6 minute read
The Wood Element Explained
by Sherry Brouzes
Colours of Design Columnist, United Colours of Design Magazine
• The colour of olive combines yellow and green and considered neutral on the spectrum. Olive represents hope, fertility, change, creativity, vitality and new beginnings. Everyone is familiar with the olive tree that takes many years to reach maturity in order to bear fruit. Olive is a prime example of a shade of green to best describe the wood element in Feng Shui.
The Wood element is one of the five elements in Feng Shui known as “Wu Xing” in Chinese. The five elements are wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Chinese Feng Shui believe everything in the universe is one of these elements that dominate at certain times or seasons. The five elements reflect the essence of each type of Chi, also known as ‘cosmic breath’ or universal life-force.
The Wood element is the only element with inherent life energy. It is associated with both Yin and Yang. Wood element is known as ‘young or new yang.’
Wood has two parts like a tree; the roots beneath the earth that we cannot see are yin (feminine) energy. The tree trunk, branches and leaves represent yang (masculine) energy. The tree will spread up and out to reach the heavens.
• Wood chi in our environment activates hope for the future in our goal setting as we journey through life. Wood Chi gives us the power, vision, productivity and energy we require to start anew. Olive trees are an excellent example of hope for future prosperity as they take at least three years to reach full maturity. Olive as a colour signifies many of these qualities.
• When there is too much wood chi in our homes or spaces, we may feel upset, angry, impulsive and impatient. As a result, we may exhibit controlling or dominating behaviour. On the flip side, when there is too little wood chi in our environment, we can become lazy and unmotivated. Good feng shui is the art of placement for acquiring balance. Therefore, a healthy balance of wood chi is essential to remain motivated and calm.
In feng shui design, when an office has large wood furniture, wood beams, wood flooring and wood paneling, people may become agitated and restless. Too much of the wood element will disrupt the creativity and productivity of the employees. Too much wood Chi makes us feel claustrophobic. To mitigate the effect of the wood element, I would suggest adding the fire element to ‘burn’ some of the wood element to bring the Chi back into balance.
To remedy this, try adding red colours to the décor. Artwork with scenes of sunrises or red flowers is a good choice. (The Fire element reduces wood in the exhaustive cycle in Feng shui.)
• To enhance personal/inner feng shui, use bamboo, hemp, cotton, wicker, and all wood products. So, wear wooden jewelry, add some green colour to your wardrobe, or buy a set of wooden salad bowls.
• You can use Colour Mirrors essences to balance the Wood energy in your personal auric field and for your spaces. Colour Mirrors includes a set of all the elements including wood essence (olive) to help you shift and elevate your vibration with soft, gentle oils and essences. I work with Colour Mirrors energy system in my Feng Shui practice. The wood element essence supports the body by detoxing suppressed anger held in the liver.
Wood Elemental
Wood Element and the Bagua
In Traditional Feng shui Bagua, the wood element represents the east and southeast directions. The East gua is “Family and Community.” The Southeast is the ‘Wealth and Prosperity” gua.
The Trigrams associated with wood in the east direction is “Zhen” (Thunder). The Trigram in the Southeast is “Xun” (Wind).
In Western Feng Shui Bagua, the wood element is located center left and upper center left areas of the nine-grid map. The left center gua is called ‘Family and Health” The left upper gua is called ‘Wealth and Prosperity.”
Activate Wood Chi with Leafy Greens
In Feng Shui design, activate wood chi in your home and spaces with fresh, healthy, lush plants. I recommend broad, soft-leafed plants. Because of their sharp points, the cactus and spiky plants can exude ‘sha chi’ (harmful energy). Cacti should be kept in areas where the ‘spikes’ are not aiming toward you. They are lovely in the garden, not directly in front of the entrance. All healthy plants are good feng shui. Plants are not recommended for a bedroom as the energy may be too yang for a restful sleep. However, fresh flowers are acceptable if they are not too close to your head where your sleep.
The colour of the wood element encompasses all shades of green. The shape that depicts the wood element is tall and vertical, like a tree trunk. Columnar objects, pillars, and tall rectangular shapes represent wood in your spaces and home. Floral patterns in wallpaper depict the wood element in feng shui design. Artwork or sculptures with scenes of forest, trees and flowers are all included as a representation of the wood element.
Olive and Chakras
The colour olive is composed of yellow and green. The solar plexus chakra is represented by yellow and our “power center.” The heart chakra is green and is the center of love and compassion. Olive is a true expression of fearless, feminine power.
Summary of the Wood Element in Feng shui
• Positive message: growth, expansion, power, creativity, fertility, flexibility and new beginnings.
• Colours: Olive green and all other shades of green
• Shape: columnar, rectangular, floral patterns, vertical artwork and sculptures
• Material: plants, trees, flowers, cotton, wicker, rattan, hemp all wood products
• Properties: raises the Chi; retains the Chi
• Smell and taste: mint, rosemary and the scent and fragrance of newness and freshness
• Human Organs: liver, gallbladder (throat)
• Creative element: Water (water feeds wood)
• Destructive element: Metal (metal chops wood)
• Reducing element: Fire (fire burns wood)
• Direction: East/Southeast
• Feng Shui animal associated with a wood element: Green dragon
• Colour Mirrors: Wood Element Essence/Olive coloured oils.