Union School of Theology Prospectus

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School of Theology



Growing leaders, growing churches


Delighting in God. Growing in Christ. Serving the Church. Blessing the World.






From our President At Union we are all about raising up leaders dedicated to serving the Church of Christ – for the blessing of the world. Union is for anyone who has a passion to grow - in their understanding of the Christian gospel, in their ministry skills, and in personal and spiritual formation. In all our academic programmes, our formation of leaders, and our training of preachers, we want to see our students delighting in God and captured by the glory of Christ. Gazing on him, we are ‘transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory’ (2 Corinthians 3:18), and his glory is that which shines brightly

into darkness, and into the hearts of lost men and women (1 Corinthians 4:6). Enjoying the God of glory in the face of his Son, we begin to shine with his brightness and go out with his gospel. If churches are to be vibrant, they need leaders who truly love God and share his passions. So at Union, we seek to raise well-rounded leaders: humble leaders of head and heart who are theologically strong and mission-minded. We also want to support and equip those leaders in church planting, with resources, and by meaningful ongoing friendship.


This prospectus will introduce you to Union School of Theology and all that’s on offer here – but it will also give you a taste of what Union is about more broadly, and the many ways we might work together to serve the Church and bless the world. I hope this prospectus will be the start of a relationship, whether through studying with us, using our resources, or partnering with us in another way. Michael Reeves President and Professor of Theology

From our Provost At Union School of Theology we encourage both academic and spiritual growth. Central to this is studying and worshipping in community, and pastoral care. Whether you are based on campus full-time, come for short teaching blocks, or join one of our local Learning Communities, you will work with others who support and encourage you. We are also committed to flexible and accessible approaches to theological study – both in terms of location and modes of study. UST’s growing network of learning communities works in partnership with churches and Christian organisations in the Evangelical and Reformed tradition,

and now extends from the UK across Europe, and into North America. It includes men and women of different nationalities, backgrounds, denominations, and levels of experience. We aim to provide a route of training that meets your need, is accessible to you, and works to grow the church around the world. Please contact us if you need further information, or would like to visit us on an Open Day or a Taster Day. We would love to see you! Ian Shaw Provost, Union School of Theology

We place the Bible at the centre of theological study; explore the profound riches of Christian doctrine; and work to develop key practical ministry skills.




Our Prospectus “Our programmes aim to prepare Christians for a lifetime of service in ministry, integrating theology and practice. Our students go on to work in many different contexts, and to prepare them for this we want them to get the foundational blocks in place.” Ian Shaw Provost, Union School of Theology

Our vision - Growing Leaders, Growing Churches - is about mission that is fruitful, effective and long-lasting. Our aim is to recruit, raise and deploy leaders, providing them with rigorous, biblical and accessible education, training and resources. The School of Theology exists to equip future leaders for the worldwide church. On our campus and in our regional Learning Communities we deliver a widely respected theological education, from BA to PhD, that is both geographically and financially accessible. We focus on equipping students for ministry and scholarship, and especially partner with churches in the Reformed and Evangelical traditions. Our courses have an emphasis on biblical, theological, historical and preaching studies and ministry practice.


We are committed to excellence in theological education. To ensure the best academic experience, our School has partnerships with two universities. The BA, GDip and MTh programmes are validated by The Open University, a leading UK university specializing in flexible and accessible learning. Our PhD programme is offered in partnership with Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Free University of Amsterdam), one of the world’s foremost research universities in theology. This prospectus is just a brief taste of what Union School of Theology has to offer. For more information, please visit our website ust.ac.uk or you can email specific questions to admissionenquiries@ust.ac.uk. We have a number of Taster Days throughout the year and an annual Open Day, and you are always welcome to visit us at our campus.

About Union School of Theology “As I look out at the evangelical church training landscape there are many reasons for encouragement, and the one at the top of the list for me, is Union.” Dane Ortlund Executive Vice President of Bible Publishing, Crossway

Who is it for? Union is for everyone. We offer a large range of theological tools to bless and serve the whole church, from podcasts to PhDs and everything in between. Whether you are part of a church, in leadership already, or want to be equipped to lead or work in Christian ministry in the future, there is something for you at Union. Our School of Theology has 165 students in the UK, Europe and North America this year. From BA to PhD, studying with Union will equip you to delight in God, grow in Christ, serve the church and bless the world.

There are two ways to access our courses. We have a campus in South Wales for full-time residential study, with excellent facilities and all the advantages of learning in community with others. Union also has a growing network of Learning Communities across the UK, Europe and North America. If moving away to train for ministry isn’t an option financially, geographically or simply because you love being based in your church, this is a ministry-minded and cost-effective option. Union Learning Communities are led by excellent local mentors with pastoral experience. All course materials and examinations are provided by Union.

UST is a partner institution of the Open University.

Quality Assurance In April 2018 Union School of Theology underwent a Higher Education Review (Alternative Providers) conducted by a panel of external academics from the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA). We are delighted to report that, in the judgements of the review team in the four key areas of review, UST’s provision meets UK expectations. This affirmation was confirmed in the QAA’s 2019 Annual Monitoring Visit. Read the reports of these visits at qaa.ac.uk

Union School of Theology and its BA, GDip and MTh programmes are also accredited by the European Council of Theological Education, a network of evangelical theological colleges across Europe.



Union Publishing invests in the next generation of leaders with theology that gives them a taste for a deeper knowledge of God. From books to our free content we are committed to producing excellent resources that will refresh, transform and grow believers and their churches.


BA (Hons) Theology The BA (Hons) Theology is our campus-based course for all those preparing for ministry. It provides a robust biblical and theological education at the heart of the Union community, giving handson experience of what it means for theological rigour to fuel the mission of the church.

It equips preachers and teachers, pastors and theologians to serve the church and bless the world. Validated by The Open University, our BA (Hons) Theology course aims to offer the richest possible leadership formation experience. Studying alongside fellow students and with pastorally experienced faculty, you will have a unique opportunity to develop not only your biblical, theological and historical knowledge, but also the wisdom and practical skills you will need for effective ministry. You will be able to put these into practice through the two integrated BA placements. During the programme, you will study the Bible in depth, master essential Christian doctrines and learn how to understand and assess the views of major theologians through the ages. Learning biblical languages is optional, but our Greek and Hebrew teaching is highly respected, and we would warmly encourage you to take up the challenge.

We offer core and elective modules and formative workshops directly relevant to your future ministry. Students graduate with a solid grounding in Biblical Studies, and a strong and comprehensive theology of preaching, pastoring, and mission. Studying at the home of Union has its own unique benefits. Set in the beautiful Welsh countryside with delightful gardens, 30 comfortable study bedrooms and an extensive library make the campus a great place to study and live. The BA (Hons) Theology can be studied full-time or part-time. If you would like to discuss the options there are for studying the programme flexibly and accessibly please contact us admissionenquiries@ust.ac.uk This programme is validated by The Open University. It is also accredited by ECTE


The BA (Hons) Theology provides a robust biblical and theological education at the heart of the Union Community. It can be studied fulltime or part-time, flexibly and accessibly.




Student Profile Roberto Vaca Herrera Originally from Mexico, Roberto Vaca Herrera and his family have been in the UK for six years. He is one year into his BA in Theology at Union School of Theology and talks here about his experience so far. My wife Annie and I lived in Mexico for a couple of years after we were married, before deciding to move to West Wales (where my wife comes from) to raise our family. We have two children who are now aged six and three, and we have been here for six years. When we moved, I began working nights in a finance position, but ever since my conversion I had always felt God’s call to ministry. The recommendations of my church leaders, as well as friends who had graduated from Union School of Theology, led me to resign from my position and apply to UST. From my first visit to UST I felt at ease, and was welcomed by the friendly and professional staff. I was instantly impressed by the wealth of experience and international recognition of the teachers and lecturers, and this continues to be the case.

I know that Union will provide me with the spiritual and practical guidance, support and encouragement I need to prepare for my future ministry. I am currently nearing the end of my third year of the BA in Theology and am serving in my local church alongside my studies. I run a weekly youth group with my wife and preach on a regular basis. The training I have received so far at UST has been hugely beneficial to my ministry work, and I have grown in knowledge and confidence in areas such as youth and children´s ministry, and doctrine. The BA course is comprehensive and in-depth, and covers all areas of ministry preparation. UST succeeds in balancing intellect with service to promote all-around individual development: I feel that studying at UST has not only widened my academic horizons but also provided spiritual growth. It is in my heart to be a missionary pastor, starting in my local church. I know that Union will provide me with the spiritual and practical guidance, support and encouragement I need to prepare for my future ministry, and I am praying that through these three years of study God will direct me to where he wants to place me.”


Our School of Theology has 165 students in the UK, Europe and North America this year. From BA to PhD, studying with Union will equip you to delight in God, grow in Christ, serve the church and bless the world.



One of my highlights this year has been the community life. One of the advantages of the size of the college is that you get to know everyone well: staff, lecturers, students from other year groups.


“I know that Union will provide me with the spiritual and practical guidance, support and encouragement I need to prepare for my future ministry.�


Student Profile David* David* is studying on the MTh programme. We caught up with him during his first year at UST. I’m originally from the US but for the last 5 years I’ve lived in the Balkans, primarily doing Gospel work in a Muslim context. I studied for an MDiv in the past but over the last 5 years I’ve felt the need to deepen my biblical and theological understanding, so this year I’ve started studying with UST on the MTh.

Why did you join UST as an MTh student? The main thing that attracted me to UST was their emphasis on serious

academic study which is done for the sake and benefit of the church. Initially I thought that was a really nice, positive thing to say, but I wondered if it would really be the case. Having studied with Union for a year now I’ve been excited to see that it’s actually true. Faculty and students take great care over their academic studies and teaching, but it’s clear that it’s all done to serve Christ and his people. A second, very practical thing that attracted me to the MTh was the delivery format. Having moved to the Balkans for Gospel ministry I wasn’t able to relocate again for studies, but because the MTh is delivered through a number of intensive teaching weeks on the campus I’ve been able to continue in the Balkans and simply visit the campus a few times each year. Studying like this has also impacted my ministry because I’ve been able to see how the studies practically fuel and shape ministry.

What has particularly surprised you about studying at UST? I perhaps shouldn’t have been surprised, but what’s continually struck me is the warmth of the community. Studying here isn’t simply an opportunity to study the scriptures and understand theology and ministry better, it’s also an opportunity to be refreshed personally and spiritually. I’m used to the American academic style where you address lecturers as professors (even in a seminary!) and where there’s often a clear distinction between faculty and students, but here I’ve found that you get to know lecturers as brothers and sisters in Christ on a first name basis. It’s been so encouraging to not only learn from them as scholars, but also as friends in their homes and through the daily worship and prayer meetings.


What’s struck you about the approach to studying at UST? I’ve mentioned the warmth of the community and that really fosters the academic side of the programme. It’s evident that the lecturers are experts in their fields, that’s obvious not just from the books and papers they’ve published but also from the lectures themselves. The teaching is very engaging and thought-provoking but also accessible. Lecturers encourage us as students to freely ask questions but also challenge them on their own teaching and ideas. You very much feel that you are studying the scriptures or particular doctrines together with the lecturer as peers while also gaining from their wisdom and insight.

What do you think you’ve gained from the programme so far? I’ve gained so much from the programme so far. To pinpoint a couple of things; I believe some people are called to serve the church in research and writing ministries and I’ve never been sure whether that’s for me or not. Being part of the community here while doing the MTh has been a helpful way to reflect on that possibility. As I expected it’s also equipping me in my current ministry and I can see how it’s forming me for future ministry too. It’s deepened my ability and understanding when it comes to teaching and discipling others. Most of all God has used the programme to reinvigorate my own personal bible reading and spiritual growth - I was hoping that would happen and I’m so thankful it has. David is studying on the MTh programme at UST. *Surname removed for anonymity



GDip Theology Our Graduate Diploma in Theology is a highly flexible and innovative programme, delivered through the Union Cloud platform at approved local Learning Communities around the world. It brings a widely respected theological education within reach geographically, financially, and in terms of time commitment. Embedding students in an educationally and spiritually formative community within a local context, it offers an exciting and a valid alternative to those for whom three years of full-time campus study is simply not an option.

Accessed exclusively through local Learning Communities, our GDip Theology students enjoy the best of both worlds: the quality of theological teaching and resourcing worthy of the very best seminaries (utilising the Union Cloud and digital library), together with the convenience and added value of sharing and growing together in vibrant local settings under the care and guidance of an experienced Lead Mentor. The GDip Theology (validated by The Open University) is designed for those who already have a degree in another subject, and some basic theological knowledge (either through a ministry training course or ministry experience). Whether you are just starting out, or are an established church leader who has simply missed out on a formal theological education, the GDip could well be your ideal solution.

Find out more at ust.ac.uk/gdip


The course covers all foundational aspects of biblical studies, theology and church history while offering various options (including biblical languages), to meet different ministry training needs. Union’s core values inform every module, and the development of skills for ministry and personal spiritual formation are both key priorities. This programme is validated by The Open University. It is also accredited by ECTE

Studying Biblical Languages Our BA, GDip and MTh programmes offer a range of highly-regarded study options for those wanting to learn Hebrew and Greek. Learning a biblical language is not for everyone, but for those who choose to, we provide several accessible options. Our aim in teaching biblical languages is to give you not only the skills but also the confidence to know that you can fluently read and interpret a text in its original language, whether that’s for your own personal bible reading, sermon preparation or academic studies. Too many students often finish theological studies with just a working knowledge of a language and without the tools and confidence to keep growing their language skills alongside their other commitments. If you study languages with us, we want you to finish your studies with the assurance that you can trust your reading and interpretation of a text and have the tools to keep growing.

Why Study a Biblical Language With the wealth of resources available to students and preachers today, you might wonder why it’s worth spending the time and energy learning a biblical language. Being able to read a text intelligently in its original language helps you to more easily (and quickly) identify the structure, emphases and punchlines, but also the questions to ask of a text. Understanding the language can also help you to know which of the possible interpretations you might place more weight behind.

Learning Options If you’re a total beginner to Greek or Hebrew, you can start learning on our campus BA or on the GDip through a Learning Community. Students in Learning Communities are given weekly support and those studying Greek also have two hours of video conferencing with the lecturer.

Those who have previously studied languages, or those who have successfully completed the BA or GDip modules, then have the option to further their learning through the MTh language modules. These can either be taken as part of a complete MTh, or simply as standalone modules. “I’d never studied another language before and even when I did try, I didn’t have much luck! But at UST I chose to study Hebrew and Greek. Week by week the lecturers break the learning down into manageable chunks and help you to see why the effort of studying a language is worth it. My ability and confidence have grown and I’m already seeing the fruit. During my church placement I was preaching a series in John’s Gospel. In the past I would have turned to the commentaries for help rather quickly, but this time I spent most of my time reading and studying the Greek text. When I then turned to the commentaries, I was able to ask informed questions and judge for myself what the best interpretation might be.” Matt, third year BA student


MTh Theology The Master of Theology programme is designed to produce the wise and thoughtful leaders that churches and Christian ministries so desperately need today. It offers a flexible and high-level theological equipping for gospel ministry in today’s culture, complementing and completing our BA and GDip programmes. We believe our Master of Theology in Scripture and Theology is unique for two reasons. First, we want to serve the needs of those in fulltime work, ministry or scholarship, who desire to increase their understanding and expertise in a wide range of disciplines. So you may choose a mix of six modules covering theology, biblical studies and languages, and more applied ministry and pastoral subjects. There is also a core dissertation where you explore a chosen subject in more depth. Secondly, we make its delivery as flexible as possible to accommodate the busy and ever-changing routines of those in leadership roles. You have the option to study modules over an intensive few days on campus or over a more extended period in our off-campus Learning Communities. Whichever way you prefer to study, we guarantee the quality of theological teaching, mentoring, and resourcing remains the same. In both delivery modes you will discover the value of learning alongside fellow students from very different backgrounds and profit from highly experienced and pastorally sensitive supervision.

This programme is validated by The Open University. It is also accredited by ECTE

Mode of Delivery Campus On campus, the MTh programme may be completed on a full-time basis in 12 months, or on a parttime basis taking up to 6 years. Most part-time students complete their modules in 2-3 years. Six intensive teaching weeks are scheduled each year, in three periods of consecutive weeks. Two weeks are held each late August/September, and January and March. A full-time student will need to attend all 6 teaching weeks in the academic year.

Learning Communities The MTh accessed through selected Learning Communities is available as a two-year, part-time option. In Learning Communities, students work through the MTh modules in a less intensive way, typically coming together on a weekly basis throughout the teaching weeks of the semester. Students enjoy the advantage of learning together in a vibrant local setting under the support of an experienced Lead Mentor.


Find out more at ust.ac.uk/ mth

Find out more at ust.ac.uk/phd

PhD Union is dedicated to raising up the next generation of evangelical scholars who will resource and equip the church with theology of the highest quality. Our research degrees give students the opportunity to explore their subject in great depth, supported by a dedicated supervisory team.

Theological excellence that strengthens the church and fuels its mission. A research degree at Union School of Theology will allow you to study a subject in depth under the supervision of leading evangelical scholars. There are no class-based taught modules, which means that you can study with us, wherever you are in the world.

The PhD is a postgraduate award achieved following the production of a research-based thesis (c.80,000 words). Union School of Theology offers the PhD degree through a collaborative partnership with the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Free University of Amsterdam). The Vrije Universiteit (VU) is one of Europe’s leading universities, with a strong interest in Reformed theology, so this is an exciting partnership. In the 2018 QS rating of universities the Vrije Universiteit ranks no. 5 worldwide in the field of Theology and Religious Studies.

Students benefit from supervision from world-leading scholars in their field. They attend an annual research conference on campus, and access regular research seminars conducted by leading scholars.


The Priscilla Programme The Priscilla Programme is designed for women who serve their local churches in voluntary ministries. Following the pattern of Priscilla in Acts 18, 26, it helps women to learn how to teach other women, care for others more biblically, and be better prepared to give reasons for their faith and hope.

The Priscilla Programme is an online course offered by Church Society in partnership with Union School of Theology. ‘…when Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately.’ Acts 18:26

The Priscilla Programme consists of six 10-week modules which may be studied consecutively over two years, or taken as stand-alone courses. Each module is delivered through Union’s learning platform and includes regular interactive seminars and individual tutorials, as well as video lectures and other downloadable content. If you lead a Sunday school group, teach a Bible study, are involved in pastoral visiting, or any other kind of ministry that you would like to be better equipped for, the Priscilla Programme is for you! Full information including course fees and application form can be downloaded from the Union website.

Priscilla and her husband, Aquila, travelled with Paul, supported his ministry, and learned from him how to instruct others in the faith. This kind of volunteer ministry is still essential in contemporary church life.

Find out more at ust.ac.uk/ priscilla


“I’m thrilled that Church Society are partnering with Union to offer top quality training to women who are keen to learn God’s Word and God’s ways, and enthusiastic to serve God’s people.” Lee Gatiss, Director of Church Society


Union Mission facilitates the planting and revitalisation of churches and their ministries in the UK, Europe and world-wide. We work collaboratively to deploy and support church leaders, and help our hubs plant churches by giving them access to potential funding.



There are three learning pathways available at the School of Theology. Residential study on campus; intensive residential teaching weeks; and through our local Learning Communities. All will equip you for a ministry fuelled by a love for Jesus.


Learning Communities What is a Learning Community? A robust theological education is vital to a healthy and sustainable ministry. Persuaded that formal theological education had for many become too expensive and inaccessible, we established a new learning pathway. We offer full-time residential study at BA level, and intensive residential teaching weeks at MTh level on our campus in Wales. But, now we also have a growing number of Learning Communities in the UK, Europe and North America, opening up access to gospelhearted, academically rigorous theological education like never before.

What course do you offer in a Learning Community? We typically offer a Graduate Diploma in Theology, which takes two years (part time) to complete. It’s designed for those who already have a degree in any subject and is a broad introduction to theological study, including biblical languages. The MTh accessed through selected Learning Communities is also available as a part-time option over two years, with an extra year available to complete the dissertation. In Learning Communities, students work through the modules in a less intensive way, typically coming together on a weekly basis throughout the teaching weeks of the semesters. All the teaching and assessment is delivered by UST lecturers, with a local Lead Mentor facilitating the work of the Learning Community.

Who is a Learning Community for? Anyone! Our emphasis is on training leaders, but we believe that theology is for everyone, for life. The GDip is a gospel-hearted course for pastors, preachers, women’s workers, music ministers, children’s workers, evangelists, church planters, and anyone else who recognises the value of an excellent theological education. Across our Learning Communities we have men and women in church ministry and secular employment – current and future leaders – who simply wish to be better prepared for ministry.

How does a Learning Community work? A Learning Community is typically hosted by a local church, and led by a Mentor – usually an experienced church leader. UST handles student admissions. Each Learning Community has between three and twelve students from local churches. A Learning Community running the GDip gathers for a day a week, for 22 weeks a year, to watch videoed lectures and discuss them with their Mentor. An extensive range of learning resources are available through the Union ‘Cloud’, including e-books and e-journals. Private study and essays are done in the students’ own time, and all teaching, marking, and assessment is done by UST faculty using the Union Cloud. Students are mentored in ministry, gain pastoral understanding, and experience spiritual formation in the context of their existing relationships and church family.

Where we are With an international base in Oxford, a campus in South Wales and Communities spread regionally and internationally, Union is making theological education and training accessible for all. We have locations from Cambridge to Calgary and Liverpool to Athens. Explore the map to find a Learning Community near you.


UK Communities Map 01

Porthcawl (GDip)


Bristol (GDip)


Welsh Borders (GDip)


Liverpool (GDip)


West Cumbria (GDip)


Edinburgh (MTh)


Newcastle (GDip)


Oxford (GDip & MTh)


Cambridge (GDip)


London (GDip & MTh)


Brighton (MTh)


Worthing (GDip)





04 03


02 01



11 12

Americas & Europe Communities Map 01

Calgary (GDip & MTh)


South Holland (GDip)


Tulsa (GDip & MTh)


Rome (GDip & MTh)


Stillwater (GDip)


Helsinki (GDip)


Newfoundland (GDip)


Skopje (GDip)


Prince Edward Island (GDip)


Athens (MTh)

08 03 01


05 04

07 06

09 1o




Campus Life Our campus provides a unique residential learning experience and a home for the Union family. Our campus is centred on a nineteenth-century manor house set in beautiful grounds near the heritage coastline of South Wales. With an excellent library, conference hall and chapel, accommodation and cutting-edge teaching facilities, it is the home of our full-time teaching programmes, offering all the benefits of traditional residential training.

Residential education

More than a college campus

Studying for the BA or MTh on our campus offers all the classic advantages of an excellent seminary education, now with the added benefits of being part of Union. It is a great privilege to be able to take two or three years out to lay a solid foundation for effective gospel ministry, and life on campus is enriched through daily worship and fellowship with faculty, students and the wider Union family. Time spent here is an opportunity to grow in Christ and establish friendships that will bear fruit for life.

As well as residential education, our campus provides us with a conference centre for all the Union family, and a place for retreat for short-term intensive study breaks. Students from our Learning Communities - and pastors on sabbatical - have the chance to come and benefit from this vibrant and refreshing community. More than a college campus, we see it as a seedbed of the gospel, embodying our values.

What can you study here? BA in Theology Masters in Theology PhD


Current fees can be found at ust.ac.uk/fees Library Our library serves both the campus community and our Learning Communities. It is also a resource for those in ministry, or Christians simply wishing to extend their theological understanding. The library houses a large and growing range of books, journals, e-books, e-journals, and e-resources, which can be accessed seamlessly on or off campus through any digital device, keeping students at the forefront of academic theology.

Zoom Room

Fees and Funding

Luke 5 Scholarship

UST has a fully-equipped ‘Zoom Room’ allowing language and other teaching to be delivered live to students in off-campus locations through cutting-edge ‘Zoom’ technology.

Union wants to help you with every aspect of your studies, including any financial matters. We welcome your questions and are happy to give support and guidance wherever you need it.

Ongoing support

We can also help you with preparing applications to grantmaking trusts or fundraising letters to supporters. Please just ask.

Union School of Theology is committed to offering assistance to students from under-represented groups, including those affected by disability, illness, or social exclusion. We are delighted to make available a designated ‘Luke 5’ scholarship to a student who has faced a significant barrier to learning before applying for theological studies. It is available for a student intending to study on our BA (Hons) programme, or our MTh programme, starting in September 2020. The scholarships will fully cover UST fees, or where students are able to gain Student Loan funding for fees, the scholarship can cover accommodation on campus.

Union provides ongoing support to students, including a suite of free online theological resources and a growing range of books. We run regional conferences, hosted by Learning Communities, which focus on equipping churches in anything from preaching to urban mission. At UST we care about shaping the hearts and lives of our students. Our Pastoral Dean oversees and models pastoral care with a passion for training and mentoring students, and a desire that churches are led by pastors who are theologically rich, ministering with the heart of the Chief Shepherd.

Phoebe Scholarships At Union School of Theology we recognise that many women desire to serve the church and are keen to study theology, but are often hindered by the financial cost. We have two designated Phoebe scholarships for women studying on the BA and MTh courses, which will fully cover tuition fees, or where students are able to gain Student Loan funding for fees, the scholarship can cover accommodation on campus.

For more information about these scholarships, please contact admissionenquiries@ust.ac.uk

Union Mission also offers our graduates who are planting churches potential access to a significant funding pot.


Union Research nurtures the theologians, authors and teachers of the future to ensure the ongoing mission of the church is healthy and robust. Our community of scholars and PhD students produce the finest evangelical theology to bolster our school, publishing and mission so that leaders are equipped and churches strengthened.

Research WW WW W.UST. W.UST. AC AC .UK .UK


More Information Admissions If you would like to find out more about our courses, locations or how to apply, please fill out the enquiry form online, or call the Admissions Office on 0330 123 4446 (press option 2 for the School, and then option 1). T: 0330 123 4446 E: admissionenquiries@ust.ac.uk W: ust.ac.uk/admissions/enquiry-form

Open Day Whether you’re a prospective student, a pastor or church planter, or still considering whether ministry is for you, come along to Union School of Theology’s Open Day to find out what’s on offer for you. Visit our website for information about the next Open Day. www.ust.ac.uk/news-events/campusopen-day

Taster Days If you’d like to visit campus or one of our Learning Communities to see what a study day looks like, please email admissionenquiries@ust.ac.uk or call us on 0330 123 4446.

Union Campus Union School of Theology Bryntirion House Bridgend CF31 4DX UK




At Union School of Theology we offer degrees from BA to PhD, shaping our students to be theologically rigorous, biblically faithful, and Christlike. In all our academic programmes, our formation of leaders, and our training of preachers, we want to see our students delighting in God and captured by the glory of Christ.


School of Theology Union Foundation is a company registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 1987227 Charity registered in Wales number: 517324 Registered office: Union Foundation, Bryntirion House, Bryntirion, Bridgend, CF31 4DX W W W.UST. AC .UK

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