Out Of The Borders
Intersectional Environmentalism
A movement for the environment and for social justice
by Beatrice Cosner
“Intersectional Environmentalism is an inclusive version of environmentalism that advocates for both the protection of people and the planet.” - intersectionalenvironmentalist.com
Intersectional environmentalism is about bring-
ing injustices done to the communities and the 30 years ago as a “lens through which you can Earth to the forefront, pointing out how they see where power comes and collides, where it interlocks and intersects”. Intersectionality are interconnected. want to focus attention to situations and social It all started in the US with Leah Thomas. While patterns where social justices issues overlap, studying environmentalism in college, she creating unique situations, that are often overthought that social justice had to be entangled looked. With an intersectional view we are able to address cases where our system failed to recwith this movement, but it wasn’t. ognize prejudice happening at the intersection At the same time, Kimberlé Crenshaw’s theory of gender and race of black women. We can be appeared on mainstream media: intersectional able to recognize power dynamics and the “blind theory. Crenshaw coined the term more than spots” that perpetuate injustices.
© Beatrice Cosner