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Creation and Destruction, the essence of Existentialism 2020, Would you rather drown in the same river or die and be reborn? by Filippo Massariol
As Heraclitus said, we never bathe in the same river, but I believe that we can drown. I have
chosen to deal with this topic because I believe that in today’s world we often take too many things for granted, relying on appearances, which in addition to leading us down the wrong path, in some cases hide the true reality of things.
The obstacles of self-realization: us
rules and its prohibitions. Isolating him irreparably, to the point of impoverishing him, blocking interpreted as what veils reality, while reality is him in a rigid scheme. the concrete condition of what exists. Starting from Descartes, the thesis according to which In 2020 many of us have become even more demen know only ideas, i.e. mental representations tached from the flow. Many of us have remained of things, was affirmed. But if our knowledge is slaves to the vicissitudes. And many of us have made only of mental representations, who can drowned in the same river. The river in this case guarantee that they are the object of truth? Often is not a stream of water, but a symbol, that repour subjective vision becomes a barrier against resents our own mental convictions. the true reality. The presumption that everything needs to go Luigi Pirandello, influenced by spiritualistic smooth and follow logic. The illusion that our philosophies such as Henri Bergson’s, argues lives should be free from injustice and sufferthat life is made up of a free flow, continuous ing. And a society that tries to convince us to and independent. Everything that detaches it- believe in rules that go against our nature. This self from this flow takes on a distinct and indi- existential paradox is often the biggest obstacle vidual form, beginning to stiffen and, according to self-realization. We can wash it off, deal with to Pirandello, to die. So it happens also with the it. Or on the contrary, drown with it until we learn human being: in reality we are nothing but an how to swim. indistinct part of the eternal flow of life, but we tend to focus on a fictitious reality that we give What if disorder was the key meaning ourselves, in a personality that we want to be co- of the flow? herent and unitary. I know that many of you will not agree with me, And it is society itself that traps the individual and so be it! There is no unity without opposition. according to Pirandello, with its conventions, its Many of you will have doubts, and so be it! Doubt
In the history of thought, appearance is often