Universal Magazine issue 7

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Mind The Gap Astrology

Saying Goobye Coping with Loss

Interview with the Author Amanda Hart

The Craft of the Lightworker The Digital Magazine for Holistic Living

If you have been touched by our channel of love and wish to offer a contribution at whatever level you can, you honour our collective guidance, wisdom and inspiration, support our work and allow the magazine to continue to shine our beam of radiance into the darkest corners of the world. www.universal-magazine.com


6 9

Contributors Gallery - Meet the Tribe Umail - Readers Letters

10 Independence - HOW TO BECOME MORE SELF RELIANT. 14 Numerology - 2016 A YEAR NUMBER 9 18 Interview with the Author Amanda hart 22 FEATURED DECK - PSYCHIC TAROT BY JOHN HOLLAND 26 Exploring the Elements - Air 36 Saying Goodbye - coping with loss

42 Astrology - 2016 - a year of mutable changes 46 The Craft of the Lightworker - CREATING AN ORACLE DECK 50 A Meeting with Elders - THE KOGI INDIANS 52 Mind The Gap - A SYMBOLIC CROSSROAD 54 A Magical Wish - TO HEAL OLD WOUNDS AND LOVE YOURSELF 56 Bach Flower RemediesWalnut and Honetsuckle


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and welcome to issue 7 of Universal Magazine.

We step into the new and exciting year of 2016, a number nine year in Numerology - the end of a cycle or phase of life, a time of reflection and assessment of our accomplishments. Taking the wisdom and lessons of life forward to set our intentions to manifest our dreams and goals for the future. I personally love this time of year, the energies of inspiration and optimism are almost palpable. Vikki Fosdal, our wonderful Numerologist takes a look at the year 2016 - a year number 9 and what this means on an energetic level, on page 14. Our Astrology feature 2016 A Year Of Mutable Changes by Tisch Aitken, page 42, also takes a look at the planetary alignments in 2016 and how the movements of our celestial companions affects us all. On page 18 Amanda Hart features in our Interview with the Author article, sharing her inspiration for writing her fabulous book The Guys Upstairs. The launch of the book and the #iovercameuk campaign coincided with the change in government legislation regarding coercive control. The Guys Upstairs is an autobiography with a mission, Amanda Hart’s passion and courage shines like a beacon of hope for anyone experiencing difficult circumstances. Saying Goodbye - Coping with Loss is the first in a series of articles be Phyllis Walsh, author of the wonderful book The Illusion of Mortality on page 36. Bereavement is a life lesson that touches all of us at some point, Phyllis shares her own poignant experiences to offer comfort and hope to anyone traversing the grieving process.



Interview with the Author


We have copies of The Guys Upstairs by Amanda Hart and the Psychic Tarot deck by John Holland to give away for our best readers letters received, which will also be featured on our Umail page in issue 8 of Universal Magazine, live in May. I have read The guys Upstairs 3 times now and can’t recommend it highly enough, it is a brilliant read! The Psychic Tarot is also one of my favourite decks that I use regularly, the images and colours are so vibrant, which make this an exciting deck to connect, interpret and work with.

The Shamanic Drum

Richard Crookes shares his work as an artist and designer of oracle decks in our fascinating feature The Craft of the Lightworker on page 46, and how the process of


creation is inspired by the light and intuition.

2015 Re-connecting with the Spirit of Nature The digital magazine for Holistic Living

To catch up on our back issues click here or please email /contact Samantha Yates

You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you’ll discover will be wonderful. What you’ll discover is yourself. Alan Alda

Love, light and abundant blessings.

Samantha xxx


Our UNIVERSAL Tribe Hello, I am Andy Dibble, the publisher of Universal Magazine. My main passion in life is photography and IT, although my first love is taking pictures; of any subject and turning them into atmospheric images that captures a viewers attention and imagination. I began capturing moments in time through the lens of my camera thirty years ago, I am still learning and developing my skill. My photographs are featured in issue 6 of Universal Magazine and will appear in other issues from time to time. My images will soon be available on the Universal Magazine website to order in your chosen format. I would love to hear what you think of my work. If you prefer to call me, please do on 07772759814 Andy Dibble - Email As Editor and Chief at Universal Magazine, I am an eternal seeker and believe that we all have life lessons to share for the greater good of all - precious gems of wisdom and knowledge to help our fellow pilgrims on this magical journey. I have a passion for life, holistic health, any subject dealing with the hidden aspects of existence and our fabulous British weather! For me the secret of happiness is integration, blending the spiritual and the physical into a harmonious balance. I feel as excited and inspired today as I did when I began my spiritual and personal development journey many years ago. The magazine is the platform to share my discoveries and those of our contributors, to offer an alternative perspective on reality and to infuse our readers with the courage and inspiration to embrace this amazing serendipitous journey that is LIFE! Samantha Yates Website - Facebook

Frankie Sikes works as a therapist, consultant and trainer in the UK and is the owner/guide of the Walkinginspirit mindful walking retreat. He is also a journalist and has a smallholding in Asturias called “Pomar� . He is currently the coordinator of service user involvement in drug & alcohol services in the London Borough of Islington and is working with NHS England to improve patient participation within healthcare in London prisons. Frankie has a great love of the natural world and enjoys guiding mindful walking groups in the wilderness, traveling and pursuing his interests in natural spirituality, philosophy, shamanism and mythology. He is available for one to one therapeutic work, Skype sessions. wild-therapy, (group and individual), retreats and team building and mindfulness training for business. Frank Sikes Website Facebook Vikki Lightweaver - I am an hereditary psychic and Empath and have worked as a Healer and Numerologist at events around East Anglia for over twenty years. I offer Intuitive Numerology Readings, Charts, courses and workshops. Tarot readings ,Sacred geometry readings, workshops and courses. Reiki Attunements to Master/Teacher level and Healer development. Meditation classes and development circles. I am fully insured and work mainly from home. Many of my courses and readings are available on-line via web chat or e-mail. For more information you can contact me at on: Anna Fallas Website, Facebook or by Email.


.....the Contributors I have always been at home with the spirit of nature, content with the trees and grasses, flowers,moon and stars. This affinity fuels my writing and is the source of my inspiration. Nature is the real world. Ecology, transition and positive change feature strongly in my work, so does esoteric thought. Man stands between the heavens and the earth and we are all equally linked to both realms. My writing expresses elements of this sacred space. Anne Fallas Website

After many rewarding years as a Hospice Staff Nurse, Sheila chose early retirement to allow her to care for her husband following his devastating stroke. This allowed her to discover a passion for writing. She devised a formula using magical wishing and visualisations for personal enhancement, happiness and fun and created the Wish Magic series of e-books. Sheila has also published a vegetarian cookbook, and a compilation of loving and uplifting messages received from spirit during 25 years of giving psychic palm and tarot card readings to family and friends is the next project in the pipeline. Sheila Carr Website Email

They say Shaman/Witches are chosen,Thunderbeings certainly accompanied my entrance into the world, attended my marriage and the birth of my daughter and many other significant milestones in my life. A catalogue of things pointed me in the direction of a spiritual life since early childhood . I accepted my calling when during a healing session I experienced a ‘shamanic death’ where my guides led me through a disintegration of my physical body until I became nothing but a glint of light in a vast universe, a time of no time, nothing yet everything all at once, in truth I have no real words to describe the experience, the ultimate Shamanic Death experience and for that I am forever humbled. So my life continues. Avalon Whitefeather Website or Facebook

I am a NY based Astrologer & Tarot reader with 10 years of experience and I study through the NCGR education program for astrologers. I incorporate both Astrology and Tarot into my readings at parties. I currently read for two major international websites; as well for a diverse personal clientele and at several Corporate and private events. I love working with people at parties and I am very passionate about what I do. I find great accuracy both through looking at what’s impacting the individual’s chart and through empathic guidance through Angel Tarot Readings and have great consistency and accuracy with my clients. Tisch Aitken Website / Facebook


...the Contributors Dawn Chrystal is a Bach Flower Remedy Practitioner, Reiki Master and teacher, Medium, Healer and workshop facilitator. Her book Divine Intervention - Your Spiritual Development Workshop Manual was published in 2011. She also has an array of meditation Cd’s available to purchase on her website. Dawn’s passion is the Bach Flower Remedies which were a life-line for her during a challenging period in her life, which she now shares with others to help and support them back to a place of peace, balance and clarity. Dawn works alongside her Guides, Angels and friends from the Spiritual realm in the workshops to assist others to integrate the spiritual and physical aspects of themselves to become whole and reach their full potential in life. Dawn offers 1-1 or telephone readings/consultations and distant healing. Dawn Chrystal 07936546791 Website

Amanda Hart is an Intuitive Consultant and Author of her recently released memoirs, “The Guys Upstairs.” Amanda has helped clients for over 20 years to overcome negative programming. Her methods are radical yet subtle as she assists with releasing clients from traumas that can go back to childhood and beyond. She was asked to write her book to help others understand her methods, this is now a platform and part of a worldwide campaign to raise awareness in helping people find their power and voice. Here in the UK Amanda is raising awareness as part of a nationwide law change to help with coercive control. Her book is endorsed by key experts in this field who support her mission. Amanda teaches classes to help people find their ‘success mechanism’ and sees clients in Suffolk and London. She is currently writing the sequel to her first book and embarking on her nationwide tour to support her work. “The key is to unlock the programs that inhibit you...once discovered it will serve you for the rest of your life.” Amanda Hart - Website - Facebook Prior to her husband’s death Phyllis Walsh was a wife and mother of two children. Her husband Owen was a musician and had his own music school which she helped with the secretarial side of things while raising their two small children. The incredible events which followed her husband’s death led her on a mission to spread the message that our consciousness survives our physical death. The book “The Illusion of Mortality” was born through Phyllis’s glimpses from the otherside. Phyllis has been interviewed on various radio shows both here in the UK and in America, promoting her wonderful book. This is a powerful message aimed at the bereaved and grief stricken. To give the hope and validation that you will see your loved ones again. Death is the end of the physical state but not the end of consciousness as we know it. Phyllis Walsh - Website - Facebook

We are always on the look-out for inspirational and informative subject matter to share with our wonderful readers. If you would like to join our tribe of Contributors simply email samantha@universal-magazine.com with a brief outline of your proposed subject matter.


Share and connect with us; tell us what you like, what you would like to see in the magazine and send your questions to our wonderful tribe of experts to; samantha@universal-magazine.com Dear Universal....

Dear Universal....

I love Astrology and always enjoy to read my horoscope. I have however been told that my rising sign is as important as my sun sign - do I therefore need to read both forecasts? Also how do I discover my rising sign? Karen Nottinghamshire

I have recently ended a long term relationship with my partner and am contemplating a name change to symbolise my new found independence and the beginning of an exciting new chapter in my life. I feel that a name change would bring in new energy. Any advice on this matter would be wonderful. Maddie Suffolk

Sun sign astrology can be very basic; but, some astrologers do go into great detail and give valuable information for the month. If you know your rising sign, otherwise known as the ascendant, you can read the forecast for both your sun sign and Rising sign. If I were to look, I would only look at my sun sign; but, it is up to the individual. To find your Rising sign you need your time of birth. Astro.com is a free website where you can plug in your birth information, and it will tell you where you have your planets, houses, etc. Good luck. Astrologer Tisch Aitken Webiste

Dear Universal.... I would love to grow my own vegetables but have very little outside space. What is the easiest vegetable to grow? Could you also recommend any good books or websites for guidance as I have looked online and the amount of information available is quite overwhelming, I don’t know where to begin. Katie Hampshire Even in a small space it is easy to grow vegetables and also some fruit. It can also be decorative and a pleasure to work in. It is possible to grow 60lbs of food in an area the size of one parking space! Try growing a variety of veg in containers. Asparagus, aubergines, beans, parsnips, carrots all grow well, in fact the list is endless. Many of the seed merchants now sell ‘suitable for the patio’ seed, often a dwarf variety that will grow well in containers. Or if you have the space try growing veg and fruit in raised beds. Raised beds are easy to maintain and can look beautiful, it is all down to planning and the imagination!

Often when we end a long term relationship it can be very helpful to change our name. A name change brings in new energy to work with and can really help us to move forward in a positive way. I have personal experience of this as I changed my name when I divorced my first husband. Obviously it is difficult to advise you on this without knowing what your name is now and which name you are considering changing to. However there are a couple of pointers worth thinking about; firstly the energy of the new chosen name can take up to eighteen months to truly settle in so a name change is not an overnight fix, secondly, you would need to really think about what kind of energy you would like to bring into your life at this point. I am currently offering a special change of name consultation for £10 - this offer is limited to looking at up to two new names and their spelling. Vikki Fosdal Facebook

WIN a copy of the fabulous book - The Guys Upstairs by Amanda Hart (page 18) or the stunning oracle deck - The Psychic Tarot by John Holland (page 22). Good Luck! Samantha xxx

One book that covers the information needed for growing in small spaces is ‘The Edible Container Garden. Fresh food from tiny spaces’ by Michael Guerra. It is full of valuable information, ‘tips’ and beautiful photographic illustrations. Michael Guerra specialises in Permaculture, his advice is tried and tested! Go on give it a try, nothing tastes better than organic home grown veggies! Anne Fallas Author of The Earth Changes Website


Independence As we move further into the present period of change, many people are realising that the system they have been dependent upon is dysfunctional and that it has caused them to lose much of their own independence. We have also forgotten how to hear and acknowledge the voice within, the ancient and wise voice that we all share. This intuitive inner voice can enable us to walk further into the future without fear, it can guide us and help us to become more self reliant.

Photography Š Nigel Dugdale

Self reliance, the reliance on ones own self, is something we all can experience. Its methods allow the re-connection with nature around us and the nature within us. It enables an unselfish, harmonious and balanced life not just for ourselves but also for others around us, for future generations and for our planet Mother Earth. Self reliance does not demand the total disconnection from our consumer society, it merely moves us from being dependent consumers to being the responsible producers of our own food and energy. Living a natural, healthy and environmentally aware life is sustainable living in action. As our old system breaks down we have the opportunity to create, expand and experience new ways of living, sustainable healthy and whole ways of being. Here are a couple of tried and tested systems that can be used in a variety of situations from small gardens to acres of land. Permaculture - offers practical solutions. It guides us to use the patterns and relationships that exist in nature and it can be applied in many ways including human habitation, eco building, agriculture and the growing of ones own food. Three main ethics lie at the heart of Permaculture they are: care of the earth, care of the people and the reinvestment of all surplus.

For further information see www.permaculture. org,uk Biodynamics - is holistic and offers an ecological approach to farming, gardening, food and nutrition. The system developed in the early 1920’s by Rudolf Steiner works with the cosmic forces as well as with nature. Biodynamic farms and gardens are designed to have a sound ecological balance. They are integrated and work with the spiritual dimension. We too are linked to this dimension, it is a part of us. For further information see www.biodynamics. org.uk We can become more self reliant and develop a greater awareness of the natural cycles. We can awaken our connection with trees and plants and realise the power of nature. We can renew and ‘live’ our spiritual connection with the earth. The emerging changes are allowing a positive transformation to take place. The fertile earth shares her fertility and her wisdom. Man once again can listen to the wisdom of nature and recognise that it is also the true nature of himself. This world survives. Anne Fallas Website

“The rules and confines of man were being replaced by an order that was natural, pure and whole. It had no limits. It was linked to and by the waves of celestial thought. This was truth radiating and illuminating itself.” [Extract from The Earth Changes.] Website

Inspirational books by Sheila Carr

Website / Amazon

Numerology... 2016

A year number 9 Traditionally Nine is a beneficial energy, the number of completion enabling us to finish off what we have started. 2015 was a year eight with the emphasis on finding a sense of balance between the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine within the Self and also in the world.

As a species we have reached a turning point and it is heart warming to see that despite the negativity and fear being perpetuated by governments there are huge numbers of people standing up for our beautiful planet and for each other. The period of time between 2012 and now has, for me, been likened to a difficult birthing as we are pushed to let go of the old ways of being and embrace new energies coming in. Nine vibrates to the energy of justice and of honesty encouraging us to be honest and open with each other and to look after each other. As we move fully into this nine energy it will become more difficult to hide the truth. We are already seeing this with social networking groups. The plus side to the internet is the sharing of knowledge and images that those in power would rather we did not see. The qualities of nine are compassion, passion and humanitarian ideals. We have to realize and accept that we are all of one family, the human family, and we all share one home The Earth. We are all responsible for the well being and care of each other and of our home world. It always saddens me when I see a lack of respect for the Earth such as litter lying on the side of the road because people throw it out of their car windows instead of taking it home and putting it in a bin. It saddens me to see our governments waging war, wasting vast amounts of money on death and destruction instead of actively seeking peaceful solutions. Whilst obscene amounts of money are wasted on weapons of mass destruction there are people starving to death, and not in the third world countries but also in the so called wealthy nations of the western world. In this age it should be possible to house and feed everyone. Nine is the number of the visionary, the dreamer and so this year we are being encouraged to dream big, to follow our dreams and to work from the heart. Nine energy encourages us to be compassionate and to work together to promote positive change. The energy of the year nine brings opportunities


to take a world view of where we are as Human Beings. It brings the energy required to see the bigger picture and to bring large groups of people together. We are already seeing this with the recent marches about climate change. The media were surprisingly quiet about it but the power of social networking sites and the internet makes sure these images are seen. Likewise we are seeing large gatherings of people coming together in meditation. Again the mainstream media are not focusing on this but the power of social media is getting the images out there for all to see. It is these images that give me hope for the future. Scientists are proving that just as the Shaman and Medicine Men and Women of indigenous tribes have always taught, our thoughts really do shape our reality. So when large groups gather with the same intent we really can make a difference. We can do this from our own home simply by sitting quietly and meditating on peace or consciously asking for healing to be sent to where it is needed in the world. If we can link with others at the same time then the energy sent becomes stronger. There are many options to join groups of like minded people on the internet through social networking sites. Nine is a high energy number and if we use the energy of nine collectively we can create real change in the world. If we are unable to use the internet we can simply meet with like minded others and sit quietly together in prayer or meditation. The key is in positive energy and positive thought and a desire for peace. This can be difficult when there is so much fear being generated but there is a great truth which states “There is nothing to fear but fear itself.� It is how we react to those fears that defines us as Human Beings. This year nine brings opportunities for all of us to begin to realize our own personal dreams. It is a time of letting go of the old to make room for the new. This nine energy has the potential to enable us to bring the old and new together in a way that creates a better way of living for us all. So

follow your dream. Don’t be afraid to think and dream big. Make time to send positive thoughts into those places that are in darkness. Allow your own personal light to shine and help those who cannot help themselves. Find creative solutions to problems, share what you have with those who have nothing. Be Human Kind. To work out your own personal year number for 2016 you need to add the numbers of the year of your last birthday, to your day of birth number, and your month of birth number e.g: Year of last birthday 2015 = 2+0+1+5 = 8 Month of birth April = 4 (fourth month) Day of birth 17 = 1+7 = 8 (date of the month) Add the above 3 numbers together - 8 + 4 + 8 = 20 2+0 = 2 so the personal year number would be 2. Some Numerologists take the personal year from January to January but personally I prefer to take it as the year from one birthday to the next. Either way is good so go with what you feel resonates with you. Personal year 1 - brings opportunities to begin again, to try new things, to have a fresh start. A good time to begin a new project or a new course or to apply for a new job. Personal year 2 - brings opportunities to re-assess life. To look at our personal relationships either with family, loved ones, colleagues or friends. Do these relationships work for us? If not can they be changed or is it time to walk away? A year two can often bring opportunities to form new friendships and relationships. Personal year 3 - brings time for social activities and fun. This is a lighter energy bringing Joy. Three also enables us to begin to manifest what we want

from life. A good time for self development. Personal year 4 - brings work, work and more work. A slow but steady year enabling us to lay the foundations for the future. Personal year 5 - brings more time for adventures, travel and fun. It is the midpoint of a nine year cycle. This is a good time to make changes you wish to make. Personal year 6 - brings changes within the personal areas of life. You may experience change at work or within your most personal relationships. You may decide to move house or redecorate or make some other change to your home. This is often where we begin new relationships or end those that no longer work for us. Personal year 7 - is unpredictable energy. It is a great time for study or for teaching what you have learned to others. It’s a great time to take a gap year or to go on retreat. It is a time for nurturing the Self. This energy often brings a need to take care of someone. Ultimately this act of kindness will bring positive changes for you too. Personal year 8 - is a great time for work and finances. If you are thinking of starting your own business this is a good time to start. This energy encourages us to truly step into our personal power. To be happy with who we are and where we are in life. To allow our light to shine for all to see. Personal year 9 - brings completion, the end of a cycle. This is a time of letting go of anything that no longer serves our highest good. It may be simply decluttering the house or the office, it could be taking things you no longer need to the charity shop. It can be letting go of old habits and thought patterns which hold you back. You may find yourself letting go of certain people who no longer resonate with you and finding new people who do. Nine brings endings and beginnings. Vikki Fosdal Facebook


Interview with the Author I met Amanda Hart when I attended one of her workshops; ‘Activating Your Success Mechanism’ which was brilliant. She is a very down-to-earth lady, but her passion for her book - ‘The Guys Upstairs’, the campaign and life in general is startlingly obvious. I’ve read the book twice myself now but that isn’t enough, the story of her life is absorbing, uncomfortable at times but above all inspirational and that’s why it was my pleasure to share my interview with Amanda Hart. Q. From the beginning of the book you speak of an awareness of your angels - how do you recognise their physical proximity and how do you perceive information and guidance from them? I.e clairaudiently, clairvoyantly etc. A. It’s interesting when you ask that question as I never thought about it as a child. My angels were just there with me and I knew it from the core of my being. I discovered I was predominantly clairsentient in my early days of spiritual discovery through a workshop I did with Cassandra Eason. At that time I was frustrated as I didn’t get what others saw or heard but she assured me that over time it would serve me as I would learn to trust my gut instinct. Today I work strongly on all three levels to perceive my angels but that came from many years of learning and trusting what they were showing me. Q. There are instances during your life when you ‘knew’ the outcome of a situation before you had physical evidence i.e. when you got the position at British Airways? How did you know your application would be successful with such strong competition? A. Since I was a child I was able to predict and see things which I learned by observing my father.


- Amanda Hart He came from a Norwegian background and was very open on an intuitive level. Every time he said something would happen, it happened. I don’t know if I learned it from him or it was inevitable that I would be like him but dreams and predictions that I’ve had since the age of three have been coming to life ever since. I can only describe it as such a strong feeling that you just have to follow that route no matter what. Ever since then I’ve never doubted those urges and each time they bare fruit. Q. I’ve always believed that everyone that enters our life is there for a reason, and that we are guided to the right people and vice versa - do you agree? A. It’s interesting how we hear story after story of people ‘coincidentally’ bumping into the right person at the right time but my life has allowed me to see how these are simply the synchronistic element of the universal energy. We’re constantly thinking and those thoughts send our intentions out to the universe. If we think about something we want and we’re in alignment, the universe will move heaven and earth to help us connect at the right time. Alignment is important as it puts us on the right path so the universe can guide it to us. So I would say, as long as we’re working with good intention and are grounded, the universe can help us connect with the right people at the right time. Q. You talked about ‘Spiritual Junkies’ and I completely get this, as I probably was one myself when I began my own spiritual journey - it is akin to being a child in a sweet shop, you just don’t know where to begin as everything looks so good! Where would you recommend our readers start on their own spiritual path? A. Oh gosh yes, I was definitely a Spiritual Junkie as I had an insatiable appetite for anything that could give me answers but equally there is so much out there you just don’t know where to begin. This is where alignment plays a vital role. By keeping

grounded, in balance and working on yourself with good intention, this will keep you aligned. Then you will attract the right workshops, books and people at the right time for your personal development. Remember though, every one of us is unique so we must use discernment and take that which serves our highest good from all information learned by using our gut instinct. That way you will glean what serves you and cull what does not. Q. You mentioned that people were “addicted to finding solace in spirituality, but disturbingly hiding behind it”, could you expand on this point? A.Yes, when I first launched myself into the spiritual realms I submerged myself in it for the protection and comfort it gave me. It was a place I sought solace and couldn’t get enough. The problem with it, was that when I had to go back into the physical world I didn’t like it as it was a scary place to be. I used it as a place to hide. This is what is known as the ‘theta swing.’ Theta is the brain frequency of deep meditation and beta is the frequency of the logical mind so I swung from one to the other. In the end I attracted Ken Page, a teacher from the USA who I interviewed for one of my radio shows. I went to his workshop and discovered that we have the ability to be present in the physical and spiritual world all at once and be grounded with it. He was one of my greatest inspirational teachers. Q. The second half of the book begins to feel lighter, readers can almost feel the change in energy as the light of hope starts to shine through the cracks in your life - the time when you began your spiritual development path in earnest. A. Yes, up to that point it had felt like I was cast adrift out at sea and being constantly battered by the elements. My spiritual journey changed me on so many levels. I found a way to take back my


power and slowly but surely attracted the right people on my path to help me find the solutions to overcoming the negative programing I’d learned as a child. It took almost 20 years to finally overcome them but through that process I found the unique way I work today to help others break their patterns of negative behaviours. It was inevitable I had to make a lot of mistakes to learn how to overcome each and every one of them to enable me to teach others. Q. If our readers recognise that they are repeating a pattern in a particular area of their lives and are unsure how to break the cycle - what would you suggest? A. Awareness is key and taking ownership for it is crucial to start the process of change. Many of us go through the same lessons over and over until it dawns on us that it’s a cycle. It’s important to seek answers as the clues tend to be within us. I work with people through their subconscious. When I was a hypnotherapist I was frustrated with the fact that on average only 50% of people overcome problems through hypnosis. I knew that it was simply a stubborn program that would not leave that person. Becoming aware of one’s behaviour and making a dedicated choice to change that behaviour is one way of tackling it. Simply put, if you see yourself eating crisps and chocolate every night and can’t lose weight then changing the pattern of behaviour by organising your time better to go to the gym, get a part time job in the evenings or take up a hobby can be enough for some people to replace the negative behaviour with a positive one. Some programs however are locked in our subconscious and need help with removal which is what I do with my clients. Q. Even when you were facing your most challenging situations in your life, you still found the courage and strength to face your fears and


make changes when you knew things weren’t as they should be. You wouldn’t settle for less and seemed to have a very strong moral compass? I learned from a child how to survive. I had no choice. Whenever I prayed for help I seemed to always get through somehow. After almost 15 years it had become second nature to trust my guidance. As an adult and when I started to draw on my help with that reconnection again, no matter how tough some of the decisions were that I had to make, The Guys always pulled through. I guess in the early years it was simply survival to stay alive so as an adult I knew that nothing was unsurmountable as long as I followed and trusted my guidance. Q. Could you briefly summarise the change in legislation regarding coercive control? What does it mean for the victims of domestic abuse, and when does it take effect? On the 29th December 2015, The Serious Crimes Act was changed to represent a new way of responding to victims of domestic abuse. This means that it will look at abuse as a course of conduct rather than a single act. This takes into account stalking, controlling money, isolation and arbitrary controls of a person’s life as well as physical and sexual violence. Professor Evan Stark’s research was the original source of the coercive control model which the Home Office used to widen the definition of domestic violence. He states that up to 90% of domestic violence was not recognised by the law previously, however with the new law change this challenges that 90% to be recognised by the police, the legal and health system to help victims. The law changes all depend on professionals and practitioners to step forward and help towards facilitating that change. The Coercive Control Conference has opened up debate for change on a mass level for the greater good of all. See Website

Q. Please share with our readers your #iovercameuk campaign. The campaign came up as an idea to help with a solution based approach to helping people overcome adversity. I found throughout the difficult times in my life I attracted some incredible people to help me find solutions. More often than not I found that those who had overcome adversity themselves were my biggest inspiration. The campaign is designed for anyone who’s overcome adversity to share their story or advice so that we can collate them on one notice board for those who are searching for inspiration in times of need. Our ancestors taught us all we needed to know through stories and humans are incredible sources of motivation to help those less fortunate. This is our chance to pay this forward. If you log onto the campaign page it shows you how you can leave a comment, story or blog on most social media using the #iovercameuk to help others who are less fortunate. We’ve all needed someone to help us at some point in our lives. Reaching out and helping others reinforces our best self. See Website. Q. Lastly, what was the inspiration for writing your fabulous book? Originally I was asked to write the book when I was working at My Spirit Radio as a presenter. I wasn’t ready by any means and in fact did everything I could to avoid writing it. I knew I had a task to undertake to help others but had no idea it would involve writing my autobiography. It was in hospital after head surgery from a secondary condition I’d developed post meningitis that it suddenly hit me. I began writing the book the day I came round in the hospital ward. At first it was a deep need to leave a legacy as I had no idea how much more my body could take and then it just took over. I had no idea how the book would take form and certainly no idea how it would change

my life. I’m now 15 chapters in, writing the sequel to The Guys Upstairs as I never envisaged the birth of this book to be so life changing. Looking back I realise now how intricately planned it was for The Guys Upstairs to lead me down this path so I could honour what I promised I would achieve. As you know Samantha, you have to read the book to know what they had in mind for me which is unfolding incredibly today. Amanda is currently working on the sequel to The Guys Upstairs which I will definitely be reserving a copy of - Samantha Yates, Editor at Universal Magazine. For more information about Amanda Hart and workshop dates go to: Website & Facebook #ilovercameuk


The Psychic Tarot I love this deck - when I first saw it in a magazine I knew that I had to order it and was not disappointed when I saw the whole deck in physical form. The vibrant colours and striking imagery makes this an easy deck to connect with and to interpret.

The Psychic Tarot has the traditional 22 cards of the Major Arcana, with 36 Minor Arcana cards that are divided into four categories; Physical, Emotions, Mental, Spirit and are numbered 1-9. There are no court cards in this deck but it does contain 7 Chakra cards relating to the energy centres of the body, which I feel gives the reading a more personal, health related connection. The deck has a comprehensive guide-book featuring all the card interpretations, Numerology and colour significance to offer a full and rounded reading whilst encouraging the reader to discover, strengthen and utilise their own psychic abilities. The guide-book is written in simple language for the complete beginner to feel confident in using their intuition to build their own personal dictionary of card definitions and broader meanings. All guide-books are a starting point for the reader to gain a basic understanding of traditional symbology, it is not necessary to learn the

definitions word for word as this would not allow the reading to flow naturally. There is no wrong way of perceiving the meanings of the cards if the readers’ intentions are for the highest good of all. Trust your intuitive abilities and if a meaning doesn’t sit right with you, just let it go and speak your truth with confidence. A reading should empower the sitter, offer an alternative perspective so that when the sitter leaves, they feel comforted and confident that there is a more positive way of perceiving the present situation or challenge. A reading is a snapshot of a moment in time, everything changes for a reason. To choose a card; take a few deep breaths and centre yourself. Think about a situation/ relationship on which you would like to gain clarity. Open your eyes and choose the card that you are immediately drawn to. Turn over the page and read the card meaning - is the card relevant or is the information guiding you to concentrate your energy in another direction?


This victory can be used as a teaching tool for the future. Realise that if you came through this challenging time, you can achieve anything!

Card 1 - 6 Victory & Success Good news is on the way! The qualities of this positive card are completion, victory and success that often follow a difficult period. Many people around you are very proud to see how you triumphantly came through it. They respect you and may even attempt to follow your example. You’ve worked hard and devoted much effort to get to this point in your life, where you’ve become wiser and have grown in so many ways. Always remember to stop and pat yourself on the back you deserve it. This card also reminds you to stay grounded, remember where you came from, and keep your ego in check - don’t lose who you really are.


Card 2 - 5 Emotional Loss The number 5 Emotions Card comes forth at a time when you may be experiencing or grieving a loss of someone or something you were emotionally attached to. Honor your feelings. Only by healing and loving yourself - by letting go of the past - can you continue your journey. The suffering associated with this loss delivers profound wisdom and knowledge for your soul. Your unique gifts, talents, and abilities (as well

as your joy and sorrow) will not only make up who you really are, but better yet . . . who you will become. The painful experiences of life are equally as valuable as the joyous ones. Focus all your positive energy on the good in your life and what you’re grateful for. Use your healing energy in this way and try not to focus on what you’ve lost, for new beginnings and happiness are just around the corner.

Card 3 - 5 Throat Chakra Parallel to the heart, this chakra represents unconditional love, compassion, harmony, relationships, and healing. It’s believed to be the link between your mind, body, and soul.

Balancing this area may take a while, but you should allow all the time that you need so the healing energy can get through and flow freely. By loving yourself and others - as well as learning forgiveness - you’ll become more attuned with spirit. Sit quietly for a few moments, look at your chosen card, take in the colours, the imagery, the number and anything else that may be trying to get your attention. How does the card make you feel? What is the first situation or person that comes into your mind as you look at the card and read the meaning? Is it connected with something that you don’t want to look at or accept? Maybe it is time to let go and focus some much needed love and healing on yourself? We published a Tarot Card Reading course for beginners by Gill McDonald with Part 1 on page 26 in issue 1 of Universal Magazine, which is a brilliant starting point for any budding Tarot card reader. Above all else, enjoy your serendipitous journey through the Tarot. For more information or any further questions about the Tarot send your emails to samantha@ universal-magazine.comTo purchase The Psychic Tarot card deck and for more information about John Holland the author go to website.


Exploring the



This issue we begin our exploration of the Elements, how they relate to us and how we can use them for our own growth process. Through the largely unseen world of vibrational energy, we are in a continuous relationship with the 5 elements of life; Air, Earth, Fire, Water and Spirit/Akasha. We begin our exploration with AIR This is the element of vibrational energy, sound, communication, the mind and the intellect. Our thoughts and words are constantly creating vibrational waves that travel through the unseen airways of the great web of life, manifesting, creating and setting off a chain of sequential events as they go. Through Air and its movements, from gentle breezes, light winds to turbulent and destructive tornadoes and hurricanes, energy is circulated. The thoughts and words we send out, eventually return to us, becoming our beliefs, attitudes, philosophies and ultimately, our behaviour patterns that we live by. In turn, this influences what we manifest for ourselves, whether positive or negative - what we believe comes into being. If we believe in a positive outcome, then we have sent out that positive energy, that intent, which has already united with the energies of the web of life, and thereby removing the separation and negativity what would be caused by doubts and fears. In this way, we hold the key to our own futures, our own Alchemical transmutation process, simply by being aware of the words and thoughts we use on a daily basis. How we communicate in the present moment, sets in motion our futures. Scientists and Spiritual pathways have very differing views of the element of Air, yet all agree, without it, all surface living life forms would


perish, including us. For scientists, it is the invisible yet very real mixture of gases that sustain life on Earth, when polluted or out of balance, the Air can become noxious cause ill health, death and decay. For spiritual minded folk, it is the domain of the mind, of Air Sylphs, communication and sound.

Through the breath, breathing in this delicate balance of gases, we are all connected. The trees and plants release oxygen from their respiration process, oxygen being the key ingredient that we need to survive. In turn we breathe out carbon dioxide, a key ingredient that the trees draw in thus the symbiotic relationship between ourselves and plant life is created, if one should perish, so too would the other.

Air is the circulating energy that sets all things in motion, if we want to make changes, air is the element to work with. Of course, air can become stagnant - like a summerhouse that has been shut up for the winter and needs ’airing.’ Air can be contaminated by pollutants from factories, cars etc., and the chemicals we use in our daily lives, from hairsprays to air-fresheners. We can sense whether the Air is charged positively or negatively when we enter a building thereby affecting us in subtle ways. Because Air rules the intellect, the mind, our words, thoughts, beliefs, emotions and responses all create subtle changes in the vibration of the atmosphere around us. This in turn creates unseen changes in the dynamics between us and our surrounding, or with other people, continually changing, connecting and restructuring. Recreating, continually on and on, making new possibilities and potentials, new inspirations for the future, whether positive or negative. Our thoughts and words travel the unseen vibrational web of life, moving beyond our human limitations of time and space, and these are the vibrations picked up by others, especially those with heightened sensitivities. Telepathy is the heightened and honed ability to use these ’air waves’ for communication by thought alone. Thoughts can lift our spirits or plummet us into depression. Thoughts reflect our innermost feelings and beliefs, the way we perceive life and this reflects in our basic energy pattern. What we believe becomes what is true for us, bringing either harmony and balance, or self destructive patterns that create difficult situations and even ill health.

If we were in this room together, we would be sharing the same air, through our individual breaths, we would be sharing that breath, the Air, with one another, and so it has been for eons. My breath, is the same as your breath, is the same as our breath, all through the generations and with all species; friend or foe, wild or domesticated, past, present and future.

Of course, most of the time, most of us are not consciously aware of the pattern of these thoughts that replay over and over in our subconscious mind, sending messages to ourselves and others, which can become a negative spiral we do not realise we are participating in. And this is where focused intention, affirmations and breath work can help us to break that spiral.


So, the breath - most of us do not breathe correctly. You might think breathing is simple, automatic, so you don’t need to pay any attention to it. But believe me, very few of us actually breathe fully and deeply in a rhythmic pattern as we should, to gain full health and well being. Eastern philosophies, Yoga especially , all place great emphasis on the breath, the life force that moves through the universe and interacts with us through the connection of the breath. Often without realising it, we hold our breath, when we are pausing to think of something, when we are taken aback, when we are frighten. Then we take short shallow breaths rather than long deep ones. Through various health issues from diet, to asthma, being overweight etc., all cause us to take shorter more shallow breathes and leave us gasping for breathe if we exert ourselves. We breath either from the stomach only or worse still, from the chest only, thereby starving our bodies of much needed oxygen. Every cell in our body needs oxygen, when we breath shallow there is not enough oxygen for our vital organs much less to the deeper tissues at cell level. Think about your normal breathing, be aware of where you are breathing from when you are in a normal state of relaxation (this can be difficult because your focus is now placed on the breath, and we automatically want to breath correctly now that it has been pointed out). Try to be aware whether you breath from your chest or your stomach, which part of your body moves, and by how much when you are breathing at your usual rate?


So lets practice true rhythmic breathing. Place one hand on your chest, and the other on your upper stomach lower diaphragm area. Now take a really long and slow breathe in, consciously filling your stomach area, followed by your chest area, so that your stomach rises and swells slightly flowing in a wave motion by your chest and lungs. Then slowly, allow the breathe to release, deflating first your chest then your stomach. Repeat this a few times until it feels familiar - how does your body feel? Alive? Tingling? This is because more oxygen is being given time to reach the deeper parts of yourself. The average person breathes around 20,000 times a day, which means, if we are breathing correctly, around 100 square metres of our lung surface is exposed to around 8000 litres of air, which is carried around the body by the 17.18 litres of blood that passes through our lungs on its way to our deeper tissue and cells. Oxygen gives our cells the energy they need to function properly, maintain our health, deal with stress levels and regenerate themselves every few weeks. What is often overlooked, is that on its return journey, that 17.18 litres of bloods carries with it around 60/70% of our bodies deeper level waste products for elimination through the lungs. This is reason alone to make sure we breathe properly, and it is also believed to be why ‘breatharians’ people who exist without food and only the breath, seem to be so healthy. So looked at like this, it makes it easier to understand why the breath is so important, and why learning to breathe properly and taking time for regular deep breaths during our busy schedules, is so important to our mental, emotional, spiritual as well as physical well-being. It can be said that the way we breathe reflects our relationship with life. Do we breathe deep and embrace life? Or take shallow breaths and just plod on with the mundane?

The association of the breath with our bodies emotional responses was first documented in the 1930’s and termed respiratory neurosis. It was found that breathing patterns could ‘restore’ sanity to schizophrenic patients. By the 1950’s breathing patterns were associated with various psychological disorders.

lives, make affirmations and commitments that empower us, organize our paperwork, learn new skills, examine our core beliefs. WE can work with sound, use our voice effectively to allow us to communicate our truths more effectively. Such as shouting into a pillow or on a deserted beach, singing, chanting etc.,

Breathing is controlled by the autonomic nervous system yet it is also governed by the central nervous system, which means that although it is an automatic process we don’t have to think about, we can think about it and we can consciously control it. Therefore making it the most effective health giving tool available to us.

So picking up on one of those, the mind and assessing our lives, spend a few moments thinking about your traits, make a list of positive and negative. Don’t think too deeply at this stage, just allow thoughts to come to you as you think about the two headings. Think about how you use wording in your everyday life, and how you normally say things or express things, put them under either positive or negative.

Aside from regular exercises to strengthen our breath, we can use Air to assess and evaluate our


A simple Project From the lists you have made, you can make yourself a set of cards, 1� x 2� is sufficient, enough to match all the negatives on your list. Then on one side of the card write one of the negatives, then on the other side write its positive, its opposite. When you have written on all the cards, use them to pick one each day, carry it in your pocket and make a conscious effort to be aware of when you are acting in the negative so that you can adapt your behaviour to the positive. At the end of the day return the card to the pack and the next day take another card. Continue in this way until one day, you pull a card and can genuinely say you have mastered that negative issue and so you can discard the card and give yourself a pat on the


back. Continue until all cards have been overcome and thrown away. Then treat yourself to something special. One of our most pressing needs at the moment is to heal our separation from the elements of the great web of life. We have experienced breathing fully, and used the mind to focus on identifying and healing negative vibrations we send out into the world. Now let us move on to sound - this can be from musical instruments, or through our voice. Using your voice can be a powerful tool and yet simple chants and tones can change the atmosphere within yourself for healing purposes as well as the room, or anyone nearby for that matter. Begin by doing deep rhythmic wave breathing, do this several times at your own pace.

Next let’s sound out tones that are related to the chakras of the body; Close your eyes for this one and take your consciousness into your base chakra - now sound LAM - this three times, really feeling it in the root chakra. Next; The sacral chakra - sound VAM, repeat three times, really feel it vibrating... Now the solar plexus - sound RAM three times... The heart chakra - sound YAM three times... The throat chakra - sound HAM three times... The third eye - sound SHAM three times... And finally the crown chakra - sound OM three times. These two simple exercises, breathing and toning can work wonders for your health if practiced daily. Sound has been used by our ancestors ever since the first human tapped his hands on a fallen log and liked the sound, feeling it vibrate and eventually birthed the first drum. Using sound for healing is not a new concept, although it is only just beginning to become mainstream once more. We can experience the vibrational sounds and healing waves by using a succession of instruments, especially wind or percussion, such as the drum, the didgeridoo, flute, rattles, bells etc., by creating a vibrational response in the body that dislodges blockages in our meridian system and gets the flow of life force, or Chi, moving again, restoring vital function and health. Each instrument in turn works on a different wave length or vibrational level; the drum is deep and resonant sound, getting down to roots and cellular level, breaking up blockages and negativity. As you move through the instruments, you reach the emotional level, then the mental level and finally the spirit level with the bowls and bells, clearing and cleansing to a higher and higher frequency.

I liken this breaking down of negativity and blockages to an opera singer, when she hit’s the highest notes she is capable of shattering a glass, so it is with the levels of sound each breaking the negativity down into smaller and smaller pieces until the final highest vibration shatters it completely. Sound healing when coupled with incense and the burning of sacred herbs, will bring about a powerful healing process. I mention the use of incense because this comes under the domain of Air, and of course the use of Aromatherapy is another Air tool that we can use effectively to help change the atmosphere in a room. The art of Feng Shui and Sacred Space Cleansing uses the same principals and this process can change the atmosphere in a room within minutes. Every Day Air Alchemy 1. Start a journal, give thanks to the Air for the breath of life each day. Write 5 things you are grateful for (different things each day). 2. Do the full stomach, diaphragm and chest breath each morning and night (more often if you can). 3. Make and use your affirmation cards. 4. Chant, sing or play music that uses the breathe (flute music etc.,). 5. Meditate. Visualise clean, pure air for the Earth and all her creatures, including yourself. 6. Communicate! Say hello to a stranger as you pass, talk to the shop assistants, work colleagues, share your thoughts, philosophies, be open and find common ground. 7. Consciously turn any negativity, whether your own or someone else’s, or in the media, into a positive. Find the silver lining and focus on the positive.


1. Use the power of focused intention to make a difference to world leaders, war torn areas of the Earth; imagine them bathed in a positive healing light, so that they can embrace love and initiate positive global and economic change for the highest good of all. By doing this daily you are contributing to the flow of positive energy circulating in the world at any one time - and that’s a powerful thing to do. A meditation to assist you with the element of Air Begin with the deep breathing you did earlier… you are standing on a mountain top …a gentle yet firm breeze is rustling your hair…you take deep invigorating breaths…if feels wonderful to be alive. Small white fluffy clouds are scudding by… somewhere someone is playing flute music…the soft tones take you to a dream like state…and you soon find yourself nestled into one of those fluffy white clouds. The sky is the brightest blue you have ever seen…the sun is shining bright and below you the earth looks content and beautiful. You notice sparkles and glints of light in the air around you …you smile as you watch them dancing about…some come closer to you and you realise they are not lights but actually beings…Sylphs…elementals of the air……… Faeries on gossamer wings…they dance around you chattering in a language you don’t quite understand…yet it resonates deep within you… and when you stop trying to decipher it and just allow yourself to become lost inside it…you realise you can feel what they are saying deep within you. You know by the vibrations their chattering creates within your physical body. Soon you feel a waft of air and something lands beside you…opening your eyes you see an Angel smiling down at you …the angel reaches out their hands to you and you rise…..taking their hands…they embrace you and suddenly you are in the air…supported by the Angel….you are flying gracefully through the air… feeling every wave and vibration the movement of the air makes…experiencing the subtle nuances and changes.


The Angel stops now…hovering and glances down at the Earth below…you follow the Angels gaze… and you see emanating from the Earth all kinds of waves of energy and vibrations…some are light and dance beautifully around…others are dark and heavy…and roll ominously over everything in their path...these are the positive and negative waves from every thought, and every word, every human thinks or utters. Seeing the vibrations from up here…you realise how empowering or destructive our thoughts can be. Then the Angels takes you closer…shows you a group of humans standing in circle…their eyes are closed yet beautiful white light and radiant energy is streaming from their chakras...as you hear the subtle tones of their chanting, the vibration from this gathering is sending wave after wave of glittering light all around the Earth…and as the sounds continue you see dark areas becoming lighter…sad faces become happy…death and decay become full of life and growing once more. The Angel begins to descend…and brings you safely back to your mountain top…and whispers to you to be the breathe of life in all things. As the Angel leaves…you gently bring your consciousness back to the present moment. Many Blessings - Avalon Whitefeather )O( Website

Saying Goodbye...

Coping with Loss I wrote my book The Illusion of Mortality and am sharing my story to try and help anyone who is suffering the loss of a loved one in their lives. We are all touched with so many emotions and experiences as we journey through life. Our emotions make us who we are as people and we all share the same emotional traits as a species. But the most difficult and harrowing experiences of all, is that of bereavement.

some small way to come to an understanding, an acceptance that their time with us is precious and brief.

The mourning process varies from person to person and we all have different and individual coping skills. No two people are the same. Just as we share different physical characteristics, it is also the same with how we deal with trauma and change. Back in 2006 my young husband died very suddenly and unexpectedly. There was no warning. Nothing to anticipate or prepare me for this huge life change. But the aftermath was long and tedious and very painful. Because there was no warning that his life was about to end so abruptly, it all seemed surreal and hazy. Depending on how you lose a person ie if the person is suffering from a life threatening condition at the very least you can make some sort of preparation. For example you can all say your goodbyes and carry out any heartfelt wishes on the part of the deceased before they pass. And there is room psychologically in


A sudden death on the other hand is very different. It is good for the deceased because they do not usually suffer. But for the people left behind it can leave a lot of devastation and also denial to the fact that the person has gone. They are both tragic - I am not saying one is better than the other. I am sure you have heard about the five stages of grief; Denial (has this really happened?), Anger (angry at the situation you find yourself in and sometimes angry with the person who has died), Bargaining (maybe if I do something the person may come back and there is no logic of course to this), Depression (feelings of desolation and deep sadness), and finally Acceptance. Strangely enough it is this last aspect of grief which can be the most difficult. Because it is at this stage that the bereaved knows logically that the person is never coming back in this physical life. However, these different stages can happen in a different order, and the road to emotional recovery can be long and tedious. Just when you think you are getting better, you get emotionally ambushed. By this I mean you could hear a song which was significant to you both, or see someone who reminds you of the deceased, and quite literally you find yourself experiencing the feelings from the first moments you were bereaved. What I will say to the bereaved person is this; try to focus on all the other aspects of your life which have still remained the same. For example, all the other intact relationships you still have with family and friends in your life. Your physical surroundings are still unchanged but your perspective to the reality which you once knew has changed forever. And it is this new sense of adjustment which most people find extremely difficult to come to terms with. In the early days it is crucial to take small steps and to not expect too much from yourself. In the beginning I like to use the analogy of finding oneself on a new planet. You have to find your way

around each new day feeling lost and confused, and that is very normal and natural. Do not put any time frame or pressure on yourself as to the length of your grief. It is different with each person and whatever feels normal for you is the pace you work at. Everyone grieves in different ways and it is subjective and personal to each one of us. No two people are the same. You may prefer to keep silent and remain in your own space for awhile. And for others they may want to talk ad nauseum about their loss. People are as different emotionally as they are physically. Also the way we internalize our feelings varies immensely. Grief impacts your life in many areas; physically, emotionally and psychologically. It affects your appetite, your sense of yourself and your own identity. You are not the person you were before the loss and you never will be again. You have to learn a new sense of reality and in time a new sense of normal will become your reality, and that is ok. Be gentle and kind to yourself, and in the early stages of grief just do what needs to be done in a given day, no heavy schedules. Sometimes people try to take on too much because they are not capable of dealing with their grief. But let me tell you that grief is a very patient animal and if you do not confront it, in time it will confront you like a personal tsunami going through your life. So try to face it head on when you feel strong enough otherwise you will end up with what is called ‘complicated grief ’. When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight. Khalil Gibran A little piece of advice that I would like to share here, and it deals with other people’s reactions to your grief. In the beginning some people will feel awkward and uncertain around you. This has nothing to do with you and has everything to do with their own feelings of inadequacy and not really knowing what to say or how to treat you. And because of this fact they can sometimes say

things which may seem insensitive or downright offensive. Sometimes when people are trying to say the right thing, they say the wrong thing, it is not deliberate - this is new to them too. And I am talking about your grief. So try not to be too judgmental with them. Believe me, they mean well and their intentions are to try and make you feel better in some small way. But again we can all say the wrong thing and our tact can be less than kind. Try to be patient with them but most of all be patient with yourself. Let go of expectations. For example do not say “I should be feeling better” or “This should not be the way I feel.....” Your feelings are your feelings, and your ability to cope is as individual as your DNA. People will sympathise with you but unless death has touched their own lives, it is difficult for them to have full empathy, and again that is ok. It is not about them. It is about you and your journey to recovery and to starting a new and wonderful life again. Your life has not ended, it has merely changed. In time you will be able to look back and remember the happy times you shared, what the bereaved person gave to you and how they touched your life. You will also learn to smile and in time to even laugh again. Death is normal and is the natural conclusion to the physical state. But because of the finality of death it is this fact which most of us find the most difficult to deal with. Accept help wherever it is offered, and seek a professional grief counsellor if you feel your life is impeded negatively. Earlier I mentioned ‘complicated grief disorder (CGD) - in psychiatry it is a disorder for those who are significantly and functionally impaired by prolonged grief symptoms, for at least one month to six months following a bereavement. Some people can suffer for years if left untreated. This condition can affect approximately 15% of people who have lost a loved one. Feelings of hopelessness, a prolonged need for the person who has died and also their reality seems extremely uncertain and vulnerable. This is more prevalent with a sudden


death. You owe it to yourself and to those who still love you to seek help. Remember that you are much loved and people are only too willing to offer a helping hand once you express a need. Your life is still very valuable and precious and in time you will learn to live with purpose and with joy in your heart once more. And finally I will share this consoling thought; remember that death ends a physical life, but not a relationship. For example, if you lose a parent or a sibling they will always continue to be your parents and your siblings, just in a different way. That relationship is still valid, still real, but not in the tangible sense. I also think it is comforting and helps you to talk to your loved one that has passed. You can write them a letter, share your feelings, your hopes and joys, and what you would like to achieve in their absence. And if you made plans

together before they died, perhaps you may in the future like to make those plans a reality by yourself, when you are a little stronger. Try to set yourself small realistic goals, and also give time, time. That is very important. It is a cliche but time is a great healer, give it as long as it takes. You will become a stronger person and the will to live out your life will be the greatest gift you can give to the memory of the person who is no longer present. You will feel joy and you will be blessed again. Phyllis Walsh Website To purchase your copy of The Illusion of Mortality go to Amazon

The Earth Pathways diary is more than just a diary, it is a networking resource and inspiration for the growing community of people who Love and celebrate our beautiful land. It includes Sun and Moon rise/set times, astrological information, a focus for each of the Earth Festivals and the work of UK artists and writers. It has page-a-week views, month-at-a-view planners, year planner and notes pages. Colour illustrations throughout. Price ÂŁ13.00 + p&p To buy our diary or our wall calendar, or to send your artwork and writing for possible inclusion please visit www.earthpathwaysdiary.co.uk

Astrology 2016 - A Year of Mutable Changes

The year of 2016 provides necessary energy for change and letting go, as there is a lot of mutable energy in the sky. To begin with, when planets are in the mutable signs, they are more likely to adapt, shift, and change. The mutable signs are Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius. Currently, there are three major planets in the sky that are in mutable signs.

Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance is in the mutable earth sign of Virgo through September 10, 2016. Jupiter is the biggest planet in the Solar System, and it signifies where we expand and grow. Jupiter in Virgo expands through doing work, research, analysis, learning, and being of service.

Saturn, the planet of structure and limitations,

is currently in the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius through December 20, 2017. Saturn indicates rules, regulations, and authority. Saturn in Sagittarius wants to get to the truth, as Sagittarius governs the truth and belief systems. It may be a time of restructuring old belief systems, restructuring formal religions and institutions, and implementing new ways of teaching. Sagittarius represents religion, philosophy, belief systems, education, and learning.

Neptune is the planet of dreams, illusions,

deception, fantasy, and spiritual enlightenment. Neptune is in its natural rulership of Pisces, which is a mutable water sign. Neptune remains in Pisces through 2025. Neptune in Pisces has no boundaries or limitations. Neptune governs the ocean and is constantly fluid. Saturn and Neptune have already made a challenging influence, as they formed a square to one another on November 26, 2015. This is a synodic cycle, which began in November of 1989, when Saturn and Neptune were conjunct in Capricorn. Saturn is limited, and Neptune is amorphous; therefore, the two do not work well together. Neptune dissolves structures. When Saturn and Neptune met up together in 1989, the Berlin Wall came down. That structure was permanently dissolved. We have two more meetings of Saturn

and Neptune: June 17, 2016 and September 10, 2016. What needs to be dissolved, what rules need to be adapted and changed? What dreams need more structure and emphasis in your life? We have had a lot of fixed energy over the past few years when we had Saturn in Scorpio, Jupiter in Leo, as well as eclipses and Nodes of Fate in Scorpio/Taurus. Now, the fixed energy has morphed to mutable energy. Planets in mutable mode can have quick, expedient changes. There is a Total Solar Eclipse on March 8, 2016 at 19 degrees of Pisces. This total Eclipse defers back to the Solar Eclipse on September 13, 2015, which was at 20 degrees of Virgo. Some things you may have started then may come to completion now. A Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon stands between the Sun and the Earth -- cutting off the light of the sun. A Solar Eclipse is like a new moon on steroids. It can bring significant events, major beginnings, and major endings. Eclipses are like wild cards, so you never know exactly how things will turn out; however, you do know it is a time of heavy energy and stress. Eclipse periods are always busy and frenetic. Generally, Solar eclipses are more about new beginnings, as a Solar Eclipse is an extra powerful new moon. There will certainly be new beginnings with this eclipse, as it is an emphasized new moon. However, this particular eclipse is conjunct the South Node, and the South Node represents what we are meant to let go.The south node represents our karmic connections. There will be major endings and breakups with this eclipse, as Pisces is the final sign of the Zodiac. This particular eclipse is going to be significant for another big reason: It opposes Jupiter, the

luckiest and largest planet, which falls at 18 degrees of Virgo. Jupiter is the traditional ruler of Pisces. Jupiter is lighting up closely to the degree where the Solar Eclipse occurred on September 13, 2015. There could be some lucky dreams that come to fruition now. Jupiter will magnify and exaggerate this potent eclipse. There will be a lot of exaggerated events, and some truths could come to light with this Pisces new moon.

27, 2015 which was at 4 degrees of Aries. Lunar Eclipses tend to be more relationship oriented, and this Eclipse chart could bring more endings with Sun and South Node in the House of endings in the Lunar Eclipse chart. If something is really not working, this is time to shed toxic patterns, relationships, and people, Chiron, the wounded healer, is exactly conjunct the South Node in Pisces.

Saturn is in Sagittarius, and it forms a T-Square to the Sun & Moon in Pisces in the eclipse chart; Saturn also forms a square to Jupiter in Virgo. Sagittarius in Sagittarius gets to the truth. Neptune in Pisces can want to hide the facts. That will no longer be possible.

This is a time wounds could be exposed or more in focus, This is a necessary pain, in order that you can eliminate unhealthy patterns and wounds entirely. Although the month of March will be very emotional in tone, there is a lot of potential for healing, In fact, 2016 is a year full of tremendous change and movement to expand and heal!

The moon in Pisces is extremely psychic and dreamy, as it is ruled by the planet Neptune, which is the most psychic planet. Emotions will be high, and there will be a need to get extra rest. Big secrets could be revealed. Painful emotions will inevitably surface. Focus instead on your dreams with this magical New Moon in Pisces. You can manifest your dreams through your imagination with Pisces energy.

Astrologer Tisch Aitken Website Facebook

There is also a Lunar Eclipse on March 23, 2016 at 3 degrees of Libra. This full moon eclipse defers back to the Lunar Eclipse from September


The Craft of the Lightworker Over the last few years I have been producing oracle and divination decks for Findhorn Press, in collaboration with visionary authors. Some of you may already have the Angels of Atlantis Oracle cards, the Astrology Reading Cards, The Animal Whispers Empowerment cards and others. Many years before I touched a computer, I was working as a professional artist and especially a watercolourist. Watercolour relies on the luminosity of the white paper shining through the paint to give the work vibrancy, atmosphere and energy. When I started to work in Photoshop many years ago, creating and editing designs in the greeting card industry, l took to it like a duck to water. Although computer work is one step removed from traditional art techniques, Photoshop works in a very similar way to watercolour with layers of images overlaid, one on top of another with the light shining through. The process is an intuitive one. I start with the title of the card and try not to limit myself too much with a fixed idea of how the finished card might look, but I do have the energy I want to project well in mind. I then go searching for images, initially within my own library. If I can’t find suitable images I set up my own photoshoot or occasionally I might draw on the work of other photographers who kindly agree to let me use their copyright free work. Importantly though, while I am in this searching process, I leave myself open to consider any image at all. Quite often a photograph will pop up, maybe unrelated to the subject matter, which will set me off on a different train of thought from my original idea, I am always ready to change trains if they will get me to the destination quicker or by a more scenic route. This is the real interest and the pleasure in the work that I do. If an author is flexible and allows me to do my work like this, then I believe they invariably get a much more creative and successful design. I collect all relevant images with the document and start to blend, select and retouch. Photoshop is a wonderful tool - anything can happen, any image can be created and it is a real voyage of discovery. I am very lucky to be able to make my living in

this way. What stands me in good stead though is my solid foundation in art and composition as a watercolorist. This, I believe, is what makes my images pop off the page. My latest published project is one I have fully authored and illustrated myself - the Tai Chi Reflections cards, published by Findhorn Press. It is a set of 48 self empowerment cards, based on the body language of the Tai Chi form. This is also available as an app on all platforms should you wish to try it out. You don’t need to be a Tai Chi practitioner to benefit from these cards. The concept is very simple and down to earth; it is a physical one. A Tai Chi tutor I had in Bangkok a few years ago, put his first priority in simply learning how to stand with strength and stability. My own definition being - how to ‘stand up for yourself ’ - to not be a ‘pushover’ and to ‘take a stand’ with who you are. This is very real and simple, down to earth self empowerment from our normal language, and it is this principle that captured my interest and that I have tried to present in these cards. Although I work with a lot of spiritual subject matter, personally, I do not have any conventional religious convictions of my own - the oracle cards can be used by anyone and everyone. I consider an artist’s work to be a sacred task - to create and inspire beauty and positivity in others. I hold in high esteem the words of John Keats from his Ode on a Grecian Urn - ‘Beauty is truth, truth beauty,’ – that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.’ In designing my oracle cards the tools of my trade are; a camera, a computer, a graphics tablet and my imagination. Most importantly though my main tool is light. In the process of creation, the use of light and the sensitivity to it is crucial. In this context I might describe myself as a Lightworker, or put more simply, I work with and am inspired by the Light. Richard Crookes - Website


Amanda, a mum of 3 discovered she was very different to other children during her childhood. This in itself helped her to survive a dire upbringing when taken from her mother by her father. She was invisible behind the veil of a middle class family hiding a very dark secret. Amanda learned survival from the age of 4 but equally she discovered a ‘presence,’ her angels, which helped her survive the 15 years of physical, mental and emotional hell she suffered. After leaving home as a young adult she felt the world would become an adventure however her ‘programs’ learned from childhood attracted even more dire predicaments to torture her more so. Eventually when her world came crashing in, she gave in and asked her angels for guidance and that’s when they led her to discover the secret behind the programs she’d attracted. Amanda had a full blown epiphany from a near death experience when she contracted Meningococcal Septicaemia. She was shown the reason why she’d gone through so much hardship and why she’d had the reoccurring dreams since she was 3. It was the push she needed to discover her own exceptional abilities to help others. This, at long last was her saving grace. Through years of study, research and meeting people who recognised her gifts she finally found the key that helps unlock the negative programs that have held so many back from achieving their full potential. Amanda was eventually nominated to go on ‘Britain’s Psychic Challenge’ hosted by Trisha Goddard to find the top psychics in the country, which was on Channel 5 in 2005/2006. She was then asked to present her own radio show, The Soul Searching Show on My Spirit Radio, writing all her own material and interviewing experts in the Mind, Body and Spirit Field. Her passion for writing led her to then become an expert for Soul & Spirit Magazine writing the Soul Solutions page, giving tips and advice on soul evolution. It was whilst at My Spirit Radio she was asked to write her memoirs by her then agent, because of her extraordinary life experiences. 5 years later, Amanda finally succumbed when a secondary condition from the Meningitis stopped her in her tracks from working and she finally resigned herself to sitting down and writing her book. Her memoirs are a remarkable account of how against all odds she found the key to unlock us all from our negative programs and how we have the power within us to do that. Amanda’s life is now dedicated to taking her work out globally to help victims of abuse, past and present. Whether it be in families, institutions, the workplace or behind closed doors of any description, her ability to help others to heal goes beyond logic and is the core of her work to enable people to empower themselves. Through mentorship and support, Amanda’s work helps pave the way through all that inhibits people, to move on with greater independence, courage and certainty to achieve all that their hearts desire. She certainly walks her talk as she lives as if every day is her last and dreams as if she’ll live forever. Amanda’s inspiration has touched the hearts of everyone she meets and is her life’s work to achieve that. www.thesoulsearchingcentre.com

“The Guys Upstairs – how I found my power and voice” There is nothing worse than being a child in a home where violence and hatred are rife and no-one will listen. It’s all the more remarkable then that Amanda Hart survived such harrowing beginnings to arrive at a point in life where she could write The Guys Upstairs. This book charts the life of Amanda Hart from childhood to middle age, a life which saw her stumble from one unbearable relationship to another as she strived to maintain custody of her children and make sense of a world where trust was in short supply. To get through she puts her faith in ‘The Guys Upstairs’, angels who at times can be frustrating in their messages but who in the end always deliver. The Guys Upstairs is an absorbing book on surviving relationships and finding your power and voice to live your destiny.

The Guys Upstairs Campaign Amanda is working with Kat Byles, PR Consultant, ex Global Communications Director, Homeless World Cup, (www.katbyles.com) who is helping her to build a campaign to reach a wide audience to raise awareness, backed by an inspiring campaign inviting people to find their power and voice and live their destiny. “The Guys Upstairs, How I was shown my power and voice” was released on 30th November 2015. My memoirs are part of a nationwide campaign to help introduce a solutions-based approach to helping sufferers of abuse and address the wider societal issues of how abuse needs to be dealt with by society. This all coincided with the changes in the law on coercive control that came into force on 29th December 2015. theguysupstairs98@gmail.com

A Meeting with Elders I first heard about the Kogi Indians back in 1991 when, by chance, I saw the first screening of a BBC documentary called “The Heart of the World – Elder Brother’s Warning” by Alan Ereira. The film blew me away! The thought that an uncontacted tribe had been secretly observing the modern world for 400 years and then decided to make contact with us to tell us to stop harming the Earth was both alarming and life affirming in equal measures. I already had a fascination for nature, shamanism and indigenous peoples but the Kogi’s story completely turned my view of the modern world on its head. Fast forward twenty years to 2011 and, somehow, I found myself part of a small, multi-national group of people invited to spend several days in retreat with two Kogi “Mamas” and their families


in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains of Colombia, the highest coastal mountain range on Earth. Whilst there we also did some medicine ceremonies with a shaman from the south of Colombia in which the Kogi held and continually cleansed the ritual space. I was also able to have a private meeting with one of the Mamas and take part in some of the Kogi’s own traditional rituals. The “Mamas” are a kind of shamanic order among the Kogi and can trace their ancestors in an unbroken line to the Tairona Civilization that once occupied the whole of the Sierra and it’s Caribbean coastline. The Mamas engage in continuous rituals

to cleanse and heal the earth and they believe the Sierra to be the world’s heart. Oddly aerial photos reveal that the mountain range really is heartshaped. These simple rituals of reciprocity greatly influenced how I guide my Walkinginspirit retreat and it was really special to get their blessing for what I planned to do with it. So what was it like to look into the eyes of the elders? Incredibly humbling actually and, any thoughts I had about being comparatively worldly or sophisticated soon evaporated and were replaced by the feeling of being a child in their company. Nothing about them encouraged me to express my personality as if they just weren’t interested in me, themselves or anyone else on that level. They appeared to be completely immersed in spiritual matters. In fact they would avert their eyes when a lot of personality was being expressed. They seemed to extend into this realm directly from what they call “Aluna”, the spirit world and, at times, it was as if their whole ancestral line looked out of their eyes. Their faces rested in an impassivity that revealed very little. They were not unkind; they were just completely and utterly different from modern western people and I really cannot emphasize that point enough. It was like meeting an alien race and then realizing it was us who were the aliens because I cannot imagine a people who seemed more of this earth than the Kogi. I would venture that, unlike modern

people, they appeared to have no divisions either within themselves or between themselves and the apparent and spirit world. Occasionally they broke into uninhibited laughter. The appearance of a bat one night in ceremony was the source of much Kogi hilarity although the reasons for this remained obscure. I very much liked these ancient people who had contacted the modern world on their own terms. I like the fact that they keep much about themselves private and that they fiercely protect themselves from outside influence and, instead, want to influence us. A couple of very important things changed for me during those ten days in the Sierra, but it took me a good few years to realize them. I now know that it was an absolutely key moment in integrating the masculine and feminine forces that had been battling away in me for most of my life and also in connecting me with my ”purpose” which has been coming to fruition in the Walkinginspirit retreat during the four years since. I am very grateful to the Kogi Indians and to all indigenous peoples who retain the knowledge that we will all need if we are to thrive on this planet in the future. Frankie Sikes Website Facebook


Mind T

There are times in life when we arrive at a sym path to choose. This is a time ripe with poten threshold of our dreams, in pause mode - the The gap, the space between the old and the new is not always an easy place to be. We live in a world of technology with instant gratification at our fingertips, impatient to move forward and reach our goals as quickly as possible. In the cycle of nature, everything evolves naturally; one step at a time. Our physical life is no different. Learning to live in the present moment is one of the biggest challenges that we face as human beings. The transitions of life take time, there is no fast-forward button when planning a successful future. Like a beautiful tapestry, each delicate thread needs to be woven into place, one by one to create the tapestry that is our life. The gap is a time to slow down, to meditate and quieten the mind, to be able to hear the guidance of our intuition and be open to the signs and synchronicity confirming our connection to Universal intelligence. This is when we need to surrender to the flow of life and verbalize out loud “What is my next step?” Then, let go and trust that the answers will reveal themselves in the fullness of time. I remember an instance myself, when I was unsure of which direction to take, or even whether I was on the right path; I knew something was coming, I felt unsettled, but I didn’t know what was coming into my life or any of the details. Then one day I happened to look out of my bedroom window and saw a sign in the window of the building opposite saying ‘Office To Let.’ At that time an office was not a viable financial option open to me, but for some reason I knew, without a shadow of a doubt that the room opposite would be my office at some point in the future. Logically this didn’t make any sense at all, but I had such a strong ‘knowing’ within myself that I put my logical mind aside and trusted that if this situation was meant to be, I would be shown the signs at the right time. Six


months later, I was indeed working from my studio premises opposite my home, and had met all the right people in the previous six months that would enable me to make my dream a reality. Don’t let your logical mind talk you out of your dreams! Stay open to the infinite wisdom of the Universe; look for signs and synchronicity, and above all trust that the answers will be revealed to confirm that you are on the right path, your path. Information can reveal itself in so many different ways; a leaflet that drops through your letter-box, information shared during a conversation, an advertisement on a billboard, a song playing on the

The Gap

mbolic crossroad, with absolutely no idea which ntial, a time of reassessment. We stand on the past behind us and the future is yet to arrive. Use the time, in ‘the gap’ to show gratitude for the many blessings in your life at present. Be thankful for how far you have traveled on your journey and for how much you have learnt and grown as a person. Be grateful for all the people in your life, past and present - even the ones that push your buttons and provoke extreme reactions from you these are the people showing you the areas that still need work to become the best version of yourself, your true authentic self. A gratitude journal is a wonderful way to become aware of the multitude of blessings in your life every day, to facilitate an open heart and mind, become more aware of our connection to the Universe and all that is. When we demonstrate heart-felt gratitude, we allow the Universal flow to continue to enhance our lives. An affirmation is a positive statement of intent that will encourage you to invite the new into your life. Try the one below or create your own statement. “ My life is filled with love, happiness and abundant blessings. I welcome a new, exciting and fulfilling chapter into my life right now!” radio etc. The Universe is creative and will use any means available to attract your attention and wake you from your apathy. When you see something that you feel is significant; stop, take a few deep breaths and ask yourself, “Is this my next step?” You will ‘know’ if it is confirmation - you will feel excitement and butterflies fluttering in your solar plexus chakra. If on the other hand, you feel flat, heavy and even nauseous - this is a physical sign that it is not the right step for you at this moment in time. Trust your intuition, your internal compass, to guide you to the people and situations that are for your highest good.

Visualise yourself waking each morning, jumping out of bed, feeling excitement as you greet each new day as a special friend. Surrender control and have complete faith that the Universe will take care of all the details and show you the road ahead, when the time is right. Have a wonderful day today, tomorrow it will be your past - so make today a great day, starting right here, right now! Brightest blessings Samantha xxx Email Website


A Magical Wish...

To heal old wounds and love yourself

So often we allow things that have happened in our past to have a dramatic and negative effect on our present and our future. I hope that this Wish will begin the process of helping you to heal, to love yourself and to move forward with your life. What you will need: A few heads of lavender A sprig of rosemary A pink rose A pen and paper A safe place to burn your Wish as you release you request to the universe What you need to do: Write the Wish on a sheet of paper. As you write the Wish, believe the words, accept that positive change can come into your life. Say the Wish quietly to yourself.

The Wish: I Wish this Wish for myself, to help me heal and mend. With all my heart and all my soul, this deep desire I send. When I accept this love and healing, I remove all negative feeling, Calm and love will soothe my being. Safely burn your Wish and send your request to Mother Earth and the Universe. Loving Blessing to heal old wounds x Sheila Carr - Website

Repeat the Wish any time you need to feel

To purchase your copy of Wish Magic & Spells visit

supported and uplifted.



Bach Flower Remedies

Walnut and Honeysuckle It’s that time of year again, the end of the old and the beginning of the new and one thing is certain - change is constant. The new year is a time when we are just getting over the challenges of Christmas, and ready to make new resolutions for the year ahead. How many times do you make a decision to change, and then struggle to follow through? Each of us have a different way of dealing with stress that comes with changes. However strong your intention is times of change can leave you feeling confused, and often vulnerable and oversensitive. In an ideal world we would all love to be able to drift through the changes and opportunities which are presented to us. But quite often we find ourselves struggling to cope. The Bach Flower Remedies are completely natural and can help you during this time of transition. Walnut and Honeysuckle are two of the flower remedies which can support you through these testing times. If you have come to a time when natural changes are occurring, change has been forced upon you, or you are choosing to make changes in your life, Walnut is the Bach Flower Remedy to use. It will help to ease you through those changes. It will also help you when you are feeling oversensitive to influences outside of yourself, when you feel distressed by anything to do with change, or at any time when you are feeling oversensitive to others’ influences, ideas or even atmospheres. There are many times in life when natural changes occur such as; puberty, pregnancy, birth of a child, menopause or illness. Some changes are those imposed upon us; your child going to school, loss of work or ability to work, starting a new job, moving house, starting life alone, in a new relationship or maybe even a new way of life. And then there are the choices we decide to make ourselves. All of these changes can bring challenges of their own, which may find you

struggling to maintain a balanced way of life. The Bach Flower Remedy Walnut can help you find peace, inner strength and tenacity to move through those times of transition. It is a natural yet very powerful remedy to help support you through times of change. Whenever you feel heavy or disorientated by the changes occurring within you, or around you Walnut can help. Walnut is the link breaker, it can help you move through the small changes as well as the important life changing ones. It can bring in great strength and perseverance when you are making physical changes but still need to cut the emotional ties. The remedy helps you to cross that bridge when you know the changes are imperative on your journey through life. Walnut can help you to break away from old conventions, dominating people and ways of life to enable you to move comfortably and peacefully into your new way of living. If you have high ideals, are ambitious and are ready to take the next step forward on your journey Walnut is the remedy for you. Honeysuckle is the remedy which can complement Walnut when making changes. It helps you lay the past to rest, enabling you to move on. If you find yourself dwelling on the past, and are finding it difficult to let go Honeysuckle is a gentle yet powerful remedy to enable you release the past. Honeysuckle can help anyone at any age when they are ready to move forward but memories of the past keeps pulling them back.


It can help children when they are starting school, returning to school after the holidays, and at any times when there is a longing to be in another place. It can help children and adults alike when there is a sense of melancholy in the present because the past seemed to be happier and more fulfilling. Constant talk of old memories and the good old days would be signs of this. When a loved one has moved on or passed away, and the remaining person is left with a feeling of emptiness and seem to have little or no interest in the present, Honeysuckle is a gentle soothing remedy to help them to start to move forward. It brings a feeling of freshness and joy in the new beginnings. Honeysuckle helps you learn from the experiences of the past, leaving behind that which no longer serves you, and enabling you to move forward taking the knowledge into the new journey you are embarking upon. A combination of Honeysuckle and Star of Bethlehem would be beneficial remedies to help to heal the sorrows which can be felt with any loss. The remedies can be taken on the tongue or in a drink, 4 drops about 6 times a day. They can be used more frequently if necessary. You cannot overdose on the remedies and they are not addictive. The Bach Flower remedies are not a replacement for any medication or medical treatments which are being used. Always consult a doctor before changing any medication. Honeysuckle and Walnut can also be used by animals when they are making transitions of any kind. Add 4 drops to one dish of water and leave the other dish without remedies so the animal can choose themselves. The Bach Flower Remedies are wonderful natural remedies to help you on your journey. Whatever changes you are going through Honeysuckle and Walnut will bring you strength and peace. The remedies can be used seperately or you can use them both together, and you will have a powerful combination to support you.


If you find you are getting impatient with yourself, or your progress, when you are going through any changes the Bach Remedy Impatiens can help to bring patience and a knowing everything will unfold in sychronised timing. There are 38 Bach Flower Remedies, you may need a combination of other remedies to create a personal remedy to support you. Whatever changes you are embarking upon right now you do not have to do it alone. The Bach Flower Remedies are natural remedies that can help you to embrace the changes as you grow. The remedies were a lifeline for me and they can be for you too. For a consultation to have a personal remedy created and sent to you by postal service, wherever you may be, please contact me. Dawn Chrystal 07936 546791 Website Facebook

Colour illustrations throughout. Price ÂŁ13.00 + p&p To buy our diary or our wall calendar, or to send your artwork and writing for possible inclusion please visit www.earthpathwaysdiary.co.uk



ISSUE 7 FEBRARY 2016 ISSUE 8 - OUT MAY 2016 Editor Samantha Yates Publisher Andrew Dibble The Digital Magazine for Holistic Living

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