Local Life
Love Your WildLife by Julien Pablo
Do you know the national park of Axios ? Near to Thessaloniki, The National Park of Axios is an important place for wildlife thanks
to its unique ecosystem due to a good combination of three rivers that meet the Delta and finally end up in the Gulf of Thessaloniki. This region shows a huge biodiversity, especially a huge variety of birds. You can meet shorebirds and seabirds in the same place.
Here, I met Penelope from the NGO Action For
animals with any problem from all of North Wildlife. I asked her to explain to me what the Greece, the island and central Greece. Our organisation does and something more about main purpose is to take care of them in order to the local wildlife. be released into nature.” - Penelope
“We are Action for WildLife, an NGO that runs Action for WildLife is a local organisation re-
a wildlife hospital. We are situated in North lying on volunteer work so most of the people Greece. We receive injured and offended wild working here do it for free. Ten people work everyday in the facility to save these animals’ lives and some volunteers come once or twice per month to transfer animals or bring food. In total, around thirty people support the organisation in some way.
Action for WildLife
© © Action for WildLife
They also receive volunteers from all around the world through different programs: some come independently to help and others are recruited through the European Solidarity Corps program.