Volunteer Life insight
Saving turtles in Turkey
by Giovanni Stanislao
I was running in the airport, I had never been so late for a flight in my entire life. When I arrived
at the gate it was already closed, and I thought I just lost my connection to go from Istanbul to Mersin, where my ESC project was going to take place. I basically begged the flight manager to let me in, after a while she let me through and I was able to sit on the plane a few minutes before the departure, sweaty and exhausted from the stress.
I was sure I was going to bed as soon as I arrived at the house, that I actually reached really late in the evening. My plan was to meet all the volunteers already working there only the next day. But I was wrong. Someone suggested going to the beach and seeing a turtle laying eggs. At that moment, all my physical and mental tiredness disappeared. That day, my head didn’t touch the pillow until the next morning, around 8am.
was lucky enough to volunteer during the beach in Kazanli, a small village on the Turkish most interesting period of the year. When sum- coast, to dig huge nests and hide their eggs unmer begins, female turtles come at night to the der the sand. Around July, all the mamas are
© Giovanni Stanislao