Project 2

Page 1

Ngati Koroki Kahukura

Doyle Eccleshall

The main aim of this strategy is to develop a plan that bring connection back to mana whenua, the maunga tupuna and awa tupuna. This strategy will will use Mauri Tu to develop the landscape for the future; making the land economically, culurally and ecologically liveable for Ngati koroki kahukura.

Landscape Character This panoramic is looking North-East, visable through the area are the powerlines which are interupting the view. This panoramic also shows fragmented vegetation. Majority of the landcover is high producing grassland used for dairy. Overall the terrain is rolling pasture, with most of the land having highly areable soils.

Project One Strategy

Areas identified for revegeErosion prone areas (slope of 15 deRiparian buffers (along stream edges). Degraded soil Fertile soils Waikato awa

Our main objective is to outline a proposed environmental enhancement plan where ecological, cultural and economical environs are considered as elements that are intrinsically linked. This strategy will be supported by case studies which show successful, ecologically resilient and culturally responsive projects relevant to Waikato. The overarching goal being an ecologically, culturally, and economically resilient design that will benefit the people of Ngāti Kokokī Kahukura. Figure 2. Show’s high erosion prone areas, where vehicles have made paths. Cliff faces at the rear of the photo, towards the front of the phone would be a stream way. This land is semi fenced off pastureland with insuffiecent filtration from pasture animals and an undeveloped edge effect.

Figure 1. Show’s fragmented forestsTypically native boarderd with fencing. between these fragments is grassland-which is for pasture animals, in the backdrop of the photo it shows larger fragments, this would be of pinus species which is used for forestry. In the immediate front of the photo it shows goursewhich is an invasive weed- Region wide irradication of this weed is currently in progress.


nz-powerline-centrelines-topo Contour_tif3

nz-powerline-centrelines-topo <all other values>




<all other values> <all other values>


Broadleaved Indigenous Hard Built-up Area (settlement) Deciduous Hardwoods Exotic Forest Forest - Harvested Indigenous Forest Lake or Pond Manuka and/or Kanuka




1,500 Meters

Context The majority of the Waikato consists of rolling pasture with small fragmented patches of forest sculpted by the largest river in Aotearoa, Waikato awa. Typically blocks of forest larger than 25ha+ would be of pinius radiata or other popular forestry trees. The Waikato river slices through the terrain which is mainly where settlements have formed, the largest of which is Hamilton- Population appx. 140,000, Main types of land use include pastoral farming and exotic forestry, contributing to the majority of the export market. Care for soils and waterways are extremely important for sustaining current land use types in a high producing farming and forestry region. The area is rich in significant cultural sites most of which reside on the banks of the Waikato river and few at the base of Maungatautari. A few of these sites- mainly burial sites were flooding with the creating of the dams along the Waikato river. Power-lines extend from the dams throughout the landscape.

Pa with rua pits and terraces defended by 2 transverse ditches, on top of ignimbrite bluff.

Pa. Small rectangular enclosure, perhaps 40m long, on edge of ignibrite escarpment.

Legend nz-powerline-centrelines-topo-150k NZAA_Sites



Points <all other values>

Landcover <all other values>

Name_2012 Broadleaved Indigenous Hardwoods Indigenous Forest Lake or Pond Manuka and/or Kanuka

Hillshade.tif Value

High : 254.911 Low : 0

Pa. Single transverse ditch defending promontory above ignimbrite bluffs.




200 Meters

Cultural Sites As the Waikato river was inland’s main source of transportpre-european settlement, tribes set up close to the river edges as it had fresh water, fertile soils and pleantiful tuna. There are multiple sites of Mana Whenua in the Pohara area, this includes Maungatautari- Ngati koroki remain the present tangata whenua of the land, Maungatautari is also refered to in their waiata. it is Ngati Koroki Kahukura’s maunga tupuna, Waikato River- The Waikato river is their awa tupuna, it is important as it was their source of life and transport. The pari located north of the Marae this location is a site of mana whenua, views towards this should not be objustructed the pari has deep cultural important to Ngati Koroki kahukura. Pohara’s natural spring is a seepage / filtration spring its source of water is filtered through permeable suface (earth). This spring should be protected as it is their source of water. w


Legend #


b1acclog Value

High : 4.25624

Low : 0




200 Meters

Flow AccumulationThis map identifies the area’s in which water along streams are backlogged and the rate that they backlog, this map also shows the drainage patterns that run along the landscape. Pohara has a low value of backlog so this isnt a key constraint in developing Papakianga housing.


Legend # Value

Points High : 41.3059

Low : 0.000155752




200 Meters

Slope The dark grey / black around in the current map has a slope of 15* or more, these areas should be revegitated to help stablize them from erosion. Some of this land is currently being used for pasture land causing erosion to occour faster then expected, this is also the cause of sedimentation in near by stream ways, the buffers on sloped areas should protrude from these idenified area’s to help prevent any landslip.

Legend Contour_tif1 <all other values>




<VALUE> North East South West




200 Meters

Aspect The aspect signifies the direction of slope face, this map demonstrates that the area around Pohara prodominatly faces east, this also influences water flow, the Waikato river falls to the East of the site this which plays a major part in the flow direction. With the slopes facing East this can be used to an advantage sundirection can be taken into account for things like Micro solar farms. There are a few area’s where this can be introduced.

Legend #



1s 1; 1s 1+7e10; 2e 2; 2e 3; 2

3e 1; 3e 1+2s 1; 3e 1+2w 3; 3


5s 1; 6e 1; 6e 3; 6e 4; 6e 5; 6

7e 1; 7e 4; 7e 6; 7e10; 7e10+ Value

High : 41.3059

Low : 0.000155752




200 Meters

LUC- Land Use Capabilities This map identifies Land Use Capabilites, which is how areable the landscape. majority of Pohara is highly areable, this land should not be used for pasture as this will degrade the soil types typically adding nitrogen to the soils. Small portions of the site are Moderately Areable this land can be used for multiple things, although its in the lands best intrests to maintain this soil type and not degrade it further. very small percentage of the site is Partically areable, this land should be revegitated with native Ngahere, this land could be use for development, if rehabilitation is not economical. Non areable land should be revegitatied as it is in its best intrest up uplift this land to prevent further damage to it, the land is not useful for planting crops etc. 1-2 Highly Areable 3-4 Moderately Areable 5-6 Partically Areable 7-8 Non areable

Legend <all other values>




<all other values> <all other values>


Broadleaved Indigenous Hardw


Built-up Area (settlement) Deciduous Hardwoods Exotic Forest Forest - Harvested Indigenous Forest Lake or Pond Manuka and/or Kanuka




200 Meters

Landcover Overall the landcover is predominantly productive grassland, with patches of indidgenous, harvested forest and exotic forests. fragmentation has occour and no linkages a seen through nor around pohara other vegitation around the site consists of Pine shelter belts and singualr exotic trees.

Legend Contour_tif3

nz-powerline-centrelines-topo <all other values>




<all other values>


Broadleaved Indigenous Hard Built-up Area (settlement) Deciduous Hardwoods Exotic Forest Forest - Harvested Indigenous Forest Lake or Pond Manuka and/or Kanuka




1,750 Meters

Infrastructure Network Viewshafts looking east from Pohara Marae are obstructed by Powerlines running from Aripuni Dam, the area only has a single artierial road with other roads expelling off these. Aripuni is the closest township (8.4km), state highway runs on the opposite side of the Waikato this making travel on Pohara’s side of the Waikato. The largest influence ion the Infrastructure Network is Aripuni Damn, this has caused man made flooding and alterations to the Waikato river to divert the water flow.

Strategy The context of Pohara Marae is very unique in close proximity (3km appx) it contains Australasia’s 3rd largest ecological restoration project, also the Waikato river, both have large ecological significance. inbetween the three consist of a series of patches and the matrix. The natural patch mosaic will be viewed from multiple ends these ends consist of ecology, culture and economy. This strategy consists of a collection of patches that arent spatially connected through the matrix, the mosaic structure seeks to uses patches to encourage the biodiversity from one patch class to another, using the varience of patches to Ngati koroki Kahukura’s advantage. the different patch types usdd for Ngati Koroki Kahukura’s plan contains several patch types; -Domestic Produce -Environmental Corridores -Productive Ngahere -Native Ngahere The justification for the diversity in patch types is to create a mosaic structure that supports Ahi Ki, for Ngati Koroki Kahukura to live, work and play from land within their own rohe, while expressing Mauri Tu. Due to the landscape not being planned properly fragmentation has occoured this has isolated habitats which dont have any contectivity, having adverse effects on its biodiversity potiential. As part of Ngati Koroki Kahukura’s development plan we aim to rediedate these effects.




Environmental Corridor


Organic Farming The current matrix of the landscape is pastureland, mostly for dairy. these are currently between all patches. The currently pastureland has been applied to highly areable land, this highly areable land could be used for growing crops an other methods of farming, strategy is to push Ngati Koroki Kahukura to other methods, so all their egg’s arent in the same basket, creating economic diversity. Organic farming will help the land by not adding nitrogen fertilizers and pesticides to the soil, this will help to maintain the current soils conditions.

Indicative x-section

Landscape Configuration Patch- The identified patchs consist of either exotic, indigenous or harvest forests. These patchs all are within a 3km radius of Maungatautari, Pohara and The Waikato River. Matrix- The landcover is connected by high producing grass land; Interconnected through the Waikato and visable from all directions at Pohara Marae. Through Landscape Structure Pohara and the context of, has been analyised through Landscape Metrics. The spatial structure of the Landscape has been configured into the Matrix and patch’s. This exsisting structure lacks in Landscape Function and Mosaic patch’s, This serverly threatens biodiversity and ecosystems from functioning, as there is no natural connection through the Matrix.


lcdb-v41-land-cover-datab <all other values>


Broadleaved Indigenous Hard Built-up Area (settlement) Deciduous Hardwoods Exotic Forest Forest - Harvested Indigenous Forest Lake or Pond Manuka and/or Kanuka

Hillshade.tif Value

High : 254.911

Low : 0





620 Meters



Landscape Identification This map idenitifies the classes of patches within Maungatautari, Pohara and the Waikato river. These patches are predomiantly Exotic Forests and Indidgenous Forests, these patchs have harsh edges as they are located within the Matrix.

Master Plan The master plan presented is developed from the patch mosaic theory, the plan uses this theory as a starting point in linking the Waikato River, Puna and Maungatautari, it uses connections through biodiversity to to create the intial link. Through resilience this plan sees to help Ngati Koroki Kahukura develop strong economic development, making it economical for them to live on their Rohe. Through croplands, productive forest and native ngahere it makes all aspects of the land return, narrowing into water treatment water run off becomes water for irragation, catching and filtering water through a series of retension tanks. The daylighting and planting of riparian planting has become one of the main focuses for this plan, as Ngati Koroki Kahukura wanting to open the streams the mosaic patch theory has turned these streams into Riparian Corridors (hydrological flows) creating connectivity throughout the site.

Implementation of patch’s Comercial forest


The importance of this forest is to develop a useable forest, this forest would contain trees that can offset catborn that Ngati korki Kahukura produces while operating the land (tractors, vechiles, food processing). As trees absorb most of their carbon in the first 10 years of growing there is an opportunity to make this work best for Ngatikoroki Kahurkura so they can still kae use of the land while supporting Mauri Tu. The timebr used to build infrastructure onsite (E.g. building of Papakianga , new Whare etc) can be harested from their own plantations, this could be of a fast growing timber (E.G. pinus radiata this trees semi mature age is 12 years of age) that can be used for construction while spending the first 10-12 years of their life offsetting the maxium amont of carbon. another aim for this comemrical forest is not to become a zero carbon community, but to actually offset more carbon then they produce.

Hydrolgical flows have been used as transportation, there are no hydrological flows that run from Waikato river through Pohara up to Maungatautari, with the development of post-settlement pastureland these hydrological flows have been severly deteriorated. Most non-exsistant on the surface, this has caused the corridore to close itself stopping the habbitat connectivity through the landscape matrix.

Indicative x-section

The masterplan exposes these gydrological flows, creating an environmental corridor,

Native forest

Suggested planting guide

The native forest will be used at a ‘stepping stone’ for native flora and fauna that could be travelling through from the Waikato river to maungatautari. It is also used as a staring point to link Maungatautari to the Wikato river through native vegitation, this forest can become economically prodcive as they can appy for carbon credit’s selling the offset to buyers on the native, unharvested patches.

Native Forest: Initial planting suggestions: kahikatea Dacrycarpus dacrydioides cabbage tree Cordyline australis manuka Leptospermum scoparium rewarewa Knightia excelsa puriri Vitex lucens mahoe Melicytus ramiflorus

Enrichment planting kahikatea Dacrycarpus dacrydioides kohekohe Dysoxylum spectabile rewarewa Knightia excelsa rimu Dacrydium cupressinum totara Podocarpus totara or P. hallii puriri Vitex lucens

Site Perspectives Native Ngahere- Commercial Forestry- Urban- Riparian Corridor- Pasture Land Crop-

Native Ngahere- Commercial Forestry- Urban- Riparian Corridor- Croplands-

Economic Plan The focus of this project was to achieve a strategy that applies values that Ngati koroki kahukura hold, while establishing a system that provides Kitikianga- care for the environment. This strategy seeks to help shift Ngati Koroki Kahukura from where they are currently at in the primary sector to a better performing department. While also looking for opportuities in other sector’s such as the Teritary sector, which promotes tourism. Being situated directly between Maungatautari and the Waikato river this has excellent opportunites for eco tourism such as; Hiking, mountain biking, and kayaking. Currently the land situated around Pohara Marae is pasture land, to try economically diversify Ngati Koroki Kahukura fragments of classes have been section in accordance with LUC to provide crops or orchards that are currently performing well economically, such as olive oil, organic grapes etc. Ngati Koroki Kahukura has the opportunity to be able to grow produce for trade with other iwi’s, this means they can trade their produce with other tribes/iwi’s without adding costs etc. Cost of living in the Waikato is currently low, having the land for Papakianga housing puts the cost down, a system can be establish for working with the land an for the tribe to be able to suppliment the cost of living (food, bills, gas etc).

Legend <VALUE> North East South West

# Legend








South West




140 Meters


140 Meters




The blue identifies the potenital location of a micro solar farm, West this land is sloped easterly, this is to catch as much sun as possible. # Points

Water, Waste & Energy Currently onsite Ngati Koroki Kahukura is paying for both Water and power Energy: With analysis of the contours, sun direction an aspect there are few suitable locations in close proximity to Pohara Marae for the development of solar panels. The land identified is large enough to impletment a Micro Solar Farm. This land is not suitable to be developed for organic farming, and will help generate more of an income, while providing acessible power to the marae, papakianga housing and machine’s that maybe be needed to process food (e.g. solar dehydrators, solar ovens etc) Waste: If the number of papakianga houses continues to expand, waste management will need to be thought of, composting toilets is a good solution to this problem, dealing with waste onsite. Water: Runoff from infrastructure can be reused for irragation (crops)


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