Project 2 ebook

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Contents Contents


Introduction Location Freehold Land cover Land use River Aspect Slope

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Strategy Master plan Perspective Roads Riparian Buildings Economic Fence Vegetation Car Park Section

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Case Study





Introduction This project is aim to protect and manage the landscape cultural for the Pohara Marae. The site is between to the Waikato River and Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari in the Waikato Region of New Zealand. My strategy is focus on the ecology and culture of the local resident and protect and enhance it. The site is also need to provide some farming, orchard and crop areas for the local residents that they can get these resources for their requirements and also can for their economic benefits, but protect their environment and landscape culture are most significant.



Pohara Marae

Waikato Region Position

Pohara Marae Position


Project Outline

Freehold The two pa need to be pvrotected during and afer development.

scale 1:5000


Land Cover The river behind the Marae has riparian planting along its and there including lots of Manuka. Creating river buffer zones and native plants can reduce the environmental impact on the site in the next development. The type of vegatation was important to identity in the site. It can be able to strengthen potential vegetative cooridors and allow plant and animal species to thrive, as well as reinfocing ancestral connections.

scale 1:5000


Land Use Land use including three types soils for agriculture land and history forest.This is good for the next steps. It is important to establish that soil are ground cover is suitable for purpose.

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River It is showing that the river buffer network and the road buffer are arounding the site. It is part of life in rural communities. It can be used as a good view for lanscape and for local people to use. It is clearly to know the scope of catchment. It is a brightly physical feature.

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Aspect This aspect map indicates different aspects by using different colour. From aspect, we could find which area is faced with sunlight and that is quite useful for housing development and vegetation planting. Lands that facing to the north is easier to get sunlight, therefore papakinga housing should face this direction. As well as planting, the vegetation that needs sunlight should be planted on north-faced, northeast-faced and northwest-faced land.

scale 1:5000


Slope The marae is situated on 0-5 degree slopes, it is surrounded mostly by the hills and rivers, a very beautiful views. The 1040 degree slopes just suit for planting to minimize future impact of erosion. Landform that is under 5 degrees are used as farming, crops, orchards and buildings to utilize. It is more exactly know where include the dangerous areas through the slope.

1meter contours

scale 1:5000


Strategy Our strategy is to protect, manage and develop the ecological. And designed basically Maori Design Principles to provide practical guidance for enhancing Pohara Marae presence. Protecting and enhancing the environment, communities and nature country. Planting the exotic grass and indigenous forest of riparian edges, and the riparian planting will reduce the land use. Using a lots of areas to horiculture in the land for the production.The water quanlity and quality is important for the residents, and it is need to establish the vegetation to solve these problems. The agriculture and community areas help to retain the rural character of the site. The residents could through the orchards, crops and farming get the resources and food. Native vegetation could protect and enhance the important ecological landscape. Its ecosysyems ensure the creation of a high quality environment for residents to live and enjoy in long term. These areas provide a valuable community and amenity place.


Master Plan The master plan demonstrates the whole elements what I proposal in this site. And I aim to enhance the culture and environment. The residential dwellings are locating near the marae and river. Creating three communication places that apply for residences to enjoy and communication together. These commucation areas also can apply for the vistors to realize the Maori culture and communicate with the local people. Also creating many planting areas to support a producive landscape alowing local peo-

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Roads The proposed roads are kept to minimal to preserve the site’s natural. There are many exsiting roads. The roads link the resident dwelling, river and planting area. These roads including 2 meters width, 4 meters width and 6 meters width.

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Riparian The riparian vegetation are play an important role in the site. The river buffer expand to 25 meters of the streamfor protection and enhance the stream. And it is also to prevent cattle entering these zones.

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Buildings The proposed buildings for the residents and customers living, communicating and using. These buildings are mostly back in the marae and in the flat area. I keep the exist housing and add more housing for customers and residents, and these housing seperate in crops, orchards farming areas, all of them are near the river that can get the landscape views clear and all of the housing are not too much distance that is convenient for them communicate. I add two more housing for visitors living.

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Economic These places are on the flat areas and link to each other through roads. The crops and orchards are near the residents dwellings and river, it is easy to irrigate and work, they do not need to walk too much ways, and also can attract the visitors to pick up the fruits together, and communicate with the local people. The farming is a little far from the residents dwelling and river, but I add a house near farming.v

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Fence These fence mainly design in the planting areas. It is clearly to show the boundary of the planting area, and also can prevent the cattle entering other zones.

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Vegetation The proposed re-vegetation mostly use for the boundary of the road, orchards and crops that most of them are native plants. And most vegetation are existing plants, the river plants not only can act as ground water filters, also can maintain soil stability, creat a beautiful views for the residents and customers to enjoy them. The re-vegetation need to choose carefully what and where to plant, reducing vital.

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Car Park It is showing four car park areas in the site. Two mainly car park in the residents dwelling zone for the people that include two type car parks which can apply for the normal car and normal bus. One car park is for the crop area, another one for the orchards area. There are not only can apply for the residents, also can support the visitors, and it is not too far from the housing.

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The plants on different level. The taller trees such as cabbage tree to act as wind breaks,to frame views and the shorter planting act as absorb water and also for people to enjoy.


Case Study The projects vision is to making Waikato River sustain abundant life and making surrounding communities prosperous for future generations. To achieve the vision, there are some objectives to be pursued. The health and wellbeing of the Waikato River need protection while the relationship of Waikato-Tainui, Iwi, and Waikato Region’s communities, including their economic, social, cultural and spiritual relationship, to Waikato River also need to be protected. The resources of Waikato River, natural, physical, cultural and historic ones, are to be managed by using integrated, holistic and coordinated approaches. And a precautionary approach to avoid adverse and potential cumulative adverse impact on Waikato River as it is degraded now and should not be degraded further more by human activities. Despite of protection, enhancement is also essential for the significant sites, fisheries, flora and fauna. The water quality should be restored to allow people to swim in and take food from it over full length of the river. To offer better sporting, recreational, and cultural opportunities for people, access to Waikato River is ought to be improved. The restoration and protection of Waikato should be highly valued and to develop targets for improving the environment, Matauranga Maori and latest available scientific methods are to be utilised. Sharing the activities to local, national and international expertise will be useful because of their professional opinions. The project also protects waahi tapu and sites of significance to Waikato-Tainui and other Waikato River Iwi. Apart from direct strategies towards the river, it is also necessary that public knowledge and understanding is to be promoted and fostered.


Reference 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


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