is difficult, then it is done.
education for all the churches in their presbytery that spans through three states. I’ve also met with a network of 160+ Baptist churches in our city who have already begun to invest in the development of the Tulsa Learning Community. We have a
long way to go, but these first fruits are exciting.
Another ‘What if…?’
view of God was dramatically
What if the Good God and His good
skewed. What if I began to see Him
news were the shaping reality of
Finally, I love it when my global and
the Global Church? I want to see
local ministry intersects with what God is doing in my own heart. Three years ago I remember praying in the midst of what seemed like a dry spiritual season. I was frustrated with what seemed like God’s distance from me. And as I prayed, before propriety could stop me, I said to the Lord, ‘I feel like you are just tolerating me… like you’re just putting up with me. I know you are supposed to love me, but I don’t think you like me.’ The Lord
theological education that is aimed If you ask me now about my walk
at the heart cover the earth with the
with the Lord, you are likely to hear
knowledge of the glory of God in the
something like, ‘The last two or so
face of Jesus Christ. From Asia to
years have been like a personal
Africa to Latin America and beyond,
revival.’ Seeing the Father, Son, and
what if we saw God clearly and as
Spirit more clearly has made all the
He truly is. What if our global mission
difference. Seeing the gospel as it
flowed out of the heart of this lovely
really is, amazing good news that I
am His and He is mine, makes all the difference.
All of these partnerships flow from the same wellspring; namely, the
So, knowing that, it’s no wonder that
fountain of delight that is ours in
I am eager to partner with Union.
the one true, living, and Triune God!
I am thrilled to partner with Union
This is what I need. This is what the
personally, making their US board
Church in Tulsa needs. And this is
the only board on which I serve. I am
what the world needs! Just think of
eager to partner with Union locally.
the impact. Even now, ask yourself,
resources more than anything else.
For, what if what I have experienced
‘What if?’
As I listened to audio resources and
in Tulsa? What if our people, our
Justin Schell is Director of Executive
ministries, and our churches lived and
Projects for the Lausanne
moved and had their being flow out
Movement, and Vice-President of
of this gloriously, breath-taking good
the Union Foundation US
used many means to bring me out of despondency, from conversation with brothers at church to books that I read in that season. It’s not an overstatement, however, to tell you that He used
read various written pieces, the Lord graciously asked me, ‘What if…what if I really am who I say I am. What if I’m really the good Father? What if Jesus really is your passionate
could shape the life of the Church
news! I’m keen to partner with Union globally.
bridegroom? What if Father, Son, and Spirit are ever working for your good?’ I saw that my subconscious
What if our people, our ministries, and our churches lived and moved and had their being flow out of this gloriously, breath-taking good news! UNION MAGAZINE
Student Interview Matt Faux Matt Faux is a second year BA
Union: the range of modules and
with the lecturers, Union, for me,
student at Union School of Theology,
choices, the lecturers I’d heard great
has been a very embracing family.
based at our Wales campus. We
things about, a stunning campus,
That’s what it is, a family, where we
caught up with him in the middle
and a very welcoming community
are all working towards the same
of coursework deadlines and exam
goal, the glory of Christ.
How has your first year on campus been - community, study, and spiritual life?
What has been your most valuable takeaway so far?
This first year has been fantastic!
so far.
revision to ask him about his time with Union so far.
What drew you to Christian ministry and then to study with Union?
The studying and the modules
Two valuable things stand out to me
Firstly, that I’m not just learning
Ever since I was a young Christian I
I’ve taken have been intellectually
always had in the back of my mind
stimulating but definitely not dry and
that I wanted to go into Christian
dull. I wasn’t expecting such a level
ministry. Over the years that desire
of devotion, or the spiritually heart-
to want to preach the gospel and
warming, challenging, but Christ-
care for God’s people full time
centred way in which the lectures
grew stronger and stronger. By
were taught and conducted.
and sharing together. I think some
primary school teaching while we
I was worried about getting back into
Greek revision was spent with
were in Southampton and started
academic study again, with exams
working as a ministry trainee at
and essays, but the college and
our church. It was there that I was
lecturers have been very helpful in
able to ‘test the waters’ to see if
giving advice and good constructive
the Lord had equipped me with the
feedback on how to improve. I have
sufficient giftings for ministry. It was
thoroughly enjoyed the modules
there, under excellent mentoring,
I picked and the way they are
teaching and by being given ample
arranged across the year means
opportunities to preach, teach and
that you get a good diet of history,
pastor, that the elders confirmed my
language and systematic theology.
Mission, Spiritual and Pastoral
One of my highlights this year has
the lecturers every time bring out -
God’s providence I came out of
call into ministry. Then I started to think about the
been the community life. One of
next step, Bible College, formal
the advantages of the college not
training. I happened to be working
being huge in numbers means that
alongside a former Union graduate
you get to know everyone well: staff,
who always spoke very highly of his
lecturers, students from other year
experience. So, with my family, we
groups. From sharing coffee with
went for an open day. There were
people from all over college to
a few things that attracted me to
playing table tennis at lunch time
a lot from the lecturers, the wonderfully stocked library or even the preaching workshops, but also from other students by just talking things through together, praying of the most helpful moments of other students. Secondly, God is vast, and more glorious than I ever could imagine. Sometimes it seems that in every lecture I just want to say “WOW, how great is our God!” From studying the languages, Early Church History, Church and Formation to Systematic Theology, from Scripture - new and wonderful things about our God that I had not realised before.
This has
given me a great passion to not stop studying at the end of college, but to continue, because our God is 70,000 fathoms deep: you can never reach the bottom!
Our School of Theology has 150 students in the UK and Europe this year. From BA to PhD, studying with Union will equip you to delight in God, grow in Christ, serve the church and bless the world. What’s after college, and how do you feel Union is preparing you for this? Lord willing, I will be called to an assistant minister position at a church in our denomination. I feel Union is preparing me for future ministry very well. This is due to the mixture of academic study and
practical training and experience
my heart with a greater love for Christ,
that we get here, from discussing
to training my hands for practical
the mission of the church and
ministry, Union is preparing all of me
how that impacts everything
for a future of service to the Lord.
we do in church, to preaching workshops where we get and give
Matt Faux is a second year BA
constructive feedback to edify each
students at UST, and our Student
other, to pastoral groups where
we discuss what it means to show hospitality. From filling my head with treasure to preach and teach, to filling
One of my highlights this year has been the community life. One of the advantages of the college not being huge in numbers means that you get to know everyone well: staff, lecturers, students from other year groups.
Why bother with the Old Testament? Steffen Jenkins And he said to them, O foolish
idea that Jesus is a different God
ones, and slow of heart to believe
than the God of the OT.
all that the prophets have spoken! Was it not necessary that the
Another reason of course is the
Christ should suffer these things
drum-beating of the New Atheists
and enter into his glory? And
in their echo chamber. They point
beginning with Moses and all the
at passages in the OT (which
Prophets, he interpreted to them
t read very carefully, if at all)
in all the Scriptures the things
and tell us how nice atheism is
concerning himself. Luke 24:25–27
instead. Its niceness is a matter of
public record, thanks to the great atheist heads of state last century,
Jesus has a ready answer to the
like Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, and the
question why bother with the
chap with the Charlie Chaplin
Old Testament?, so why do we
keep hearing it, or even asking it ourselves? There are some
Most importantly, it’s because our
understandable, if tragic, reasons.
own hearts are idol factories. Idols
Before we think about what we
turn us away from the true God
study the Old Testament for we
and his word. Abandoning the OT
need to think about why to study
is always going to be a danger.
it at all. The OT makes us uncomfortable Why is the Old Testament under
to the degree that Jesus himself
threat, in the church as well as
makes us uncomfortable. Were at
outside the church?
home in the OT to the extent that the Holy Spirit has reshaped our
You may have heard about the
affections into the likeness of God
first century heretical teacher
the Son according to the will of
Marcion. He rejected the OT
God the Father.
as being all about a God who was rather unlike Jesus. It didnt
Aims for you
take him long to realise he also needed to reject most of the New
What are my aims for my
Testament as well! He is alive and
students—or any student of
well. The way we read the NT,
the Bible—when we engage
and what we think it says about
in academic study of the Old
the OT, often reveals that our
Testament? There are five aims,
thinking has been infected by this
even six...
Before we think about what we study the Old Testament for we need to think about why to study it at all. Why is the Old Testament under threat, in the church as well as outside the church?
1. Hallelujah! First and foremost, doxology: I want the Old Testament to push you off your chair and onto your feet to praise God! It is my unbroken experience that giving our minds a bit of time
they prepare for ministry? The Old
confident that the Old Testament
Testament will make you wise
is the sword of the Spirit and that
for salvation if you haven’t yet
the Spirit isnt frightened by the
grasped the gospel and handed
delusions of modern man.
your life over to Jesus.
4. Eagerness
6. Study And finally, because the Old
The Old Testament isnt just
Testament is at least as worthy
teaching material: we shouldn’t
of deep and detailed attention as
sing about how great God is.
view the Bible as preaching
any other body of great literature,
fodder, but as Gods word to me
and because it is Gods own word,
2. Devotion
personally. That said, as Jesus
we want to begin to equip you
shows us, it is worthy of detailed
for scholarly engagement with the
instruction to our churches, so you
text. We need you to begin to
need to be eager to teach and
feel at home in academic debates
preach and apply it to yourself
and discussions. That’s not always
and others.
going to be comfortable for you;
studying anything at all in the Old Testament will make our hearts
Once you let the point above happen to you often enough, you’ll be just as confident of enjoying a wonderful quiet time by opening a passage in the OT as you would be if you were opening a bit of NT. Overslept? Worked all night? Need a five-minute QT? You won’t automatically be opening the Bible
5. Evangelism A great deal of apologetics nowadays focusses not on the
from the back anymore.
question of whether God exists,
3. Salvation
Christians believe in is good or
If people can be converted once they’re ministers, why not while
but on whether the God who
it might not always bring out the best in you, but the skills that you learn about handling yourself in controversy are directly applicable to ministry more widely. Controversy, like the poor, will always be with us.
bad. That often puts the OT in the spotlight, so we need to be
Yes, but critical scholarship’, really?! You might well be thinking that points 1–5 above are pretty obvious, but wonder whether it’s worth spending time engaging with some unedifying theories that seem to turn the Bible on its head. Let me assure you that if attending to even these areas of scholarship didn’t feed everything from Hallelujah! to evangelism, I wouldn’t bother with them. Everything we cover in any Old Testament course should prepare you to skip down the corridor with the majesty of God humming away behind your lips. Specifically, how will scholarly study, even engaging with critical methods and theories, help you? Firstly, for defending the faith against some of the unsavoury conclusions of those who want to undermine the OT. Your television set will keep pumping out documentaries about how unreliable the OT is; it’s handy to have an answer ready some of the time!
Thirdly, some of these challenges can very helpfully make us examine our own assumptions and point us to the fact that we ourselves have strayed from an evangelical view of Scripture. What they meant for harm, God can use for our edification, to paraphrase a beloved character from a beloved Testament. Finally, engaging in some of these controversies and coming out on the other side will increase our confidence in the word of God. We haven’t got time to enter the fray on every debate, but if we can manage some of them, then we know that we could have tackled the others too. Watching their efforts crash and burn shows you how strong and reliable the word of God is. Don’t take it from me! Here’s a current student reflecting on an OT course: “Who knew that engaging head on with critical scholarship would make you delight more in the Bible, or that the food laws have something to teach us about the mission of God to the nations?!”
Two virtues about Jesus: patience and impatience There are two attitudes we need to cultivate whenever we let the OT speak to us. Impatience to see Jesus, and patience to see Jesus.
Jesus insists the whole
of the OT—every page, every verse, every word, every syllable, every jot and tittle—is about him. So who wouldn’t be eager and impatient to see more of what the OT tells us about him—and soon! Then again, that would be much easier to do if we could get away with just seeing how the big picture and some major themes are all to be read in the light of Jesus. I’m convinced that every syllable is Christological, and yet not every syllable jumps up out of the page and immediately enlightens my mind and heart about the Son of God. So I’ve got my work cut out! There is a joyful discipline in meditating slowly over OT texts, whether large swathes of the canon or the tiniest section, knowing that eventually this little puddle will overflow into a tributary of the river of life. So drink, and never thirst again.
Secondly, any discussion of the
Steffen Jenkins is a Lecturer in
text forces us to engage with
Greek and Biblical Studies at UST
the text in close detail, and that is something that will always be rewarding. No question is so wrong-headed that it won’t eventually make you see something amazing (even if you end up putting the question itself in the bin).
There is a joyful discipline in meditating slowly over OT texts, whether large swathes of the canon or the tiniest section, knowing that eventually this little puddle will overflow into a tributary of the river of life. So drink, and never thirst again.
Serving the gospel in Oldham Stephen Kneale Stephen Kneale serves as
workers from elsewhere who may
Minister of Oldham Bethel Church
consider planting into the borough
in Oldham, Greater Manchester.
of Oldham in future years.
In September 2018, Oldham Bethel Church will start a Union
This model of training will help to
Learning Community.
serve our own community as well as the wider church. It especially
“Oldham is the most deprived
means that we will not have to
town in England1, and is woefully
send our very best workers away
under-served by gospel churches.
for theological training, but may
The borough has 230,000 people,
keep them in-house throughout
and yet there are only two
their studies. Furthermore, it will
Gospel Partnership churches in the
help cover much of the cost
region. One of these is my church
associated with theological training
– Oldham Bethel Church (the
by allowing people to stay at
only FIEC church in the borough)
home and study alongside their
– where I serve as Minister. You
existing work. In offering this
could count on one hand the other
Learning Community locally, we
churches which could credibly be
will also be able to serve other
labelled as evangelical.
local churches in need of incontext training for their people.
We are excited to be partnering
It is our hope that this partnership
with Union in starting a Learning
with Union will lead to more
Community this September,
workers for Oldham Bethel Church,
offering their Graduate Diploma
more churches being planted in
in Theology. We were particularly
our borough, and more gospel
drawn to Union’s focus on closing
workers being raised up for the
the gap between academy and
wider work of the church.”
church, such that able theologians might be raised up to serve in
Stephen Kneale is Lead Mentor,
local church contexts.
Union Learning Community, Greater Manchester
It is our hope that the GDip may lead some to come to Oldham Bethel Church, and train practically in an urban context mission
Endnotes [1] Oldham had the highest proportion of most deprived LSOAs at 65.2% (43 out of its 66 LSOAs) dz: Office for National Statistics – Towns and cities analysis, England and Wales, March 2016.
alongside their academic studies with Union. We are also excited at the possibility of training
More workers for Oldham Bethel Church and more churches being planted in our borough.
Providence in church planting: How God prepares his ministers Greg Wilson The call to plant a church is a call to
actually not engaging God. There
join King Jesus in making all things
are areas we tend to avoid, but it’s
new. In this moment, from His throne,
in these particular places that God
Jesus is building His Kingdom,
wants to reveal Who He is to us who
advancing upon the darkness we
need it so desperately.
encounter in everyday life. When we follow Jesus we are saved from
There are two areas I’d like
our small missions and saved to His
to focus on, and they’ve been
mission. Planting a church means
instrumental to my calling and the
calling others to know Jesus and
planting of our church: suffering and
follow Him.
community. No two providences of God have been more important in
My specific calling to plant a church
my life and my family as we’ve been
wasn’t a lightning-bolt-from-the-
called to plant a church in a new
sky kind of experience. It has been
an increasing unveiling of His plans, where He provided the next step
but not many after that. But even for those who do get the lightning type
Suffering was the major
call, there are many aspects to what
catalyst to our call to plant a church.
that call means. A calling by itself
We had been through a horrible
doesn’t automatically equip for the
trial—literally, a federal trial—and
God delivered us in some amazing ways. I talk a bit about this part of
My experience of following Jesus
my life in the first episode of Church
in His call meant leading me from
Plant, a podcast I’m producing
being one of the pastors in a church
sponsored by Union. But here’s the
in America to planting Redeemer,
short version: My father used me in a
a church in Manchester, England.
mortgage fraud scheme to make tens
Through this process I’ve discovered
of thousands of dollars. He also stole
that the church planter type
my identity and maxed out two credit
personality (myself included) can
cards in my name.
easily use God’s call as a way of
He ended up being the ringleader
guilty I was and how I was in it with
of an organised fraud scheme and
him. Eventually God opened his
created many fraudulent mortgages,
mouth and he told the truth: I didn’t
making hundreds of thousands, if
know anything and was completely
not millions, of dollars. The FBI went
innocent. Four long days later the
after him, and he went missing, but
judge threw my case out, and now
was eventually found. He pleaded
it’s as if I’ve never been charged.
guilty to the charges of mortgage fraud but falsely implicated me in
This was a chaotic time for us as
his crimes to get a better prison
you can imagine. I was on staff at
sentence for himself. That means the
a church at the time, and one of
FBI charged me with a federal crime,
my duties was to lead music each
one that could have meant four years
Sunday. My main prayer before every
in prison. As evidence was coming to
service was that I would truthfully be
light, I found out many of my family
able to sing about God’s goodness,
members were involved as well,
even though I often doubted it. Then,
some perpetrating the fraud against
when the veil was lifted and the
me themselves.
trial ended, we were ecstatic. Life felt new, the world literally looked
After two very long years my case
brighter, and though we were
went to trial and the star witness
exhausted by the previous two years,
against me in my trial was my
we were hopeful, truly hopeful, for
father. For two days he told the
the first time in a long time.
courtroom, the jury, everyone, how
What we found was that while we were in the suffering, we had no choice but to lean on God. We prayed to God. And when we couldn’t pray, we asked our friends to pray for us. We were desperate. WWW.THEOLO.GY
More often than not, they are part of the mission, part of the calling God is working out in and through us. So let’s not avoid the grace God gives when going through hard times, or the blessing that comes when His people live together in unity. It’s how God has created us, how He saves us, and How He continues to sanctify His people. It’s no wonder, then, that He chooses to plant churches in the same way. What we found was that while we
So we felt called to go, but knew
From our suffering to our calling to
were in the suffering, we had no
we didn’t know much about it. We
our location and timeline, the role of
choice but to lean on God. We prayed
wanted to learn how to plant a
Christ’s community in our lives has
to God. And when we couldn’t pray,
church without having the burden
been important. We’ve weathered a
we asked our friends to pray for us.
of doing it ourselves to begin with.
horrible trial, made sense of a calling,
We were desperate.
That led us to look for opportunities
and have been sent out to plant a
where we could test out our gifts
After God had delivered us and
and calling. Ideally, a call is not
answered so many prayers, our next
merely individual or internal. As
The role of suffering itself has often
thought was this: what does it look
much as possible, there always
sifted our souls, shaking us up,
like to trust God in times of comfort
ought to be a community speaking
but leaving us stronger and more
just as much as in times of suffering?
into it, giving external confirmation
substantial than before. Through
During my trial we had no resource
or contradiction. We needed leaders
suffering, God has given us a grit and
but to trust Him. The reality is, this
looking in, giving us feedback,
strength that we wouldn’t have been
is the whole of the Christian life!
helping us along this path we
able to grow in otherwise.
The only thing we have to offer is us
believed God was calling us to.
Two areas (among many others)
asking Him to deliver us. This is what Jesus means by “poor in spirit” in the
Beatitudes in Matthew 5.
ambitious church planters attempt to avoid are suffering and community. They can both be seen as inhibitors
The necessity of community continued
to the mission.
So what did it mean for us
to play out as we considered moving
to trust God, even when life
overseas to England to plant a church.
More often than not, they are part of
didn’t feel desperate? For us, the
We had the leadership of our US
the mission, part of the calling God
answer was church planting. Not
sending church and the leadership of
is working out in and through us. So
to talk about it, give towards,
our UK partner church all involved in
let’s not avoid the grace God gives
or resource, but to actually do it
the decision making process: the fit,
when going through hard times, or
the timeline, the location of the plant,
the blessing that comes when His
everything. I am so grateful to these
people live together in unity. It’s how
For me, this was an exciting thought.
people and can’t imagine making
God has created us, how He saves
Daunting and with challenges,
these decisions on our own. We really
us, and How He continues to sanctify
but exciting. Initially for my wife, it
aren’t meant to! The side benefit to a
His people. It’s no wonder, then, that
was more scary than anything. I tend
community involved in our calling has
He chooses to plant churches in the
to live in the world of big thoughts and
been a higher confirmation. We do
same way.
ideas, she tends to live in the real world
not doubt at all where God has placed
with concrete and practical realities.
us, and this is in large part because
Greg Willson is an Acts 29 Church
We need each other that way.
of the sheer amount of people we
Planter in Chorlton, UK
respect working with us, in on the call with us.
Publishing Union Foundation is a company registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 1987227 Charity registered in Wales number: 517324 Registered office: Union Foundation, Bryntirion House, Bryntirion, Bridgend, CF31 4DX