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Will the curtain over the cultural sector in Thessaloniki rise again?
by Laura Andrés Tallardà
The lockdown has affected the cultural sector from Thessaloniki: from musicians, to theatres, writers, painters and artistic organizations. We analyze the challenges that the artistic sector from the city is facing. as it progresses, it gets difficult from the psychological aspect as well”, explains Kosta Vreto, who festivals have been cancelled, and bars, usually is a guitarist in the band Wardrum, composer, arcrowded, have closed their blinds with the coro- ranger, producer and music teacher. navirus situation. The lockdown has affected countries and cities from over the world. In Thes- Vreto feels that there has not been enough supsaloniki, the lockdown has also closed a window port for the cultural sector in the city, not only of opportunities for artists, who are living (or because of the lockdown, but in recent times. sometimes trying to survive) in a challenging “For the past five years, in Greece there has situation. “This situation has affected writers, been a difficult scene. It’s easier for mainstream musicians… everyone. At the beginning it is cool Greek music, because there is a big audience to to have some time off from everything else, but play for. But for more alternative groups not so much”, he states.
The curtains from theatres have fallen, music
In June 2020, there was a protest from the arts
Performance from Neo Theatro
© Neo Theatro
sector in Thessaloniki. Art workers, musicians, actors and many more were protesting through dance, music and art performance. The main goal of the movement was to demand more support from the Greek government. “Our work was closed first and will be opened last. We can’t stay on the ice. We can’t pull the plug from one industry”, Giota Negka, a Greek singer, stated.